Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wednesday Morning Mournings and Ramblings.

Wednesday Morning Mournings!
That was so clever, it impressed even myself.
Yesterday was a day filled with frustrations, irritations, and sweat.

1) I woke up terrified about this Fat Tuesday nonsense. I don't know how to Mr. Linky things. I don't know about codes and buttons. And, there I was . . . about to attempt it all. Thankfully, it all worked out fine and people actually linked up.

2) Let us have a moment of appreciation for the kind souls who met the acquaintance of my Mr. Linky yesterday.

*Thank you*

Interruption:  I think I need a proof reader.  Why doesn't anyone tell me when I have a big ol' blunder out there for all of you to see? 

Did you know that on Monday, I wrote that I was going to miss the way my children felt while, "smuggling in my laps?"

And yesterday, I was good on my "low cholesterold diet."


3)  After I posted, I needed to write out my camping grocery list.  This is a feat in and of itself.

4)  Why, yes! We are going camping. 



5)  I have heard from a few very reliable sources that the area we are camping in is having a "bear" problem these days.

This discourages me.

Bears+death+anywhere near the vicinity of my babies does not equal a good time in my book.

6)  According to my in-laws, there are some super fun "rock slides" we will be sliding down and we need to bring garbage bags to sit in while we slide down these rocks into a river.

Does anyone else think I should make my kids wear helmets?

Who are these people I married into?

7)  Shoot!  I was talking about yesterday, and now I am droning on and on and about camping. 

8)  My goal yesterday was to leave podunkville by 11:15, in order to get all the items accomplished that I must get accomplished.

9)  Things were going according to plan when my day was interrupted by a caller who would like to book our other house for a vacation rental. 

 And, because we need money to live, the call had to take precedence over all the things I needed to be doing.

10)  She asked me to email her a rental agreement immediately so she could book for next week.  So, I hop on my computer.

11)  Do you recall when I mentioned that I forgot to enter in my Microsoft Office trial key when we bought our computer?  Well, guess what!  If you don't enter it, eventually the computer gets mad at you.  And then, when you are really stressed for time and you need to edit a document entitled, "Vacation Rental Agreement," the computer will sense that you are stressed and rushed and deem that the most opportune time to FREEZE all documents saved in Word so that you cannot edit, copy&paste, save . . . nothing.

So, I , in all my professionalism, email her back that my computer is acting stupid and I will have to email her later.

Go, me!

12)  It is now noon.  While I was on the phone with the Would-Be-Renter, my darlings got into the Red Vines and got all their bikes out.

Raise your hand if your kids get uber naughty while you are distracted whilst on a phone call.

13)  So, it is hot out.  I must switch car seats from my ginormous Ford Excursion to the tiny gas-friendly Honda Accord.

Have you ever tried to shove a large cooler into the trunk of a Honda Accord?

It is not fun.

But I do it all merely in hopes that when my husband comes home and inquires of me which car I used, he will be pleased with my frugal-efforts and deem me his help-meet.

14)  The air conditioning does not work in this car. 

15)  The CD player does, though.  And we are listening to "Charlotte's Web" on our long drives to and fro. 


16)  First stop:  Costco.

First purchase:  Microsoft Office.

So much for frugal.

17)  Next stop:  Walmart.  We are way behind schedule.  I am going up and down the aisles muttering things to myself, such as:

"Shoot.  I forgot butter."

"Where is the cheese?"

"Do we need more bread?"

The kids are doing their best to keep up and Little Dude, who is sitting in the cart, is poking my belly-chubs and giggling hysterically.

And I didn't even have time to stop him.

I suspect, dear readers, that yesterday, me and my clan embodied everything that people make fun of Walmart Shoppers for.

18)  My trunk is too full and the cooler is too big and I can't get it out and the ice won't break up and the kids have sacks of potatoes, diapers, and boxes of waterbottles under their feet.

Note to self:  The Honda is not a good choice on the Costco/Walmart combo day.

No matter how much gas I save.

19)  We are now 15 minutes late to our first meeting with our homeschool contact teacher.  We walk in sweaty and cranky, for no one has had a nap.

Not even me.

Here are some events that occurred during that meeting:

*The kids wanted a snack

*The kids were thirsty

*The kids wanted to color

*The boys fought over a train

*Little Dude start whacking Handsome Dude in the head with an airplane in hopes of acquiring the aforementioned train

*Little Dude needed a time out

*The contact teacher is now shouting the information I need over the wails of Little Dude, who is protesting his time out.

*Handsome Dude keeps trying to escape

*The girls interrupted us with 4.2 billion pictures they created for me with love

*I was really, really, really, really sweaty

*While I was completely engrossed with the information the contact teacher was relaying to me, Little Dude wandered off, found the contact teacher's office, and began playing on her computer.

I suspect that I impressed the socks off my contact teacher and I would not be surprised, dear readers, if she has full confidence in my ability to rear my four children adequately all while giving them the education they need.

20)  Next stop: playdate.  I plan to leave by 5, yet I leave by 5:30.

Aren't I rude?

21)  Get home at 7pm to find my husband falling a tree on our very own land.

It was only a matter of time, friends.

It was only a matter of time.

22)  I inform my husband that I simply cannot take the Honda on days like today and can we please look for a minivan instead.

23)  He told me I had to find one that gets 30mpg.

So, dear readers.  Help me.  Are there any minivans that get good gas mileage?

And where can a sweaty mom like me find one for a super-smokin' deal?

Please advise.


  1. LOL Sorry to laugh at your sweat, but I'm so glad others have days like this too! As for the mini-van, ours gets about 18mpg, but it's worth it to me for the sanity that I get to keep, since there's so little of my brain left anyway.

  2. No, I do not know of a minivan that gets that kind of gas milage. But you still need one. If Mr. Lumberjack is going to move you to Ruralville so that he can "fall a tree," he has to understand that you can not do all that needs to be done in an accord. I don't live in Ruralville, but couldn't survive without my minivan.

  3. My, oh my! What a day! I hope today is a restful, peaceful day for you :)

  4. Dude.
    I cannot imagine changing out that many carseats on that regular a basis.
    You need a second set of cheap ones or something to leave in the car. Or just take the less economical vehicle.
    I can totally relate to any sort of appointment or meeting with kids.
    So painful.
    Hope today is better!

  5. Look for a Ford Freestyle or as it was last made a Taurus X...they don't make them anymore, but we got a 2005 that had come off a lease...we got it cheap and it only had 37,000 miles on it. I drive ALL over in it and only fill it once a week. I don't know the actual mileage I get but figure I drive at least 300 miles a week! Good luck!

  6. Have you tried pointing out to the Lumberjack that you are living where he wants to live, so you ought to be able to drive what you want to drive. It's called give and take. I have done the Sams Club thing in a small car with four children. To add the insult of no air conditioning is beyond all. You are a saint.

    P.S. At the meeting with the homeschool contact teacher? Your kids were acting like homeschooled kids. The teacher probably didn't notice. : ) Look how successful you are already!

    P.S.P.S. Camping every weekend? Rockslides? Who are these people you've married into? : )

  7. Sliding down rocks on a garbage plan does not sound very comfy!! Good luck with that! And I sure hope you find a different car, that sounds like a terrible experience :-(

  8. I drive a 2008 Toyota Sienna and I usually get about 22 mpg. Not great, but not too bad either. I only have 2 kids and I cannot imagine driving anything but my van. And I started driving that van when I was 24 years old. I know...be jealous that I am that cool :) But seriously I love love love my van!

    And sliding down rocks...that just doesn't sound like it is going to be nice on the bottom!

  9. Dear Taylor,

    You have a typo in item #9. I don't hold it against you though, because I do the same thing all the time. Plus, just reading about your day wore me out. :)

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  10. Oh, poor you. I'm sorry about this, but I do have to laugh at your domestic dramas! ;)

  11. Thanks! I'm on it!

  12. Okay, I did a little research and the Honda Odyssey and the Mazda MPV older models (i.e. USED=Cheaper) get 25-27mpg highway. They both have great crash test ratings and you should be able to find them easily on a used lot near you. Also, when you pack your car full of children and groceries I highly doubt you're getting 30mpg even in your Honda!

  13. Fun day...not.

    Are you going with an online state school for homeschooling? I have some friends doing that, and they love it.

  14. Sweetie.... LUMBERJACK is DREAMING. It is not fair in any way shape or form to move you out to ruralville, and then expect you to drive all your children around in a little car. Especially with no air, especially if you have to move the car seats. I would suggest telling him that you need more car seats as well. Sounds like a terrible terrible day. But, at least it makes good blog fodder right?! What would you blog if your days ever went normally?! :-)

  15. My goodness, girl. You are busy and yesterday was wicked hot. I haaaate moving car seats. I don't know why but I would rather do just about anything else.
    You need air and a bigger rig for Costco/Walmart days. I'm proud that you got it done. You rock.

    Oh and the rock slide sounds ridiculous, painful and yes...please take helmets. :)

  16. Does anyone else think that there is no way garbage bags are going to improve the whole rock-sliding situation?

  17. You are amazing. I sometimes don't have the fortitude and strength to withstand my own life and you have four energetic lumberjacklings!

  18. A Swagger Wagon!? Oh no, you have fallen deep into mommy-dum! :)

  19. I agree with Marla, I'm worn out, too!


    And how do you remember what happened with all that chaos??

    I wish I had a memory like yours!

  20. OH MY! That contact teacher may refer you to someone in another state...nah! If she should know what it means to have more than one, hot, tired sweaty child or she shouldn't be your contact teacher :)

    PS: Most minivans get good mileage. Welcome to the dark side. Once you get one you'll never go back. I would suggest the ones w/storage in the floors.

  21. I don't know how you do it. I fear I couldn't manage ONE errand with 4 children. I say "Holla !"for all moms raising decent children to populate our world. I'm in awe and admiration and I sure wish I was there to help ya out. I'd be exhausted after doing what you do.

  22. I'm glad you have typos. I hate proofreading so I'm afraid my blog is smattered with them.
    You know, i'm really starting to worry about you. Like, EVERY day you are struggling for order, driving your brains out and sweating.
    If I were your real life friend, I would insist on a margarita night for your own sanity. I really don't know what to do for you since I'm only your imaginary friend.
    Here's to tomorrow, where there is hopefully nothing to do and no time outs, and NO PIE making.

  23. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyAugust 4, 2010 at 6:11 AM

    Okay, so you really do NEED the garbage bags to go down the rock slides. I know because I've done it before exactly where you are going. It's fun, and yes, a little scary. I only let the kids go down with Daddy, because I barely had enough guts to go down myself. But RELAX!! It's super fun, and you all look hilarious in garbage bags, so take the camera. Our garbage bags were white and you couldn't tell where my legs began and the sack started! So funny! And it's quite a hike to get there, FYI. And the road up is a little disastrous, FYI. Just thought you should know, because I've got your back! :)

  24. I hope you got a nap today because my word that was exhausting just to read, let alone live.

    Bear thing is worrisome-agreed! Watch your food.

    Oh, and you are on your way...Charlottes Web in the car is homeschooling : )

  25. thelumberjackswifeAugust 4, 2010 at 8:46 AM

    Ha! I am making a banana cream pie, chocolate cake, cookies, layered salad, potato salad and slicing watermelon for camping food tomorrow.

    Serenity Now! :)

  26. thelumberjackswifeAugust 4, 2010 at 8:54 AM

    Sweet! I will inform my main man post haste.

  27. Well, if I'd known you wanted your typos pointed out, I would have been happy to do so. I think I missed my calling, I should have been an editor. That or I am just really anal when it comes to proper spelling/grammar.

    ps-Hope you're not sweating as much today.
    pss-You're not fashion-retarded, those are excellent suggestions!

  28. If you have not already please click on this link. This "Swagger Wagon" is screaming The Lumber Jill..

  29. Sorry wrong link... click this one.

  30. Love love love our Odyssey. :) Just a rec. to follow up on this info.

  31. Yes to the helmets, it can't hurt. Anything can and does happen. Going faster sliding down rocks? Not a necessity for kids. Good Luck! Please be safe.

  32. Let me just say (once again), at least no one was puking!

  33. Hello dear sister.
    Question for you - does the Accord not have air conditioning, or does it have an air conditioner malfunction? If that latter, it should be relatively cheap/easy to fix. Not that that solves the room issue, but it will solve the arriving places drenched in sweat issue.

    By the way, I started a blog. I'm sure it will be super exciting or something.

    Now, I'm getting off the computer before the spousal unit changes her mind about watching Wayne's Word 2 with me.

  34. Try finding a nanosecond when my son DOESN'T want to color. It's like toddler heroine.

  35. oh and my "plucker" comment makes sense after you read the link. Promise. It's not bad...really.

  36. http://www.aholyexperience.com/2008/08/what-mother-must-sacrifice.html

    you must read that post (it's not mine). You and your pies remind me of a duck. You don't do leftovers, and it makes me tired, but I'm sure your nest is delightful.

    you're a good plucker. (hehehe) (Oh what? That was incredibly inappropriate. Ohhsnap!)

  37. I can't help on the minivan issue. I do not know anything about vehicles.

    In fact, I had to ask one of my coworkers to find out what kind of car I owned lol.

  38. Helmets, pads and mouthpieces baby! I've been on some of those rock slide adventures!!! What a busy day you've had.

    Have a terrifically blessed day and a wonderful weekend!!!

  39. Miss T...after reading of your day out and your planned day of food preparation, I can only ask...
    Do you get hazard pay? And have you spoken to your 'union rep' about your OT and working conditions???????

