Friday, October 8, 2010

Fun with Adjectives

Hold on to your pants, folks.

We've got a lot of ground to cover.



We made cookies last night using a new recipe.

Little Dude.

He's not as helpful as he looks.

Since the cookies were scrumptious, I felt the need to share them with you.

They are from the What Can I bring Cookbook by Anne Byrn.

Tweaked by yours truly.

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup butter at room temperature

1 cup packed light brown sugar

1 cup granulated sugar

1T pure vanilla extract

3 large eggs

3 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/4tsp salt

3 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Note:  Lumberjill used margarine and imitation vanilla.  All of Lumberjill's money goes towards gas, camo, and mouse traps these days.  We must save where we can.

1.  Place butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar in a large bowl and stir.

You could use a mixer, but I think it is better to use a good old bowl and spoon.

Perhaps it is because once I turn on the mixer, I go and change diapers and deal with snotty noses and naughty children and let the mixer run for 5-20 minutes longer than it should.

Bottom line:  Don't over mix.

Add the vanilla and eggs and stir until smooth.

2.  In another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt.  Put the dry ingredients on top of the butter mixture and stir until combined.  Add the chocolate chips.  Cover bowl and chill for about 30 minutes.

Fact:  I only chilled for like 10 minutes.

Who has 30 minutes for chilling?

3.  Bake at 350 for 12-14 minutes.

Shocking News:  I am not a food photographer.  Nor any other kind of photographer.

There they are.  Right next to the time out toys.

You may ask, "Taylor!  What are time out toys?"

Well, readers.  They are the toys that the kids were super naughty with and therefore must remain by the toaster.


I will forever love the aforementioned cookie recipe because my husband, David Maliblahblah, TEXTED me whilst he was busy at work (electrifying, not lumberjacking) and said, and I quote,

"Good cookies."

I will give you all a moment to recover from the shock.

This has never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever happened.

Make these cookies.

I think they almost convinced him to stay home from his upcoming hunting trip.



Why, yes!

That is a darling, hand-made camera strap cover on the camera that I don't know how to properly use!

Melissa Kmade it for me!  Isn't she the bestest?

Go say hi and tell her she is most talented!


Little Dude spent the better half of the morning playing "puppy."

Perhaps we should get him a real one?

Nah.  This is way better.

It would appear as though he also declared today to be "A Day Without Pants."

Yes.  My son is wearing a pink diaper.

I don't want to talk about.

Let's just say "Parent's Choice " diapers from Walmart might be getting a letter of unsatisfaction.

I know.  He's cute.


Just an ordinary day here.

Out in the middle of nowhere.

All by ourselves.

With mice in our cars.

Gettin' our education on.

In a peach house.

Refusing to wear pants.



We interrupt this exciting post to bring you the COW.

The observant reader might notice that there are three cows in this picture.

That is because there are three winners of the COW (comment of the week) this week!

COW #1 goes to Jessy H with her proposal story:

We had gone out for ice cream and then to a park to swing. While he was swinging he said “Hey Jessy look at me”, and then took a drink of his banana shake and pretended to throw up spitting it on the ground (don’t be jealous). A few minutes later he called me over to him and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

It was the sublte (don't be jealous) portion of the comment that did it for me.

COW #2 goes to Dawn, with her super heartfelt comment that made me smile during my most stressful day:

Positives–you aren’t supposed to eat beef anyway. You have now been reminded of the importance to finding that key for the freezer. You don’t need a bunny to take care of. You obviously don’t need renters who think your former home has a ghost. Maybe, just maybe the Honda is unfixable and you can get something of a better size. Your girls are at the in-laws, not with you although you, of course, love them. If you knew how to sew on buttons, there would be no need for this overnight visit. What would be even better is if the boys were there also…. The creature living in your trunk will most likely move out at the gas station (you must dream a little!) And we are assuming that HD still has not lost his glasses!

And the most positive, positive is….that you are more important to the Father than birds of the air and the lilies of the fields!

COW #3 goes to Melissa K on the post "How to be a Superb Hunting Wife."  Yes, the same Melissa K who made me the camera strap cover.  Look at her and her bad self!

Ha! I laughed my head off (Get it?) even though I’m not married to a hunter. My husband has threatened for years to mount a trophy brown trout in our living room, though, so I put it on the prayer chain for him never to land one large enough to deem worthy.

Is it wrong to pray that your husband does not catch/kill/slaughter anything whilst hunting/fishing?

It is truly more convenient for me if he brings home nothing and we become vegetarians instead.


Happy Weekend!


  1. According to wikipedia:

    Pants-Off Dance-Off (PODO) is a dance contest which premiered on April 18, 2006 on Fuse. It features stripteasers as they dance while disrobing, and is now shown on its official website.

    Hmmmm. Maybe LD was not exactly having a pants off dance off after all ;)

  2. Well.
    That is inappropriate, now isn't it?
    Off to edit!

  3. I love your posts and I love your commenters! :)

    I am cracking up at the proposal story too!

    And your kids are darling, pink diapers or no.

  4. I have that cookbook and love it. I hope you and the gang enjoy your weekend!

  5. Every year I secretly pray and hope and pray that Brian doesn't get anything while hunting and then I feign disappointment, quite well I might add, when he doesn't get anything, and inside I am jumping for joy. Is that wrong? If it is, why does it feel sooo right?? ;) Ha! I just know if he comes home with something it's gonna cost $$, ya know? Oh well, it makes him happy, and that makes me happy!

  6. COW two weeks in a row? I'm famous.

    And just for the record (in case my husband starts reading your blog in his spare time), I do NOT pray that he will not catch anything. I actually encourage him to land really big fish because he's mainly a catch & release guy. And even if he keeps them, there's no work involved for me beyond the cooking. But he's made it clear since early in our marriage that if the right brown trout comes along... He even tries to convince me that they're "beautiful" and how well it would go with our decor. Um, yeah.

    Hi-lar-i-ous about the text from LJ. My hubby & I are not texters, but that's exactly what he would do if we were.

    I'm glad you like the camera strap. Now you have to start using the camera again, because even if you still can't figure it out, you'll at least look cute trying. ;)

  7. I think you can pray whatever you want - God says so. Of course the answers are up to Him but it doesn't hurt to ask. If God, in His divine wisdom, decides to save the deer, who are we to argue?

  8. I will try to pray come hunting season, because honestly I have no more room in the "game room" for dead animals.

    How bad is it that I made Colby promise that they were going to go in one room?!

    I love your texting story. Too funny.

    Marla @

  9. "Is it wrong to pray that your husband does not catch/kill/slaughter anything whilst hunting/fishing?

    It is truly more convenient for me if he brings home nothing and we become vegetarians instead.

    This could be dangerous ground for the spiritual side of your marriage...
    My reasoning being I am quite certain that your hubs is praying for the World Class record busting trophy, with the plausible explanation that he is providing food for the family. While you are praying that he will get nothing, or something so unworthy of manly attention that he deems it unworthy to bring home.
    If he scores BIG TIME, does that mean that he is the more spiritual and in tune with God?
    While on the other hand if he does not, is the opposite true????? and you are the more spiritual and in tune with God????

    Rach and I face this dilemma Yearly... The last couple with me coming in way ahead. (not that I have taken the moral high ground) *snicker*

    Loved your post about hunting season LOL was just wondering if you had ever given this any consideration....ROFL
    And I understand your hubby's passion, I am never quite as content as when I am out falling timber.

  10. Lumber Jill, I have been reading your blog for a long time....I just want you to know that you make me laugh every morning. Thank You

  11. Love the photos as always :) Who needs pants anyway? :P

  12. You have been a busy blogger! I have been a slacker blogger!
    Cookies...I cannot bring myself to make them. They are so time consuming, and they have eggs in them, and it freaks me out when my kids want to touch the dough. They must wash their hands right away! It's just too much work and stress.
    How crazy is it to live in my house? My kids would love to be in yours! :)
    Your house looks awesome! So open and spacious. I like it!

  13. Thank you very much! :)

  14. O my goodness, I won COW!! That may be the second most exciting thing that has happened to me this week, the first being giving birth to our second child and trust me, if he wouldn't have come, getting COW would have been the most exciting thing in my life.

  15. I'm a public school librarian--I've probably been called a cow before, but never in such a nice way!

    I love the way you teach adjectives!

  16. And I have found that cookies mixed by hand just seem to be better!

  17. This just in: Your kids are awesome. I hope my kids are cool as your kids (my soon-to-be daughter has me wondering if I'm getting a spitfire or a wallflower. Either way works for me.)

  18. Congrats! I think the birth of the child is much more exciting! :) Yay for babies!

  19. I just have to tell you that my youngest often refuses to wear pants. He even told me one day, "Mom, I don't wear pants." And, apparently, that was that. :) Though he's potty training now and I have discovered he has fewer accidents when he doesn't wear pants, so I just pretend it's all about my mad parenting skills and not just me giving in to his craziness!

  20. I love it when kids just kind of decide "This is the hill I will live or die on!" and it's something like wearing the same outfit every day or NOT wearing a certain kind of clothing. I thought it would never happen to me....I was wrong!
