Monday, October 11, 2010


I have this friend.  I call her Bimlissa.

Her name is in fact, Melissa.

You know.  Just like The Lumberjack is really an electrician.

Keep up, people!

She is my dear friend.

I met Bimlissa in high school.  She was older than me and deemed me unfit to speak to.  About 7 years later we met again at church.

She was working in children's ministry and somehow got me to help her.

Look who became fit to talk to!

I kid!  I jest!

Anyways . . . for the past 5 years we have become quite close.


We have girls the same age and Daisy Mae is actually the one who came up with the name Bimlissa.

Daisy Mae can be . . . odd . . . and she used to say "bim" in front of everything.





So . . . things were going swimmingly and we had many days of fun and fellowship.

But then Bimlissa's mean ol' husband had to get a mean ol' new job and move to mean ol' Tennessee.

And Tennessee, dear readers, is not close to Ruralville.


Boo.  Boo.  Boo.

And wouldn't you know it, but she went and had a baby over there in mean ol' Tennessee.

Now, isn't he the cutest?

He was just born last Thursday.

Anyways, I figured since Bimlissa has not seen me since July, she is most likely devastated and lonely and weeping and the like.

So, if you are feeling frisky, you should go and visit her at her blog and tell her any of the following:



"Your baby is cute!"

"Do you miss Taylor?"

"Taylor misses you."

"Taylor forgives you for the fact that your 'chubby size' is her 'hooray-I-am-skinny!' size."

Or you can say what you please.

The choice is yours.

Here is the link for Bimlissa's blog:

Happy Monday!


  1. He is quite handsome.
    I can't imagine having your bestie in TN.
    Mine is way closer to ruralville (one state to the west) and that is too far for me.
    I also can't imagine Melissa deeming you unfit to speak.
    I feel like there is a gooooood story there. hee hee

  2. He is too cute! And I live in Tennessee! So maybe Bimlissa could be my friend! I am sure I should probably just call her Melissa though. And Tennessee is a wonderful state to live in! You should be jealous of her! But seriously...he is adorable and I hope you get to go visit her and her sweet addition soon!

  3. I just got home from Tennessee today, as I am the Bim-mom and Bim-grandma, and those pictures look somehow familiar.... ?!! I will tell you that she misses you terribly, and her daughter also misses her friends too!! I recorded a video of Bim-daughter saying hi to your two punks... I will figure out how to get it on facebook so they can see it!
    And I must say one of the things I missed the most about my home state compared with Tennessee is toilet seat covers in public restrooms... apparently they are too friendly to have them? Maybe that accounts for the inbreeding we hear about??
    I kid!! I jest!!! I loved Tennessee and will be returning soon! But they do need to get up to speed with toilet seat covers...

    I love him. Can I hold him? wait, I'll go ask Bimlissa.

  5. Hey, now, bim-grandma: we have toilet seat covers in the restrooms! Even WalMart has them! (She must've been in West Tennessee!) :D

  6. Ah, boys! So adorable. Friends moving away is h a r d! Glad you get to keep up with her though! Exclamations!!!!!

  7. Okay, Taylor, I don't know why I have never noticed this before, but I KNOW Bimlissa!! Here's the kicker: I don't know why I know her! I saw the post this morning and have been wracking my brain trying to figure it out!! So here's my nosy question: what's her maiden name? I can ever see in my head her talking, and her mannerisms, and I KNOW her! So weird. Have I mentioned it's driving my nutso trying to figure it out? Yeah. Anyway. Congratulations on that way adorable little boy. SOOOO cute. Hope you get to go see him soon!

  8. what a sweet friendship. sorry that her husband ruined your life. :)
