Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dinner Conversation

Sweet Pea:  What's the biggest planet?

Me:  Hmmm . . . maybe Jupiter?

Fact:  Science has never been my strong point.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can tell me what the biggest planet is.

LJ (Lumberjack):  What planet has all the rings?

Sweet Pea:  Ummm . . . I think it is something like Sancha or Sortla . . . .

Me:  Saturn.

Sweet Pea:  I knew that.

Daisy Mae:  Are there zoos on other planets?

Me:  No.  There are no animals on any other planets.

I'm pretty sure on that one.

LJ:  Are we getting each other Valentine's Day gifts this year?

Me:  I don't know.  Why?

LJ:  Just wondering.

Me:  Well, since we are going to Cancun soon, we probably don't have to.

LJ:  Ok.

Sweet Pea:  Did you know that there are people in our world that are upside down and they don't even know it!?

Daisy Mae:  Really?!

Sweet Pea:  Yeah.  Like, "Hello!  People!  You are upside down!"

giggle giggle laugh laugh giggle

Handsome Dude:  I go bye-bye in mom's truck.

LJ:  Did you really?

Handsome Dude (grinning):  Uh-huh!

Little Dude:  Mo  Mo  (this means he would like more of his mother's delicious home cooking.  I love this boy.)

Me to LJ:  Why?  Did you have an idea of what to get for me?

Fact:  The Lumberjack hates having to buy me presents.  Actually, it is more like he hates having to think of what to buy me.  He doesn't really have a problem buying me stuff.  He just doesn't know what to get.


Apparently I am deep and complex.

LJ:  Yes.  But that's ok.  I will just get it for you for our trip.

Me:  Okayokayokay!  Let's do Valentine's Day gifts!  Just tell me the price range!

Daisy Mae:  You know what would be wacky?  If all the peoples on the bottom of our earths fell off and then the peoples that live on the bottoms of the other earths fell off, too, and they all switched places!  And then they would say, "Whoa!  What is this place?"

giggle giggle laugh laugh giggle

Me:  Daisy Mae.  Eat your dinner.

Daisy Mae:  Ok.

Sweet Pea:  All done!  Can I have more?

Me:  Yes.

Daisy Mae:  What planet is Disneyland on?

Me:  Our planet.

Daisy Mae:  Really?!  Do we need a rocket ship to go there?

Me:  No.  Eat your dinner.

Daisy Mae:  Ok.

Handsome Dude:  I go bye-bye in Daddy's truck.

LJ:  Eat your dinner.

Me to LJ:  Okay.  So we are doing Valentine's Day gifts this year . . . right?

LJ:  Nah.  I changed my mind.

Me:  What?!  Well, do I still get the present for the trip?

LJ:  Nah.

Boo, Lumberjack.


Sweet Pea:  Did you know that the smallest planet is so small that people can't even stand on it?  People are too big for it!  Isn't that crazy?

Raise your hand if you think Sweet Pea has been learning about the wonderful world of outer space in school.

LJ:  I don't think that's right.

Sweet Pea:  Yes-huh!  I learned it.

Little Dude:  Mo!  Mo! (that would be thirds for him, thankyouverymuch.)

Fact:  The Lumberjack hardly ever has seconds.  This is why I heart Little Dude.

Handsome Dude:  Baby LL (Little Miss) goes bye-bye in Jack's truck.

Me:  Eat your dinner.

Fact:  Handsome Dude has taken about 1.5 bites at this point.

Sweet Pea:  Did you know that if you stood on the sun you would catch on fire?

Daisy Mae:  Really?!  Like this?

Daisy Mae gets out of her seat, lays flat on the floor, and wiggles all around.

Daisy Mae:  I'm melting!  I'm melting!

giggle giggle laugh laugh giggle

LJ:  Sit down and eat your dinner.

Me:  What is the name of the smallest planet?

Sweet Pea:  I don't remember.

Me:  Pluto?

Is Pluto still considered a planet?

Sweet Pea:  I don't think so.

Daisy Mae:  Does Grams live on our planet?

Me:  Of course she does.

Daisy Mae:  Does Alex?

Me:  Yes.

Although . . . . he does have that roaring problem.

Daisy Mae:  Does Jason?


Sweet Pea:  I want to live on Mars.

Handsome Dude:  PopPop go bye-bye in PopPop's truck.


Sweet Pea:  You make the best dinners, Mom.

Ha!  See, Lumberjack!  I am a good cook! 

You won't know what ya got till it's gone.

Name that song.

Daisy Mae:  How many more bites do I have to eat?

Handsome Dude:  I have to go potty!


Little Dude:  Mo!

And that concludes our stimulating dinner conversation.

You're welcome.


  1. I work hard at keeping gas attacks and belching contests from taking over our mealtimes. Maybe our after dinner mints should be from Rolaids.

  2. They make awesome kids dictionaries. We own 2. Jonathan has already surpassed everything I ever remembered about science. Well, every once in a while I surprise myself, but it's amazing the things I know/believe but can't explain :)

  3. Don't you hate it when you are unsure if the answers you give your kids are accurate??!! I get that all the time, especially when it comes to the world of science! Jupiter is the biggest planet! :-) Pluto is considered a "dwarf planet". Can you tell we just studied space this year?? I can even teach you a fun song!

  4. Priceless. I especially love your constant reminders to "Eat your dinner." I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be wearing stretch pants on a daily basis if someone had to remind me to eat. =)

  5. Very cute! But now I'm all concerned about you and your present. I hope he gets it for you--that's tragic that he had something in mind and now it's a no-go.
    Come on, LJ, don't tease your hard-working, dedicated, loving wife and mother of your 4 beautiful children like that!

    P.S. You're welcome.

  6. How do you remember all that? That is incredible. Even if I take off sprinting the minute one of my monkeys says something, I still only remember a small portion of it! Keep writing - since laughter is good medicine, you are going to be part of my cancer cure! :)

  7. I have 2 things to say/ask.

    1. Excellent dinner conversation!
    2. Do you really remember it verbatim? 'Cause I'm just not good at that sort of thing.

  8. Oh, I am sure it is not exact word for word . . . but it is really close!

  9. First...what did you make?!
    Second...Christian has also just done a unit on Space-I love when he asks me a question and then when I give him an answer he tells me,"You're wrong." Nice. Why ask?
    Also, there was a recent conversation around here (maybe two days or less) about the people on the other side of the world. It was very similar, and now I am racking my brains trying to remember. It was funny, but is now elusive. I try to write these funny things down, too, so my mom can enjoy them. :)

  10. I asked my boys what the biggest planet is and this is the answer I got from my oldest...."Jupiter because it is like a miniature galaxy and our earth could fit inside of the big red spot on Jupiter" Then my younger boy chimes in to say that the biggest star is the sun, kids are so smart :)
    Isnt it fun to hear what they come home with!?

  11. So. What was for dinner?

    And, if Studmuffin was buying me a Valentine's gift ESPECIALLY one that could be used on a vacation to Cancun, it would involve trashy lingerie...

    But I'm sure the lumberjack is way above such shenanigans!

  12. Too funny... and too'd think when your kiddos get older that the dinner conversation gets less crazy but it seems to be the opposite around here....

    Tonight we discussed whether or not gas smells good while you are pumping it.... a friend of KK's who can make herself vomit by just thinking the word...(worrisome, I know)... and whether frogs hibernate or just die in winter....

    Scintillating... I know... the truly scary part is all the topics flowed one into the other.... our brains in this family scare me...

    I too want to know what you made that everyone wanted more....

  13. Ah yes dinner coversations with the kiddos. Good times.

  14. It is fun to read dinner conversation with girls. When I read or hear or am involved in with Angela's boys, it is way different! :)

  15. Isn't it amazing the directions a conversation can go, especially at dinnertime. People should record these and play them back for entertainment. And if recorded, I expect you'd see many of them on Utube.

  16. Trust me. It ain't lingerie. The Lumberjack his his theories about such things, which I will not share, as my parents read this blog from time to time. You know. When they can figure out how to turn it on. :)

  17. [...] Relive a recent conversation. I love these ones! Click here and here to see my two favorite examples of this kind of [...]
