Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fat Tuesday: Fail Edition



I didn't do so well this week.

Not once did I enter points in at Weight Watchers. 


Not once did I exercise.


I have been following doctor's orders and been doing well on the low-cholesterol diet.  I have not even had a smidgen of beef.


I was very busy and had a crazy week.  Lots of running around town and eating out. 


I did try to make good food choices while eating out,


 but I have no idea how many POINTS I ate all week because I didn't pay attention.


This week I maintained my weight.

I am trying to do better at fitting exercise into my day.  It is always the last thing on my mind and the last thing I want to do during nap time.

Any suggestions?

Does anyone have any fun exercise ideas?

Do not even mention this woman and her plank janks.

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

Me no likey.

No offense to Ms. Michaels, as I am sure she is a lovely person with rock-hard abs.

Here are your options for this present time:

1)  Check in by simply leaving a comment.

2)  Write an update in a blog post and enter it in my friend Mr. Linky, of whom I will introduce to you in mere seconds.

3)  Link up any sort of post that would fit into our parameters into Mr. Linky.

Suggestions:  healthy recipes, snacks, favorite healthy treats, favorite ways to exercise, weight loss stories, things that have worked for you, etc.

Even if you have a post from awhile back, feel free to link it.

Please link back to this site.

Also, you may join in Fat Tuesday at any time you see fit.

Click on the actual words Mr. Linky to enter your link or to see the links that others have entered.



  1. I think we had a very similar week. Really.

    I don't think I would really be into the Biggest Loser thing. I feel like there could be a lot of cheating and it would be hard to keep up.

    I'm headed over to write my post now.

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  2. You are right, and I deleted all of that because I decided I don't have time to try and figure out something like that right now! :)

  3. I hope you keep this Fat Tuesday up!! I can't wait to join in about 7 more weeks =) Right now I am just enjoying being fat on this Tuesday.

  4. This week I had a daily average of 2 goals met per day out of 5. I will keep the same goals. I gained a half pound this week. :(
    5 goals:
    Breakfast with protien
    Salad lunch
    One finite afternoon snack
    No snacks after dinner
    Exercise 6x a week. (even a walk counts).

  5. The only way I can fit exercise into my ridiculous, homeschooling, five kids schedule is to get up crazy early and go walking. It actually helps my outlook on the morning and I'm enjoying it. But I don't know what I'll do when it's dark at 5:30 AM.

  6. I played along today and linked with Mr. Linky.
    I gained nothing. I lost nothing. That's still a win for me.
    I cannot offer you exercise tips because I hate to exercise too. I go to the gym most days but I don't have kids at home to work around. Plus did I tell you I don't like it because I don't.

    Is it hot there? Maybe just load up the boys in a wagon and walk for 30 minutes...it's better than nothing. Good luck!

  7. When I do exercise which I am supposed to do at least 3 times a week I walk. Or I use my Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds tapes. I have two close friends that we have been doing a weight loss journey almost a year now, I was doing real good but now failing a little. We weigh in on Mondays and I was down 1/2 pound. I still have 20-25 pounds to lose.

    No exercise - FAIL
    No logging of food - FAIL
    Still no scale to weigh in - FAIL (but I have a good excuse for this one...ALL my money went to stinkin school supplies....grr)
    Checked in here anyway - WIN
    Here's to next week.

  9. Ok...so this week I am down a pound! Yeah me! But I did no exercise. I was attempting to do the Jillian Michaels thing, but I am not a big fan of not being able to move :)! I did resist licking the top of the pudding packs after opening them for my kids...twice! Now that takes will-power! And I also stopped eating whatever was left on their plate after dinner. This was really hard to do as I despise food being wasted!

    I think the biggest thing that helped me this week is that we are still trying to unpack from our recent move and I have been out in the garage working in 100 degree heat! I sweated off that one pound!

    I would love to read about some fun exercises to do at home though. Because I too hate exercising!!

  10. Well, I am with you on naptime exercising--seriously, all I want is some peace, quiet and a couch. But, I'm going no where with losing the rest of my pregnancy weight, so maybe I will give naptime exercising a try. Also, I've heard fruit smoothies with protein powder added is a great breakfast option.

  11. I'm fat on every Tuesday...and I'm ok with that.

  12. I had many more FAIL moments than you did this week! Terrible...just terrible...BUT, I managed to maintain, so something must have been working. I have noticed that the more I claim to love salad, the more the mere thought of it makes me want to eat a BIG FAT CHEESEBURGER. The thought of salad, which used to be my daily consumption gives me a tummy ache. So, I moved on. I've decided to start eating and cooking what I love, and eating smaller portions. Once I am done, I walk away from teh table...no one notices, my vacuum cleaner husband and finicky girlies are long gone by the time I get to actaully sit and eat my cold dinner! I should really not have a weight issue considering I rarely sit and eat a meal in any sort of leisurely peace!

  13. Is it sad that I appear to be more dedicated to posting about Fat Tuesday than actually sticking to my plan?

  14. See, I bet you exercised and didn't know it.

    Did you take the children shopping at all this week? In my book, taking four young children ANYWHERE is a workout. If it isn't for you, I will be happy to swap 4 for 4. You can take mine places. You will sweat. Your heart will race. You will want your children back.

    Did you clean a toilet? That is a workout if your have more than 2 people in your family.

    Did you hunt for glasses more than once? I bet you burn plenty of calories stooping, stretching, bending, and searching for glasses. Sounds like yoga to me.

    I distinctly remember "beach" (you crazy people who don't live near the ocean crack me up calling it that) photos. Did you swim? WIN...exercise!

    Laundry? EXERCISE!

    Floors? EXERCISE!

    Blogging? Nope, not exercise, but it is fun, and it beats the pants off of jogging.

    If your doctor doesn't think keeping up with 4 children and one husband (plus one dog) is exercise, laugh at him, invite him over for dinner, and then promptly leave the house with a list on the counter of things he needs to do before he leaves. I bet he will give you credit for exercise after that.

  15. PS I am a bad friend. I should be banned from Fat Tuesday.

  16. I want to encourage you not to give up on The 30 Day Shred. I started doing it over a year ago when my daughter was getting married and I really noticed the difference. I did it for about 3 months but the thing is, I never went on to the other levels, I just continued on level 1...it works for me. I don't like level 2 at all (hate the plank jacks, are they just awkward or what?!). I stopped doing The Shred for many months and had built it up to be so, so hard but finally something kicked in (desperation maybe) and I was surprised that it wasn't nearly as hard as I had remembered it being. I did hurt the next day, but gets easier each day and it really is over in about 25 minutes...I love that part! Anyway, sorry this is so long but I wanted to encourage you to not give up. I don't know of anything else out there where you really see results so quickly in so little time.

  17. I'm checking in by leaving a comment. By the way, I love your "Fat Tuesday" concept.

    I used to be a Turbo Jam fanatic... And then, we moved... We went from a nice spacey home to virtually one with no space. So, we no longer have optimum floor space for me to work out... Which means, I've fallen behind...

    Also, like you, I neglected keeping track of Weight Watchers points. So, as a result, I've gained weight over 2 years. And, the bad thing is, Dan (my husband) has gained weight this time around too. I guess it's part of growing old. Ha!

    I'm sick of it. I want to lose it all again. But, it's so hard to begin though. It's so hot outside. And, there's no floor space to exercise. Gyms cost money. And, currently changing my diet is making it all difficult (I'm trying to get away from prepackaged foods). *sigh*

    The one thing I've been meaning to do is cut sodas out completely again. But, I'm having a hard time getting started with that. One can of soda alone is 3 points! Accckkk! Bad ol' me.

    Anyway, you're not alone. In fact, you're doing better than me! :-)

  18. I know it works! I did it for 30 days straight in Feb. :) I am a dork like that. It gave me awesome results, but I just dread the idea of it. Perhaps I should welcome Ms. Michaels back into my life. :)

  19. Only ran 1 time FAIL
    Walked 2 times for a total of 11 miles WIN
    Threw away cupcakes WIN
    Took kids for donuts on first day of school FAIL
    Resisted adult beverages all week FAIL - Drank a few times
    Didn't lose a pound FAIL

    Pretty much a bad week. Hoping this week is better. Glad I had my tequila yesterday. Will stick with tea tonight (maybe, girls night tonight)

  20. That's why I'm encouraging you to give it another go...I was dreading it, too, and now that I'm back at it I am so glad I did!

  21. I biked five mornings this week! WIN! I went to the gym twice this week! WIN! I've not been good at all on eating. FAIL! I didn't gain any weight. WIN! I didn't lose any weight. BIG FAIL! I can't keep saying that every week. I'm desperate enough to consider Jillian's 30 day shred. But the only thing I like to shred is cheese before I put it on my pizza.

  22. Well, I went to visit my in-laws this weekend which consists of eating out, desserts, etc. UGH. I did have someone at church tell me I looked like I had lost weight. WIN!

  23. I found your new location, but just wanted to let you know that when I open it, it does not show the current blog entry - it just opens up to the first blog you made it and then you have to pick which blog you want to read. I don't mind, I'm just informing you - you know, feedback. Have a good day, hi to all. xoxox

  24. Went to the gym 4x-win!
    Didn't eat after dinner but 1x-win!
    I only biked once this week- even(I need some padded bike shorts, ouch!)
    Swam at the beach yesterday-win!
    not really, only swam for about 5 min- fail!
    Am on my way out the door to the gym now-win!
    I will weigh in at the gym, so we'll see how it goes, will re-report then sir, yes sir!

  25. Well, I regret having to report that I have gained 1.6 lbs. this week. Oh well, I'll have to do better next week.

  26. Well you're a WINNER just for thinking about it, lovely.
    I've lost 15 lbs - just eating clean really. So excited!!!

    Happy Week, The Lady of the House

  27. You moved but I found ya! Ok, this whole diet thing...you look great! Please tell me you are not one of those skinny girls who always thinks they are fat. You. Look. Great!!

  28. This was encouragement for me... I did Jillian Michaels tonight for the first time in two weeks. I'm going to try to keep it up. :)

  29. I am tired of failing. I am up 5.5 of the 6 pounds I had previously lost. BOO. I pinky swear that once school starts I am back on the wagon!

  30. Hey! Do you have it saved to that specific post? Make sure to type in www.thelumberjackswife.com and it should show the current post, or the Home Page. But if you bookmarked a specific blog post, then it would always take you there. :)

  31. I am happy to report that I lost 1.4 pounds this week, Dad lost 1/2 pound! Try Vitalicious Muffin Tops, they are in the frozen "healthy" food section near the gluten free products. The Deep Chocolate is fantastic, they have lots of other flavors as well. Only 100 calories and lots of fiber (9grams) also can order them on line at www.vitalicios.com.

  32. I am checking in - it is Tuesday-and I prefer your word "chubs" to fat.. that's what I am..just chubs. Looking forward to that new body we get in heaven!

  33. Wow - once again I see age taking its toll on me! It is Wednesday, not Tuesday! So.. I didn't lose any weight this week but I managed to lose an entire day ... Win!

  34. Yup. I'm starting a new diet today. Not excited, but tired of FAT. I've seen WAaaayyyyy too many pudgy pics of myself this summer. *blech* I LOVE my Leslie Sansone walking tapes and just got a mile a day one. She also has some fast ones, up to 5 miles, but I figure just starting out with one mile each day is better than what I have been doing! Thanks for the encouragment and GOOD LUCK!

  35. Friend with flashlight. Or if you live in a "safe" area, just a flashlight. Knowing that she is in my driveway waiting for me at that o-dark-30 hour is motivating. Only time I can fit it in as well, since I'm in the crazy-hectic-5 kids-homschooling club. Fun!
