Thursday, February 10, 2011

His Grace is Sufficient

Back in October, I asked for you to all be praying for our family.

An unborn child in our family has been given an "Incompatible with Life" diagnosis. 

My children know about this baby.  We pray for her every night,  I am not sure, however, of how much of this they understand.  My girls have been asking many questions, but the one that I hear the most is:

"Why can't God heal her?"

This is a hard question to answer.  Because I find myself asking it myself.  I know he CAN, but I am not sure if he WILL.

Oh, how I pray that he would.

I try to explain  the best I can.  But I find it hard to explain something that even I don't really understand.

My heart is broken for that sweet baby. 

Earlier this week, I was helping my daughter with her Bible verse memorization for Awana.  I remember this verse particularly well because it has the word "sufficient" in it.

Sweet Pea:  My grace is "suff-i-CANT"

Me:  The word is "sufficient." 

Sweet Pea:  No.  It's right here.  It says "suff-i-CANT."

Me:  I know.  I see it.  The right way to say it is "sufficient."

Sweet Pea:  I don't believe you, Mom.

Can anyone guess what my challenge is with homeschooling this darling child of mine?


I helped her work on this verse all afternoon, and therefore, it will always be burned in my memory.

"But He (the Lord) said to me,

'My grace is sufficient for you,

For My power is made perfect in weakness.'

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,

So that Christ's power may rest on me."

2 Corinthians 12:9

My weaknesses? 

Doubt . . . Fear . . . Worry . . .

I am learning that I don't have to understand.  I don't have to not have questions.

 I don't have to know all the answers.

Which is good.  Because I don't.

I need to trust God.  Because His Grace is sufficient for me.  And His power will be made perfect in my weakness.

So, I will pray.  I will pray that God would heal this baby.  But if he chooses not to heal her, I pray that His power and His love and His grace will be shown to all of us.


  1. Heavenly Father, watch over Taylor's family. Bless them and help them your loving, never-ending presence in this difficult, uncertain time. Allow them to feel your loving arms around them. Thank your for being our loving heavenly father who is our ever present help in times of trouble. Thank you for being our burden-bearer. Thank you for drawing us close to You and for hearing every whispered prayer. Thank you for never letting go. Amen.

  2. I will be praying for them. Please keep us posted - and keep reminding yourself of His grace.

  3. I am so sorry that you and your family are experiencing this very painful and difficult situation. I, too am very confused about why these things happen, and if praying for the baby to be born healthy actually makes a difference; in other words if one or a hundred or a thousand or even a million people pray for something, does the number of prayers make a difference? Or, is God's will to be done no matter the number or intensity of prayer? This is a topic I know I can only say is "in God's hands", for I cannot understand. I wish you all the very best.

  4. Praying for them and all of you - that blanket is beautiful and it will be a tangible reminder of their beautiful baby Grace.

  5. Thank you for sharing this verse today..I needed to hear it myself. And I will definitely be praying for your family and your brother's family as well.

  6. Tears and prayers going out for you family. I can't even imagine.

  7. Leave it to a child to bring out such an awesome parallel. He is sufficient = I-CANT
    Whenever there is an "I can't" moment in life (and aren't there plenty?), He is sufficient. When I don't know, He is sufficient . When I have no answers, He is sufficient.
    Will be praying for your family. "I Can't" imagine, but praise God He is sufficient.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about their situation. Your family will be in our prayers.

  9. There is nothing to say that can make any of this easier or better, but I pray that your family will know the meaning of God's grace being sufficient for you. May He wrap His loving arms around you and give you peace.

  10. Oh Taylor . . . that is heart breaking for sure.

  11. The Four Candles burned slowly. Their Ambience was so soft you could hardly hear them speak...

    The first candle said, "I Am Peace, but these days, nobody wants to keep me lit."
    Then Peace's flame slowly diminishes and goes out completely.

    The second candle says, "I Am Faith, but these days, I am no longer indispensable."
    Then Faith's flame slowly diminishes and goes out completely.

    Sadly the third candle spoke, "I Am Love and I haven't the strength to stay lit any longer." "People put me aside and don't understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them."

    And waiting no longer, Love goes out completely.

    Suddenly …

    A child enters the room and sees the three candles no longer burning.

    The child begins to cry, "Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit until the end."
    Then the Fourth Candle spoke gently to the little boy, "Don't be afraid, for I Am Hope, and while I still burn, we can re-light the other candles."

    With Shining eyes the child took the Candle of Hope and lit the other three candles.
    Never let the Flame of Hope go out of your life.

    With Hope, no matter how bad things are or appear to be . . . Peace, Faith and Love can Shine Brightly in our lives.

    Written by an Unknown Author

  12. This is definitely a difficult situation, I keep going back to how happy I am that Grace has us her family, regardless of how long or short or painful, because we love her, support her and will be able to give her a nice family, just as we love each other, support each other and are always trying to make our family a nice and happy one.

    But that only comforts for so long. It's still just really hard.

  13. This breaks my heart...I will be praying for a miracle. I needed to read this today, thank you for being a blessing to me. :)

  14. My heart hurts for your family. I completely understand DasiyMae's unintentional Freudian slip.

  15. It's been a week full of sad news for many folks I know, or know through friends. The older I get, the more painful life seems.
    I'll be praying for baby Grace, and for your whole family as her due date gets closer.

  16. Oh Taylor this has been on my heart so much lately, we get updates from your mom and this brings me to tears. My heart breaks for the whole family. I have been there and lost a child and I am so sorry for the pain that you guys are going through, your family will be in my thoughts and prayers these next few hard days and weeks. Baby Grace is in good hands and has an amazing family.

  17. As I read this I am sitting in a waiting room in St Louis waiting for my granddaughter to be born. She ha been diagnosed with a heart defect and possibly Down Syndrome. We have prayed for months. I am certain God will turn this around.,I have spoken only positive things and I will proclaim victory in Jesus for our baby Ollie. I lost twin sons who were conjoined and shared a heart 27 years ago, but still I believe Ollie will be different. I WILL pray for baby Grace. I know God can do great things. Let's watch him work!!! Love to you xoxo

  18. Many prayers from my family to yours, in particular little Grace.

  19. I'll be praying for all of you; especially baby Grace.

  20. That blanket is beyond beautiful. Keeping Grace in my prayers.

  21. Praying for a miracle and the peace that passes all understanding!

  22. Praying... Love to your and yours as you pass through this time. May God give you a special sense of His presence through it all.

  23. Isn't it wonderful to know that His grace IS sufficient for all our needs! While we often don't understand His ways we always know they are the right thing for us. My prayers go out to your whole family through this difficult, unimaginable time.

  24. Peace and love and lots of prayers to you and your family.

  25. I am so sorry. You are all in my thoughts.

  26. Life is so hard sometimes...praying for your brother and his family here too.

  27. I can't even imagine. I can't understand. I just lifted your family up in prayer. Thank God for a God who comforts those who mourn and binds up their wounds.

  28. Hard to comment to a post like this. Saying a prayer, please keep us posted.

  29. Prayers for you and your family and especially for baby Grace.

    You know that this was such a God Moment with Sweet Pea being an instrument of his message. Yes, His grace is sufficient and he will carry you through it all.

  30. Praying for them. And, if God doesn't heal Grace, praying for your brother & SIL to find comfort in His arms.

  31. Taylor,
    My heart hurts for you and your family. My prayer is that God will wrap you all in His loving arms and give you the peace that only He can give. We don't always undersatnd the whys but you are right, His grace IS suficient. Sending you hugs.

  32. I am so sorry to hear the doctors' diagnosis. I have a friend who was pregnant last summer with a baby that no one thought would survive being in her womb, much less being born. He is still going. He has what is basically dwarfism. Many, many prayers were said on his behalf. God is doing something with his little life, no matter how old he may get to be. Already he has defied what was supposed to be. I pray that by God's grace, and in his neverending mercies, Grace, too, will be an instrument for his kingdom. I will be praying for your family. I hate all the hurt in the world, so much. I wanted to say, too, that you can explain the pronunciation of that word in light of the is sufficient ("shunt") and not with a "cant" at the end because God can. So, that can maybe help her remember that the word "can't" can't be in the word sufficient. Arg, maybe that's too confusing! Anyway, what a sweet verse you were given at this time.

  33. My breath caught in my throat at her name.

    Then I stared in shock at her due date.

    My sister's Baby Gracie was born on March 1st.

    With an "incompatible with life diagnosis".

    And God chose to heal her in Heaven 25 hours later.

    I'm sitting here just shocked and feeling like I know a little about how you're feeling right now. It is painful to watch others receive this news. Painful to see your loved ones hurting.

    I believe, with all of my heart, that God has a reason for even a 25 hour long life. And once my sister believed that too - after her diagnosis - it freed her to celebrate Baby Gracie no matter what happened this side of Heaven.

    So we chose. That even if we had far less time with this beautiful little girl than we desperately wanted, that we were still going to celebrate her. Still going to rejoice over her arrival. To be grateful for God's gift.

    And that right there was the most healing thing that God used. Simply our gratefulness that we had met her. See, we didn't waste a single moment of her life on something negative. She was absolutely surrounded by love, no matter what she could or couldn't do. Unconditionally - what a gift.

    So I am praying right now - praying hard for miracles. Praying for your family to be able to celebrate Grace. Praying for healing and for peace.

    Please know that you are not alone - no matter what happens.

    And if you feel led, please read about our little Gracie - because everyone has a purpose.

    Much love,

  34. I'm remembering how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego told King Nebuchadnezer that God had the power to deliver them, but EVEN IF HE DIDN'T, they still wouldn't bow to another God. This is one of those moments, isn't it. We know what God can do, but it takes a lot of strength to say, "but even if he doesn't do it, we'll still serve you." This is tough stuff. Praying for your family.

  35. "Incompatible with Life"~ that's the most absurd diagnosis I've heard.
    Where there's life there's hope, isn't that how the saying goes? How does anyone really know what a human being is experiencing at any phase of life, born or unborn? Love is more powerful than anything and it doesn't discriminate or require physical perfection in humans.
    "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

  36. sometimes it's easier to think of it likethis...God will heal her either way...either take her home to be with Him or heal her by making a healthy baby!! it's a matter of how He chooses in His infinite wisdom and power to "heal" her...hope that helps...will keep her and your family in my prayers....

  37. And all the stuff I/we can't (suff-i-cant) handle ... He can! So many hurts we will not know the answers to this side of Heaven! BUT we do know who holds those answers and His heart breaks with ours even though He does know why!

  38. I pray for that too. There is a reason. This child has already brought much to your family. She is precious and may surprise you.

  39. Praying for you all, and for baby Grace. Love each other. Love that sweet baby. And try to remember, that grace, is sufficient. <3

  40. I was looking for something else on the internet and happend to read your story and was led to tell you my story. Because God says that as he blesses us we must testify to others. In 2008, I was pregnant with my now 2 yr old son. Around 4 months into my pregnancy they told me that my son had a 1/10 chance of having Trisonomy18 which he would either die in my womb or die immediately when he was born. He would be born with a faint cry and low birth weight (less than 4lbs). The doctors wanted to do further testing so that I could get abortion if I desired. My belief in God would never allow me to commit such an act. So, I continue with the pregnancy and prayed daily to the most high. I could remember saying whose report are you going to believe the doctors or God. I listened to spirtual songs that kept me uplifted and reminded me of Gods love for me and that my baby could hear these spirtual hawords. Well weeks before I was to deliver my son the doctor decided to give me an ultrasound to see what his weight was. Well, the tech told me he is 4lbs or maybe less. I kept strong and just held onto God never changing words. (Things are not what they appear to be.) I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. By his stripes we are healed.
    On April 2009, I had a C-section and gave birth to a 9lb 8oz healthy baby boy who came out with the loudest screaming cry that doctors never heard before. Every doctor that I had seen treated during my pregnancy came to my room. They were rather speechless and kind of gave me this smile. At that moment, I knew God had given me grace and mercy, that I had experience his healing power. I say to you hold on to God's word and put your faith in him. He is the alpha and omega. Keep praying because prayer changes things.

    Lord, I ask that the same mercy and grace that you have given me that you bless this family to receive the same. Lord, we know that all power lies in your hands so we turn this situation over to you. We ask this in Jesus name amen.
