Monday, February 28, 2011

Fat Tuesday, Weeks 4 and 5

Hello!  Is today the factual Fat Tuesday?  Maybe so, maybe so.


Alright, so I missed last week and I am sorry about that.  Clearly, I am as dependable as I am inspiring.

The past two weeks have been a slight struggle for me.  I have been attempting to eat well, but not tracking anything or paying much attention.


I have not exercised at all.


But, I kind of loathe exercise, so it sort of made me happy.


Surprisingly, I lost one pound over two weeks!


I ate like 20 peanut M&Ms, but told myself I only ate like one or two.


I made brownies.   But I made them all healthy-like with egg whites and applesauce and whatnot!


My poor husband is wondering what has happened to his desserts!  He does a lot of sighing.


Yet, he does not complain and he eats away and puts a smile on his face!


The other night, I was sooooo tired and I could barely walk to bed.  Yes.  It was that bad.  I got all snuggled in and then I realized that I had gotten in bed wrong.  I was laying on top of the sheets. 

Oh, the humanity!

I am happy to report that since I started this in January, I have lost 5.8 pounds!  This is exciting news!  It is SLOW going for me. 

Did you know that you actually have to follow Weight Watchers for it to work?

Who'd have thunk it?


So, how was your week?

Happy Tuesday!


  1. It's official, Taylor. I am declaring war on my own fat behind...

  2. I've baked two cakes and some chocolate peanut butter truffles for parties we've been to this past week. I have eaten one truffle and a half a piece of each cake. I did not eat the whole cake or the truffles in their entirety so win. Congrats on your 5+!

  3. Congrats on losing the 5 pounds you didn't need to lose....silly girl!

  4. See my post last night about making homemade bread. FAIL!

  5. I have lost a total of 12.8 lbs, which I am not entirely happy with because I know it should be much more. I was diagnosed with mono last week and I am apparently the ONLY person in the entire world who will manage not to lose a ton of weight with that illness. *sigh*

    My Weight Watchers leader always says, "If you kinda do Weight Watchers, it kinda works. If you really do Weight Watchers, it really works." ...Or something like that. Anyway, it about sums up my problem.

  6. Thanks for getting us back up and running, Taylor :)

  7. So my son had a birthday and we have had lots of cake, and brownies, so now you can feel better about your sweets! :) And its almost Easter time and you know those darn yummy eggs that come out!!!! mmmmm :) Congrats on losing the pounds. Happy Tuesday.

  8. I'm a slow and sluggish dieter. Taylor, I fear we are going to lose the dieting competition. Mrs. G. is killing us! She really wants a new refridgerator.

  9. Mom and Dad aka The Goober ParentsMarch 1, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    Mom down one pound, Dad down one point five pounds

  10. also baked bread = family & budget win
    thought I would probably eat too much of it = expected fail
    but accidentally left the salt out and don't like how it tastes = oopsie win!
    total of 10 pound loss since early Jan. = win
    but have a nursing baby.
    since my oral intake actually supports two lives, any weight loss = cheater win
    *sigh* at least I can button my jeans. better than the alternative = win!
