Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fat Tuesday



Are you ready for this week's wins and fails?


I did not exercise once.


I did not enter my Weight Watchers Points in once.


I did, however, stick to a low-fat, low-cholesterol, high-fiber diet.


Ok.  I lied.  I ate chips and garlic bread.  But other than that, I was . . . decent.


I did paint and move furniture around all day on Saturday . . . so that had to count for some exercise . . . right?


It must have been strenuous, because my whole body was like Jell-O by the end of the night.  And I may or may not have resorted to laying in bed beckoning for my husband to drive to town to get me Moose Tracks ice cream and a waffle cone.  He did not go.


I ordered two new pairs of glasses this week:  one for Sweet Pea and one for Handsome Dude.


And right after I ordered them, the two AWOL glasses were found.


I wrote Little Dude's factual name in my post yesterday.


I lost 1 and 1/2 pounds this week!



I wanted to share some yummy things I have been eating that are Weight Watchers Points friendly . . . you know . . . since I am feigning to be on Weight Watchers and all.

Fiber One Yogurt

Fiber One Yogurt. 

Per serving:  50 calories, 0 grams fat, 5 grams fiber


Sandwich Thins:  100 calories, 1 gram fat, 5 grams fiber


For one slice of bread: 70 calories, 1 gram fat, 6 grams fiber


Jolly Time Healthy Pop Popcorn: 1 POINT per bag

Here are your options:

1)  Check in by simply leaving a comment.

2)  Write an update in a blog post and enter it in my friend Mr. Linky, of whom I will introduce to you in mere seconds.

3)  Link up any sort of post that would fit into our parameters into Mr. Linky.

Suggestions:  healthy recipes, snacks, favorite healthy treats, favorite ways to exercise, weight loss stories, things that have worked for you, etc.

Even if you have a post from awhile back, feel free to link it.

Please link back to this site.

Also, you may join in Fat Tuesday at any time you see fit.

Click on the actual words Mr. Linky to enter your link or to see the links that others have entered.

PS-I have been trying to decide how long Fat Tuesday should go on for?  I guess for now, I will just keep posting the check-ins as long as people are still checking in.  Also, I was wondering if people still wanted me to put up Mr Linky's, or is it easier for you all to just check in by using the comments section?

Please advise.


  1. I think you should keep up the fat tuesday - even if it's just posting recipe ideas and such. congrats on the weight loss!! =)

  2. Ugh! Rough week here! I maintained my weight, but I could have lost had the liziness not kicked in. I blame the rain. Sunday we had Burger King for lunch, and do not think I had a salad. No way! Not when you can smell the grease as soon as you walk in the door! I managed a whopper Jr though, rather than a whole big 'ol Whopper! Then, we had Chinese for dinner. NO, no I did not get nice grilled or steamed anything. General Tso's and Fried Rice. And let's not forget the eggroll. I feel sick just writing that! And I felt sick all day yesterday. Note to self: Do not gorge yourself on greasy foods, for your body will rebel since you spent so many hard weeks training your body to repel the greasy foods!
    Moving forward!

  3. Taylor, you are losing weight without really trying. WIN!

    I'm going to go eat a ton of fiber now and see if that works for me too.

  4. I ate two doughnuts at work yesterday. FAIL. Darn those nice ladies and their need to bring sweets to the office!

  5. Losing pounds is losing pounds so forget about the fails : )

    I'm at my girls heading home tonite but I have lifted at least a million pounds of boxes and carried them up and down two sets of stairs two days in a row in the brutal heat so I'm hopeful I've sweated off something. Surely I have.

  6. Um, I tried to die on a bike ride (15 miles!) this weekend. I also rowed myself against the wind for about a mile. Those have to be wins! (Although I must say that the awful wound on my leg hurts very much). However, I ate terribly all weekend so I just maintained my weight. I am down 5 pounds overall from 3 weeks ago though so that is a win!

  7. Awesome on the weight loss!

    I think you should keep Tuesdays going. Not only is it humorous (for me anyway), you also are an inspiration to me because you are not ashamed to speak the truth. Too many of us "fail"; and yet, won't admit to it. You keep on a truckin' too in spite of the "fails" and still win! It shows us that perseverance always wins in the long run. :-)

  8. I just realized that my comment about being humorous may be taken wrong. I don't mean the actual failures make me smile. I meant the way you write it all out makes me smile. The "LUMBERJILL, FAIL! LUMBERJACK, WIN!" made me smile when LumberJack wouldn't go get you ice cream. (By the way, good for him!). And, the "EYE HEALTH, WIN! MY SANITY, FAIL!" made me chuckle when those glasses turned up. Isn't it always like that? You lose something and they always turn up after you get more of the same? Anyway, I hope you didn't take my first comment the wrong way. Nor, this one!

  9. I averaged 3 out of 5 goals last week versus 2 out of 5 goals the week before. I only exercised 2x last week so I will work especially hard on that this week. Thank you for doing this every week!
    5 goals are:
    Protein for breakfast
    salad for lunch
    one afternoon snack
    no snack after dinner
    exercise 20 minutes.

  10. I linked up, but accidentally used last week's link the first time. So then I did it again. And I don't know how to erase the previous one.
    So there.

    But I lost weight. Apparently cells from my brain...

  11. I propose a change in the title.

    Toned Up Tuned Up Tummy Tuesday. Isn't that nicer?

    I need positive reinforcement. The negative stuff always backfires on me and I eat M&Ms in rebellion.

    PS I am working on a low fat (all natural...none of that fake stuff like cool whip)cheesecake recipe this week. Are you excited? I'll post it when I get the taste/texture just right. I am about half way there. Anyone want a slice? By the end of the week, I predict that I will have an overabundance of various flavors of low fat cheesecake. Even if it is low fat/sugar, I can't eat it all or I WILL be fat.

  12. I linked up the weight loss support group blog I'm a part of. Lots of good advice and stories in there!

    An awesome snack I really enjoy are plain rice cakes with peanut or almond butter and Smucker's Simply Fruit jam. It's really filling and tasty, too!

  13. I think you should keep it up, but maybe we should change the definition of win! It may just be eating healthy for a week, or getting out to take a walk once in a while. I find that when I set "number" goals the thing that happens most often is I feel bad about myself- And as for you Miss LJ, I would count a week as a win if non of your kids had to go to the hospital and you survived another week in Ruralville!
    Oh - and could we possibly take a break during the month of December??

  14. I was laying in bed last night thinking - Humm I wonder if I win or lose this week. I did not weigh myself today, I ate a cupcake on Friday from a delicious bakery, bought 6 more today FAIL, FAIL, FAIL

    I walked 7 miles sunday, 2 miles saturday and ran 2 miles wednesday - WIN, WIN, WIN

    I think I am just breaking even. Better then gaining right? Ohhh and most exciting news of all, I was able to fit into the dress I wore to my rehearsal dinner 9 years ago to go out with my husband on friday, WIN, WIN, WIN I think I may have won this week. :o)

  15. This is a great idea! I still have approximately 10 pounds of baby weight to lose, and so much of it is simply being self-disciplined and taking walks, not doing anything crazy or spectacular.

  16. I had a good week, no memorable cheats. Except for a few minutes ago, when I made the pre-made, pre-sliced chocolate chip cookies that are SO incredibly good, for my MIL. I only had one! And I checked the fat grams first, it is 4 for 1 cookie, so I went ahead. Now I am on the way to the gym.

    Oh, and my test pants fit this week, WIN!

    And I posted a link for yummy breakfast oatmeal on Mr. Linky, if anyone is interested.

  17. I just linked up Taylor. I think we should keep it up. I feel like it motivates me.

    And congrats on the win. :)

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  18. I like Costco non fat yogurt swirl. Plus, it's so large, you can share with all the kiddies. SnoCones have no fat but I don't know where to get one. Since I'm celiac no bread for me. You can buy fiber powder and mix it into anything; I wrap meat and other 'sandwich things' into lettuce to eat in place of bread. Coffee with sweet n low has no calories. For folks who like cream, non-fat powdered milk. "That's all I got" ( who said it? )

  19. Re: fiber - metamucil, citracal, health food stores have their own versions. For folks with IBS or other bowel problems read up on psyllium seeds & products. Some have whole seed, some just the husks, some have other items in them as well. max fiber you can add to ice cream, yogurt, juice, hot cereal, even cold, chocolate milk or just water.

  20. I hate that you didn't exercise and you lost 1-1/2 pounds! I exercised 5 out of the last 7 days, and I GAINED three pounds! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! Plus, I have to go for a physical tomorrow. Not that I need a physical, and I certainly don't need a doctor to tell me that I need to lose weight, but apparently this is what responsible people do. Yuck!

  21. i failed at virtually everything this week...dearest taylor i am going through my "change" at 35 (a radical hysterectomy will do that to a girl)!!!!! i have been one sick puppy for the last week or so...i am hoping for a big come back this next week, though!!! i am gonna post a great soup recipe, supposedly from WW, but i'm not sure what the points are..maybe you could look it up for me =)

  22. Crap. I forgot about Fat Tuesday. Fail. I had pizza today AND apple pie for dessert. And right after I posted last week I ate a dilly bar.

    I'm sucking at this FT thing... the working out at gym isn't even working. Sad.

    YAY for you losing weight again though, woop woop!

  23. I think you did great... besides Moose Tracks Ice Cream is pure evil...

  24. Day late, and no loss of pounds! What a combination. Stayed exactly the same in spite of the 15 mile Hiawatha bike ride and rowing against the wind (yes, I was with Heather) Anyway, we start fresh today, no worries! Try this salad, its from Hungry Girl 200 under 200, Scoopable Chicken Salad

    One 16oz bag Broccoli Slaw Mix
    12 oz cooked skinless, lean chicken breast, chopped
    1 cup canned water chestnuts, drained & sliced into thin strips
    1 cup canned mandarin oranges packed in water or juice, drained & chopped
    1 cup chopped scallions
    3/4 cup Newmans Own Lighten Up! Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing

    In large bowl toss all ingredients until mixed well. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Stir well before serving. Enjoy! (Makes 5 servings)
    One serving is 1 1/2 cups and is 3 points.

  25. Hi...I am sorry, I used Mr. Linky and then realized it was for Fat Tuesday....I never read instructions!!! I love WW, have done WW. but currently am not in WW brain mode so my extra pounds are still there for my little ones to love on. I tried to go ahead and delete my name from Mr. Linky but could not see how to get it done. Sorry for the confusion. I truly enjoy your blog. You are a humorous addition to our somewhat difficult season of life right now...thank you!
