Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Wood that The Lumberjack Fell.

2009_9_08 025

This is the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is the splitter that helped split the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is wife with the Jell-O arms that helped stack logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

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This is the house where the wood was stacked.  "It's way too much!", the little wife laughed. She laughed cause her arms felt so much like Jell-o, because she helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

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This is The Lumberjack who loves his split wood.  He could care less how his little wife laughed, nor for her Jell-O arms from the wood that she stacked.  She helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is the new house the family just moved in, it has not a wood stove for wood rounds to burn in. But, The Lumberjack loves his split wood.  He could care less how his little wife laughed, nor for her Jell-O arms from the wood that she stacked.  She helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is the family that had to load wood.  They hauled till midnight, it was no good.  They moved the wood from the old house with the wood stove, moving it to the new house they just moved in, it has not a wood stove for wood rounds to burn in. But again, the Lumberjack loves his split wood.  He could care less how his little wife laughed, nor for her Jell-O arms from the wood that she stacked.  She helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is the trailer where they loaded the wood.  The family hauled till midnight, it was no good. They moved the wood to the new house they just moved in, it has not a wood stove for wood rounds to burn in. But again, the Lumberjack loves his split wood.  He could care less how his little wife laughed, nor for her Jell-O arms from the wood that she stacked.  She helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is the truck that also was loaded.  It pulled the trailer that was loaded with wood.  The family hauled till midnight, it was no good. They moved the wood to the new house they just moved in, it has not a wood stove for wood rounds to burn in. But again, the Lumberjack loves his split wood.  He could care less how his little wife laughed, nor for her Jell-O arms from the wood that she stacked.  She helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

This is the pile of wood that they salvaged.  Their hearts are discouraged, for more wood must gathered. 

The wife is confused, for they can't burn wood. 

 But her husband is . . . enthusiastic about wood felling, and where his passion will stop, well,  there is no telling. 

So again she will load the truck with wood that he split.  The truck and the trailer will be loaded with more wood. The family hauled till midnight, it was no good. They moved the wood to the new house they just moved in, it has not a wood stove for wood rounds to burn in. But again, the Lumberjack loves his split wood.  He could care less how his little wife laughed, nor for her Jell-O arms from the wood that she stacked.  She helped stack the logs that the log splitter split from the wood that The Lumberjack fell.

The End.

PS-Basically, this was just a really odd way for me to tell you that we were up super late last night moving wood from our old house to our new house.

Thanks for humoring me.

I have decided that here are the options for what his reasoning was behind moving the wood:

1)  He is insane.

2)  He likes to look at the wood and deems it a lovely outdoor decor accessory

3)  He is planning on selling the wood.

4)  He is planning on putting a wood stove in the new house.

Let us have a moment to pray that option #4 will never happen.


Happy Thursday!


  1. is it for bon fires then? that is if you don't have a wood burning fire place! I'm confused.

  2. Oh my goodness! Cracking up!! You Jello-O arms gal you!

  3. +1 for working out! WIN!

  4. i like the outdoor fire pit idea!! =)

  5. Oh my. That was a great read! I love it!! And, you got some major working out points for sure! I wish I had a woodstove... I'm guessing you don't care for that idea, but I would love one. We've had fireplaces in every house we owned in Vancouver, WA, which rarely gets below freezing. Now we live in a place that has pretty cold winters... like sometimes it doesn't get over 20 for weeks on end, and down into the negative digits sometimes too, and we don't have a woodstove. It makes me crazy. What if our electricity goes out in one of these wintery situations?! Stupid.

  6. I think I know why you're losing 3 pounds a week.

    I'm slightly are taking the wood from the old house which did burn wood, to the new house which does not? Is that right? Do you at least have a fireplace in the new house? A fire pit? Something? My hubs wants to put in a fire pit so he can burn stuff...we have woods behind the house so plenty of dead stuff.

  7. Love it! Great post.

    I think you should go with the outdoor fire pit, but I fear for you that you will also be having one installed in your new home. For what is a LJ, without his wood?

  8. Bless your heart... All this fruitless labor and on a diet too... What kind of cruel tricks these husbands play on us!

  9. Does that mean the people who rent your old house this winter will either #1 freeze, or #2 Fell their own wood?

    Just saying...frozen renters might not pay rent ;)

  10. 1) You are fabulous and creative.
    2) How are the renters at the old house supposed to heat the place without any wood?
    3) Men who want wood moved should move it themselves.

  11. They can use the electric heat or buy/fell their own wood.
    Fact: Lumberjacks do NOT share wood. ;)

  12. The house has electric heat as well as the wood stove. The renters (not vacation renters, but the monthly renters who are moving in next week) will be responsible for paying for their own heat.

  13. If it were vacation renters, we would pay for heat.

  14. Great post. Who knows the mind of a man?

  15. I see you are now a children's author as well, you clever lady!! And what a good wifie you are, humoring your husband!

  16. I'm going with insane.

    BUT... if he does decide to sell it and the price is right, I know a certain other electrician husband who might be interested in picking up a load. Not because we have a woodstove, but because we have a romantic wood-burning fireplace. :)

  17. wow.
    I would have cried, not laughed.
    #5: He wants to start a business making decorative bird houses.

    I personally am going with #1. Shh. Don't tell him.

  18. You are making wood sound like precious treasure. It makes me want to be a Log Pirate. A Log Pirate is something I just invented, and basically it's a person who wears an eye patch and sneaks around after midnight, loading up wood from Lumberjacks woodpiles and hauling them off to sea. Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife, cause they're stealing everybody's wood out here.

  19. I loooooooove you and your little story.

    Made me giggle.

    Please tell me you copied and pasted and didn't type all of that each time. :)

  20. I don't want to rain on The Lumberjack's parade here, but you might want to consider moving that wood away from the house. In my neck of the woods, piles like that look like habitats for termites, snakes, mice, roaches, and other assorted nasty creatures. Sorry, I don'twant to anger the jello-arms....

  21. Now, that was funny! Log pirates! ha!

  22. He wants to heat the shop/guesthouse/schoolhouse with wood heat
    Very cute!

  23. rats. that was supposed to be

  24. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife...

    HA! I love a fellow you-tub-er :)

  25. On the picture of the neatly stacked wood it should read something like "and this is the large house waiting to be built from the wood that the lumberjack felled!

  26. I'm hoping that it's all for a fireplace. Right? He wants you to be able to enjoy romantic evenings around a fire?

    Or he's totally and completely insane.

    Marla @

  27. With creativity like that, schooling at home will be a breeze! Fantastic story, illustrated with beautiful people. And pehaps he hasn't worked it all out yet, what that felled wood is for, but "tis better to have it and not need it . . ."
    Also, I'm going with Deb and recommend that the wood be stacked somewhere other than right next to a personal dwelling containing children. *scary spiders*yikes*

  28. Great story. I'm gonna go with lots of bonfires. You need to stock up on marshmallows. And hershey bars and graham crackers. Oh! And burn ointment because with all those little kids, somebody's going to get a little too toasty.

  29. A ha! I thought is was exclusively wood heat. I'll bet the renters are thrilled to see the wood go away then. :)

  30. Thanks for the laugh (as usual)! I love Lumberjack's proud face from all his wood gathering! The kids probably had fun being up late too! Please keep us informed, so we know what happens to your outside decor!

  31. It seems to me your jello arms should be looking pretty buff (in a girly sort of way) if this keeps up. :)

  32. For some reason todays' blog reminded me of either See Spot Run or Green eggs and Ham. I have yet to figure that one out none the less it still made me laugh for I need a laugh before I go to work at the place of which I work.
