Saturday, August 14, 2010

Let's talk about marrying each other tonight.

When Bimlissa and her family moved to far, far away, not only did I lose a good friend, my girls lost a good friend.

Fun Fact:  Bimlissa's name is not Bimlissa.  It is, in fact, Melissa. 


You are not alone.

Anyways . . .

Bimlissa has a little girl who became dear friends with my girls.  And just this week, my girls got a letter from Bimlissa's daughter.

My girls have been totally into dressing up like twins these days.

And they insist on doing their own hair daily.

Pray for me.


It's time for the COW (Comment of the Week)!

Don't pretend you aren't ecstatic.

This week's winner is Andi with her comment on Pepper Spray and Sand Castles.

And for fun, I am going to  put Andi's comment in ITALICS and my responses to her in regular font.

You know . . . for kicks and grins.

"Taylor: You are so beautiful.

Oh, stop!  You are making me blush!

And, I mean that in a totally nonstalker, non-psycho sort of way.

Hmm . . .

Oh, and not only am I coveting your ruralville house that I have no clue where it’s at…I covet your chances to camp. Not huckleberry pick, mind you, but camp and hike and have fun. My hubs has got to find more free time!

Feel free to take my place at any time!"

I know what you are thinking, dear readers.  You are assuming that I, yes, I, Taylor Mal-i-blah-blah, picked dear Andi because she said I was beautiful.


I would like you all to know that I am fully aware that several (we are talking 40-ish) of you clicked on this horrendous picture of me, seeing as how you felt the need to enlarge it and gasp at my ghastliness:

Attention 40-ish readers who enlarged aforementioned image:

I didn't have any makeup on!  Nor did I take a shower!

Yes.  I shower and apply cosmetics whilst camping.

I am one of those people.

So, if Andi, who is clearly a kind reader, chooses to ignore the make-up-less picture and focus on the post-shower-post-makeup picture:

Then she, my friends, will be my COW.



I walked into my parent's house this afternoon and my sister thrust, yes, thrust, an old note at me.

Me:  What's this?

Meagan:  One of your old love letters.  I had a fantastic time reading it.

It was from a boyfriend I had in the 9th grade, who shall remain nameless, but will be referred to as "Old-boyfriend-whose-name-started-with-a-K."

Other names have been changed to protect the innocent.

My Sweet Tay-Tay,


I couldn't write you in math because I had so much homework.  Mr. M- is so cool.  Jane is a dork.  I don't know why she tattles on people.  She is a big stuck up person.  As you can tell, she gets everything she wants.  I had a great time last night.  I hope you don't get my cold.  That's what you don't need.  I need to give her my notebook pretty soon.  I love you so much.  Let's talk about marrying each other tonight.  I could of talked to you last night till late but I had to fold clothes.  My mom is coming home Friday but will be here Saturday of this week.  I am trying to write neat write now.  It's HARD work.  I think Liz is turning into a Jane, too.  Your knees haven't bothered you in awhile, or else you haven't told me.  the bell is going to ring in about 1 min so I'll stop.  Taylor Marie I love you a lot.



PS I forgot to write about doing something this weekend with each other we should.





We must discuss this atrocious note:

A)  Can we not all agree that high school is a place we do not want to revisit?  No?

B)  "I hope you didn't get my cold."  Yowsers!  Was I old enough to be smooching boys whose names started with "K's"?

Dear Lord,

Please help this to not be the 1 out of 20 posts my parents read.



Holy high school, Batman!

Does that statement disturb anyone else?

D) He was trying to "write neat write now."


100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can correct that grammatical error.

In conclusion, here are some things I have learned from this note:

1)  My girls will never date any boys, let alone ones whose names begin with the letter "K."

2)  What was his beef with Jane and Liz?

3)  Did I have beef with Jane and Liz?

4)  My girls are never speaking to boys, let alone boys whose names begin with the letter "K."

5)  What in the heck was wrong with me?

Dear Lord,

Please help my girls to never, ever, ever, date anyone ever.

Until they are 30.



Oh, drat!  I need to add something.

Dear Lord,

Please help my boys to never, ever write notes like that to any girls ever.

And help them not to date.  Ever.  Or at least until they are 30.


Fun Fact:  The day after that relationship ended, "K" went on a rafting trip and got himself another girlfriend.

The very next day!

Guess who was on that rafting trip with him?

The Lumberjack.



If anyone is in need of a blog host, check out Cloudul, who is currently doing Lumberjill's blog hosting.

Do not ask me what blog hosting is or why one needs such a thing.

I am an internet ignoramus.

Happy Weekend.

PS-Fat Tuesday is Tuesday.

Hence the name.


  1. LOL! It's your blog, you can chose comments of the week based on the nice things they say about you if you want to. :-) And, there are not words for the hilariousness of that love letter. TOO funny!!!!!

  2. I gosh. I had a mini-reunion of high school friends today and we all agreed that we would NEVER EVER want to go back.

    Thank God for growing up. :)

    Marla @

  3. Oh gosh, but I am totally laughing at the note thing.

    First of all, for someone who hated high school so much, I cannot believe that I am actually teaching high schoolers!! Oh the drama!


    I have an 18 year old daughter, and after reading the book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," I decided not to allow my chicklets to date. Chicky has been highly perturbed, even though I made her read the book. She doesn't agree with the principle. Who cares.

    However, what I discovered is that you cannot stop your children from "liking" those of the opposite sex.

    Trust me. I know.

    My Chicky "liked" three different boys during one soccer season while in 8th grade.

    The girl was a hussie! I found notes from them to her. I found notes from her to me telling me that she had broken up with one and was now "liking" another.

    Neener neener.


    Please, keep homeschooling. Keep your girls away from the boys.

    Or else they might meet their own huckleberry, hunting half-naked from the porch kind of guys.

    Hmmm...maybe from your perspective that's not such a bad thing!


  4. You must text me right now to tell me who "k" is!! And p. s. You forgot to mention to all your blog friends that you officially win best friend of the year award for sending me awesome earrings from our fav store to help snap me out if my funk this week!! You're the best! :-)

  5. You are very sweet for sending earings to my daughter and helping her snap out of her funk. Even if your blog wasn't amazing I would read it just for that reason..

  6. Ok, I am totally racking my brains trying to think of who "K" might be. Sadly since I was only a lame 8th grader at the time I probably wasn't cool enough to know all the 9th graders names. I think I'll go dig out my yearbook...

  7. Dear God,

    Help my girls to become black belts and get their concealed weapons permits before they ever date a guy with a name that starts with, "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,OR Z." Whatever name he has, he better know how to hold up to the investigation my soldier (their daddy) will put him through. AND, he better love Jesus.

    Help my boy find a girl that loves his momma. He can date her when ever he finds her. She better love Jesus too.



    Based solely on coveting and saying you are beautiful? Why didn't I think of that sooner!

    Oh, and it's a good thing you made me COW 'cause I was totally thinkin' I was going to have to ditch your blog.......Cause of the whole coveting thing.

    Y'know...the beauty thang... The house in Ruralville...camping...hiking...

    But, just for the record: NOT homeschooling.

    Or 4 children.

    Or huckleberry picking...

    But, other than that, it's covet, covet, covet!

    "Lead me not into temptation, but deliver us from evil bloggers..."

    Wait! You're not evil! Sorry, I got carried away...I do that a lot...

    Is a lot two words or one word as in alot? And, what is a lot? I'm confused...

    And, you are dang brave to post an old "love letter." Sadly, nobody ever wanted to marry me...And THAT is why I don't miss high school.

    And why my kids will not date, but will focus on staying pure...

    Yes, I'm needing some "good luck with that."

  9. Sadly, I was reading some poems I found that I, yes I, had written in junior high (surely I wasn't that immature in high school...) who's general verse was how will I ever survive without you, surely I'm going to die of heartbreak now... weep and wail... yada-yada-yada. It's even worse to see those poems or letters in your own hand. Trust me!

  10. I will also be requiring a text with the name of the boyfriend, like Melissa, cause I'm going through the list and just don't remember any "K's" :) Also would like to know the alternate names of Jane and Liz... cause well I have an idea but conformation would be nice... Have a good night.

  11. Guard your girls, but guard your boys as well. Paul was only four when we went flying off to Uganda by way of London. There was a whole girls' soccer team seated behind him on the plane, and by the time we got to London they all knew him very well. But I don't think any of them wrote him letters, especially really awful ones. Whoever "K" is, I think he had ADD because he couldn't focus on one thought for very long. What I really want to know is, DID you talk about getting married that night? : )

  12. The high school note just cracks me up! When we were in high school, my friends and I created a box with "important" things in it from each year. A couple years ago we met and went through it and I don't think I have ever laughed so hard! While I work in a high school now, I would never want to go back to that time in my life!

  13. Oh my.. I'm laughing out loud.
    First off, You ARE beautiful sans make up and otherwise. And no, I didn't say that so i could be the next COW. I said it because I am over 40 and would kill to be young and beautiful again. ::sigh::
    Girls will date and they will break your heart. Have the Lumberjack outside cleaning his gun (and NOT mention huckleberry picking) to potential suitors.
    Good times..they are a coming.

  14. First, I know exactly who "K" is. I think he had a peg leg and a lazy eye if I remember correctly.

    I just hope our dear sister doesn't find where Mom & Dad stashed my letter to "T" (not that "T", but the "T" from like the 2nd grade) that I wrote when I was 10.

    Now, that would be embarrasing.

    Maybe I'll have to burn their house down or know, to destroy the evidence.

  15. You are so beautiful. Wish I could be you. You are practically perfect in every way like Mary Poppins. I win!

  16. Not so fun fact: I found texts between my 15 yo daughter and her boyfriend this week declaring undying love and the desire to marry. My daughter who is not allowed to date. My daughter who is now phoneless.

    I'm glad to see you turned out okay despite your heathen, 9th grade ways.

    Also? Wondering if the fact that he capitalized and underlined HARD was an attempt at a double entendre. Oh heck, he was a 9th grade boy, of course it was.

  17. This post so made me smile. :) I just went to my 30 year class reunion and it is safe to say that none of us would want to go back to that time. I was reminded of many silly rediculously stupid things I did or took part of back in the day...ugh!

    It makes me smile to read the comments in regards to not letting one's children date...I remember feeling the exact same way back when my now grown children were young. Happily they grew to be happy, responsbile adults in spite of the gray hairs they gave me along the way. :) Happy Sunday to you and yours. :)

  18. I love that your girls are pretending to be 'twins' they make up names too. Mine used to do that. Sigh.

    I'm sorry...I don't think I enlarged the photo the first time but I did today : )

    Your letter was hilarious...not a lot of letter writing's all about the text. When mine were in high school and went on trips we'd sometimes switch phones since they couldn't use theirs out of the country. My younger daughter inadvertently left a text to a boyfriend on my phone. Uh oh. I can still recall the look on her face when I whipped out the phone and asked for an explanation (pretty innocent but still) Teenagers are exhausting in a whole nother way than toddlers.

    I love the rock the camping look!

  19. Those notes from the past are so incredibly embarrassing/funny.
    My sons are looking at a future in arranged marriages. After reading past love notes on my own, it's a miracle I ended up with a keeper, and you know, miracles are rare and hardly strike twice...or something like that.
    Just call me Matchmaker Mom.

  20. Hmmm.... I think that LJ was in undying love with you all throughout highschool- and since his love was unrequited, he stalked your boyfriends, just waiting for the right moment to scoop you up!! :P
    Love the note. Hilarious. I wonder if "K" reads your blog and is now cowering in shame?

  21. I love that K wants to talk about marrying you. And he is concerned about your knees. He looooooved you. Well, at least until the day of the rafting trip.

    I'm laughing and sighing.
    I'm also copying your prayer as I have a boy and a girl.

  22. I too am one of those people who must shower and apply my makeup daily while camping. I also used my (thanks to you for the tip) dry spray shampoo.
