Monday, February 7, 2011

Fat Tuesday, Week Two

Welcome to the second week of Fat Tuesday!


Fat Tuesday is kinda sorta like an accountability day for weight loss/fitness/healthy goals.  You can join in anytime you like!  Just simply leave a comment.


I have two fun recipes to share with you all today.  I got them both from my ma.  My mom has been on Weight Watchers for about 11 months now and she has lost 45 pounds.

Her secret:  Actually follow the plan.

It's amazing how that stuff works, isn't it?  I mean, you can't just sign up for the darn plan and see the pounds fly off.  You have to actually pay attention and work for it!

I know.  It surprised me, too.

Anyways, she has been trying out some dessert recipes and here are two good ones that I thought I would pass along.

1.  Black Forest Cake

(This one my mom made up and I plugged it into the recipe builder at WW to determine the PointsPlus values)

1 package of devil's food cake mix, dry

1 can (smaller size) of sugar free or no sugar added cherry pie filling.

Mix the cake mix and the pie filling and spread it into a 13x9 pan.  Bake at 350.  Use the back of the cake mix box to determine baking time.

Cut into 15 slices. 

One slice is 5 points Plus.

Serve warm with fat free cool whip.

(2 T of fat free cool whip is 0 Points Plus)

2.  Pumpkin Spice Cake

(my mom said she got this recipe from Hungry Girl)

1 spice cake mix plus 1 15oz can of canned pumpkin.

Mix together and bake at 400.  Refer to the back of the cake mix box for approximate baking times.

Slice into 15 slices.  Each slice is 4 PointsPlus.

Add 2 T of fat free cool whip for an extra 0 Points Plus.


Let's go through this week's Wins and Fails, shall we?

I kind of forgot to track what I ate all week.  Except for about 2 hours on Thursday.


I exercised two times!


It would have been three, but I bailed on a Biggest Loser DVD about 10 minutes into it.  It required far too much effort.


I have been using fruits and vegetables a lot more to fill myself up, seeing as how they are now (mostly) all zero PointsPlus!


I ate garlic bread again.


Why is garlic bread so good?


Especially when served with a deliciously-large slice of lasagna.  Of which I also ate.


I might be going on a D-A-T-E with my husband tonight!


I will surely eat lots and lots of popcorn.  Because that is what one must do when attending the cinema.

Future Fail!

However!  I will wash it down with D-I-E-T Soda!

Future Win!

I think that if I gave up all snacking after dinner, I would surely look like a swimsuit model.

Probably not.  And I won't.  Snacks are yummy.

I lost 0.6 pounds.  Not great, but good for garlic bread and lasagna and only tracking for two hours!


I have lost 4.8 pounds since January 11th.



So . . . how about you?

Feel free to share your week in the comments section located immediately after the end of this thrilling post.  If you have your own blog post, just put the link to the actual post in the comments section.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. 12 pounds down since Dec. 27th...WIN! The fact that I have lots more to go..MAJOR PAST FAIL! 6.2 weeks in and a loss every week...WIN! Going on a 30th anniversary trip this week...POTENTIAL-PARTIAL FAIL! Getting back on this crazy life style change right away...WIN WIN WIN!

  2. Okay, I'm starting!

  3. good job Taylor:P

    gunna go write my update as well:P

  4. Sounds like an overall good week. At least you still lost. The recipes look yummy! I reported on my week on my blog today.

  5. Brad and I started on Take Shape For Life and are just waiting for our food to arrive. At least one month of pre-made/measured food (no thinking! yay!) and we'll see how it works. So far, though, I've only had sugar free/non-fat lattes so that is a win. I did made potato soup last night, which was full of whole milk and whole milk sour cream and bacon, so that's a fail. But it was sssoooooooooooooooooo good.

  6. Went to the gym twice. Win! Didn't do extremely bad at snacking while watching the Super Bowl. Sorta Win? Lost one pound. Win! Went shopping for a Mother-of-the Groom dress for the first time today and actually contemplated what size I might be able to achieve by July. Not sure if that's a win or a fail, but it sure was a motivator! And a panic attack, which should count for some exercise because of all that heavy breathing!

  7. It's Tuesday. I'm still fat. There ends my summary. ha!

    I am going to try harder this week, I promise. Really. Maybe. Hopefully.

  8. I got nothin. I'm still fat and I'm thinking about being hypnotized to make myself believe that my muffin top is sexy.

  9. no exercise
    no dairy
    too much bread
    fridge contains nothing but fresh fruit and veg, still managed to find and eat super-saucy noodle casserole
    yummy fail
    pink frosted heart cookies delivered to my home
    pending fail
    nevertheless, 3 pound loss

  10. Great job on all the loss! Thanks for checking in. :)

  11. Thanks for checking in! I will stop by.

  12. Can't wait to see it! :)

  13. Good luck! Thanks for the check in!

  14. You will look splendid! Thanks for checking in!

  15. Good luck and yum! Thanks for checking in!!

  16. Pending fail! ha! Good job on the loss!

  17. As of today I have lost 20.5 pounds since Jan 5th - WIN!. I overate on my Grandma's birthday - fail. I overate on the Superbowl - fail (but Angela Gifford and my other friend said it was ok...peer pressure!) Will I blog about it? Probably not because I am lazy today. Good job Taylor on your loss!

  18. Looong walk to the park yesterday
    Motivated myself to clean during nap time with cookie dough ice cream straight out of the container:
    Cleaned my house:
    It's messy again:
    Went for a second walk before dinner, because my son is obsessed with riding his bike:
    Went to bed at 8 because my joints were sore:
    Have a date planned for Friday with my husband:
    I don't drink diet soda:

  19. Went to the doc for my annual check-up and am still in total denial as to the weight recorded - super duper fail
    Have a class reunion in August to attend - super duper motivator
    Am finally starting to visualize my body in very cute new jeans - sorta win
    Am finally starting to THINK about cutting back on sugar - super duper scary
    My daughter is now encouraging me to go on a diet so I can lose alot of weight like my son-in-law did - when did the child become the mom anyway????

  20. Exercised 6 days last week. WIN!
    Lost 0 pounds. FAIL. Too much garlic bread.
    Jeans fit better and I can reach my toes when stretching now. WIN!
    Still have a positive attitude. WIN!

  21. Weighed in last night with a 4.8 lb loss for the week. So that's good :)

    Here are the down sides...

    A record snowfall predicted for tonight and tomorrow. When snow falls, I bake. I can't help myself. 1 mom + 2 toddlers + cabin fever = cookie and cake eating frenzy. So that's not good.

    Our Weight Watchers meeting does not have the PointPlus Calculators and will not have them until April, we are told. I am no longer subscribing to ww online, as I am already paying to attend weekly meetings. I think those calculators are sort of a necessity, right? So that's not good.

  22. Nice job! Yay, you! :)

  23. mmmm . . . ice cream . . . .

  24. I can't believe they haven't given you a new calculator. Weight Watchers Fail!

  25. Yay for garlic bread! :) Thanks for checking in.

  26. oooh . . . good luck! I have some snug jeans I am trying to get back into. Jeans are good motivators.

  27. Those recipes look really good! Your mom has done a great job and looks awesome!
    Does working then running around after 3 kids to basketball and dance and gymnastics count as excercise? After all this I want to do nothing! I guess thats fail :) I did lose 12 pounds, I started Advocare, I wanted to tone my tummy and ended up not having any pants that fit afterwards, the inches slid off I had to buy size 6's! I did a gentle cleanse (which is very gentle you can still eat, just no sugar, red meat and a few other things for 10 days) It was cool, I maintained it I dont really want to lose more I just want to stay where I am and maybe muscle up, my arms are scrawny! I think the excercise part would help with that but ugh.... where do you find time? And yay for garlic bread!

  28. ps.. We have wii fit and this is fun to do with the kids on a night that I dont work til 8. And this seems more like playing than working out and we can all have fun! This shall be my goal :)

  29. I've started getting up in the morning and committing my body and my eating habits to the Lord--Spiritual Win!

    He's really enabled me to eat better--WIN!

    I've only been doing it since Sunday--Lack of Commitment FAIL (next week will be better).

    Came home and sliced veggies for a vinegar and splenda solution so I could have something sweet and healthy to eat--WIN!

    Started eating oatmeal at McDonald's--WIN!

    Still no scale--FAIL!

    And no weight as a result of no scale--Sanity win :)

  30. Guess what? I have an actual OLD Weight Watchers Spinach Lasagna recipe. We tell everyone who raves about it that it was my husband's Italian grandmother's recipe. They believe it!

  31. Posted!
    I'll try this again.
    Thanks Taylor

  32. I'm eating homemade chex mix while I read your Fat Tuesday post. Probably not appropriate.

    What are you going to see? Hubs is home today since Daughter1 is here and we're going out to lunch when he gets home from an errand (also probably not appropriate) and then to see The Fighter. Will I have popcorn? Probably. Again, not appropriate but I'll have a diet drink and they cancel each other out right?

    Enjoy your date!

  33. ps-saw your comment at Erin's and I had to hop back and let you know that according to the app I use on my ipad for counting calories and exercise, 'appreciation' definitely counts as exercise : )

  34. I'm 5 pounds to my pre-preg weight. WIN!
    I keep eating mint milanos. FAIL!

    Totally gave up on The Shred. Meh. Who needs exercise, spring will be here soon enough and I can walk outside.

  35. Hi Lumber Jill- I lost no weight last week. Bummer. Utter failure. On the upside I lost 1.6 pounds yesterday.

  36. 1. me no likee fat tue not enuff pix
    2. lumberjill's ma could really give us more reducing recipes
    3. old aunties would luv 2 c pix of kid's in new clothes & jammies pls
    4. it will force me to get computer repaired
