Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Fantasticness!

Is "Fantasticness" a word?

I vote yes!

Alright, folks.  We've got a lot of ground to cover.

Let's get ready to rumble.

1.  I may or may not have permitted my children to watch a Taylor Swift music video.  When Taylor Swift was on the screen, Little Dude kept yelling,

"Look!  It's mama!"

Isn't he a good boy?

2.  Whilst watching Ms Swift, Daisy Mae noticed that she had some lovely jewels adorning her eyes.

Daisy Mae informed me that I should do that everyday so I could look pretty.

3.  I tried to explain the ridiculousness of the fact that Ms Swift is supposed to be a mere highschool lass in this musical video.

And it is kind of crazy that she is wearing an evening gown (that keeps falling off the shoulder, mind you), laying in bed all glammed out with bling on her face, singing a love song, all while clutching her guitar.

Daisy Mae did not see my point.

4.  The Lumberjack, more accurately known as David, called me yesterday.  It was the first time I had spoken to him since Saturday.

I did my best to sound weary, exhausted, lonely, and forlorn.

My motive was to persuade him to come home a tiddly-bit early.

I was not successful.

5.  Come on, Lumberjack!

It's time you make a choice.

Me  or this:

6.  He will most certainly choose the latter.  Perhaps things wouldn't be this way if I glued jewels to my face each night.

7.  After our phoneversation (ha!  I just made that up!), I suspiciously started singing,

"I ain't missing you at all!"

Name that music artist.

8.  But I do miss him.

9.  I just wish I was as enticing as an elk.

10.  He said he hasn't seen any bull elk.  Just some cows and spikes.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what a spike is.

I know what it is!

Look at me with my big-girl-hunter's-wife pants on!

11.  Last night's conversation:

Sweet Pea:  Mom.  What is a blog?

Me:  I don't know.  It's just a silly thing.

Sweet Pea:  Mom.  Can I read your blog?

Me:  No.

Sweet Pea:  Why?

Me:  It's almost bedtime.

Sweet Pea:  What is your blog called?

Me:  The Lumberjack's Wife.

Sweet Pea:  Why?

Me:  I don't know.  It's dumb.

Sweet Pea:  You should call it "The Mom Who Is Always Tired Blog."

12.  I read "Horton Hatches the Egg" by Dr. Seuss at least twice a day to the boys.

I am getting tired of it, one hundred per cent.

I'm gonna need a 10-4 Good Buddy from anyone who has any idea what I am talking about.

Over and out.

13.    I probably need to drive to town soon. 

I am starting to get weird and creepy.

14.  I am going to get a little funky today and not center my post.

15.  And now I would like to introduce you to a new segment called,

"The Same Thing Happens every Week"

Other person:  Hey, Taylor!  I heard you write a blog!

Me:  Yes, I do.

Other person:  So . . . you're The Lumberjack's Wife?

Me:  Yup.

Other person:  I thought David was an electrician?

Me:  He sure is.

Other person:  Did he used to be a lumberjack?

Me:  Nope.  Not at all.

Other person:  Oh.  Hmmm.

Me:  Yup.

*awkward silence*

16.  Darn this blog.

17.  It is frigid outside today.

18.  I should have plugged in my rig.

19.  Alright.  I have droned on long enough.

20.  Happy Friday!


  1. Happy Friday, Taylor.

    I am currently in bed and it's 10:21 AM. I think that deserves a big Holla!

    (Did I say it right?)

    When is the Lumberjack coming home?

    Marla @

  2. John Waite!!!!
    Yes some of these videos are far fetched.

  3. I love that you were completely random today - maybe the "mama is always tired" blog should be a "side-pseudo title" like Groupon features "side deals".

    Spikes? Is it a porcupine?

  4. Happy Friday dear girl - I hope the mice stay away and the hubs returns soon, in the meantime rest in the knowledge that at least one person can't tell the difference between you and Taylor Swift.. come to think of it, I don't believe I have ever seen you two in the same place at the same time....

  5. Hi Taylor,
    I LOVE reading your blogs. I love your sense of humor--your blog and Erin's always make me laugh! Sweet Pea's comment that you should call your blog "the Mom Who Is Always Tired" is priceless! That's what my kids would say I should call my blog if I wrote one. I fear that "I"m so tired" are the 3 most often said words that I say!

  6. John Waite, but I highly recommend the cover by Tyler Hilton. Very nice.

    And a spike is a not yet fully grown bull elk, I think.

    I think "The Mom Who Is Always Tired" blog has a nice ring to it! With all the adventure at your house, I wonder why you would possibly be tired. Especially with no Lumberjack to buffer you from your darling, yet highly active children. Bless your heart.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I should say that I hope it will make your day! I guess I can't guarantee it!

  8. Taylor! I am begging you. I have something posted on my blog that will make your DAY!!!!!
    Please check it out!
    It will totally make your day!
    100 per cent! (oh, my friend Horton!)
    An elephant's faithful 100 percent.
    It's a good thing I'm not an elephant. NOr do I want to be. But faithful I am.

    I feel like an elephant but that's another story!

    Please please! I beg you to check out my post today. It will make your day!

  9. There are many blogs with similar titles. "The Lumberjack's Wife" stands out in the crowd. Keep it.

    I just wish I had named my blog something that clever. But! I get to blame my husband for my blog title! He set it up for me.

    Blaming husbands for anything is fun.

  10. My girls LOVE Taylor Swift. They also LOVE Carrie Underwood. I think you need to visit a spa or something. Take me with you. If I lived nearby I would totally come visit you so you wouldn't have to leave the house. I was just thinking this morning that I should really leave the house-haven't in quite some time. I just don't wanna.

  11. I'm with Katie---I think a spike is a not yet full grown (i.e. teenage) bull elk.

    Luckily, since our move to Texas (from Wyoming) I haven't lost my husband to weekend after weekend of hunting. At least, ELK hunting. Now he's into hunting hogs. One of which he's getting the head of mounted...and he wants to put it IN. MY. HOUSE!!!

  12. My kids would tell me to call it "the mom who is always grumpy". They ask me quite often why I am so grumpy in the mornings.

  13. Nice job on spike!

  14. Now, that's just wrong. ;)

  15. Happy Friday!

    Spike is a dinosaur in the Land Before Time movie. I hope that's not what he's seeing.

  16. Smooches to you for choosing a song from the 80's. For a moment, I was back in high school listening to Casey Kasem's Top 40. I knew every word to that song, because I had such an extensive and dramatic love life at 14, you know. Good stuff.

  17. I love that Horton book. I get all choked up when that little egg hatches and out comes the elephant bird.
    After all...
    It should be, it should be, it should be that way!


  18. Um. You said it wrong.

    I believe the correct phrasage is:
    And it should be, it should be, it SHOULD be like that. (not that way)
    Because Horton was faithful, he sat and he sat.
    He meant what he said and he said what meant.
    And they sent him home HAPPY . . .
    one hundred per cent.

    Thank you. Thank you.
    No, did not look up the words. They came right out of the old noggin.
    I am pretty sure I could recite the whole book.
    But I will spare you. ;)

  19. Ack! Somebody beat me to the spike definition! And I was feeling so smart...

    Well, my dear, you could always go get yourself some cow estrus and see if that works. Though personally, that stuff is not permitted within 30 steps of our back door... this deaf chick has a nose that smells for miles.

    Still giggling at the suggestion that you glue jewels on your face (a quick hint from another hunter wife... he'll just look at you like you've lost your marbles, and go back to watching Cabela's Most Dangerous Hunts)

  20. ooh, love John Waite. I still have a Babys ALBUM. That was his group in case you were not around listening to albums in the early 80's. I also love Allison Krauss's version. I am not a goober.

    I know the videos make no sense but on the whole I like Taylor Swift and the fact that she is not out there flashing us her knickers and falling out of limos and having her picture taken ala mug shot. Plus, her favorite group is Needtobreathe and they are nice boys.

    Have a frantastic weekend!

  21. Oh yes, a Spike Bull is the best elk for eating, as I understand it. So he should go for a Spike, and come home to you.

  22. Joyce . . .
    did you mean knockers? ;)

  23. You are hilarious! Love reading your blog!

  24. 10-4 good buddy and that's all I have to say, 100 percent!

  25. Ummm...No. She meant knickers. As in Paris Hilton (I think) climbing out of limos with her knickers showing that are of the flip flop version...Wait.

    Flip flops are for feet. They used to be thongs, but then knickers became thongs....

    So. In short, yes, I think Joyce really meant "'knickers."

    Just sayin'.

  26. huh?
    I'm tho' confused . . . :)

  27. I read the books at the daycare to the kids over and over and over and over and over and over and over. I know them by heart so I feel ya! Holla!

  28. I think Lumberjack might come home early if you glued a big rack to your head instead of gluing bling to your face. And since you are a true hunter's wife, you know when I say "rack" I mean antlers so tell your other readers to get their eyeballs back in their heads and their minds out of the gutters. : ) I can't believe I'm actually typing any of this. I'm glad this is showing up on your blog and not mine!

  29. 10-4 100 per cent...

    A told B and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree...

    That there book has me worn out.

  30. I think Taylor Swift is sweet and I hope she stays that way.
    Maybe you should be her for Harvest Festival?
    I have a guitar you could borrow and we could put the jewels on your pretty face.
    You already have the blonde hair.
    It's a grande idea.
    If you put sparklies on your eye I will do it too.
    Double dog dare.

    Maybe you could've answered SP (sweet pea, keep up! :))
    "or it could be called mom with kiddos that ask way too many questions"
    hee hee

    I love that you have to answer the LJ question every week. Clearly they don't read the blog or they would know why it is called that and how cute, charming and funny you are. Their loss.

    And since my family is now all using your fave word...I'm giving in.

  31. I used to have to read Cinderella to my oldest daughter so much that I would challenge myself to see how far I could go without looking at the pages. I had the whole thing memorized. I came to despise that book. She is grown now and married and I have made up with Cinderella enough so I can read it to her daughter.
    I thought Spike was from Land Before Time too . This Spike you speak of I do not know. Speaking of LBT the tree stars are really lovely in my neck of the woods about now. My daughter I spoke of just hit a deer last night. Maybe LJ could just drive over here, get his buck and drive home.
    My girls (3) all have their own blogs and are trying to convince me to start one entitled ... Stupid -in a good way. I am pretty certain no one would ask why it was called that except for maybe the good way part!
    I think you are hilarious and those people should read you then they would totally understand. You never fail to make me laugh. Stupid- in a good way.

  32. So my husband was watching a movie on Netflix two nights ago and yelled at me to "Quick, come here I've got to show you something!". So I run in and he tells me there is a little girl on this movie who is the spitting-image of you, Taylor. The movie is called "The Missing" or something, a western with Tommy Lee Jones and some other lady whose name has escaped my mind. So he shows me the girl, and sure enough, it's like looking at a little you, or like looking at Daisy Mae. Seriously. A lot. We just stared for a while. There is another little Taylor look-alike out there. Thought you should know. Over and out, good buddy.

  33. 1. Love #1.
    2. What can I say - that's so country
    3. You could so wear jewels on your eyes - it's real purty. Think of how the kids would love it especially like on Christmas Eve.
    4. Boob Job, break more things around the house and spend a lot of money when he's gone
    7. Of course The Baby's who by the way are a great live band
    13. Absolutely as much as possible.

    How do you get jewels near your eyes?

  34. Your phrase...."I should have plugged in my rig" cracks me up! I haven't heard someone mention plugging in a vehicle since we left Alaska....where I grew up! People rarely believe me when I say that we plugged in our vehicles!
