Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Date Night.

On Monday night, The Lumberjack and I went out on a date for his birthday. My sister, in a cooperative agreement with my parents, watched the four rascals, and off we went to our favorite restaurant.

Local Readers Take Note:  Our favorite restaurant is that one with Mediterranean Cuisine that you must avoid on Thursday nights due to the fact that it is "Belly Dancer Night" . . . for Ms. Belly Dancer has no qualms about sashaying right up to your table and jiggling all her belly-ness in your face.

Can't a girl eat her ginormous Greek salad topped with chicken in peace?

Belly dancing.

It's not for the faint of heart.

And apparently, it is also not just for those with flat bellies.

Who knew?!

My husband and I always order the same items at this restaurant.  He gets the lamb kabobs with an extra skewer of meat, while I get a Greek Salad topped with chicken and give his lamb meat funny looks.

Who eats lamb?

I do not like skewers of lamb.  I will not eat them Sam I am.

(Name that book.  Kind of.  Cause I changed it.)

I realized that I am getting old. The waitress accidentally brought me the small Greek salad topped with chicken, and not the large Greek salad topped with chicken.  In my youth, I would have been too embarrassed to say anything.  But now that I am 29, I told the waitress I would be needing more salad.

Yes.  I am now one of those people.

Also.  The Lumberjack turned 30, so he is now super-weird and asked for a little extra green beans, seeing as how he loves the way this restaurant prepares green beans.  So, they brought him a huge plate full of green beans and his heart sang with garlicky goodness.

And guess what!  The manager gave us our entire meal for free . . . just because! 

It was so much excitement wrapped up into one night for us olden peoples.

But wait, there's more!

Since The Lumberjack had to meet us in town, he still had his work van and I had my large Excursion.  As we were driving home in our separate vehicles, The Lumberjack called me from his work van.

LJ (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!):  Hey!  Turn on the radio!  I requested a song for you.

Me:  Ok!

Now, dear readers, this is a treat!  How often do menfolk call into radio stations and request romantic songs for their little ladies?  The kids were upset with me because I turned off the reading of Farmer Boy (name that author), but I didn't care!  I kept trying to rack my brain for what sort of country-western song my husband could possibly have dedicated to me.

Oh, the excitement!

Oh, the anticipation!

Suddenly, I hear my husband's voice on the radio.

LJ to DJ:  Yeah!  I was wondering if you could help me out.  I want to hear this song and it's like really, really old and it's about a yada yada yada and a blah-blah-blah.

Interruption:  I don't remember what he said.  Forgive me. 

This is the song he requested for me:

 Running Bear by Sonny James. (If you click on the play button below, the song will start playing.  Hopefully.)

I ain't gonna lie . . . I was a trifle disappointed.  But, it is what it is.  So, to make the best of it, I decided I would do a song tribute to me and my husband to the lyrics of Running Bear.

It has been awhile since I did a song tribute and I know you have all been aching for me to do one.


On the bank of the river stood Running Bear, young Indian brave

On the other side of the river stood his lovely Indian maid

Little White Dove was her name, such a lovely sight to see

But their tribes fought with each other, so their love could never be

Running Bear loved Little White Dove

With a love big as the sky

Running Bear loved Little White Dove
With a love that couldn't die

He couldn't swim the raging river 'cause the river was too wide

He couldn't reach the Little White Dove waiting on the other side

In the moonlight he could see her throwing kisses 'cross the waves
Her little heart was beating faster waiting for her Indian brave

Running Bear dove in the water, Little White Dove did the same
And they swam out to each other through the swirling stream they came

As their hands touched and their lips met, the raging river pulled them down
Now they'll always be together in their happy hunting ground


You may ask, "Taylor!  Why are all those pictures different sizes?"

Well, dear readers.

I have no idea.

Happy Wednesday!

PS-I told you my husband likes super old country tunes.


  1. That's so funny! When Dave and I first got married, we took another young Christian couple that was new to our church there for dinner...on Thursday night. We were all so embarrassed, we sat there while she danced at our table for five minutes - my girlfriend and I just staring at each other trying not to laugh hysterically and Dave and Ben just staring at their food in fear they might have something in their face if they looked up! Hilarious!

  2. I will never ask that! And that's sweet that you got free dinner and a song dedicated you by your hubby! So is LJ younger then you? My TC is 5 years younger then me.

  3. No, he is about 10 months older than me. :)

  4. You are a corn nut and I love ya!
    this pretty much kills me. I think I would have to surprise my husband and take him on a thursday, just to watch him get super uncomfortable and have him give me a "why would you do this to me" face.
    You see, I have a terrible sense of humor. It's the kind that laughs at other people's uncomfortable-ness.

  5. This is a great story! Oh, by the way I eat lamb! My husband grills lamb chops, lamb's my favorite!

  6. Wow! They are super, super old tunes. Glad you had a great time. :)

  7. Wow. I love the song that he picked, that is so awesome, and funny. Sounds like a great date night!! :-)

  8. I have had that belly dancer's belly in my face. But it was unavoidable as we were attending a theatre performance on a Thursday night and simply had to eat there.

  9. Muhahaha. Thank for a little laugh on a Wednesday morning. :)

    Marla @

  10. I love the pics sweetie! You DO have a beautiful family! Dinner and a just doesn't get any better than that. Here's sendin' Mr. Lumberjack a big old Ozark's Happy Birthday.

    God bless ya and have yourself a glorious day sweetie!!!

  11. Wow...what a romantic song. Ehm..except the part where Running Bear and Little White Dove kick the bucket. But I kind of think I get where LJ was going with that. All the love parts and stuff. Raging river and what-not. Loving that you got free Greek dinner. I actually took a belly-dancing class one time. I can personally attest to the fact that bellies of ALL sizes can belly dance. Some just look a little less...belly-ish...than others.

  12. Date night sounds great. I'm glad we're not the only ones that get excited when something free comes along unexpectedly. And for the radio song, I would have thought LJ would have requested "Do You Think My Tractor's Sexy". I've never heard the song, but I know someone who has that as their ringtone. (NOT my husband!)

  13. oh my goodness, i haven't laughed at one of your posts like this in a long time!! i LOVE it!! i played the song as i scrolled through the pictures - cracks me up. UNTIL i reached that horrible, morbid ending. What a crazy song! =)

  14. Is it just me or do those two Indians die at the end of the song?

    Very romantic :)

    Hey! I don't have a flat belly! I could be a belly dancer too!

  15. Whaaaat?

    I guess in a way its kinda sweet that he sees you as his lovely Indian Maid. Kinda.
    I think you should make it a mission to find 'your song' before another birthday rolls around : )

    Also, lamb. I love it. It has to be cooked exactly right though.

  16. that restaurant! They're the only place that makes hummus with enough garlic in it =) And seriously, next time you need to try the lamb kabobs...delish. Oh, and as to who eats lamb? Jesus ate lamb ;) Great, now I'm hungry. Sounds like you guys had a great date night, the song was really sweet!

  17. I dont live anywhere near ya but I always order the same thing when I go Greek. Lamb Gryo. Did I spell that right?
    I think that is very sweet that he had the song played for you. Love it!

  18. I have been listening to country music for a loooooong time and I have never, ever heard that song.

    I can go the rest of my life without hearing it again.

    But yeah, I can see how it could be romantical. And any song dedication is a sweet thing, right?

  19. I think a husband that calls in to request a song for his beautiful bride is one of the weetest things I've ever heard. I could think of a few sweeter songs, but I assume it is sweet to you two. :)

    Happy Birthday to the LJ.

  20. Totally agree on the belly dancers - my hubby & I went to a tattoo festival (yes, it was a little weird, but kinda fun) and there were belly dancers - very lumpy belly dancers - and now I won't ever believe that you have to have a svelt body to belly dance - nope.

  21. Love it. I really like your pictures that go with the song. That's hilarious. I could see the dedication, but I agree with others, it was okay until they went to their happy hunting ground.

    Belly Dancers - I could be a belly dancer, I have the non flat belly for it. I may just start taking lessons tomorrow and then I can tell my husband, I certainly cannot have a flat belly, then how would I dance. I will however not flap my belly in someone's face while they are eating dinner :o)

  22. Book=Green Eggs and Ham
    This made me laugh so much! That picture of LJ lying on the tube (I think he's spear fishing or something, if I remember from one of your other posts) cracks me up! It was very sweet of LJ to request a song for you and it wasn't even your birthday.
    I've been to the restaurant that you are talking about when I was visiting my best friend up there and it is wonderful...and you got dinner for!

  23. I know what restaurant that is, and is the IT place for anything! Love it :) It really is one of the only reasons I miss living there. The tiramisu, the french onion soup, sigh! How very sweet of your hubby to dedicate a song to you.

  24. What a great date! Free dinner? who could ask for more...
    And the song, I love it and find it very sweet :)

  25. Ummm...OOOOkayeeee.

    That was REALLY old country music. Like ANCIENT!

    And, sadly, I STINKIN' LOVED IT!!!

  26. Sisters are great! Happy Birthday to David, sounds like a nice evening.

  27. This has nothing to do with your post although it WAS a prefect LJTaylor post. No, today, I walk powerwalked and I thought about you the whole time! The WHOLE time. Okay, maybe that's not exactly true. I thought about you when I wasn't looking at my watch wondering how much I had left (that started about 5 minutes into it and I think I checked every 2 to 3 minutes for the rest of the hour. NOT LYING! And I thought about you when I wasn't frantically trying to do the steps correctly and not fall over in my garage!

  28. That really is too good to be true, White Dove!

  29. First of all, I haven't heard that song in AGES!!! So funny, but honestly, so darn sweet. Also, I had NO idea that on Thursdays they had a belly dancer!! That is hilarious!! I guess I've never been there on a Thursday night before. And yes, those green beans are way yummy, and yes, Brian gets those lamb kebobs, too, and loves them. And I think, "Honestly, who eats lamb??". We are SO in agreement there.

  30. Sounds like a terrific anniversary!!!

  31. Oh my, belly dancing. I guess you should be glad it is not only for little belly's. Imagine how you would have felt if it was a perfect trim toned belly sashaying in your face?

  32. [...] Date Night: On Mon­day night, The Lum­ber­jack and I went out on a date for his birth­day. My sis­ter, in a coop­er­a­tive agree­ment with my par­ents, watched the four ras­cals, and off we went to our favorite restaurant. [...]
