Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random Pointlessness on a Wednesday afternoon.

Yes.  Hello.

I am aware that I have been posting a lot.  And I apologize for that.  However, my parents ceased camping here and The Lumberjack is still out in the wilderness searching for his dream bull elk and I NEED TO TALK. 

Fun Fact:  A male elk is called a bull elk.  A female elk is called a cow.

And don't say I never taught you nothing.  But the bull elk is where it's at.  On account of the horns and such.

I don't want to talk about hunting.

I want to talk about Lucy.

Lucy is not as naughty as I once previously thought.

She is a typical puppy, but not evil.

She sleeps through the night now!  We only had two bad nights.  But last night, I put her to bed at 9pm and didn't get her out until 7am with no problems!

Holla, Lucy!


I really didn't want to name her Lucy.  I wanted to name her Norma-Jean-Riley.  I'm gonna need a 10-4 good buddy from anyone who knows the song of whence I speak.

But the girls nipped that idea in the bud and she has been called Lucy ever since.



My mother took the day off on Monday to help me with the Lumberjacklings.  It was a pleasant day.  Homeschooling is much easier when you have a qualified Grams looking after the naughtiest of the children.

After lunch, we put the boys down for a nap, let the girls watch some tv, and ma and I just sat on the couch drinking coffee and talking.

Then the boys woke up and we loaded everyone up and drove to a tiny town about 20 minutes away where a super cute store exists.

I bought this wreath:

I like it.

I think it makes my peach walls "pop!", don't you?

And since it is above the fireplace-ish area, The Lumberjack will get no smart ideas to put any bulls or bucks in it's stead.

Tricky, tricky!



Whilst mother was off on Monday, we took the Lumberjacklings to the park.  I took a few pictures of this joyous event with the cell phone.

Did you know you can text your pictures to your email account?  This was fantastic news to me. 

"Welcome to the 90s, Mr. Banks."

(Name that movie)

Here is my mom with a few of the kids.

I have so many, I forget their names at times.

It happens.

I think this one is Daisy Mae . . .

Yes.  It is.

And that bundle of joy is Little Dude.

Fun Fact about Little Dude:  Whenever he gets in trouble, he immediately asks for a kiss before resuming activities.

Isn't that cute?



Never mind about Lucy.  She just tried to eat Little Dude.  And she got into the garbage.

I am thinking I will go with Sandy's friend a call her Lucy-Fur.

Do you get it?

Do you get it?



I am bemoaning the fact that I have to go to the store.

I am too slothful to properly clothe and shoe all of my children.  I just don't want to do it.

Plus we have to drive for miles upon wretched miles.

And my bladder is not what it used to be.


We are out of milk, dish soap, and my hair dryer broke.

I really, really, really need a hair dryer.



I drove all the way to  Walmart yesterday and forgot my purse.



Most ridiculous conversation I had today:

Daisy Mae:  Can I have a snack?

Me:  Yes.

Daisy Mae:  What can I have?

Me:  How about animal crackers?

Daisy Mae:  Ok.  I can't find them.

Me:  I saw them on the bathroom floor.

Daisy Mae:  That's right!





That's all I have to say.

It was riveting though, was it not?

Perhaps you can talk to me . . . no?

Maybe ask me a question?

Tell a humorous tale?

Share a favorite blog?

Tell me what your favorite animal is?

Tell me it is okay to make a double pan of my favorite brownies?

Later Dudes and Dudettes!

But mostly dudettes.

Are there any dudes?

Probably not.

Ok.  I am done now.



  1. Does it count that I know it is a Diamond Rio song? :)

  2. You could always go to my blog and answer my pointless questions from my post yesterday. :)

  3. You are HILARIOUS today! So stinking funny. Anyhew, isn't Norma-Jean-Riley a Diamond Rio song? At least it is to me! Ah, I love Diamond Rio from the 90's. I'm cool like that. And Lucy-fur is totally funny, by the way. And what adorable store is close to you where you could pick up such nice home decor?? I don't think I know about that place. Hmmmm......
    Brian came home this morn from hunting. He didn't get anything. :( Ha ha ha. I'm so funny. Good luck with yorn. :)

  4. My momma has a dog named Lucy and she only gets called Lucifer from me. She's not evil at all, that's what makes it funny.

    Yay for her sleepin' through the night though!

    10-4 Good buddy on the song!


    P.S. I like the itty bitty smiley face on the bottom of your page!

  5. Yes! It means you are obviously totally cool like me. :)

  6. I never noticed it before?! Weird. How did it get there?

  7. Everybody says Fool! Fool! Nothing you can do, never gonna see her with the likes of you. I say watch and see! Norma Jean Riley's gonna marry me.

    No elk! Poor you! :) ha!

  8. You are only allowed to make a double batch of your famous brownies if you share :O). Always love your blog.

  9. Bah ha ha! Oh you make me grin so big that the people in my house ask what drug I'm on.

    I don't know the song reference but I do know the tv show one: Fresh Prince

    Chillin out, maxin, relaxing all cool,
    And all shooting some b-ball outside of school
    When a couple of guys who were up to no good
    Started making trouble in my neighborhood
    I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared
    And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"

  10. It probably was put there by the creator of the template you're using. :)

  11. Very, very smart of you to find something to put where an animal head may go! Yay for Lucy...BOO for Lucy-fur. Yay for you having your own "mommy time" with your mom!

  12. The song is Diamond Rio. Lucy-Fur is hilarious. And a quote from my real life, "Ms. Miller, Tommy* ate my bookmark." I teach junior high.

    *names have been changed to protect the kid who really did eat the bookmark

  13. Lucy-fur!!! So clever, why don't I ever think if stuff like that?

  14. Lucy-Fur--clever! Wreath--lovely! Time with Mom on the couch with coffee--deserved! WalMart without purse--been there, done that! Double batch of brownies--I won't even list what I've eaten today--it's very embarrassing.....

  15. Of course the animal crackers are on the bathroom floor!! Where else would they be?

    Of course, my favorite blog is MY blog...But that sounds self centered, so I will not say that...

    Of course, sadly, my posts are nearly always random and pointless.

  16. Great! Thanks alot- Now I have that song in my head!

    *at least its a good one ;)

  17. I am sorry; but, Lucy-fur looks like an angel in the picture. Wait! Isn't Lucifer an (fallen) angel? Ha! Sorry, couldn't resist.

    By the way, thanks for the smiles today!

  18. Happy Wednesday, Taylor.

    Your puppy is adorable, even if she's a little tiresome at times.

    And that's all I got. :)

    Marla @

  19. Au Contraire!
    It is a movie I speak of with Steve Martin and Martin Short. :)

  20. Did you check out The Dog Wisper's website and get any good tips for Lucy?

  21. I don't know if I am willing to share. ;)

  22. You ARE bored! I understand, I get that way. Just want to tell ya, it's better to leave your purse at HOME rather than the GROCERY CART IN THE PARKING LOT...I've done that...TWICE. Knew you would get a good laugh out of that one!! Oh, by the way, I got it back both times with nothing stolen....WHEW!!

  23. I think you are hilarious! I love your blog, and you seem like such an awesome, funny, down to earth person!

    I think Lucy is a precious name (We have a lab (almost 2 yrs old) named Mac and a lab-mix (almost 3 months old) named Molly). Molly can be bad sometimes, but so can Mac. I think Molly learns a lot from Mac - whether it's stuff that looks like fun to do or chew, or stuff that Mac gets in trouble for, she now knows to NOT do it! She's a quick learner ;)

    We had a golden retriever growing up, her name was Sasha, and she was my buddy. She had to be put down a few years ago and I miss her so much, but she was in pain so I know she's in a better place. Anyway, when we were younger, my younger sister was smaller and always seemed to be Sasha's chew toy. She would always pull on the back of my sister's shirts, and my sister would be up before school sewing the holes in her shirt so she could wear it to school. One afternoon my sister and I started fighting. We went upstairs (which was separated by the downstairs with a baby gate so the dog couldn't come upstairs and eat the cat's food and so the cat had a safe place to escape from the puppy). Sasha was standing at the bottom of the stairs barking and barking and barking. She eventually stopped and I thought she just got tired of barking. We went back downstairs, and my math homework was E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!! I couldn't believe it! My dog had actually eaten my homework! I had no idea what I would tell the teacher, I didn't figure in a million years she would believe me. So, I took every last piece that wasn't eaten into school with me. I asked the teacher if I could get a new review book from the school store (luckily I had study hall before the class, and the math teacher was the study hall monitor) and I told her that my dog ACTUALLY DID eat my homework. I told her I had it with me if she needed proof. She didn't need to see it, and I got the homework done before class, but I'll never forget that!

    Lucy will get better. Puppies always try and test their limits!!
    Good luck with her. She is adorable!! :)

  24. Yes! And I have a few of his books on hold at the library!

  25. Thanks-that is so funny about your sister sewing her clothes! I think I kind of forgot even how much work Mabel (our old dog) was when she was a puppy!

  26. Happy Wednesday, Marla!

  27. ha! Oh, at least she is cute :)

  28. Then maybe I shall make brownies . . .

  29. Oh, Andi!
    I know you are your favorite!
    But I can't blame you! ;)

  30. It is totally a good one!

  31. Yes, it was grand and glorious!

  32. That is . . . concerning, is it not? :)

  33. I don't know! Get with it!

  34. I always thought it was Norma Jean A-Riley. Doesn't it sound like A Riley when they sing it? Dang accents. Speak ENGLISH! You know, Henry Higgins would be mortified (now name the movie he's from!)

    I hate it when my husband's outta town. I can't go to bed. I literally stay up until one and then cry in the morning when my kids wake up at 6. I can't help it, I just can't help it.

    Did you notice that your wreath is sort of shaped like a snail in your picture?
    You are welcome.

  35. Oh, that Audrey Hepburn movie! Um . . . with "All I want is a room somewhere . . ." I can't think of the title and I choose not to Google.

    I didn't fall asleep until 12am and the kids woke up at 6am. Super-fantastic!

    RE wreath-don't ruin it for me. I like it. Let me have my moment.

  36. My Fair Lady is the last movie reference. I don't know the other one. I o have the Diamond Rio song in my head now too. Thanks for that! Go ahead and make those brownies. You deserve it! Especially with all of the naughtiness from Lucy and the Lumberjack being gone.

  37. You are stupid in a good way as we like to say in my family. You crack. me. up.

  38. Find his show on TV. Nothing will make you feel more inferior as a dog owner than watching the TOTAL control he has over them. I love the show. I know when we get a puppy, I will be getting his books too. It would be nice to have a dog that is actually trained and will not steal the boys waffles off the table.

  39. Did I miss something, or has no one guessed Father of the Bride? Love that movie! I need to rent it again.

    And JoAnn's movie is My Fair Lady. I'm on a roll tonight.

    I can tell you're lonely and bored, because you're responding to everyone's posts today! :)

    I'm off to finish sewing 27 really cute burp cloths... (Is that an oxymoron?) Hey, there's a question for you! What can I call them to make them more marketable to a wider audience? I mean, they don't have to be used just for spit-up. They're chenille on one side and fun designer fabric on the other.

  40. No one guessed it! Thank you for redeeming me. I was beginning to think I was crazy! :)

    I know. I am bored.

    Hmmm . . . burp cloths . . . they could double as decorative doillies? (sp?) Um, little girls could use them as doll blankets later on?
    I got nothing.

  41. 10-4 Good buddy.
    I just like to say that.
    Not that I do often, is fun.
    Definitely a "go" on the brownies.
    And I love the name makes me think of Lucy in The Chronicles of Narnia, and she always saw Aslan first. It's one of my favorite names. :)
    And hopefully to make you laugh (I don't think you've seen these before...)
    :) I, too, just noticed that little smiley face is very cute.

  42. I am just waiting for them to cool. And the saddest part is I made them after the kids went to bed, so I can't even say I made them for the kids!
    Maybe I will share with them tomorrow.

  43. Is that a compliment? :)
    Then you are stupid in a good way, too. I think. If that is nice. If it is not nice, then never mind :)

  44. I just came back by to say that, no, we never did catch that gnome. No one would confess. I opened up that little kiss and that's what it looked like! Hopefully, someone in my house was being sneaky. :)

  45. Random pointless responses on a Wednesday night.
    I am bored and not tired yet and I like to talk too, so you may be sorry that you asked for it!
    Holla Lucy!
    I like your wreath, definite "popping" is happening.
    Dont kids say the darndest cutest things... my daughter told me her heart was happy when I picked her up from school the other day. Aw :)
    Speaking of kids, my 3 yr old daughter told me the other day that I needed to be the kid and she needed to be the mom! Awesome revenge ....*grin* This is how it went...
    "Mom, I am hungry, Mom I am thirsty" " Mom he looked at me" " Mom someone is touching me" "Mom he picked his nose" "mom I want chocolate milk" "Mom cover me up please" (that was all me cuz I am the 3 yr old girl who never stops talking) Here is her reply: After the hungry and thirsty she played along and said "ok" all chipper and went to get my refreshments.... then for all the other things I nagged her about I got this "UGH YOU BE THE MOMMY I AM JUST A GIRL" hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa makes for a good laugh.
    Bathroom floor is awesome spot for animal crakers.
    Make that double brownie pan! Here is your permission :)
    Have a good night!

  46. Umm... that last part? After I sent your "Hunter's Wifey" post to eleventy of my closest friends, I believe at least one Dude is taking notice.

    And about that Dude... and the whole "calling dibs on wallspace" thing? At Christmas, be sure to string mercury glass balls on some satin ribbon and hang them from every darn point that those boys are so proud of :) That'll teach 'em to only go for bulls, eh? :)

  47. You are so uber cool and popular that I cannot read every comment so maybe someone has answered but the 'Mr. Banks' reference is from one of my all time faves-Father of the Bride. We all love it and my girls worry a little that the hubs (Daddy) is going to be a 'Mr. Banks' type when their day rolls around.

    I love the wreath...glad you're staying one step ahead of the LJ in the decorating dept.

    Walmart without your purse? Did you cry? Pretty sure I would have cried.

    Hang in'll be admiring a lovely bull elk carcass before you know it : )

  48. OHG I am so laughing! And when did your mama birth you, when she was twelve? Cuz going down the slide with her grandchildren? How lucky are they? She looks so young.

    I found out about your blog in the comments section of Big Mama. So now I read Big Mama, you and Pioneer Woman and Cherry Menlove before the news. She had twins a few months back. Then I have to search Heavenly Cake Place to see who's baked/cooked what. Speaking of which, are y'all still doing Fat Tuesday? I was thinking it might be fun to do a cookalong even where everyone makes the same thing out of a WW cookbook cuz heaven only knows I have them but never make a thing out of them. Except spinach lasagna and tell everyone it's my husband's Italian grandmother's recipe. They always believe it! So that's question uno.

    Secondly, I'd like to know, how you learned to write so well. Were you going to major in English in college?

  49. Ok. Here's my story.

    I'm just now reading this because I am an over-worked first-year teacher.

    When I woke up this morning and turned on my phone, I had the following text from my daughter: "Mama. I have a really bad sore throat."


    She's seven hours away.

    "Go get checked for strep," I said.

    "I can't. The bus is leaving."

    She's on her way to Miami for two soccer games.

    "Go to the clinic and get checked. Now. Strep is going around. Take your Excedrin too."

    "I can't find the three bottles you packed for me."


    So, she's on the bus with a very bad sore throat, and I cannot do one stinking thing about it.

    The coach's wife is going to take her to a walk-in clinic when they get to Miami.

    My heart is about to break.

  50. I have wasted hours on David Thorne's website... is my favorite. The website's not very kid-friendly, he's kind of a brat (but he can be soooo funny).

    It's awesome that your mom came to play with the boys, they probably enjoyed the extra attention, too.

    Mmm... brownies... enjoy one for me :)

  51. So silly! :) Who could eat just the top?

  52. Lucy-Fur is adorable! I once had a neighbor whose dog would climb out the second story window and stand on the roof and bark. I took to calling that sillly dog "Rufus". Anyway, sort of a similar thing, right? should NEVER ask permission to bake a double batch of brownies. Just do it!

  53. Cute story! I often with I was the child and could take afternoon naps and have someone serve me my meals/snacks. :)

  54. My comments are inflated today because I am replying to all of them :)

    I did not cry, and I was quite impressed with myself for getting out of Walmart without spending a dime! ;)

  55. Oh, yes! That is correct! There is a dude!
    Thank you for sharing my post! That was nice of you :)

    Oh, I would have to face severe wrath if I decorated the sacred antlers!! :)

  56. No, we are not still doing Fat Tuesday. I started homeschooling and life got too hectic for me to keep up with that or make a good effort. I like the cooking idea, though!

    I went to college and I got my degree in elementary education. I have never been told I was a good writer except for a few readers of this blog. I don't feel like my writing is good writing. I just think I am hyper and silly when I write :)

  57. Oh, and my mom had me when she was 21 and she is now 50.

    This makes me 29. So sad. (ha!)

  58. I am sorry! I hope she gets to the doctor soon and feels better quickly!

  59. I did enjoy the brownies! They wre scrumptious. :)

  60. Rufus-it took me a second, but I got it! Like Roof-us . . . ha!

    I did make the brownies. I most certainly did.

  61. Lucy slept through the night after 2 days AND she catches mice? She may be gifted.

    I am sorry you are bored. Make the brownies. Between the making and the eating, you can relieve a lot of boredom.

  62. Stumbled across this today, maybe you've seen it maybe not, thought it was hilarious so I thought I would share.

  63. Oh my, you are on a roll today aren't you!! Love the blog today - so funny! And Lucy is adorable! One of my dogs is named Taz Mania....Taz when he is good which is most of the time and TAZ MANIA when he is being naughty!!

  64. It's a good thing my children have swimming lessons... otherwise I would NEVER leave the house. I hate it when I forget to take movie rentals or whatever with us when we go swimming, because that means they won't get returned until the next swimming lesson. Ha! Also, my children expect to get a free grocery store cookie after swimming lessons now, which is a leeeeetle rediculous. I love your most excellent fireplace/elk diversion with the wreath... quite clever, my dear.

  65. I hope she is gifted. And not a terror :)

  66. Thank you and I am glad others have naughty pups out there, too!

  67. Funny! Thanks for sharing! :)

  68. I always tells my kids they are out of the cookies. Is that mean?

  69. Funny. My cats are named Lucy and Bella but are most commonly known as LucyFur and HellsBells because they are very naughty most of the time. Hope you get some adult interaction soon!

  70. LucyFur is a fantastic name and I just might need to call my dog this regularly! :)
    HellsBells is equally fantastic!
