Friday, February 11, 2011


Hello.  I have just consumed two cups of coffee and spent two hours visiting with a real human!

Just thought you might like to know.

And now, a Friday List:

1)  It is cold in my house.  My husband, dapper as he may be, insists we keep the heat set at 62 degrees.  Let us have a vote, shall we?

All in favor of me getting the heat turned up to at least 67, please say so immediately.  All in favor of me turning into a Taylor-sicle and keeping things 62, hush up.

2)  We got a new rabbit today.  That would be 11.  The aforementioned human, whom we shall call Shabree, came to visit and also brought a sweet little bunny named Ninja.  Ninja is like a precious, innocent, simple, ball of poof.  I am not sure he is meant for Ruralville's rough-and-tough living.  We shall see, we shall see.

She even brushes his hair and clips his nails.

I don't even really clip my kids' nails.  And there are only four of them.  We have eleven bunnies.


But I am sure Ninja will be fine!  No need to worry, Shabree!


Godspeed, Ninja.


3)  We did a craft thing for school last week.  I like to show you such things so I can impress the socks off of you all and make it appear as if I know what I am doing.  Which I don't.

We studied The Phoenicians in history and learned about how they made purple dye.  So, we made our own with blueberries and colored pasta for necklaces.

Aren't I pheMOMenal?

Oh, darn.  That was uber dumb.  But you cannot deny that it was clever, eh?  Get it?  Like phenomenal but with "mom" in it?  Huh?  Eh?  Yes?

The necklaces turned out to be disastrous, however.  They just encouraged LucyFur, our darling puppy, to attack the children and rip the necklaces off of their precious necks and eat the pasta.

Homeschool win.

Child-safey fail.

4)  My boys like to pretend they are "Grandpa" in the bath.

I think they do a pretty good job.

Lest you are feeling confused, "Grandpa" is on the left.

I am too lazy to crop.

5)  It is time for the COW.

COW=Comment of the Week.

Keep up, people!

This week's winner is Sister Meagan.  She is, in fact, my sister.  And her name is Meagan.  Go figure.

She is commenting on this photo:

We were wearing shiny tarps. I am not even joking. They were held together by a clothes pin in the back. I feel like I probably wasn’t even allowed to wear a bra during the ordeal. I think underwear and pants were allowed.

Someone should have told whoever did this to us that under no circumstance were we ever going to rival the Judds, and perhaps this sort of gaudy get-up situation was not at all necessary. It was terrible. We looked terrible. We knew we looked terrible. Look at the looks on our faces! We knew this was bad news.

Ugh. Disgusting.

As you can tell, my sister is still bearing some wounds from this ordeal from circa 1994.  And, I am pretty sure that photo is still proudly displayed somewhere in my parent's house.  Yes.  I believe it is near the television. 

6)  My husband cleared brush the other night and made this ginormous pile:

Yes.  There most certainly are smudges on the camera lens when I took this photo.  I don't have time to clean my camera.  I can't even keep up with the laundry.

But that is not why I am posting this picture, silly readers!

100 (meaningless) points to whomever can guess what my husband did to this pile immediately after building it.

7)  I am still cold.  I can't feel my toes.  Woe is me.  What temp is it in your house?  Do many people live in a 62 degree habitat?  Maybe my hair needs to grow in thicker or something.

8)  If you want to enter a super cool giveaway hosted by yours truly, click here. 

9)  Even though my kids drive me absolutely nuts, I kind of like them.

10)  In fact, I am about to join them for what I am sure will be a riveting movie and I am most certainly going to pop one, maybe two bags of popcorn. 

11)  No one can deny that popcorn is delicious!

Happy Weekend!


  1. 62 degrees is just plain wrong. Perhaps you will adapt and develop a thick undercoat.

    I assume LJ immediately burned the pile. See, even he has to find a way to stay warm...

  2. Taylor I agree 62 is way to cold. He should most definitly let you turn the heat up. How are your children supposed to do school when all they can think about is how cold they are. You will drink more coffee than usual just trying to warm yourself up. Also not to mention that since you used to have wood heat 62 must feel like you have icicles growing off your nose and toes.

  3. I too have a husband who insists on keeping the temp low (although I think he allows me to have it up to about 64) and it gets quite cold. Wanna know a secret? Bake something and then "forget" to turn off the oven. It might bump the temp up a couple of degrees without having to change the thermostat. Not that I'd ever do such a thing. I'm just sayin'...

  4. I keep my house at 68 degrees. I live by Canada and it is cold. 62 degrees is craziness.

  5. I suspect fire was somehow part of that pile.
    Turn up the heat. Ours is at 68 and I'm cold.

  6. My house was hot when I got home today...I took a gander at the thermostat and it was set for over 80 degrees! Can you even believe it? It turns out my 8 year old was cold this morning, so she "bumped it up." Apparently gas is free in her mind...

    And as for this whole COW thing, you really need to get a new cow picture. Might I suggest some pictures from my lovely nieces blog? They are in fact pictures of my dad's cattle which makes them superior in my mind...You must go there and check her out. You MUST!!!
    Here is the link:

    That is all. Have a splendiferous weekend!

  7. My house was hot when I got home today...I took a gander at the thermostat and it was set for over 80 degrees! Can you even believe it? It turns out my 8 year old was cold this morning, so she "bumped it up." Apparently gas is free in her mind...

    And as for this whole COW thing, you really need to get a new cow picture. Might I suggest some pictures from my lovely nieces blog? They are in fact pictures of my dad's cattle which makes them superior in my mind...You must go there and check her out. You MUST!!!
    Here is the link:

    That is all. Have a splendiferous weekend!

    Not that I dislike the current cow picture...I just wanted to give my niece a shameless plug! AND I really like her baby calves...Especially the one that's nursing!

  8. I suppose you could go warm up by that fire he started? We keep it "low" too, but we have it at 67. I am always cold and bundling up in warm sweaters, but every time I look at the bill I have no desire to bump it up anymore.

  9. 62 degrees during the day is ridiculous. Maybe at night when you can get under many layers of comforters. During the day though, 67-68 is as cold as it should be.

    Of course, I am always freezing and Rich is always hot so maybe it's a man thing?

  10. You can come from wherever you live to wherever I live, it may be far, but we keep our heat at 72 so it would be worth the trip. During the day, when LJ isn't home, you need to turn it up. That way at least you can be happy and warm during the day.

  11. I linked my latest post to you...Prepared to be inundated with no less than one extra reader as a result!

    You're welcome!!

  12. Seriously now, 62 degrees is not a healthy temperature for humans. Jack that sucker up! I'm referring to the thermostat, of course.

  13. My house is a toasty 74....I tell my husband I would have to grow hair on my legs to keep me warm if he doesn't keep the house warm for works every time!!

  14. OK, I am with Texas. Offer to grow more hair!!!!
    However, being cold is a major calorie consumer. That is why our native neighbors to the north in ages past have consumed ginormous amounts of whale blubber without becoming "fat". So, if you wanna win that contest thingy, consider it LJ's contribution to your training program.

  15. um. 62 degrees in winter? my house is 72.5. i live in canada, and had to do a quick internet conversion from celsius. when i saw how cold 62 actually is, i nearly wet my pants. this is a vote for TURN UP THE THERMOSTAT, YOU CRAZY MAN!!!

  16. I keep ours around 71 degrees. When I'm not looking, my husband turns it up to 73. He's always cold. I'm always hot. We call it the thermostat wars. We call it other things too, but I can't repeat them on someone else's blog. : )

  17. We have ours set at 67. I like it, but 62 would be WAY too cold. Brrr.

  18. Popcorn yum! :) Turn your heat up! And I think he jumped in the pile or let the kids jump into after he piled it all up... seems very lumberjackish!

  19. David (aka Lumber Jack)- Dude. Your wife is freezing, she is infact, my friend and I don't want her to lose her toes to frost bite. Let her turn up the heat, and she'll cook more elk. I promise.

    Taylor- You could burn the piles of brush while Dave is at work. When he gets home have the kids huddled around the fire outside to keep warm, as it should feel warmer there than in the house. :)

  20. I have a plan B. Tell Dave you were going to buy him something really special for Valentine's Day, but due to the freezing conditions in the house you had to purchase fleece footie jammies with penguins on them. Ha!

  21. I agree with the multitudes...62 is way too cold!
    Yes, I believe you may have had a brush fire with that pile. Did you homeschool next to it, It may have been warmer than your house!

  22. We keep ours at 68. Since Mr. LJ is not home during the day, put your big girl pants on and turn it up!!!

  23. Our daytime temp when we're home is 68; nighttime is 52. (we like to use blankets at night) I know some people who keep their house at 75...yes, 75. I'd be running around...oh, I mean....sitting on the couch reading blogs and watching tv in shorts and a tshirt. Which means I'd have to shave my legs all.the.time. No thank you. 68 is just fine.

  24. Our house is kept at 74. I agree when the lumber jack is at work turn it up!

  25. ooooo! Taylor, look at you! You even have people from different countries who have to use conversions reading your blog! You are amazing! Ay? Lol....

  26. Technically, ours is set at 67 most of the time. But when either of us is chilly, we push it to 68 or even sometimes 69! However, when I get the bill, I always regret you are burning extra calories AND saving bunches of money! Win, win!

  27. It is 72 in my apartment. And I don't live in a place as cold as where you live. There's something fundamentally wrong with this situation.

  28. Ours is set for 65. Here's the deal. YOU are the one who is home all day. So turn it up to what you're comfortable with while he's at work and have it set for 62 around when he gets home. Or find a temp between 62 and 67. Compromise. It is important in marriage. I find that with 65 everyone is comfy with socks on and maybe a long sleeve shirt or sweater. A lower temp is good for inhibiting bacterial and viral growth (that's why hospitals are so freaking cold all the time.) but 62 is ridiculous.

  29. 62 is ridiculous! Even my hubby says so! We keep ours at 72! I hope you snuggled under a pile of quilts while you watched that movie!

  30. Purple - the Royal color! Wow! You must be a wonderful teacher. Holla 7 Hoo-Ah! I put thermostst on72 when I'm cold. I can think of two win-wins for u guys. Keep thermostat where you decide- should be more like 68 and get a very enery efficient space heater for the chills. orrrr.... get a wood stove from the relatives & burn LJs lovely wood. I'm sure LJ made the biggest scariest bonfire with his 'pile'.

  31. PS I don't believe kids have enough body fat to keep warm at such a low temp. But they are usually running around more to keep warm than adults. If it's a true problem, why not get the pediatrician to guide you and give an objective opinion? Why should you or anyone have to stay at home and do all you must do daily and be miserable and uncomfortable? That's just unnecessary. What LJ wants is a good temp if you're in bed covered up, not while reading, teaching, cleaning, doing meals and dishes with arms bared. Sheeeeesh!

  32. we havea programmable is set at 67 during the day and goesdown to 60 while we are sleeping in our nice warm beds!! you will have to do more baking to kee it warm in your house!! =) i think he had made a huge bon-fire with that pile'o wood!!

  33. Leave it at 62. Then put a bag of frozen vegtables over the top of it. It will then kick on.
