Saturday, October 9, 2010

Playing Tag

Oh my goodness gracious.

I was tagged by Michelle over at Married/Single Parent to answer 8 questions she posted. After I answer those I am going to post 8 different questions and tag 8 people.

Sounds most splendid, does it not?

1)  If you could invite anyone in the world, who would you want as your dinner guest? What would you serve them for dinner?

Hmmmm . . .

This is a quandary.

I would invite my dearheart friend Bimlissa who moved too far away for my lonely heart.  And since she just had a new baby, I feel they should count as a two-for-one deal.  I would feed Bimlissa some delicious chicken pot pie, a green salad (so we can watch our waistlines), and darn good chocolate cake.

The baby can eat what he pleases.

2.  What is your favorite "me time" activity?

If I were to have some time to myself, WITHOUT CHILDREN, I would go to the mall all day and buy clothes and earrings and earrings and clothes.

I would also like to be about 10 pounds lighter and have lots and lots of money.

That would make it really fun.

Sheesh.  I sure sound greedy there.

Rest assured.  It will never happen.  None of it.

3.  If you could rename yourself who would you become?

Like other than Taylor?



Or other than the Lumberjack's Wife?


The Pioneer Woman.

4.  How long have you been blogging & why did you start?

I have been blogging since May 2009.  And I started blogging to post pictures and daily happenings for my Auntie Datenutloaf and my sister Meagan.

I also started blogging to be as cool as my friends, Lani, Jessy, and Bimlissa. 

They made blogging all the rage.

5.  You are granted one super power, what would it be and how would you use it?

I would be able to do 42 things at once.

I would use it daily to complete tedious activities such as cooking, dishes, laundry, homeschooling, and the like.

I would be completely awesome and everyone would be jealous of me and my mad skills.

Or skillz.

Whichever you prefer

6.  What one electronic device could you not live without?

It is a toss up between the hairdryer and the computer.  And the curling iron.  And the coffee pot.

7.  If you had a time machine, what year would you travel to and why?

I would travel back to the year 2003 when I had my first baby.

I would want to see how tiny she is and how silly of a parent I was.

I would offer up the following advice to myself:

A)  Just give in and join Weight Watchers.  Breastfeeding ain't gonna cut it.

B)  Don't allow David to watch the child between the hours of 8pm and 6am

C)  Everything is going to be alright

D)  Until the year 2010 when you move to Ruralville and have your grandma die, your dog die, two cars break down, start homeschooling, begin a vacation rental business, and have mice in yours cars.

E)  So enjoy life now!

8.  What is one thing (material item) you don't share well with others?

 I have issues with sharing my recipes with people I know in real life.

Well, just my really good recipes.  (all 3 of them)

I really want to be better than all my acquaintances when it comes to making those three things.


Alright!  Now it is my turn!

Here are the peeps I shall tag:

1.  Jill

2.  Joyce

3.  Naomi G

4.  Christine

5.  Marla

6.  Teresa Dawn

7.  Kendra

8.  Katie

9. The Little Brown House

10.  Is it Bedtime Yet?

(I tagged 10, because I enjoy being rebellious.  And I wasn't sure who would like to do this.)

And here are my 8 Fantastic Questions that they must answer:

1.  What is one food you detest?

2.  What is your perfect day?

3.  If you could take a vacation next week, where would you go?

4.  What are five of your favorite blogs?

5.  What are your thoughts on The Facebook?

6.  Are your parents technological goobers, like mine?


7.  If you had to choose between losing 15 pounds forever, but never wearing makeup again OR having perfect skin but putting on 15 pounds permanently . . . what would it be?

8.  What is your best recipe?  (so I can steal it!  ha!)


Happy Weekend!


  1. You're so fun! You sound spite of all that has been going on. :)

  2. Uh oh - I'm it! I will beg mercy as I am still in the land of Tennessee with your best friend Bimlissa.. who has a most adorable baby boy.. that I know you wish you could see! I may be able to answer the questions after I travel back home.
    And also - congrats on the new addition to your family!

  3. No worries! You don't have to participate if it is not condusive to your current lifestyle. :) I want to see that baby. :(

  4. Oh how I wish I could have dinner with you and eat all that yummy food!! Love the advise you would give to yourself in the past, very sweet. =)

  5. :) I'd love to do this one, thanks for tagging me. I'll not post it yet though because I'm sick and just wanna get to bed haha! I'll let you know when I've completed it :)

  6. I have replied to your tag. It was a lot of fun! And it gave me something to do while I was not sleeping! Make sure you come by and check it out!

  7. I'll do it when I post on Monday. Do I have to come up with eight different questions on my own for eight other people? Do I have to come up with eight other people to tag? That might be more stressful than answering the questions! Answering the questions is easy because isn't it always all about me? : )

  8. I went and read the story of LJ's night with your firstborn and . . .

    I laughed.

    I'm sorry, I know t wasn't funny at the time - I could relate on way too many levels. But some of life's most frustrating moments are funny in hindsight which ALMOST makes them worth it.

  9. I will be hopefully doing this something this afternoon. Great questions, Taylor. :)

    Marla @

  10. Oh my. I just starting cracking up so hard after reading that story. Amazing. Perfect.

    And I can totally see Colby acting like that. Oh my.

    Marla @

  11. Thanks answers are on my blog today. Have a nice Sunday!

  12. Sounds good! :)

    Yes, you are supposed to tag 8 others and come up with 8 questions. The 8 questions part was really hard for me!

  13. I hope you feel better soon!

  14. Great questions! You are fun. :)
    Just making a Bossy Big Sister observation that Q#7 was first proffered to you by MindyLou (the Sweet Pants Girl), and though plagarism may be evident, prosecution is unlikely to occur.

  15. Oh fun! I loved reading your answers, and am finally back from the deep wilderness, and will proceed with answering your questions, post haste. :-) It rained a lot in said wilderness, and I used my mad driving skills to navigate a very skinny trail along a very high cliff edge and between very close together trees. :-) It was fun. I am glad to be home, so I can take a shower. The whole last half of this comment is pointless, but it really was a lot of fun. :-)

  16. Your wit is so wonderful and I missed it! I'm looking forward to not being sick and going back and reading everything I've missed for like, the last month.
