Monday, October 4, 2010

Do not worry.


Where do I start?

We have had a bad run of luck . . .  it's almost funny. 

 Except it's not.

In honor of the bad luck that has so easily entangled us, I shall now do a "Serenity Now!" post.

For I know how much you all enjoy them.

Serenity Now!

(Name that TV Show)

Our Excursion broke down.

Serenity Now!

$3000 transmission repair.

Serenity Now!

Our dog died.  We loved her.

Serenity Now!

Our bunny died.  We didn't love her much.  But sad, nonetheless.

Serenity Now!

It's just cause we just met the bunny.  We aren't heartless.

Simmer down!

Our son, who shall remain nameless . . .

(but not blameless)

left the freezer door open for an unheard of amount of time.

Serenity Now!

Remember all that beef?

Bye, bye beef.

Serenity Now!

Seriously.  Like $1000 worth of beef.

Serenity Now!

The renters from the other house called.  The oven broke.

Serenity Now!

Also: They dislike the neighbors, parking situation, spiders, bees . . . and they suspect they have a ghost.

Serenity Now!

So, since our Excursion is in the shop, we must all take David's truck, which we can thankfully all fit in.  Tonight, I had to meet my ma-in-law halfway from Ruralville to civilization so the girls could stay the night at her house.

Why?  Because she is giving them sewing lessons.

And I cannot sew on buttons.

Serenity Now!

Instead of taking the gas-guzzling truck, I decided to bring joy to my husband's heart and take the Honda, seeing as how he was not coming with us.

I am awesome like that.

I switched all the car seats into the Honda.  This is no small feat.  I opened the trunk to cram in all the girls' paraphernalia.

And I'll be darned if there isn't some creature living in there!  It has created for itself a little nest of fuzz from who-knoweth-where and also left a sizeable pile of droppings for us.

Serenity Now!

Come on.  I can't be the only gal with an unknown creature living in her trunk . . .



Serenity Now!

So, I cram the kids into the car and pile the aforementioned paraphernalia atop the children.

As soon as we pull into the gas station, the Honda dies.

It just . . . dies.

And it refused to stop dying.

Serenity Now!

So, we all piled into ma-in-law's van and drove back to Ruralville, leaving the Honda, along with it's mysterious inhabitant, behind at the gas station.

Sir Lumberjack is heading home as we speak to drive me back there, where we will then tow the Honda back to Ruralville.

Have you ever had to drive a vehicle your husband is towing?

I sure have.

Attention all peoples contemplating marriage with their special someone:  I implore you to try this towing activity immediately.  It will be the ultimate test for whether or not your marriage can weather any storm.

Serenity Now!

Alright.  It's time we stop, collaborate and listen (name that song).  I need an attitude check.  Things aren't that bad.  At least we have spare vehicles that can assist with all this towing and whatnot . . . right? 

And who needs beef?  I mean, really?

It's like the Lumberjack says . . . "At least we've got each other!"


Oh, except Mabel.

We don't got Mabel anymore.


"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they? 

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Matthew 6:25-27, 33-34



  1. Oh my.
    I have no words.

    Except that your cholesterol can thank HD.

    Oh, and ghosts??
    Crazy renters.

  2. AMEN!!!! Good girl finding your comfort in the Lord and not a tub of ice cream. Although both of them together might really do the trick......
    This, too, shall pass, and in a year you WILL be able to laugh about this. Because, honestly, what else is there to do but chuckle it off. Jerry, George, Elaine, Kramer and good ole' Newman will join me and you in a nice shout of "SERENITY NOW!". :)

  3. Positives--you aren't supposed to eat beef anyway. You have now been reminded of the importance to finding that key for the freezer. You don't need a bunny to take care of. You obviously don't need renters who think your former home has a ghost. Maybe, just maybe the Honda is unfixable and you can get something of a better size. Your girls are at the in-laws, not with you although you, of course, love them. If you knew how to sew on buttons, there would be no need for this overnight visit. What would be even better is if the boys were there also.... The creature living in your trunk will most likely move out at the gas station (you must dream a little!) And we are assuming that HD still has not lost his glasses!

    And the most positive, positive is....that you are more important to the Father than birds of the air and the lilies of the fields!

  4. I (unfortunately) have had to "drive" a car that my husband was towing. Before we were married (just dating) he purchased me a car (77 pinto wagon - don't be jealous) so that I had a little more freedom. Unfortunately, this car broke down and needed a tow. Did I mention he was driving a 69 mustang? This is important to remember! So, since I had never done this before (and was scared to death) he explained that I was not to touch the brake. I had it! NO BRAKE TOUCHING! So, we're driving (he is anyway) and he comes to a light! I smartly remember, NO BRAKE TOUCHING!, and you guessed it, rammed into the back of his mustang going about 10 miles per hour. Which doesn't sound fast, but is really fast when the car in front of you is not moving. Needless to say, he jumped out of that car yelling at me. He asked me why I didn't press the break?? Well, in tears, I explained to him that I was just doing what he told me. He stopped yelling, (I swear he counted to 10 silently) and said it was ok to touch the brake when the light was red. We got the car home safely, but in the few times we have had to do this since then, he makes sure to clarify when to touch the brake. We have been happily married for 22 years. Love the blog Taylor!

  5. Thinks for the reminder, Taylor.

    Things may seem bad now, but we really are all so very blessed. :)

    Marla @

  6. Oh dear. You are certainly having a rough time of it. I suspect I know how you would have answered my students' Bell Ringer: Would you consider your life a) exciting, b) dull, c) relaxing?

    Exciting isn't fun sometimes, is it.

    Always praying for you, my Friend. "This too shall pass."

  7. wow. that is a bad run of luck. but leave it to you to squeeze a vanilla ice quote into your serenity now post. i hope you are experiencing some serenity now. would it have been an option just to leave the honda, along with it's varmint inhabitant,at that gas station forever? i think that's what this city girl would have to do if i found a creature had made a home in our trunk.

  8. Okay, so my post seems like a cakewalk now compared to this!
    I'm sorry and yet you are the best!

  9. forallthatisgoodandholycanyoupleasehaveaminivannow??????

  10. Heather (nurse Heather)October 4, 2010 at 1:59 PM

    Keep your head up girl! Love the verse at the end. I am also reminded of Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which trenscends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

  11. Thinking and praying for you this evening!!!

  12. Oh Taylor, I can't bring myself to attempt any funny comments today. I just feel so bad for you. But I commend your attitude. That is awesome that you are all doing OK despite the tough run. (And no, I've never done that towing experiment with my spouse, but I've done it with my father, and yes, it is ridiculously ridiculous. I think I'm still sweating.)

  13. Oh, LJW, Bossy Big Sister Hugs to you.
    From the "Yes, Lord" song:
    'I'm pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned
    Struck down but not destroyed
    I'm blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure
    And his joy's gonna be my strength . . .'
    Be encouraged.

  14. Amen girl I needed that today :) Thanks and goodluck with those renters... wow!

  15. O! ps... at least now you have plenty of room for the hunting trip return. :) And he is just to darn cute to be mad at.

  16. That verse brings me a lot of comfort...I have it memorized and say it at least once a week when worry threatens or creeps in.

    Hope things work out with the renters and the oven and vehicles and the creatures living in them (shudder!!!) and all the other little things that are making you crazy. Maybe hang a bell on the freezer so you know when its been opened?

    And you do have each other. And your sense of humor appears to be intact and that's huge. Take care!

  17. Taylor?

    I love how you deal with life. You go ahead and do the freaking out that we all do, but you end up in Scripture. You're going to make it.

  18. First time, love, love this blog spot. You are going on my favorite list IMMEDIATELY! Thanks for reminding my once again that my focus is not to be on this world and all it affords (or in this case, all it affords that gets broken) but rather it is to be on the Kingdom of my God. It is so comforting to me to remember that.
    You are a great writer. I'll be back.

  19. 1- you made me cry again. Every time I look at Honey-dog I think of you and Mabel

    2- IF I were one of those people who believed in the workings of stars and moons and such on my life, I would call this The Year of the Rotten Tomato, for it seems as if children, animals, and critters of yuckiness are all out to get the tired mommies, and throw proverbial rotten tomatoes at us.

    3- DUCK -as in take cover- drink some coffee with creamer without feeling the least bit guilty, and chat with...well...whomever will drive out to Ruralville. I have made do with a chatting partner called Ms. Tree in my backyard, as well as Ye Old Picnic Table on the porch. Actually, I think I end up chatting with the Big Guy, but it starts out with Ms. Tree, and she makes me think of the Creator...YES, I am odd.

    4- Did you know that medical studies have proven that moderate consumption of coffee (caffeine) actually helps stave off mental instability. I fear I am not drinking enough.

  20. Bless your heart! I love that piece of Scripture. Somedays, all you can do is look around and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Even though things aren't THAT bad, I am praying that things start going the other way for you soon!

  21. You are a brave person to drive a vehicle that has a strange little creature in the trunk. Of course if the Honda made it all the way to town, you could have given the creature to the renters and told them the creature scares away ghosts! : )

  22. Great attitude...hope things get better for you.

  23. Ya know that old country song " . . . If I had no bad luck I'd have no luck at all . . ."
    Sorry. Sometimes you have to laugh.

  24. Wow... I'll stop complaining right now...

  25. They say it comes in threes.
    Looks like yours comes in three millions.

    Just keep repeating that verse.
    I also like that God only gives us as much as we can handle.
    Sometimes I think God thinks way higher of me than he should.

    I'll say a little prayer for you today.
    And send you some love.

  26. But no one named that song!!! ... Vanilla Ice, "Ice Ice Baby" ... or something...and now that song will be stuck in my head all day - thankyouverymuch.

    What do you think it is that is growing in your trunk???

    I hope that today is a better day!!!

  27. I wish I could sit with you over a giant piece of chocolate cake and cry about all of it. And maybe laugh some.
    I am so sorry about all of it...but you know where to look for comfort/encouragement. The internet helps, too, ( :) ) but going to His word is the best.
    I'm looking for joy each day. Some days it's a lot harder to find than others. I hope you can find some joy in each day, Taylor, even if it's something that seems insignificant to someone else. Love to you!

    Ice, Ice, Baby. Nice!

  28. Lots of love and prayer coming your way from the Tennessee Tourists - and we have done the same thing to a freezer full of meat - 3 times... yes, 3 times.... we now have no more freezer, and no more meat..
    I praise you for your attitude - God says he will inhabit the praise of his people - way to to be filled with the spirit and thankfulness!

  29. First off, how do you know Vanilla Ice songs?!
    I have shouted serenity now, every time I read it on this post. I hope you heard me. You are so sweet to be able to laugh at crappy happenings, that is a lesson for all of us. The scriptures are the truth aren't they?

  30. I would say, "Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Monday's"

    I wont.
    Because, I really feel badly about all that..uh...crap...

    Or shall I say, 'ROTTEN MEAT!"

  31. Wow! I just read Dawn's comment. Don't you wish I was more thoughtful like my librarian sister? I'm tired. I just worked a long day. My oven broke, and all I could think when I read your post was: SERENITY NOW!!
