Thursday, October 21, 2010

The One Thing I Can Never Forgive My Mother For

The ill-fated glamor portraits of 1994, meant as a Valentine's Day gift for my dad.

Creepy, is it not?

Poor me.

Poor, chubby, emotional, junior-high-ish, pimpled, cranky, moody me.

(From left to right:  My sister Meagan, Mother, and Me)

That is all.


  1. If that is the worst you have girlfriend - you are doing pretty good!

  2. Oh. My.

    Is this real?!?! It looks like somebody photoshopped heads on! Ahhhh, Glamor Shots!

    Love it.

  3. That makes my day! Seriously funny.

  4. Is it wrong that this made me laugh. A. Lot.
    It did.
    It also made me love your mom. A. Lot.
    hee hee

  5. Yep, been there.

    I believe all of my Glamour Shots have been burned, shredded, and donated to the nearest garbage dump...for a really good reason.

  6. Love the shiny! Classic 1994 hair, makeup. Love it.

  7. What did they wrap you in? Gift wrap? That is the BEST (as in the worst) Glamor Shots I've even seen. Love how the one in front (you?) is even blurry! LOLLL

  8. Heather (nurse Heather)October 21, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    Wow! I don't know what to say.... Priceless, absolutely priceless....

  9. I have always felt that my life had hopelessly gone wrong because I never got to have any glamourshots done. Thank you for making me realize I now have to come up with another reason for my hopeless life.

  10. Seriously?! SO FUNNY! I hope your mom didn't pay money for that... your sister isn't even in focus!!!

  11. HA HA Ridiculous... looks like you are wearing capes from the hair salon. I love your mom for this... wish I had put my girls in one! We have one where we all look like The Judds with really big hair and I love it. They cringe that i hung it with lots of family pictures in the stairwell...I like it b/c I think I look thin.!!

  12. PS What is in your ear?? Your mom is really blinged but do you have earrings on or what?? hehe

  13. Oh my gosh - you guys are just full of blogging material, even from long ago!

    I posted my ill-fated Glamour Shots photo, as well as the accompanying True Story Tuesday legend (it has to do with EXPOSURE... put it that way *sigh*)

    Thanks for the laughs - and for the record, you guys are all cute!

  14. that is truly awkward. but you actually look super cute and not at all chubby. could they have not gotten your sisters face in focus a bit?

    maybe you should do a glamour shots gift for your hubby with you draped in only an elk skin as a valentine's present.

  15. You are breathtaking. Name that show. :)

  16. LOL! :) What were you wearing? A sheet? A cape? A colorful garbage sack!

  17. blu ush! I can't believe you did this, but then I guess I do believe it. sigh

  18. What are you wearing??

  19. It's not that it's a bad picture of look like you really don't want to be there. But, you know what? That is what we looked like back then. I say "we" although I'm a little older than you are. I did have the poofy bangs though. When you pulled one strand of hair in the bangs, the whole thing moved as one.

  20. It is real.

  21. If you're feeling nostalgic and want to do it again I hear you can still get those blue tarps at Wal-Mart. LOL. Moms are so mean!

  22. Yep, I've got pics like that too! They were all the rage for about 5 minutes. And for the record, I don't think you are chubby in this picture at all.

  23. What are you wearing??!?!? Is that like a tarp?

    Otherwise its just lovely. :)

  24. Oh girl, we've all done it. My mom, sister and I have the same photos. Oy, I hope they are hidden far, far from view.
    You know what's sick? My husband would love me looking like that. It's like another woman. Big hair, different color hair, etc. You get the picture. He's a pig.

  25. Irregardless of the cheesieness, y'all could a been a model.

  26. A ha ha ha! But I am not laughing AT you, because you were actually a cute girl. Instead I am laughing WITH you and all of us who survived the big hair glamour shots era.

    Not a good time in history, was it?

  27. I don't think you look pimply or chubby. You do look like you're wearing the covering they give you in a hair salon to protect your clothes from chemicals.

    So, did your dad love this and hang it somewhere for all the world to see? Does it still hang somewhere for all the world to see?

  28. Oh my goodness... :) You all should have done a Charlie's Angels pose with your "finger guns" pointed to the sky :)

  29. One can of hairspray for some very BIG hair $3
    Three very shinny colorfull trashbags used as clothes $10
    One very special photo for dad with Sister out of focus PRICELESS ;)~

  30. O.M.G!! My mother and I did the exact same thing! Was Mary Kay running a special or something!? And what is up with those off-the-shoulder smockes? Seriously, the 90s were some bad years for fashion.

  31. Psst. . . . Irregardless is not a word but regardless is.

  32. Awe... I never went to have my Glamour Shots done - I feel so deprived. :>

  33. Lovely. Very 90s. But don't feel bad. I did the Glamour Shots deal too. Haha... I don't think I kept a copy of mine though. Good for me!

  34. My sister and I had our photo done together - not exactly a glamour photo, but it looked quite similar to yours. We were really into color analysis at that time so of course wore our 3-star colors for the photo op. Gotta love those days gone by........

  35. I'm sorry. I don't like to laugh at pictures of other people... but I have to say... Bwahahaha! I love this!

  36. Okay, that picture is terrible. I'm not gonna lie. First of all, why the heck did they situate you guys that way? Your sister is totally out of focus! Second, you guys look like you're wearing shiny hair cutting capes. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a thing.

    Did your dad like it?
