Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sundry Topics on a Thursday Morn

1. My boys have been slightly naughty regarding nap time. 

Mostly Little Dude.

Just look at him.

He's such a naughty-pants.

My boys share a room, and, more often than not, they pretend like they are going to fall right asleep when I put them down


About 15 minutes or so later, I hear sounds.

Sounds of fun.

So, I march downstairs, in my best mad-mommy way, and I discipline them.

They act shocked and bewildered, say, "ok-mommy-sorry-mommy" and then they go to sleep.

2.  The other day, I put them down for a nap.  Awhile later, I heard strange noises. 

I ain't gonna lie . . . I was annoyed. 

But, to my surprise, my boys were fast asleep.

Turns out twelve turkeys were having a meet-and-greet in my very own backyard.

I deemed this "text The Lumberjack at work" worthy.

My text:  12 turkeys in our yard right now.

His text:  Shoot them and serve them for dinner, Laura Ingalls.

(Name that book series)

Now, that is where I draw the line, Lumberjack.

You can force me to move out to the middle of nowhere, set up trail cameras, shoot targets off our very own deck in your unmentionables, and strongly encourage me to give up my roomy Ford Excursion for a not-so-roomy Honda Accord.

This I do because I love you.

But I will not ever shoot a turkey, pluck it's feathers out, and serve it for dinner.

Thank you

3.  The town we moved from has about 55,000 people.

Sad Fact:  The town we moved to has 223 people.  Or, more accurately now, 229 people.  Plus a golden retriever.

Sadder Fact:  We don't even live in that town.  We live in country of that town.

Fun Fact:  I am in close proximity to a Nudist Resort. 

8 months ago, we weren't even considering moving.

Let us have a moment to ponder my new life circumstances.

*thank you*

4.  My husband really likes country music.  Not current country music, but the old stuff. 

I recently discovered that he has the country radio station's song request line programmed into his phone.

Who is this man?

Now, this particular country station boasts its playing of super old stuff.

My Lumberjack phoned in a request the other day and it was denied.

DJ:  Sorry, man.  That song is way too old.  No one listens to that anymore.

Tough break, Lumberjack.

Tough break.

5.  Handsome Dude's glasses are missing.

Don't lose heart!

He's pretty sure they are either at Target, the grocery store, or the park.

So, that's helpful.

6.  On Monday, the girls were getting along swimmingly.  They were playing dress up, so they came upstairs in their fanciest attire to request a movie and popcorn.

Daisy Mae:  Mom!  We are pretending we are sisters today and I love it!  It is soooooo much fun!

Perhaps they should pretend they are sisters every day, seeing as how they did not fight once that day.

7.  Remember how I told you that my in-laws L-O-V-E huckleberries?  Well, last night they all met up and went picking together after work!

Such fun-family-togetherness!

Notice how I was not invited. 


The Lumberjack got home way past his bedtime with his heart all-a-flutter:

"Look at the size of these, hon!  Best huckleberry picking ever!"

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Who is this man that I married?

8.  My marmie took the day off from work, so I am going to put on my "going to town" clothes and head off into civilization today.

Bonus:  I get to take the Ford Excursion!

Can you believe my luck?!  Such luxuries!

Perhaps I will don my pearls, too.

Lest any of you are confused, Lumberjill does not own pearls.

9.  If you haven't yet, feel free to enter the Target/Starbucks giveaway.  You can enter until Tuesday. (one comment per person, por favor)

If you would like to, click here.

Alright!  It's time I hopped in the shower and get my self all purty-like!

Happy Thursday!


  1. look at me with the first comment!! can you tell I am your biggest fan? or would that make me your biggest stalker??

  2. have fun "goin' to town"!!

  3. I had turkeys in my suburban yard last fall. It was weird.

  4. Melissa its because we are 3 hours ahead so we are the first to see it!! Have fun in town Taylor!

  5. Little House on the Prairie. A turkey meet and greet? Love it! :) Don't forget your pearls, Minnie. (that's for lumberjack)

  6. Wow! Turkeys. That's an amazing sight out your window. Think of the stories your kids will have. Is LJ going to shoot one or knife one or whatever you do to turkeys?

  7. I too loved Little House on the Prairie! Except I always wanted to be Mary, without the blindness of course. So glad to hear you draw the line at shooting turkey's - I think it is a good place for a line. I would have to draw the line at old country music too, I fear..
    That is a small town.. I would make sure LJ didn't bring you there to populate it with more jacklings....

  8. Why have a request line if you're not going to honor the requests? I protestith this. I thought wild turkeys were near endangered? I'm so impressed.

  9. Shabree-I choose to believe it is because you guys love me the mostest. :)

  10. Do I have a request line? ;)
    What did you request and I deny?
    I tho' confused.

  11. The school I graduated from was located in a tiny tiny town. The sign actually said, "population 100 + or -." It was silly.

    Marla @

  12. I'm pretty sure she's empathizing with LJ. :)

  13. Clearly the Lumberjack was born in the wrong generation. He's stuck in some weird time warp.

  14. Dude. I had no idea about that resort and was quite content in my ignorance.

    You are so brave to put the boys down for a nap in the same room. I put one of my youngest in our room so as to insure that Mommy's sanity sticks around at least a teensy bit.

  15. See I knew it. I'm totally the East Coast version of you. Except without the four kids. And the youthfulness. And the hilarity. Oh and I do have pearls. Plus I am 45 minutes from NYC and I go there frequently. However, if you looked out my back window you would think 'ruralville'. I've seen a fox stick his nose in a groundhog hole and come out with the groundhog in his mouth. (shudder!) We've had a deer leg, fur and all in our back yard. The rest of the deer was a bit further away. (Ga-ross!) Bear cubs in the driveway. Its never dull...just think, what would you blog about if you were living in suburbia?

    8 turkeys had a meet and greet here the day after Thanksgiving...they knew it was safe to come out : ) Maybe they are summering on your side of the country?

    Have fun in the big city!

  16. Taylor, sometimes while reading your blog, I think you're telling my life story!
    I fear our husbands are long lost brothers, which wouldn't be so bad, since that would then make you my sister-in-law, then we could lament together : )

  17. There is a plus side to the Nudist thing...NO LAUNDRY.

    Seriously. Think about it! If your children ran around naked all day long, think of how much laundry you wouldn't have to do.

    I have contemplated it.

    I have contemplated it a lot.

    Then I remembered I have complete and total body image issues, and the whole modesty thing really rules my life. So, in the name of modesty, I haven't given in to the nudist idea. But, I sure do think about it when I am facing Mt. Never-rest (aka my laundry pile).

    But really, the ultimate punishment for the Garden of Eden wasn't childbirth pains or toiling for your food, or even death (since heaven awaits) was having to wear (and then wash) clothes! God was pretty sneaky with the ol' punishments in that one!

    PS Happy Turkey hunting. You know you want to impress your lumberjack with wild turkey for dinner one night!

  18. Growing up, all we listened to was "old western music"; back then it wasn't even called country. So, I have quite a soft spot in my heart for that music and that station your hubby listens to. I admit, it is programmed at #3 in my car. Good times, good times. So, I really want to know which song he requested and was denied. Inquiring minds want to know!
    Also, I would like to be invited to go huckleberry picking with your in-laws. Just an FYI for ya. :) Have fun in the big city, I was out and about all morning shopping at Target and Costco, but didn't make it to the grocery store because I could no longer handle the naughtiness of the children. Sigh. Hope your day with your marmie is super fun!

  19. I could shoot them turkeys - but chop off their heads and pull out their feathers and do an autopsy on their guts???? Not a chance in *?*!!

  20. The turkeys--wild turkeys taste yucky. Give me a Butterball anyday! I'm curious to know how many pairs of glasses Handsome Dude has owned (or gone through!).

  21. #6 is my very favorite one. That is just perfect. :)

  22. You are so lucky that your dudes take a nap. My twins haven't napped since they were 2. They just wouldn't do it, no matter how long I made them lay there.
    You could have a practice Thanksgiving dinner...that would be yummy!

  23. That reminded me of when the boys were little (well, mostly middle son living up to his birth order) and how hard it was to get them to take a nap!
