Monday, August 9, 2010

Fat Tuesday: Smoothie Edition



It's Tuesday again.  GoshDarnIt.

I was actually dreading the weigh in and blog-post-creation process, seeing as how I didn't watch what I ate very well whilst camping and mostly because I am by no means a health and fitness expert.  I struggle with making good choices every day and it feels funny to be hosting this little competition.

So . . . are we all clear that Lumberjill is not fit, nor is she an expert?


I did lose another pound, bringing my Fat Tuesday total up to 2 pounds.

Today, I wanted to share with you a recipe idea I got from my marmie.  It is for a low POINTS smoothie.

In a blender, combine:

1 cup of plain, nonfat yogurt (mine was 2 POINTS per cup)

1/2 cup Orange Juice

1 medium banana

1/2 cup blueberries

3-4 cups of ice


Little Dude:  What on earth is going on here?

Please notice the following:

1)  Handsome Dude has his glasses on.  True, they are bent a bit and look a little off-kilter.  But they are there, nonetheless.

2)  Sweet Pea has her pajamas on and it is only 4pm.

3)  Why?  I don't know.  I am 29 now and I no longer have the energy to care.

All the kids love it!

If it is not sweet enough, you could add a little sugar or sugar substitute (for no extra calories), but it was fine for us.

The recipe made about 4 cups and, according to my WW recipe builder, 4 cups=6 POINTS.

So, if you had 1 cup, that would be about 1.5 POINTS.

One recipe was enough for a small snack for me and all 4 kids.


Let's go through this week's Wins and Fails, shall we?

I did not walk, power walk with my pal, Leslie Sansone and her in-home walking DVDs.


Over the course of this week, I indulged in one ice cream cone, about 5 brownies, 2 chocolate chip cookies, and a slice of cake.


I hiked all over the mountainsides, as a true Lumberjill should, all weekend long, with my swimsuit under my jeans (classy!) and a backpack on my shoulders in search of the holy huckleberries and mythical rock slides.


Apparently, I forgot to inform you all that there would be water on the aforementioned rock slides, leaving you in bewilderment at the thought of me sliding down a dirty/rocky hillside on top of a garbage bag.


Does anyone else think it looks like my Lumberjack is feigning to have chew in his lip?


Lest any of you are confused, the Lumberjack does not chew tobacco.

He's such a poser.

Now, it is your turn to check in.

Yes.  If you don't check in, I'm going to be so on you.

Like brown on rice.

See?  It's healthier that way.

Here are your options:

1)  Check in by simply leaving a comment.

2)  Write an update in a blog post and enter it in my friend Mr. Linky, of whom I will introduce to you in mere seconds.

3)  Link up any sort of post that would fit into our parameters into Mr. Linky.

Suggestions:  healthy recipes, snacks, favorite healthy treats, favorite ways to exercise, weight loss stories, things that have worked for you, etc.

Even if you have a post from awhile back, feel free to link it.

Please try to include my super cool button, if you could be so inclined.  Or just link back to this site.

Also, you may join in Fat Tuesday at any time you see fit.

Click on the actual words Mr. Linky to enter your link or to see the links that others have entered.

Check out the links to get some good ideas and meet new people!

Happy Fat Tuesday!


  1. I still can't get the button to work... and I totally know how to use flickr. I'm so confused.

    But I did link back to you.

    Marla @

  2. [...] Be sure to head over to The Lumberjack’s Wife for more healthy fun. [...]

  3. oh how I wish I could link up, but alas, I am on no diet.
    In further news, last night I dreamed (dreamt) I was wearing short shorts that were too tight. Yes, it was a nightmare. None of the boys liked me. Because, I had a saggy bottom.
    I also was attending a "Ron White Motivational Seminar"
    What's with my dreams?
    So I woke up this morning, thanking my lucky stars that I don't own shorts, tight or short or long or baggy. No shorts.
    I also felt like maybe I should exercise.
    The end.

  4. I posted a smoothie recipe too! Great minds, you know!

  5. Well, I was traumatized by my last weeks weigh in, but I have lost 5 pounds this week.... leading me to believe that my last weeks weigh in was indeed off kilter :) Either way I like this weeks number ever so much better. We leave on Thursday for a mini-vacation. It will include resturaunt eating, fair foods and the McLachlan (my maiden name) family rule that we MUST have ice cream every day. Maybe I should just pretend I didn't lose that 5 pounds so when I gain 5 this week I'll have just maintained :)

    On another note, the lumberjack only looks like He's got some chew in His lip if the little dude also does... Seriously! They have a matching lip thing going on, one just curved up while the other is curved down!!! lol!

  6. I am clueless when it comes to codes and buttons-no worries if it doesn't work and thanks for linking back. :)

  7. I am a big failure and refused to weigh myself this week. Let's just say, I am pretty sure I gained a pound. Many, many cupcakes were consumed, and only one run was taken.

  8. I can't get the button to work either.

    But I blogged about things! Oh did I ever blog!

  9. I am not dieting but need to... so no linky for me.

    The picture with you and LJ is very nice; however, did you eat all the huckleberries that you picked? Your bucket only had three or four berries.

  10. I have a recipe for a delicious and nutritious salad that I make on a weekend to eat for lunch all week. Here's the link and I will attempt that Mr. Linky thing as well!

  11. I linked up! So don't come after me!

    I included a recipe for Sweet Chicken w/ Chickpeas.

  12. Snack I am eating whilst reading Fat Tuesday blog:

    1 slice of "12 whole grains" toast

    Smothered in 1 T of chocolate hazelnut spread

    HOWEVER if we are doing math here:

    1 win -1 fail = free from counting...right?

  13. no walking - fail
    excessive heat - weather fail
    no late night snacking - win
    made a negative comment about myself in regards to "fat girls do not wear shorts" - fail
    decided it's time to buy a scale - win (if I ACTUALLY follow through with this tomorrow)
    found a friend willing to be accountable with me - win

    I think we can all agree this was NOT a good week for me!

  14. That. Is. Hilarious.

    Ron White makes my skin crawl, so what sort of motivational seminar could he possibly give?

  15. I refuse to participate in Fat Tuesday.


    I'm an obsessive weigh-er as it is! Do I do anything about the weight?

    NO! Unless you count self loathing...

    But, good for you Lumberjill! Good. For. You...

  16. I suck at the button, but I did link back to you... and I have an awesome video on my post! :) oh, and I suck at Fat Tuesday.

  17. Down 2 for a total of 7 :)

  18. Bahaha! Ron White motivational seminar. Were you eating tater salad?! :-) Too funny!

  19. I think you're doing good! I've been eating fresh green salads all week. Win. They've been smothered in ranch. Fail. I should weigh myself, but I keep forgetting. Perhaps I'll go do that now.

  20. If you knew what you were doing, the rest of us would be too intimidated to participate.

    I rode my bike twice this week. Win. I eat well all day until supper every day. Win.

    I blow it big time at supper. Every. Day. Fail. Fail. Fail.

    I did not lose any weight this week. Fail.

    I did not gain any weight this week. Win!

  21. Ok, I guess I don't understand the link thing??? I mean, I know I can not link up seeing as I do not have a blog but how do I get to the blogs that have linked up??? It is all so confusing :)
    I did lose 2 pounds this week :)

  22. Where exactly do you find a scale? I looked all over Walmart today and could not find one.

    I think that might count as a FAIL.

  23. OK, I forgot to "weigh in" yesterday, but here's my update.

    Lost another libbie!!! Woohoo!! :) so my totaly is 3 lbs since starting 30 day shred.

  24. I meant to say that A diet is what you eat. Not I diet is what you eat. Phew. That made NO sense! Glad I caught it!

  25. I've decided that I diet is what you eat.
    So if you ate a brownie or several more than that, that's your diet!
    You could choose the South Beach Diet or the Lo Carb Diet or the Weight Watcher's Diet OR (my favorite) the Lumberjack's Wife's Diet.
    And you did say you walked here and there and everywhere. It's okay to be on the Lumberjack's Wife's Diet if you are trudging around like a Lumberjack!

    So change all those Fails to Wins!

  26. Mom lost 1.2 pounds, Dad lost 2.2 pounds.
