Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Family is Growing!

Guess whose two girls got themselves 2 free bunnies at the County Fair this weekend?

Oh!  I'm sorry!  Did you think I might be pregnant?

Ha!  I am tricky like that.

Yes.  We went to the fair this weekend and had a splendiferous time.  Here is a quick recap:

First we had to visit the "Fire Safety" booth at the fair.  I love safety lessons!

Time to fight some fires.

Go, Daisy Mae, Go!

Lest any of you are concerned, that fire is just pretend.

Go, Sweet Pea!

Go, Handsome Dude!

Fun Fact:  Handsome Dude calls the fair "The Farmer's Castle."


We cannot be certain.

We went with my parents, my sister, and my niece and nephew.  We had a fair-ly (ha!) good time.  We saw horses and sheep and goats and cows and chickens and turkeys and geese and snakes and turtles and bunnies and birds and pigs.

The Lumberjack saw a pig for sale and immediately got on the phone to call all my crazykin in-laws to see if anyone wanted to share a pig.  I reminded him that he already bought a cow this year that we still have yet to feast on, but he didn't seem to care much.

Let us have a moment to thank our lucky stars that no one else wanted a freezer full of pork at this moment in time.



It has been brought to my attention that my sister might play Farmville.

I am concerned, to say the least.


Funny Daisy Mae Moment:

One afternoon, I took Daisy Mae with me on a special date to the grocery store. 

Yes.  I know.  Mom of the Year.

The grocery store we frequent has a Starbucks located inside, so I ordered a coffee and let her order a peppermint steamer.

About 3 months later, I allow this to occur again.  But, mind you . . . 3 months has passed since we visited this Starbucks.

I order my drink and Daisy Mae twirls her hair and casually says, "Oh, I am sure you remember my order."

Who is this child?

Aaaaannnndddd . . . I love her.


I am feeling overwhelmed.  We have been so busy with getting our other house ready for the month-to-month renters, getting the school room ready, and trying to make sense of lesson plans. 

I am catching a cold.  There is wood to be stacked.  Closets to be organized.  Schedules to be planned out.  Chores to be done.

I need a time out.

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

I need some time to get focused and recharged.  So, I am going to be taking a blogging break.

I won't post tomorrow for Fat Tuesday-you can check in here if you'd like.

See you in a bit and Happy Monday!


  1. Your fair looks fun.

    Are those bunnies going to be inside pets or outside pets?

    Or dinner?

  2. Get some rest, Taylor. I'm starting school tomorrow, so I was planning on skipping Fat Tuesday anyway. Too much going on this time of year!

    Marla @

  3. Love and miss you!!! I wish you could come here for a "mom's time out"! Or that I was there to take all your munchkins for your "mom's time out"! Glad to hear you are taking a break from blogging - don't come back until you are ready (but I will miss your posts!).

  4. So I guess maybe you listened at church about "resting"??

  5. Rest, my blogger friend, rest. This mom/wife/property manager/ cook/cleaner/homeschool teacher thing can be a real drag on the ol' energico.... (name that movie)

    Of course, I do expect you to come back from your blogging hiatus with incredibly funny stories to share ;)

  6. PS just in case you don't have enough to do...did you know that bunnies can be potty trained? Really, since I know how much you love potty training, I think you should give it a go.

    My mom had a rabbit, Lord Jonathan Plushbottom the Terd, who was litter box trained. Seriously. He could run about the house without dropping presents everywhere. He used his box. How he got that way, we will never know. We adopted him potty trained already...

    BUT, I'm just saying...if you are bored ;)

  7. 'Your" people will be bereft. Sure, leave us, now that you have us all hooked. Rest while ye can. We will miss you.

  8. Good Girl! Take a break and get some other stuff done. We had fun at the fair, too, and our pictures look very familiar to yours! But thank goodness we didn't get any free bunnies!! :) Goodbye, MY LOVE!! (name that movie).

  9. i read your title and totally thought you were preggers!! HA!! good one! =) see you later....

  10. You are surely a proverbs 31 woman. If the lumberjack isn't singing your praises at the city gates and/or electrical places and/or at the wood chopping places, he should be. You are her and you inspire me! IS proverbs 31, right? Oh well, I bet you know of whom I speak.

    Your fair looks a lot more fun than ours. It felt like I was being ripped off every time I turned around at ours. Plus I got a ridiculous migraine, so that didn't help. I'm glad you guys had fun! Farmer's castle...that's priceless.

  11. Yes, your blog will be missed! However, your rest (really a shift) is needed. I'm checking in for Fat Tuesday early as I went to my Weight Watchers meeting this evening. I'm down 1.6 lbs this week and Dad is down 1/2 lb.

  12. Yes, Taylor, you should definitely potty train the bunnies.

    It would make me happy.

    And give them cool names like Lord Jonathan Plushbottom the Terd.

    That makes me happy too.

  13. It did my heart good to see the fun your kiddos were havin' at the fair! You can tell they had a blast! The bunnies....are pets...right? Every Handsome Dude needs his very own castle, he's such a cutie and that Daisy Mae ....well let's just say you can see the personality oozin' out. Her little remark, " oh I'm sure you remember my order." cracked me up girl!!! :o)

    God bless and you have a beautiful day!!!

  14. three bunnies! Be careful or your family is going to keep growing and growing and growing!

  15. I hope you got two girl bunnies! We thought we had two girl bunnies and the next thing you know we had like 10 bunnies and then 20 and then... Well let's just say there are now black and brown bunnies living in the wild as well.

    Random Topic Change

    Why again are you homeschooling?

  16. Hope you enjoy your blog vacay! We went to a wedding this weekend so I'm just as happy not to have to discuss what all I consumed. On the bright side? I too think I'm catching a cold and it is killing my appetite.

  17. Gosh, if you weren't there and I weren't here I say lets go get a pedicure, but then I'm broke so its just as well. Sigh.

  18. That should say "I'd say lets go get a pedicure . . ." Gosh!

  19. I need a break, too! The sad part is, my break is going back to work! ha!

    And I think I saw your hubs at the fair.. but was too busy carrying a toddler to the bathroom to double-check!

    Some 4H-er tried to sell us a duck aaaand a rooster... Ali said Sure! KK and I said, helk no!

  20. So, I'm behind in blog reading...story of my life since I started my first year of teaching.

    That said, when I saw the title of your post, I thought, "Did I miss something? Is Taylor cooking another lumberjackling in that oven of her's again?"

    I don't know if I was relieved to see the bunnies.

    We had a bunny.


    We named her Chloe.

    She belonged to my Chicky.

    A hint to you.

    Never leave your dogs in the same county as your bunny.

    Nuff said.

    Enjoy the new pets!

  21. I don't like sharing pig. I want the whole thing.

  22. Taylor! I TOO had rabbits growing up! I also had a house rabbit when I was in college. He was the friendliest little thing! He drank soda from our straws...He came when called and would leap into your lap...For some STRANGE reason, my husband did not let me keep him...Read the link to find out why...

    Yes, I know you're busy, but this laugh is worth it, and you will feel refreshed!

  23. This is true! I had a co-worker that had a litterboxed trained rabbit! who knew!

  24. LOL! I love the part Starbucks! That is too funny. Wonder where she got that from? And the "Farmers Castle" is cute too.

  25. Quardramillion points for you for making a joke our of "fairly" Genius dollface. Genius.

    Hugs, The Lady

  26. I've read this blog so many days now. I'm a junkie for the blog. It helps with the withdrawls. I too have been down with some kind of bug. Gee....It must be September.

  27. "Fairly" fun. Clever!
    *Bossy Big Sister/fellow homeschool mom is recommending extra doses of Vitamin D for you and kiddos. They come in gummy chewables now. :) *Bunnies like to do their "dooty" in one place, even if not trained. Mine chose one corner of his hutch. Very predictable. *Though we will not enjoy your hiatus, kuddos to you for taking it.

  28. Hello Lady Lumberjack,
    I like calling you that. Ha! :-) It's been awhile since I've been here, but don't take that personally. I haven't even been to my own blog these days. I miss it so, but I am overwhelmed like you. I look forward to the days when I can read my favorite blogs consistently and post, too.

    Be blessed and have a great, long weekend,

  29. Okay, now. Have you had enough of a rest yet? Not that I'd want to pressure you or anything but...

    I'm going through withdrawls here.

    Just kidding. Hope you're getting your reserves filled back up for the school year ahead! :)

  30. i'm so glad you do a coffee date with your daughter every once in awhile too. lol about her order. totally fell for your ploy...thought you were pregnant. but the bunnies are alive, not dead. alive and well and in your family i guess. congrats.
