Monday, August 16, 2010

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

The winner of the giftcard was Molly!  Molly go ahead and email me your address and I will send you a Starbucks giftcard!


Thank you to everyone who came over here and signed in!

Sadly, not everyone made it over here.

Here is a list of the Missing . . . and presumed sick of me:

Aunt Trudee

Uncle Greg

Brother Danny

Sister Meagan

Sister-in-law Lisa

Bro-in-law Jason

Girlfriend-of-Jason, Amy

Girlfriend-of-Alex, Holly

And numerous cousins.

Please notice that these people are all related to me in some form or another.  I fear they are sick of me.

My mom and dad made it, though!

My dad made it all by himself.

My mom had to have me enter her comment for her.

Does that count?

I vote yes!

Also, I have no idea if any of the email people survived the site change.

I haven't heard from them.  But I never hear from them.

They probably spammed me.

ha!  kidding!




So, once you take all of that information into account, all you who suffered through my droning  and made it over here surely deserve a pat on the back!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. bummer =( but congrats to Molly!

  2. You are the Pied Piper of bloggers - we will follow you anywhere..

  3. Welcome to the neighborhood. I've been really happy with WordPress and hope you will be, too.

    BTW, checking in for Tuesday's weigh in - Down 1 last week for a total of 8.

  4. Jason(the brother-in-law)August 17, 2010 at 1:40 AM

    I made it to your new site Taylor, and it is amazing

  5. Aw, Jason! You do care! :)

  6. Why are there not pictures next to all the people who didn't make it over to this blog?

  7. Somehow I have been not reading your blog lately. :( But I did find you! And I can't wait to catch up.

  8. I'm not sure if I'm considered an "email person" or not, but I am notified by email when you have a new blog post and I continue to be notified even though you've "moved".

  9. You are! Thanks-I was wondering if the email people were receiving updates! :)

  10. Girlfriend-of-Jason, AmyAugust 19, 2010 at 12:03 PM

    Hi! I made it! Just catching up on all the the new site. You are so big-time now!

  11. Yay!! Woot and all that! I'm a little slow I guess getting the news..ha! I emailed you my address Taylor..and thanks so much!!
