Friday, February 4, 2011

A Bad Hare Day

A Friday List.

1.  Did I mention that my children are raising rabbits?  Yes?  No?  Yes?

2.  Well, they aren't exactly raising rabbits yet.  But that is the grand master plan.  We have ten rabbits and the girls are trying to earn money for a horse. 

Please excuse this interruption while I speak to one specific reader: 

Dear Mindee,

Yes.  I have received your ample and thorough warnings against getting a horse. 


 I regret to inform you that this is my husband's idea and he is a terrible force to be reckoned with.

Thank you for your concern,


3.  The kids are loving the bunnies.  I think this whole experience will at least be a good lesson for them.  Every day, no matter how cold it is, they have to go out and care for the rabbits.  They even get to play with them a bit.

You can't really tell from this picture, but that bunny is ecstatic.

Little Dude with the smallest bunny.

Is not Little Dude the cutest little dude in the whole world?

You can't really tell from this picture, but that bunny is terrified.

Sweet Pea has actually had a rabbit since September and has taken excellent care of her.  Her name is Elizabeth Bunny and she is not pictured.  She is too busy being uber jealous of the new rabbits and giving Sweet Pea the cold shoulder.

So cute!

On a side note, let's say a prayer for all bunnies to be held by Little Dude.

4.  On Wednesday, it was discovered that a gray bunny had gone missing.  This was odd because it shared a cage with two other rabbits and they were still there, plus all the doors to the hutches were latched.  Nevertheless, the bunny was gone.  Sweet Pea was a wreck and could not stop crying.

It was a bad hare day.

ha!  Now, you must admit it  . . . that was clever.  I also thought of:  Hare today, gone tomorrow.  And a hare-raising experience.

My creativity knows no bounds.

5.  Sweet Pea found the bunny yesterday!  It was a joyous reunion and we are hoping that no bunnies go missing again.

6.  Let us stop discussing rabbits, shall we?

7.  Some of you might recall that earlier last year, I was diagnosed with high cholesterol.  I am sure you have been on pins and needles simply worrying about me.

I bring you news of good tidings!  I have successfully lowered my cholesterol 90 points without a prescription!  I used red yeast rice and niacin supplements, gave up beef, limited lots of other meats, and ate low fat dairy.

Yay, me!

I would like to take this moment to thank my husband for killing both an elk and a deer and stocking our freezer with this foreign meat. 

This new culinary journey has greatly assisted me in my attempts to avoid meat products.

Mmmmm . . . elk.  And deer.


Fun Fact:  I was feeling lazy, so I sent Sweet Pea out to take this photo.  There is actually more meat than this.

8.  It's time for the COW!

The COW stands for the Comment of the Week.

This week's goes to Shannon from Blessed with These.

Taylor- I will personally purchase your first jean jumper, if you promise to wear it! Then I can bring my kids to your farm and you can be the nice, albeit weird farm lady. Side note: We once had breeding rabbits- not good, so not good. They are born without fur and very small, ours fell through the cracks in our cage and the dog got them. Yuck! We are not reliable pet owners. No, we are not.

Shannon!  No, you are not!  I asked my husband if that would happen to us and he laughed at you!  ha!  It's pretty sad that my crazy, not-so-safe husband found that funny!

And I guess we have some sort of something that will prevent that from happening, according to Sir Lumberjack himself.

And I'll wear a denim jumper when you wear one.

9.  Finally, my friend Angela made a button for me! i love it and I think she did a fantastic job! If you would like to use it, you may.  But no worries if you'd rather not.  I will still like you.



<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" " alt=" TheLumberJacksWife" width="125" height="125" /></a>


Go say hi to Angela, if you have time!  She's the bees knees.

Side note:  I put the wronk link it at first.  My apologies if you were taken to a very naughty site instead of dear Angela's!  Oopsies!

Alright!  Happy Weekend!

What are your plans?

We are having company for dinner so I am busy making my house look "pretend-clean."



  1. okay. Why do you have to earn money for a horse? They are free.
    Seriously, in this economy people are BEGGING to get rid of them. My horse (which lives at my parents and is cared for and ridden by my mother) is a purebred Tennessee Walker, beautiful. And. Free. She (me mom) also has a barrel racing horse of which breed I forget, maybe quarter horse? that she also got for free...and they were already trained and such when she got them. If you know what you're doing, the free horse is the way to go. Beware though, you could just end up with a big pile of future glue. HA! just kidding, they don't let you do that anymore.
    I had rabbits all through elementary school for 4-H. The babies WILL die. I think one time one of the mommas started eating them. And finally all my bunnies were heartlessly murdered by the neighbor's two labs. Tragic.
    Could I bring you more bad news?
    Oh yes! I think my dog is dying and now I have to take her to the vet.

  2. Love it! The button I mean! How did you pay her? With a $20 gift card for Home Depot?
    i didn't do that! What are you talking about!
    I also adore your humor! I adore that you think you are so funny while the rest of us are rolling our eyes because that's so totally me.
    What I don't adore is looking at the reflection of my face in my computer and seeing that I still have a double chin!
    I think I gotta join your fat Tuesday.
    We'll have to see about that!

  3. Happy Friday, Taylor. Your daughter (Daisy Mae? I think) looks exactly like you in that first picture.

    My grandparents let us raise rabbits when we were little. We had a few problems with SNAKES getting into the cages and eating the babies. It was so sad.

    I'll pray for your bunnies.

  4. yer bunnies are way cute!! i wuv bunnies! =)

  5. Sorry about your dog. :(
    The reason they have to earn the money is to pay for one winter's worth of hay to feed the horse. My husband wants to make sure they are serious and realize the responsibility of caring for animals before we get them a horse.

    We would definitely get a free one. Let me know how the dog is.

  6. phew. I'm glad you are getting a free horse, not so glad that everyone is on the "BUNNIES WILL DIE" bandwagon. Snakes, lizards, dogs, more dogs...maybe you should start reading them "Where the Wild Fern Grows" at bedtime, you know, so the girls can practice their crying. HA!

  7. Taylor,
    I'd like to tell you a story.
    We raised rabbits eat them, yes.
    I was eight at the time and very exstatic that we would have lots of bunnies, however.
    My father failed to tell me they were for food....
    until one day, at dinner, my father held up what I assumed had been a chicken leg and began to bend and twist said leg to make it look like it was walking.
    He began to joke that it was one funny looking chicken and that it, ironically, had more joints in its leg than most chickens have.
    I almost vomitted at the thought of eating a deformed chicken.
    but no.
    It was my pet bunny.
    It really is a wonder that I'm not still a vegan, huh:P
    needless to day, I can't say I've eaten rabbit since.

  8. Ew....what's with all the gross stories about the bunnies? It's nasty and this preggo lady can't take any more of it. Yuck. I had one bunny growing up, "Bun-Bun", and I'm pretty sure she died of old age.
    Anyhew, I see you replaced me quickly, Taylor! Or maybe you had a backup plan if I didn't show, or maybe I was the backup plan, or maybe you just have so many friends who want to come to your house you have a long list and you call them up and say, "I can fit you in today!" Ha! That's all. I'm just jealous. :)

  9. Alas, I do not have a happy bunny story, either. Who is going to be purchasing your bunnies, exactly? I'm confused. Anyway, cute photos and congrats on lowering your cholesterol!!

  10. Your blog brings back fun memories of those days, long ago, when my babies were actually, well, still babies. They are now 28, 26, 25, 23, and 20. But just yesterday they were spilling spaghetti sauce on my white carpet. Oh yes they were. And they all made it to adulthood. I particularly enjoyed your comment about making your house "pretend clean" for company. When I encouraged them to help with the cleaning when company was expected, they always said we were just lying to our guests. Of course, I would never do that! Our house is always pretend clean.

  11. Taylor- I can't stop laughing at this post. Are you traumatized by all the bunny horror stories? I hope your baby bunnies live a long and healthy life. As for Sir Lumberjack, laugh away dude. I am NOT an animal person; I am just a safety lady. I did not even pick up the little hairless bunnies, instead I called Sandy freaking out and demanded he come home and find out where all the hairless mice had come from. He had to break the news, that the “mice” were indeed bunnies. Ewww!

  12. Did I ever tell you about my house bunny, Buster? He looked just like the bunny Little Dude is holding. I would have kept him forever. Have fun with the bunnies! Good job teaching the kids responsibility!

  13. Your post was certainly Hyst - hare - icle... and some of the comments are hare-endous.
    sorry, thats all I got.....

  14. Great post...never heard where she found the grey bunny. So glad you lowered your cholesterol...were you surprised??
    Have a great week end. We have had snow and more snow, supposed to get more on Sunday AND Wednesday.... and cold temps...again!...not used to all this snow in OKlahoma!!

  15. Yeah, the list did not deter me either, obviously. Save it though for when you need to give LJ a good "I told you so". In the meantime, get the girls riding lessons. Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll discover they are afraid of horses.

  16. I love the button! Cute bunny pix :)

  17. It looks like Daisy Mae is aiming that rabbit at you. Watch out! They are prolific poopers, although I think you must know this.

  18. I think I'm going to have to change your name in my contacts list. :)

  19. Those bunnies did seem rather alarmingly large, but I thought maybe that was just next to your children. They are adorable, by the way. The children and the bunnies, I mean. Loved the "bad hare day" thing. I didn't roll my eyes, I actually laughed. I don't have any bunny horror stories for you because I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and we had normal pets, like a cat. I could tell you about the kitten that got stuck behind the box in the closet, hanging by her neck. She survived, but her head was quite enlarged for a few days, and her eyes would spontaneously twitch back and forth every so often. She grew up to have a seriously disturbing personality disorder.

    Aren't you glad I didn't tell you any bunny horror stories? : )

  20. Y'all ever had a horse? They don't like to live alone being herd animals and all. They groom each other and stuff which is very important for them psychologically. They need to be able to see at least one other herd mate, so if get one, get two. My advice is if you get a horse, make sure you have a horse vet in Ruralville that makes "ranch" calls and a good farrier, not a whack job. The biggest thing is insurance. A horse collicking is UBER expensive. Uber. But maybe y'all grew up with horses and know this stuff. With that said, horses are wonderful. We have two. Love them. Couldn't live without them.

  21. I have a bunny horror story, but I think you have heard enough! I simply can't do that to someone who was simply sharing cute pictures of her kids with huge, adorable rabbits. No, m'am. Not me. I would never mention how my sister's rabbit had a heart attack because our dog used to scare the bejeezus out of it. Nope, won't do that to you. Your bunnies look better, and I know LucyFur is never a naughty, naughty puppy. HA!

    P.S. Way to go on the cholestorol! I wouldn't eat meat if my choices were elk or deer either!

  22. No bunnies here. Strict rule at my house: no rodents in the house. The boys never thought to ask if they could get one and leave it outside. Yes, we're inside animal people.
    The only animal horror story I have (well, besides having to take a dog to the pound when I was about 7 or 8 because he bit the neighbor's kid....who chose to sit down next to him and pet him when he had a bone) is when my dad (who grew up on a farm) decided to neuter my sister's cat on his own with a rubber band. (That's a pretty long sentence, isn't it?!) Yes, the cat fled after that and we didn't see him since.

  23. Awww, bunnies are precious! I had one growing up, and she peed down my Mom's neck. Not so presh. My Dad sold scrap wire to buy my horse when I was 13, such a sweet Daddy. They still have her at home, and she's like an old family friend now. Well, Dad doesn't think so. He threatens to get rid of her because she *gasp* eats hay.

  24. Wow...... Those are some massive bunnies. Who knew they got so big and do I (or the children) want to know how they will earn money from them???

  25. Ohhh...the mention of bunnies...

    My Chicky's met a very horrid demise when I took my animals to be boarded. I was a traveling zoo...had to take three dogs, two rats, and one rabbit to be boarded during Christmas. I took Molly in to the facility and left the other two dogs in the car. The bunny was secured in her cage. When I went back to the car to take the other dogs, I found bunny.


    It was one of the most horrible days ever. I cried so much and had to go home and tell the hubster, who cried even more.

    And then we did something.

    We hid the bunny's body from Chicky. She had a very big soccer game, and we did not want her distracted or upset.

    Then, we did our Christmas (we were going out of town the next day) and ate Christmas dinner.

    Then we told her.

    Then we had a funeral.

    It was horrible.

    Why do I tell you this? I have no idea. I guess I must think you're my therapist.

    Like you need one more responsibility...especially since bunnies multiply quickly.

  26. My kids would be so jealous if I ever showed them those bunny pictures. We are working up to a pet. We're going to start with something big and full of responsibility, like an ant farm, or a beta.

    On another note, I showed Jarrod your blog, and he was very amused. Then he said "Where's a picture of Dave?" and I pointed to the one of Dave on the log (is that a log?) and he said, "So out of this whole blog, the only picture I get to see is of Dave's butt?"

    LOVE your new button, Angela did an awesome job!
