Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Valentine List


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  And I am the teacher/fun mom/party-planning committee/loving wife.  Have I ever mentioned that I am not really good at . . . anything?


I should have planned something for Valentine's Day.  For my kids or my husband.  Either one.  It would have been helpful.

 Well.  I was going to make some brownies.  But I got so excited, because I double love brownies, and I made them tonight.

So.  Now I've got nothing.

Let us pause for a moment of extreme sadness:  Sir Lumberjack and I shall not be going out tomorrow.

I know.  I am sure I am the only gal in the entire world who is not going out tomorrow  Poor me.  I think I will probably make something mediocre for dinner and then we will try to do something like family game night.  And family game night means the girls will have fun and the boys will weep and wail because they don't know how to properly play games.

It will good-times-happiness.

But anyways.  For school tomorrow-what should I do?  Anyone?  Hello? 

I got nothing.

In case you couldn't tell.


In honor of Valentine's Day, I shall create a list.  Oh, yes.  A list.  And that list shall be favorite things about my Valentine.

His name?

David Charles Maliblahblah.

1.  He always looks uber happy to be in pictures.

2.  He makes "wabbles" (waffles.  keep up, people!) for the offspring every Saturday morn.

3.  He "helps" with laundry.  True.  He has ruined many of my sweaters and delicates.   Nevertheless!  He "helps" with the laundry.

4.  He has always thought I was "hot."  No matter what.

Now, if that isn't love, then I ask you, what is?

5.  He really likes huckleberry picking.

Alas.  I do not share this love with him.

But, I am happy for him.  For he and the huckleberry are in harmony.

Here he is picking berries whilst singing a song he made up all by himself:

"More berries, more berries, more berries, more-more berries."

He's got skillz.

6.  He has an extremely good work ethic and can work, without complaining or getting crabby, for hours on end. 

7.  He has muscles.  And he invites me to the gun show from time to time.

I'm gonna need a 10-4 Good Buddy from anyone who knows what the gun show is.  Over and out.

8.  He has no idea when my birthday is.  This used to bug me.  I am trying to find it endearing. 

9.  He does a bunch of really, really, really weird things.  Like record a 9 hour live cattle auction on the DVR.  And watch Antique Roadshow.  And bakes better cookies than me.  And can build an entire house like it ain't no thang.  And sing in falsetto.  And daydream about being a logger.  Or a deep-sea fisherman.  He likes Kenny Rogers song, "The Gambler."  I do not.  He cheats at every game he plays.  And burps in my face and it always smells like Pepsi and peanut M&Ms (romantic, I know).  He backs up trailers better than anyone else in the whole, entire world.  He taught me how to tell the difference between a wheat field and a grass field.  He taught me that hay is just grass.  And that a female elk is called a cow but a boy cow is called a bull.  And a boy elk is also called a bull.  And if he goes hunting, I am never supposed to ask, "Did you CATCH anything?", but instead, I shall say, "Did you KILL anything?" And he always wears a white undershirt and has a huge wad of lint in his belly button everyday.

10.  Whenever I text him him to tell him I love him, he simply texts back "more."  Usually when I text him, all he texts back is "K."  Not "OK."  But "K".  So, "more" is fantastic!

Fun Fact:  Sometimes he has a typo and will text me "J."

Funner Fact:  Lumberjacks hate texting.

Most Funnest Fact of all:  Lumberjills get a kick out of texting Lumberjacks who are attempting to be manly. 

So.  Tell me something you like about your Valentine.  Or what you are doing for Valentine's Day.  Or what I should do for Valentine's Day.

I welcome any and all of your thoughts.



  1. Colby and I went on a date last night. It was insane. Everyone and their sister decided to go on a date last night.

    Stay home. Celebrate next weekend. It will be much more enjoyable. :)

  2. We don't celebrate V-day, so I will join you in not going out!
    You could look up Saint Valentine and talk about the real guy (or what we know of him, which is mostly legend, but it's pretty cool anyway. Skip the beheading part, if you'd like.)
    You could focus on V-day colors (red, pink, white) and do an experiment where you add red to white to make pink!
    Your letter of the day could be V. You print pictures of V items and paste them to cut out hearts (super easy) and hide them around the house and have a scavenger hunt!

    That's all I got. And I plan on gushing about my honey when I post about our 10th anniversary coming up so I'll save it until then. ;)

  3. You don't have to plan...just have bright colors and candy and the kids will be happy.

    This is the best website to find cool, cheap, easy stuff to do and make. You can call it Art Class tomorrow. Have them glue a bunch of stuff on a cardboard box and you have your mailbox. Easy Peasy. You can do it, I know you can!

  4. No you are not the only gal in the whole wide world not going out with her hubby tomorrow night! An no I don't have anything fun to do with my kids tomorrow for Valentines day. We made goodies last week for the occasion. In fact I must be the meanest mom on earth because I scheduled my daughter's Dr. appointment for tomorrow with shots and all! So you should feel pretty good about yourself!

  5. Make heart shaped pancakes with strawberry syrup, red sprinkles and strawberry milk for breakfast and heart sandwiches for lunch! You could have the kids make a valentine for everyone in the family. Hand made is more fun and very cute. I like to play with the hearts that have words on them and make a special saying for each child.
    My valentine and I went out last night! We went out to a catered dinner that he set up and surprised me with! It was nice.
    And brownies are good any night! Make them again but put in a special twist with hearts or twirls or something. :) Have a good day!

  6. My kiddos love to BE QUIET while listening to "radio on the computer".
    I think this address will take you to a dramatized story of St. Valentine that we listened to last year.
    Do your craft whilst hearing a story, let the kids use heart shape cookie cutters to make their lunch (heart shaped bread, meat, cheese, whatever). Invite serious and silly comments when you go around the table telling things that you Love about each other.
    We are not going out. Never gonna happen. So I am making Olive Garden's "Zuppa Toscana" for the family's dinner. (bootlegged recipes abound. google.) Fancy salad, breadsticks and strawberry lemonade, of course. I am off sugar so there may be no dessert. I am sure Daddy will come home with candy hearts in a box, however.

    There are times when my Sweetheart is thoughtful and creative about gifts and special days. Not this year with this job. I'm not worried about it. He loves me every day and appreciates me and says so. I'm happy. :)

  7. My Valentine and I, along with my inlaws and my youngest son went to a "Steak Dinner" at the grange hall in my husbands little teeny tiny hometown last night. He is from the country. I am not. It was cute. We are going out for-real next weekend because we both hate the crowds on the actual day. He asked for salmon tomorrow night. Can you believe it?! I could have fallen down.
    I laughed out-loud at your comment about his texting! My husband also texts "K". I have actually started doing the same thing. It's contagious.
    I think my husband would also love to be a lumberjack. Or a professional fisherman. Or an ice-trucker in Alaska. Thank you reality TV. I'm thankful he's just an electrician.

  8. Not my favorite holiday. The only thing I did this year was make him a Valentine "man" card". He read it and rolled his eyes. That meant he really liked it right? You can see it on my last post if you're really dying for something to do that requires almost no effort.

  9. We celebrated yesterday because our calendar is full tonight.

    We made sugar cookies. You probably have those ingredients on hand. And I usually make heart shaped pizza but this year I cheated and ordered one. Other than that I've got nothing for you. I lack any craft genes.

  10. We don't do V day, either. Just a normal kind of day for us!
    Although I do have 2 great men in my life...DH (Dear Husband) and LM (Little Man).

  11. Some good suggestions on here. Are you going to have them make their own Valentine's? That will kill a lot of time. You could also give them paper sacks to decorate and turn into their own mailboxes for the Valentine's. I know it's not quite the same as get a whole class full of Valentine's, but it's still fun to "deliver" them to each other. I also liked decorating the "mailbox" best when I was in school.

    We don't get into Valentine's around here, but last night as I tucked my six year old in bed, he asked, "Mommy? Will you be my Valentine?" Aww. I give each kid a box of chocolates each year (you know the $1 kind). The youngest ran around in circles this morning, yelling, "It's Balentime's day! It's Balentime's Day!" Another awww. That's all we are doing. But it's enough. :)

  12. We no longer do a big valentine's day because unknown to us, 6 years ago, our first born had plans to meet us on the 15th :o) Oh-Happy Days, but he was 3 weeks early. Our romantic V'day evenings are now spent wrapping presents and making sure one certain little boy will feel really, really special the next day. That said, I am planning a special dinner for me and my man, kids get hot dogs and Mac 'n Cheese and a movie.

  13. Alas. I have no valentine. I am trying not to be sad. It isn't working. :(

  14. We said "Happy Valentine's Day" to each other before he left for work this morning. I'm fairly certain that will be the extent of our celebrations, which I've decided isn't going to make me sad today.

    I've decided Valentine's Day this year is about my kids. So I got them each a box of gumballs at Target and wrote them each a note letting them know something I like about them. They threw the notes away as soon as they knew there was gum in the picture. Sigh.

  15. Me and my husband will not be going out tonight either. So have comfort in knowing that you are not alone!

  16. I think I will go to Kick Boxing at the Kroc. Hey, I do that every Monday night.
    I may look at some hot guys while I am there just to feel like I am trying to look for a man.

  17. 10-4 good buddy and we're not going out either. :(

  18. I have no Valentine, so I shall spend my day dreaming of wabbles.

  19. Mindee-we are going to make pizza for lunch! I am not sure if I shall be able to pull of heart shaped pizza. But it shall be pizza, nonetheless!

  20. My husband is just an electrician, too!

  21. Hey, thanks! We just downloaded that episode and they loved it! Great idea!

  22. We don't do valentines day here either. I would prefer that my husband send me roses on any given day, like a random thursday or something, rather than a day when Hallmark is poking him right and left, reminding him to tell me that he loves me that day. He loves me, and I know it. I love him, and he knows it. I'm still waiting for my random thursday roses though, for the record. :-) Haha! JK.

    My children however, are very dissappointed in us, and our lack of valentines day joy. So I should probably do something for them.

  23. I'm too late to be helpful but red construction paper, scissors, doilies, makers and -if you're brave-glitter and let them have at it. Homemade Valentines for the family. Glitter was a banned substance at my house.

    My hubs will be out of town tonite so I intend to make popcorn for dinner and watch The Bachelor. Good times here too. He did bring home beautiful roses on Friday and mine is also a hard worker. That trait should not be underestimated in a mate..there's a lot out there who are not.

    Lastly, and most importantly-what are the chances of us hearing his falsetto? Because I don't think you can just toss that little tidbit out there in a list and think no one would notice.

  24. I am a wonderful wife and bought lobster tails and crab legs that were on sale at our local supermarket last week and I'm making yummy seafood and homemade fettucine alfredo for dinner! Yum-o! Maybe I'll let the kids watch a video while we try to be romantic, who knows? :) Also, I'll be making lemon bars here any minute, my sweetheart's favorite. But that's about it. Nothing too exciting, and definitely not going out with the other million people on V-day. I'll stay at home in my sweats instead. How romantic.... :)

  25. hmm, last year I was an amazingly with-it mom :) I scored some uber cute knee-high socks for my 4 girls and a small flashlight for my boy at Target! Of course Valentines was on a Sunday last year, so it was pink heart-shaped pancakes with pink whip cream and strawberries for breakfast. Had the table all set up fancy like with their socks tied in red ribbons on their fancy plates...

    This year? Nothing. Notta. zilch. and of course this year I am deemed the super-lazy- doesn't-care-about-her-childrens-love-for-sugary-pink-candies-and-uber-cute-knee high-socks-and-very-bright-little-flashights-and-pink-heart-shaped-pancakes-mom.

    aw well, there's always next year. ;)

  26. That's a big 10-4, Lumberjill! ... And we probably won't go out either! Recent snow storms shut down the state of Oklahoma, and my husband's business (not that the two are in anyway related ... aside from both being in Oklahoma) ... where was I? Oh ...yeah ... lahoma ... and snow! It has had a lasting, and not so nice, impact on the contents of our wallets! There's usually at least a little greenery in there! Right now it's just a yawning cavern of emptiness ... with vague echoes of wealthier days!

  27. Really? Seriously? That's kind of weird and cool at the same time!

  28. Well I am way too late to help you, but I wouldn't have been any help anyway, so I don't think you'll miss much by reading my comment late. We usually at least exchange cards, and my husband most often gets my flowers of some kind. I finally told him I didn't want flowers from Walmart anymore because, while I appreciate the thought, by the time he bought them on Valentine's Day, they'd been sitting out for quite a while in the store and they died within 24 hours of getting them. This year I got flowers (nice ones), a great pair of earrings, and a wonderful card in which he called me his best friend. He done good!

    He also treats me to the gun show occasionally, but with so many males in my house, he's not the only one that puts on the show.

    I'm not creative in the slightest, and we never do anything with the kids for Valentine's Day. They're all boys so I don't think they really care anyway. We usually go out to dinner sometime around the 14th, but rarely on the actual day. One of the boys was born on Valentine's Day, so we're usually celebrating a birthday that day.

  29. ROLLING ALL OVER THE FLOOR LAUGHING! i could read your writing 4ever!
    i'm trying to find a tour of what sounds like your cool house! in the boonies, i take it! =) carry on!
