Thursday, October 14, 2010

Parenting Fail

During school this morning, my head started to hurt really badly and I just started to feel generally sick.

Not super sick.  Just a little yucky.

I think I am getting a sinus infection. 

 I find this quite vexing.

So, I told the kids they had to "put mommy to bed."

Responsible, aren't I?

But I just had to lay down for a few moments.

They had a grand and glorious time tucking me in and giving me 64 snotty kisses.

Me:  Daisy Mae.  You come in here right now if anyone tries to open any doors.

Daisy Mae:  Yes, Mom.

Me:  And don't let the puppy in the living room.

Daisy Mae:  Yes, Mom.

Me:  And don't get into any food.  I will make lunch soon.

Now, I had to throw that in, dear readers, because at precisely 6:02am this very morn, I awoke to my boys trying to turn on the TV while surrounded by yogurt, a 13x9 pan of brownies, an apple, and two spoons in our upstairs loft where absolutely no food is ever allowed.

Can I just say that I am so very proud that they included an apple?

Daisy Mae:  And Mom?  Should I wake you if someone dies?

Me:  Yes.  That would be important.

Daisy Mae:  Especially if Cokey-da-Bear (Little Dude . . .keep up, people!) dies, right?  Cause he is really cute.

Me:  Yes.  Wake me up then.

Daisy Mae:  Ok, Mom!  Bye!

And off they all went downstairs where they are currently pounding on the piano and singing songs of great joy in celebration of their freedom.

And the only reason why I am typing this instead of resting is because I forgot about the monitor.

And there is nothing less pleasant than 4 children having a sing-a-long at the top of their lungs blasting through a monitor when you are trying to sleep.

At least they are singing worship music.

And no!  I did not turn the monitor off!

What kind of a parent do you think I am?


PS-I am really a good, responsible parent in real life.  I think.

PPS-I could always use The Lumberjack's famous excuse . . . "Taylor.  Have I let any of them die, yet?"

PPPS-Does anyone else find this excuse of his less than comforting?

PPPPS-Don't worry about me.  I haven't spoken to an adult in real life since Monday night.  But I am okay.

PPPPPS-  There are plenty of mice and deer to visit with.


  1. Hahahahha! You gotta plug them into a movie or somethingso you can take a nap. :-) Or maybe just tie them up and gag them. :-) (Kidding, for the record.) Hope your sinuses feel better soon. Have you used a neti pot yet?! I would dearly love to read a blog post you would, I'm sure, write about a neti pot. But, ever since I started using it, I haven't gotten a sinus infection. Serious.

  2. LOL Taylor...lots of x's and o's today...feel better!!

  3. 1. I do hope you feel better soon. My mom always used to get sick when my dad would go away on business trips. She would get mad at my father because of that.
    2. A million thanks for answering my questions. The only other person to do so was the little brother and I think that was only because he felt obligated.
    3. Eating a apple would complete erase any and all calories ingested from the brownies. Remember that rule and use it whenever necessary.

  4. Poor girl:( I am being ill on my own- my grown up boys checked in on Skype. I remember the days of being a responsible parent when feeling grot- it's a killer! You are in my prayers.

  5. Can I also say - half a lemon (squeeze into mug then throw the lemon in too) and a small piece of peeled root ginger. Add hot water. Also add honey if you want but really, why mess with perfection. This drink never made anything worse and often made it better!

  6. You rest up! I want to tell you this because I love you so, and the image in my mind is a funny one. You say "where no food is aloud"...but you mean "allowed". But, I think if food were aloud that might be kind of scary. So, that, too. :)
    Sinus infections are sooo awful! I have stopped getting antibiotics for them and now my body just kicks their booties (boodies? Is it booty or boody?) and it's pretty ugly for a couple of days.
    I wish I could show up with some good food and a hug! Darn. I don't even think I can manage the good food here at home.

  7. I don't think getting sick counts as a fail. (However I think you meant "allowed" instead of "aloud.")

    Any homeschooling parent deserves a break whether she's ill nor not. Sure hope you feel better soon!

  8. So sorry you don't feel well - hoping for a speedy recovery! And you might want to update the dog pic in your sidebar.. looking forward to many crazy puppy stories!

  9. Thanks! I edited it.
    Good thing I am homeschooling, eh? ;)

  10. I figure that if God didn't want me to occasionally catch a nap in the middle of the day He wouldn't have given me a television.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  11. Feel better soon :)

    Yogurt and apples are both good for them, right? I'm sure they just took the brownies up there to keep you from being tempted, that makes them good little boys!

  12. Feel better soon!! Hope Lumberjack gets home soon and spoils you rotten!

  13. Isn't it amazing that the kids are still alive and well after some time with just their daddy?
    Feel better soon!

  14. Ah, such a nice resting time for mommy! Your children are very considerate with the piano playing and singing whilst you are attempting to sleep. Mine are good that way, too! I do hope, dear lady left in the woods all by yourself, that you do not get a sinus infection. Ew. Good luck with that. xoxo

  15. I highly recommend using a neti pot for sinus headache. I have used one for a few years now. It rinses out the congestion, plus bathes the sinuses in salty water. I use it whenever I start getting a sinus headache. The headache goes away almost instantly. It's a little gross, but very effective. I do NOT use a full packet of the salt/baking soda solution, only a third or half the pack. Your sinuses might sting if you use the whole thing. Also be sure to use water that is body temperature or slightly warmer. You can find these things at most drug stores. Here are some handy dandy links, hope you feel better soon.

  16. Maybe you're pregnant.

    YOU are so welcome. That's why I come here.

    If, in fact, it is actually just a cold, I wish you well and a speedy recovery.

  17. i want to stop by to check on you after work tomorrow(friday). send me directions from 95. c u soon!

  18. I want a lock on my refrigerator AND pantry for that exact reason. I understand!

    I hope you feel better soon or better yet, I hope you stay just a liiiitle under the weather and lumberjack comes home early but stays home from work the extra days so you can rest in bed and be taken care of!!

    Too much to ask?

  19. I was telling a "I'm a bad mommy story" once to a Mom with about 2 times as many kids, and she looked at me with that disdainful look that says, "well, that ain't nothing" and informed me one of her kids drank gasoline. So. There. You aren't the worst Mommy and neither am I. Now we can both feel good about ourselves again.

  20. Um, hello? Are we not "real" adults? C'mon girl. Everyone knows that bloggy friends are the most real friends you will ever have!

    And, for the record, I made my daughter take naps until she went to kindergarten...just because I needed the naps more than she did, and I didn't trust her to be on her own.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  21. "Have I let any of them die yet?" <---that is one scary excuse! The kind of excuse that only a dad would come up with.

    Hope you are feeling better.

    Tell the deer I said hi!

  22. This sounds just like my house! We are a lot alike. Except I have One girl and Three boys. And my husband directs movies. But we both have a smelly dog! Do you happen to have 9 rabbits? Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy your writing.

  23. I consider not having any of the kids die to be a parent win, not a parent fail. Just sayin'. Plus, if they're getting their own food, they're starting to learn to be self-sufficient. Good nutrition takes time to learn, but in the meantime, they chose all actual foods. I think you are a pretty successful parent. (Hey, it's all in the spin.)

  24. lol!!! "should I wake you if anyone dies??" ummm yessss haha!

  25. I'm sorry you are sick, but this made me laugh so hard that I had to read it to my husband. He thought it was funny too and he doesn't laugh at what I think is funny. I wish I knew where you lived so I could bring you chicken soup, that is if I cooked.

  26. Heavens Taylor! This is so funny! And absolutely normal for a homeschooling mother, if truth be told. I love your husband's parenting wisdom There's a book in there somewhere.

  27. Here's something for y'all. Have the kids whip these up.

  28. Yay for the apple! I could be having a really, really bad parenting day when the boy has done nothing but frustrate me, but I feel like the best parent in the world when I see him eat his carrot sticks before his chicken nuggets:)

  29. feel better and put those little hook-y type latches at the top of the doors so you don't have to worry
