Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Crafty Pirate

Hold on to your pants, folks.

We have a giveaway today!

I know, I know.

Such excitement!

Darling reader, Lauren, has opened up an etsy shop and asked if I would mind hosting a giveaway for her.  I have to admit, I had to give this some serious thought. 

You see, I, too, have contemplated opening up one of these so-called etsy shop thingies with all my craftiness.

Case in Point:

My homemade nativity scene.

I kid!  I jest!

I know not how to sew on buttons or knit or crochet or garden or quilt or cross-stitch or properly use a hot glue gun or use a drill or jump a car or even squat and pee while out in the middle of the woods and no suitable bathrooms can be found.

I am such a disappointment on so many levels.

Confessions of a Lumberjack's Wife:  I outsource the sewing of my kids' Awana's patches to my ma-in-law and sis-in-law.

I am so ashamed.

So, the etsy shop is not in my future.

But Lauren!  Lauren is crafty!  Her grandmother taught her to crochet when she was 9. She made a horribly uneven, bright pink baby blanket she had no use for and promptly gave up crocheting. She made a New Year's Resolution to hand-make all of her gifts last year and fell in love again with crocheting. 

Hence, the etsy shop.

Her shop is called The Crafty Pirate.  She has a lot of cute stuff over there, and here are some photos from her site:

News GirlCloche to My HeartNewsboyPlush Baby BlanketWomen's Hat and Scarf ComboTwo Pom Beanies

The Crafty Pirate will be giving away a gift card for $25 toward her shop to one lucky winner!

See?  Exciting!

I told you all to hold on to your pants!

Next time, heed my warnings.

The giveaway will end Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 11am CST when I will randomly select a winner.

There are 3 different ways to enter the giveaway, but make sure you leave a separate comment for each one you do!

Note:  You don't have to do all three options to enter.  But the more comments you leave, the better your chances are!

Another Note:  But you can't leave more than three comments.  That would cheater-ish.  Not that I am calling you a cheater.

A Final Note:  But you must do what she asks if you leave all three comments.

Are you confused?

Are you?

It's ok.  It happens.


Comment Option Number One:

Go to The Crafty Pirate etsy site  and then leave me a comment about your favorite item for sale.

You leave the comment here. On this blog.  The Lumberjack's Wife.  On this post.  Not a different one. 

Are you confused?  Are you?

  Mom?  Dad?  How are you doing with all this?

Comment Option Number Two:
Follow The Crafty Pirate on The Facebook

Click here to be taken to her Facebook page and then click like.

See?  Simple! 

But wait!  Then you have to come back here.  To this blog.  The Lumberjack's Wife.  And leave me a comment-on this post-and tell me you did that.

I lost you, Mom, didn't I?

Comment Option #3

Post about this giveaway on your very own blog. Be sure to leave the link to your blog post about the giveaway in your comment.

Do you not have a blog?  Bummer.  Perhaps you should start one.

I hear its all the rage.


Phew.  Is anyone still here?  I know.  I am so demanding today.

In the meantime, if you decide you can't live without something The Crafty Pirate makes, be sure to use the code Lumberjacks to get 15% off your purchase!

So.  To recap:


Cute stuff.

Etsy shop.


Maybe win!

Happy Day!

PS-I will have to delete any extra comments.  I know.  I am so mean.  But it is only fair!  Also, please do not "reply" do anyone else's comment today.

Thanks bunches!



  1. ALSO, I loved everything in The Crafty Pirate's shop, but a particular favorite is the Yoda hat and the Tutu.

  2. I liked The Crafty Pirate on Facebook!!

  3. I thought all her items were wonderful, very talented lady. My favorite was the Hello Kitty Kat hat. I also do not know how to sew. For my daughters Awanas and girl scout patches I use Patch and Applique glue. So far it is working wonders.

  4. I liked the Crafty Pirate

  5. News Girl Hat!! Love that hat, love that baby! Does the baby come with the hat? I couldn't see anything about it in the fine print so I'm pretty sure it does.

  6. I "liked" the Crafty Pirate on Facebook!! :)

  7. Annnnddd....my favorite item is the Yoda hat. My nephew is a Star Wars freak and would absolutely LOVE that hat. :)

  8. I love, love, LOVE the Ruffles and Rows scarf!! Scarves are my new best friend.....they help to cover the remnants and rolls of a belly long ago stretched to carry sweet bundles of joy!! :-) It is asking alot of the scarf I know, but a cute scarf can work some minor miracles!! :-)

  9. I LOVE the fairytale tutu, so would my daughter and I think I am going to get those blooming leg warmers for my niece SOOOO CUTE!!!

    Really I like everything! Thanks for showing me this site, although I am pretty sure my Canadian will NOT be thanking you!! :)

  10. I am putting it on my blog right now. P.S. Taylor, thanks for visiting my blog and EMAILING me. I am a TOTAL dork, but you have made my month and my husband keeps telling me to stop telling him who emailied me! :)

  11. I love the ladybug hat! I want one for my little 4-month old ladybug!

  12. I follow The Crafty Pirate on Facebook.

  13. I can't decide between Ladybug hat and Ruffles and Rows scarf. Actually, all her stuff is super cute! She is very talented and I am very jealous. ;)

  14. I "liked" the Crafty Pirate on FB, too!

  15. Personally, I like the Beverly scarf. But I may be a little biased as the Crafty Pirate is my daughter. ;-)

  16. And I like her on Facebook. And in real life. She's practically perfect (takes after her mother in that).

  17. I liked the Crafty Pirate on Facebook!

  18. I liked the Crafty Pirate on FB!

  19. I like the baby hat with the orangy area near the bottom.
    First picture.
    I also like the kids...they are so cute. Are they for sale?

  20. I visited Crafty Pirate's etsy and LOVE the Newsboy hat and the Yoda hat!

  21. I "like" The Crafty Pirate on FB!

  22. I liked the crafty pirate on facebook:P

  23. I would probably have to get that awesome yoda hat for Carter! Also I love the "Cloche to my Heart" pink hat!

  24. I can't pick between the giraffe and the mouse!....
    NO GIRAFFE....

  25. Baby hats and tutus! So much fluffy adorable goodness I can hardly stand it!!

  26. yoda hat.... going there. Now I can post later once I've gone too, right? I'm not too good at coming up with clever comments :)

  27. Working on trying to arrange the yoda hat for a certain February Birthday. So glad to see this!!!

  28. That was fun! Hey Lauren, you make great stuff!
    Love love love the fairy tale tutu. love the character hats, and the rose clips, which my girls would SO wear. But. the #1 cutest item is that mouse hat. Holy Crocheted Rodents, Batman! I know a little munchkin that would look SO sweet in that hat! So I'll wait to see if I win, then go shopping. :) Thanks for hookin' us up, T.

  29. I "liked" The Crafty Pirate :)

  30. Also, I have to agree with my sis-in-law...the leg warmers are super cute....but...I'm expecting a baby boy, so I would have to say the Frogger or Giraffe hats are my next favs :)

  31. I shared this giveaway on my blog! (well, I'm going to riiiiight now.)

  32. I love, love, love the tutus. So cute. :)

    Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  33. I like it all! But for the oldest, the newsboy hat and for the youngest the cookie monster hat is adorable!

  34. I like the fairy tale tutu....since they make them after we order do you think they can make one in adult XXL?? No??? ok...I guess I'd have to order one for my grand daughter...

  35. I liked the Crafty Pirate!

  36. I liked The Crafty Pirate on Facebook! Win!

  37. So many cute ones in her shop. I like the bumblebee and the jolly roger! Arrrrrr.....

  38. Love the ruffles and bows scarf, but I MUST get the cookie monster hat for son #2.

  39. I'm a FB Crafty Pirate liker

  40. love the frogger hat for little baby boys =)

  41. liked her on facebook!

  42. i LOVE the woman's flapper hat and the headwarmer/earwarmer thingy...

  43. She has so many cute things. So nice. If I thought I could get away with wearing a tutu on my big old 46 year old body I would go for that but since I am actually closer to 47 years old I would say that I really like the women's beanie. I wonder what color I should choose...

  44. I liked the Crafty Pirate on facebook.

  45. I visited The Crafty Pirate's etsy shop and LOVE the Jolly Roger hat.

  46. I like the mouse. Then I like Yoda, then I like jolly roger. But, I like the mouse the most.

  47. Love, love, love the News Girl hat! I must have it :)

  48. Love the shelves & waves scarf on the Etsy site!! The baby stuff is also adorable!

  49. I love the news girl hat...but what I'm really wondering is if we can order the models? THEY are adorable!

  50. I blogged about it....come have a look !! http://www.ttgtmb.com

  51. AND I liked it on Facebook.
    You think I’m going to leave a third comment about the giveaway don’t you. I’m not. Instead I’m going to ask if you would pretty please be a guest blogger on my blog while I’m away in Mexico next week. PLEASE?

  52. Oh my goodness, she really has some cute stuff! I'm liking the Woman's Flapper Beanie. Say that fast ten times....

  53. well since those cute babies aren't for sale...i would love to have one of those Ruffles and Rows Scarves. keeping my fingers crossed!

  54. I loved the News Girl hat - pick me or die......

    Just kidding!! Kind of....

  55. Ok - that Yoda hat is beyond adorable. But I love the legwarmers with the roses on them as well. Don't worry if you can't crochet. My grandma taught me and I am so good at it I thought I'd be able to knit just as well. Well, I can't. Knitting is wicked hard.

  56. I love almost all the kid hats, but especially the ladybug hat! I love ladybugs! I also love the ruffly scarf for women!

  57. I liked the face book page!!!!

  58. My fave item for sale is the fairy tale tutu! My daughter would get a kick out of that. Her scarves are awesome too. :)

  59. I like the Beverly scarf but those blooming leg warmers are soooo cute!

  60. I LOVE the ruffles and rows scarf. WOW. my children would love the tutus. :-)

  61. The Court Jester was my favorite. Made me laugh out loud! Sooo cute :)

  62. ...and I liked her on Facebook :)

  63. Oh good grief! ALL her stuff is cute! I'd choose Fairy Tale Tutu so my three granddaughters could squabble over it which would mean I'd have to order two more with your Lumberjack discount. And yes, I realize I'm not your mom but I'm a mom and you lost me too. So this is my one and only comment thingamajig.

  64. cannot figure out how to leave a comment on your store site but do just love that Fairy Tale TuTu. However, I do also love those little hats and legwarmers. We have friends who just had identical triplet girls (no help from anyone but God!) and I know they would love something warm and cute to put on those girls!!!
    May God bless your business!!

  65. Okay, so I went to the etsy shop. How am I supposed to pick my favorite?!? Everything on there is too stinkin cute! I can see buying everything because I would be able to give them all away soo easily. If you absolutely make me pick my favorite, I would say that those darling baby leg warmers with the flowers are my favorite.

  66. I "liked" the facebook page, now on to my blog.

  67. I loved the yoda hat, & the mouse and the black & purple tutu. Loved everything. Loved the photography and the models :)

  68. I blogged about your give-away! I hope I win so that I can show off these great creations!



  69. I went to her site & loved the Woman's flapper beanie.

  70. ‘liked’ your face book page

  71. I posted about the give away on my blog post today.

  72. I went to "like" the Crafty Pirate FB page but I already liked it. I guess I did that when I ordered hats for my grandkids for Christmas. Let me add, Lauren was super fast and the hats were perfect!

  73. And it's so hard to choose a favorite! I'm having a boy this summer, and already have two boys, so I'm thinking they need matching frog hats - so cute!

  74. I 'like' the Crafty Pirate!

  75. And it’s on my blog!


  76. I love the rose clip! too cute! hope I win!

  77. I liked The Crafty Pirate of Facebook

  78. I liked Cloche to My Heart and the Yoda hat. The Yoda hat really made me wish my boys were still little!

  79. I liked The Crafty Pirate on FB!

  80. And what a crafty little pirate she is! How does she do it? It takes me like a year to knit one scarf! I love the Hello Kitty Kat Beanie for my daughter and the Cookie Monster Beanie for my son. For myself, I would love to have the Crochet Flower Clippie.

  81. I went to the Crafty Pirate. I filled my cart up with 70 dollars worth of items. I probably could use a gift certificate (because then I would add 25 dollars more!). Anyhow, my favorite are the Blooming Legwarmers. I can see it in my mind. Me to Hubby. Aren't these the cutest things! Hubby to 8 month old daughter. What is your mother doing to you! My husband is so scared that our kids will be emotionally scarred by the get ups I put them in. So yes, I do put my son in a Hanbok to go eat Korean food, in Canada, but the way I see it my kids will be very cultured.

  82. If I can only pick one item as my favorite item on the crafty pirate I think I'd pick the tutus. They are adorable.
    Ok I’m picking another item on the crafty pirate as a favorite too. I like the clip on flowers.

  83. I liked the crafty pirate on facebook.
    Thanks for having a fun contest!!!

  84. I love the white hat with the pink rose. I just had a girl 2 weeks ago and excited about buying girly stuff for her! much more fun than shopping for a boy!

  85. I liked her on facebook :)

  86. OH MY GOSH!!!! I have to have the mouse ears hat, this is the cutest baby hat I have EVER seen!!!! :-)

  87. My favorite item on the site is the news girl cap! I think it is so adorable and will probably end up getting my daughter one; she already has the cloche! Lauren does amazing work!!!

    Lauren does such amazing work! I absolutely love the news girl cap. My daughter already has the cloche and 2 extra flowers. I can’t wait to purchase more items!

  88. SO precious!!! I’m also a follower on Facebook! yay!

  89. I love the 2 pom beanie! My 4 year old daughter would look so so cute in it!

  90. I liked The Crafty Pirate on Facebook! Yeah!

  91. I blogged about the giveaway on my very own blog!!

  92. Love everything! And I'm a HUGE Etsy shopper.... even my husband says I'm addicted to etsy :)

  93. That Fairy Tale Tutu is just tutu cute don't you think? I would love it for myself but then I might just raise some eyebrows being in the over 50 crowd...hummm but I sure do like it!

  94. wow, that is one cool logo she has there. I sure like that

  95. I liked the crafty pirate on facebook!

  96. My favorite is the little frog hats! I have one for each of my boys!! And I love Lauren!! She is such a wonderful gal (of course I'm biased cause we've been friends forever!)

  97. Love all the crafty pirate stuff. :-)
    (I'm biased, I love etsy! And I sell on etsy!)

  98. OMG I sooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOVE the Jolly Roger hat! A-freaking-dorable!

  99. I like the The Crafty Pirate on Facebook!
