Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yes.  Hello.  Good Morning.

I have absolutely nothing to say.  And, yet, here I am.  Posting like I got a fantastic post all planned out like it ain't-no-thang.

I am off-a-da-hook.

1.  Handsome Dude has been informing everyone as of late that they are, "REE-DICK-ER-LOUS."

2.  Want to know what is Reedickerlous?

This whole ordeal:

I asked you all to guess what Sir Lumberjack did immediately after creating that pile.

And you all tried really, really hard to guess the correct answer.  You guessed that he built a teepee, jumped over it, made a duck blind (huh?), made a playground, left the wood there, built a house, built a dam, bonfire, and used it for a brush pile.

Gosh.  You people are intense.  And now, I am kind of embarrassed to admit the truth.

Um.  *Brace yourselves*  All he did was pee on it.

Why?  Because he can.

And I thought that was stinkin' hilarious.

But, clearly, I have the mental maturity of a four-year-old.

You know, he spent hours creating this huge pile, and then, when he thought no one could see him, he just peed on it.

But, I saw you, Lumberjack.  I saw what you done.


Yes.  That was it.  And then it sat there for a good week.  And then he burned it.

The End.

I am sorry I wasted your time.

3.  It's been awhile since we did a Questions and Answers post.

Let us do that fun activity again, shall we?

Herein lies the plan:  You ask me a question.

And then, I shall try to answer it in an exciting post.

Come on.

Just do it.

You know.  For kicks and grins.

Alright.  That's all I got.  I am pretty impressed that I feigned a mediocre post for this long. 

Happy Monday and don't forget to leave a question if you so desire!


  1. Do you have any large ferocious beasts in you woods? Like bears or mountain lions or coyotes? Have you come across any signs of these beasts? or had any encounters with them? I'm a little worried about you bunnies.

  2. If you won the lottery, would you move or just fix up the house you're in now?

  3. How can you stand being in the house at such a low temperature? I'd be an ice burg. :)

  4. How do you discipline your naughtypants boys when timeouts and spankings (or maybe that just is me...don't report me) do not work. My soon-to-be 2 year old is making me CRAZY!!! (and I didn't have far to go before). Taking things away doesn't work, he throws huge tempertantrums and it is more like my punishment than his...

  5. What color do you wish your peach walls were and do you have any plans to make them that way?

  6. Also, you need to show this video to the LJ-pretty sure he'll get a kick out of it. I thought it was hilarious. One of the shepherds is an electrician!

  7. Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND)February 28, 2011 at 2:09 AM

    So, Taylor, yes hello. I have a story for you. Yesterday I was at church minding my business, picking up my son from Sunday School and as I scanned the area I saw you! Yes, it's true, you do exist! Never before have we met and I felt like I had just spotted a celebrity! I excitedly told my husband "There she is! The girl whose blog I read and love. I've never met her but I feel like she's a friend." So he says "Go say hi". So I trot myself over to where you are and I see that you are having a conversation with someone else. Another loyal reader I suppose. I stand there briefly and then think to myself that I must look like a total looser because I'm just standing in the middle of the way. So even though it seems like I've already comitted to this I bail. I didn't want to interupt you. And that my friend is how we almost met yesterday!

  8. I get the feeling Taylor would move even if she didn't win the lottery.

  9. What would you do about a beaver dam built in the front yard?

  10. It seriously took me like five minutes to come up with all the possibilities for that pile of cr..., I mean sticks. He peed on it? HE PEED ON IT??? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?? Oh Taylor, my dear sweet Taylor. Get the hell out of Ruralville as fast as your skinny little legs can carry you. I think you may have bitten by a mad racoon or something. I will never get those five minutes back. So, here I go again, letting you bully me into thinking some more. Question: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Dang. That was so lame.

  11. If I drive through Ruralville on my way to Freezingville from Themiddleofnowheretexas, and I stop to visit our mutual friend with 4 boys, can I visit and drink coffee with you (and her) at the same time? I think it would be fun. Actually, would you shun me if I chose tea instead of coffee? I but milk in my tea, if that helps. If we put our kids together, that would be 12 kids and 3 mommas! EEEEEK!

    Big IF though, since I know not the route we are taking on our trek to the Last Frontier. I am gonna live somewhere colder than you. HA!

  12. Are you black on the inside, like me?

    Peace out!

  13. I thought my husband held the trophy for redneckedness, but that takes the cake! Not that he hasn't done the same thing many, many times. I just have not seen it!

  14. I have absolutely nothing to add. He peed on it, classic!

  15. I haven't seen you comment on my blog much lately...are you still visiting me?? If you could change my blog in some way...what would YOU do different?? It looks like yours is getting some good publicity.....HELP ME!! Maybe I'm just not as funny/interesting as you...I LOVE your humor! :)

  16. Oh, so funny!
    My farm born hubby thinks that peeing in the great out of doors is one of the main perks of living Ruralville. I guess it should go without saying that peein' on the pile (and thusly 'marking' it) would be in the Lumberjacks natural order of work well done.
    You are a good and patient wife, LJW; a good wife indeed.

  17. My question is: will you please answer my question first so that I don't feel like you forgot about me?

    And that, my friend, is it!

    I think you are great and I wish we lived right next to each other because I think we would have the best plethora of stories of 4 children in the world! (and I would learn to be even more funny like you!)

    Oh, was that a creepy comment, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I am a really nice person. Just ask my kids.

    Oh, wait, don't do that because my oldest would say, "She's not that great. She loses her temper a lot. I have been telling her that she has to work on that."

    I'm not kidding. I overheard her tell her sister that!
    Oh, mom's not that great!

  18. I had to pee outside today. Oh the joys of being married to a farmer.

    Request= Please explain your facebook status about a bunny eating a mouse. It concerns me.

  19. Oh my. Peeing outside = man feels sneakily proud... and us womenfolk just roll our eyes. That is priceless!!

    My question: If you could be from another country or time period, where/when would it be and why?

    ps: I don't think I've commented here before, but just to let you know, I check in and read a fair bit, and chuckle at the life you live in ruralville... because, you know, Australia (hooray for us southern-hemisphere types!!) is kind of like the ruralville of the planet... So I relate, you know?

  20. Peed on it.. that is important stuff around here. Peeing off porches, peeing against the side of the barn. Mu husband will get up from watching tv and go out on the porch to pee. The bathroom is one room away, yet he needs to feel the wind in his face. Well hopefully, he is not peeing into the wind...gross.
    Do homeschoolers take the summer off?

  21. yup, that sounds about right! (the peeing on the pile) typical man stuff!! :D

  22. That is really funny I would have never guessed he peed on it!
    Here is my question... Does LJ ( I keep up:) ) know that you told the world his secret!?

  23. Hum... questions for Taylor. Hum.... how about... how would you spend $1 million dollars? And please just ignore charities and world peace stuff. ;)
