Monday, August 2, 2010

Fat Tuesday



Oh!  Lookie there!


It's a real, high-class, blog button you see up there!

We are getting pretty fancy here over at Lumberjack's wife, if I do say so myself.

Lest any of you think I am "putting on airs" and whatnot, allow me reiterate that I knoweth not what I am doing.

Special thank you to The Musician's Wife who created that uber cute button for me.

My goal is to look as cute and happy as that little bird does while weighing myself.

Speaking of weighing in . . .

Weighing in is tricky business over here.

Allow me to elaborate.

I get on the scale and it weighs me in kilograms.  So, then I get off and switch around all the buttons.

Then it weighs me 2 KG higher.

Switch buttons.

Another random KG weight.

Switch buttons, stomp in place, call the scale a questionable name, get back on.

It weighs me in so high a pounds number, that I find it to be an atrocity.

Get off.  Take a deep breath.

Get back on.

Now, the scale reveals a pounds number that I choose to believe is my weight, merely for convenience and sanity.

So, according to the weight I choose to accept, I have lost one whole pound this week.


And now, dear readers, for your reading enjoyment, I now present to you:

My Week, in Sentences.

I ate nothing with beef.


I believe I stuck to a low-cholesterold diet all week long.


Ok, I lied.  I did have an ice cream cone and ice cream would not be considered a low fat dairy product.


But, hey!  I had a delightful ice cream cone and I still lost a pound!


I exercised three whole times this week!


Two were with my good friend, Leslie Sansone-



she helps me walk, power walk with her in-home walking DVDs.


I like her workouts because they are easy to do, especially when you have four ruffians running about.


My 3rd "workout" was really just an hour walk with the kids down yonder country road . . . I probably burned 8 calories total since I had to keep a pace that was feasible for Little Dude.



We walked past a bunch of large animals, of which I informed my children were buffalos.


Seconds later, I saw a large sign that said, "Bison Ranch."


I actually followed the Weight Watchers plan this week, although I used all of my weekly points allowment.


So, how did you do this week?  Did you meet your goals?  Do you need to revise your goals?  Did you see any buffalo and/or bison? Did you exercise?

It's time for your weekly check-in.

And don't think you can get away with ignoring me.

I'm watching you.

(Name that movie)

Yes.  If you don't check in, I'm going to be so on you.

Like white on rice.

Here are your options:

1)  Check in by leaving a comment.

2)  Write an update in a blog post and enter it in my friend Mr. Linky, of whom I will introduce to you in mere seconds.

3)  Link up any sort of post that would fit into our parameters into Mr. Linky.

Suggestions:  healthy recipes, snacks, favorite healthy treats, favorite ways to exercise, weight loss stories, things that have worked for you, etc.

Even if you have a post from awhile back, feel free to link it.

Please try to include my super cool button, if you could be so inclined.  Or just link back to this site.

Also, you may join in Fat Tuesday at any time you see fit.

Thanks, everyone and Happy Fat Tuesday!



To see the links people have entered, you need to click on the Mr. Linky.

Go check them out for some encouragement or great ideas and leave them a comment, please!


  1. Taylor - I have a recipe for you: zucchini brownies. I know that sounds gross, but they are wonderful and they have no eggs! No eggs = no cholesterol. How exciting!

    I'm going to give that Mr. Linky thing a shot to post it, even though the name "Mr. Linky" kind of scares me. Linky rhymes with kinky dontcha know.

  2. I linked up one of my WW recipes, I don't see it showing up yet but I am hopeful!

  3. I will be linking up in a few minutes. Congrats on that pound, lady!

    Marla @

  4. I am so glad that you posted sticking to your points all week as a win! You said "although you used all your weekly points" like that wasn't ok..... I was going to have to get all over your case :) I still am! lol! THEY ARE A PART OF THE PLAN!!! te-he!

  5. By the way, I can't get the blog button to work. :(

  6. Uh, do I have to check in? Well, we went to Seattle this weekend and I definately did not eat well. So last week I was doing great, lost 2 lbs, however I have promptly regained them so I guess they don't count :(

  7. Proverbs 31 WannabeAugust 2, 2010 at 11:58 PM

    I was all ready to join your challenge but then the grocery store had their oh so yummy carrot cake on sale this week - FAIL!

  8. Daughter's birthday at our house with a big Costco cake and candy for the pinata. I told my husband that you get twice the cake at Costco for the same price as other stores. My husband asked while we need twice the cake. FAIL! I have been working out at a local fitness center on the one machine that does not hurt my poor injured knees and my rule is not to miss more than one day in a row. I missed 3 in a row.....FAIL!
    But I'm back at it this week and have a couple times to workout with a friend so I can't miss! WIN! And I want to have them do their body fat analysis for me and set some goals. WIN!
    I'm afraid to look at the scale........

  9. WOOT on a successful week!

    Interesting info - Walking a mile and running a mile burn the same even doing an hour at a snails pace is a TOTAL win!!!

    My update - Eating plan good, workout plan - not so much. HOWEVER I am not sure either count because I was sick all week so I COULDN'T eat or workout.

    Mr. Linky scares me...I am OLD in blogger terms and just not technical minded enough to figure these things out...just sayin.

  10. Congratulations on a successful week. I lost four pounds this week. WIN! I also discovered that one slice of Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake, presliced and bought from Sam's Club, is over 500 calories. I was very bummed. FAIL!

    I did not exercise this week. FAIL!

    I did not buy a mocha frappe at McDonald's this week. WIN!

  11. Something is wrong with the code in the copy box...I'll have to look at it when I get home--it was working last night, I swear! =-O

  12. My first Mr. Linky!

    Thanks for expanding my horizons Taylor.

  13. me and my husband started working out this week! We are doing the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. And guess I can't hardly move I hurt so much! Can we say out of shape? But I am excited that my husband has agreed to do this with me. Maybe it will make me a bit more accountable!

    No weight updates here yet...I think we are pretty much just holding steady this week. Hopefully I will have good news next week! And maybe I will be able to move again soon!

  14. I just linked up with a yummy Blueberry Icee recipe. Moms need healthy snacks!....and kids will drink it too. :)

  15. Jullian Michaels is a beast. Longest twenty minute work-out ever!

  16. Go for the Zucchini brownies. My mom has made them before, and they are great! Just curious as to why you are no longer eating beef. It's an awesome source of lean protein.

  17. Fixed it! Sorry, gals! Don't forget that when the corrected one is posted, you have to stick that code someplace in your blog that can accept html. I use typepad so I have to put it in my sidebar. =)

  18. I lost 5 pounds which I accomplished by eating no sugar, starch, or white bread. I also drank 2 quarts of water every single solitary day.

    I did not exercise for I loathe it.

  19. I like to walk around the university by my house. It's very beautiful, peaceful and much safer than a public park in a huge megalopolis like my town. I have no skills in low fat eating, but I will be focusing on your blog to learn more there. Stupidly I use a hot cup of coffee for a low-fat 'treat' but I probably am using too much caffeine. I LOVE buffalo and I'm very jealous.

  20. by the way...I know you said you'd be on us like white on rice...
    but we should probably be eating brown rice these days.


  21. Awesome job on that pound!

    I lost 3...and procedded to eat a much to high in points sandwich today, but I earned that sucker. So, no, I do not regret it!
    Excercise...not so steps...we did take the kids to the part to bike ride, but my little one wanted to sit in her stroller. So, I did walk a bit pushing her...
    I need to track my food, and I stink at that. That is going to be my goal for this week!!!

  22. thelumberjackswifeAugust 3, 2010 at 2:45 AM

    No beef per doctor's orders-I have high cholesterol :)

  23. thelumberjackswifeAugust 3, 2010 at 2:45 AM

    hardee har! :) you are a silly goose. :)

  24. Ugh, had to go out of town for an interview which meant lots of fast food on the road stops. The first time it's a treat and then the second or third, it's like please just give me a carrot stick!

    So, no progress this week.

  25. Great job this week!! I linked a post from my last Fitness Friday telling about some of my favorite fitness things...

  26. Good job.

    In honor of Fat Tues, Lumberjill Lasagna for all

  27. I've lost 2 lbs and have done my workout DVD 6 out of 7 days! Not sure about doing it today though... Ali was up from 12am-4am and I am tired- might have to use nap time for my own rest!

  28. I've wondered what a walking video entails. I'm guessing you're not covering much ground. Please enlighten me.

  29. So thanks to Jillian Michaels I lost 3 pounds ok not quite 3 but close enough:) Thank you Taylor for keeping me on track!

  30. My weight loss eating plan is quite a bit different than the others mentioned here. My goal is to 1) eat animal protien at every meal, including breakfast. 2) don't eat carbs for snacks 3) eat a bit of good fats every day like olives, almonds, avocado. 4) eat veggies 2x a day. 5) no sugary or white flour things like pretzels, soda, candy (snif), crackers, etc.
    I did pretty well today and yesterday. I also need to buy a scale but at my initial weigh-in at my health club I was 10 lbs above ideal. That's do-able.
    Congrats on your good week!

  31. Umm...Buffalo and bison are one and the same.

    Mommy still wins

  32. And winky. But um... oh... I think I've just embarrassed myself and spoke when I shouldn't have.

  33. I did Leslie for a good 6 months and LOVED her!! I need to start doing her on the days I don't work out at the gym. And by DOING HER I mean doing her videos. Gah!

  34. Well, how I did this week depends on which scale you want to use- the one at the gym(which I went to 4x!)or the one in my bathroom. THe gym says I lost a pound. My home one says I lost 4.5. I tend to think the gym is correct, because my test pants STILL won't zip!

  35. Okay, I promise to link next week. I've been out of town since late last week. However, in spite of the fact that we attended a big surprise birthday party, another birthday dinner, several breakfasts, lunches, and dinners out I think I did okay. I ordered seasonal veg instead of a loaded baked potato, chicken and fish instead of beef, and salads with dressing on the side. I haven't exercised as normal but I've been in the south and I'm pretty sure I've dropped a pound or two in sweat. I also had a wicked stomach bug the day before we left and is it sad to report that I did have a fleeting thought as to how that might benefit my weight loss goals?

    Congrats on your accomplishments!

  36. Better late than never, but I did finally join the party! Not that I had especially successful news to report. I was one big diet fail this week...

  37. OS6 commences (again) on Thursday!

  38. uummm excuse me daahhling, but your button doesn't seem to want to cooperate!! BOO BAD BUTTON!!!! but i did link up even though i was late, sry couldn't be helped.....

  39. [...] stand corrected. Jump to Comments In Tuesday’s post, I mentioned that, while on a walk, I told my children the creatures we were viewing were [...]

  40. "Also, you may join in Fat Tuesday at any time you see fit." Bwhahahaha!!! Join in Fat Tuesday any time I'm fit!!! Oh the irony!!
