Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh, dear.

Hello.  I am back.  But kinda, not really.

Today I am guest posting over at Because Nice Matters.

Guest posting makes my tummy nervous and my palms sweaty.  Please go and visit me over there so I don't feel like such a silly goose.

Thank you!

PS-Be sure to check out Noelle's blog while you are there.

Happy Monday!


  1. I found you through Noelle's blog. Your post just killed me. How did your mom handle it when you told her that instead of her grandchild, it was actually lint?

    I can't wait to read more!

    Stop by my place sometime.

  2. Seriously! This story never gets old, funny every time I hear it!

  3. it's a legend now!! =)

  4. Great choice of stories to share! I love that one!! And you did an awesome job telling it - you are a master storyteller mrs. lj....

  5. Dropping in from Noelle's place. That was the saddest funny story ever!

  6. Taylor, you are awesome! Thanks for the laughter you bring to me....Except for I almost started to cry at one point...Next thing I new I was laughing!

  7. One of the best stories ever. I so needed a laugh today.

  8. I LOVE Noelle! Headed there to see you now! Did you guys meet through my blog? Just wonderin ...

  9. Taylor, your blog is a crack up. I love your "voice"

    And I would put your button on my blog, but for some reason I can't find it. I tried once before to put it up but it didn't quite work. Let me know if you still have that cute button lying around because I want one. And if you need any help with the html, send me an email.

  10. I love that story, but I still can't figure out how LJ can accumulate belly button lint at that rate.

    He's a medical phenomenon...

  11. I had to read your whole post out loud to my roommate because I was laughing so hard. Thank you. I loved it.

  12. This needs to be facebook so I can "like" this comment...

  13. I'll head over there to read it, but I've missed your blogging, and I hope your back soon!

  14. OMG! This was hilarious!!!
    My DH picks lint from his bellybutton too - How & Why? I will never understand.

  15. I visited! Glad you are back :)
