Monday, October 18, 2010

Bling it Up!

After church yesterday, the kids and I went to my parents' house for food, fun, and fellowship.

And pumpkin blinging.

Oh, yes.

Pumpkin Bling . . . ing.

First of all, I forgot my camera.


So, I asked my mother if I could use her camera.

Mom:  No.

Me:  Ok.

Mom:  Well.  It's just not working.

Me:  What's wrong with it?

Mom:  It is in my trunk and it is out of batteries.

Me:  Ok.  Do you have more batteries?

Mom:  Yes.  Up high in the closet.

Me:  Good news!  This is fixable!

So, I made the long trek out to her car for her and retrieved said camera.  I fear the camera has been trapped in the trunk of doom for months.

I know this because this is the last picture she took:

and that, dear readers is a picture of me and my super-cool-sis on the fifteenth day of May in the year two-thousand-and-ten of our Lord.

I am on the left.  Your right.  My sister is on the right.  Your left.

It's a good thing my parents purchase items such as Ipods, Kindles, digital cameras, video cameras, laptops, CDs, DVDs, and cassette tapes.

Not a waste at all.

Moving on.

My mother had acquired pizza, soda pop, pumpkins, bling, glue, and my niece and nephew for the days festivities.

Daisy Mae.

Sweet Pea and my niece.

You may ask, "Taylor!  Where are Sweet Pea's glasses?"

Well, dear readers.

Not only did Handsome Dude manage to break his glasses, but he also managed to break his sister's glasses.

All in the same week.

The kid has talent.

It's a good thing Sweet Pea has a spare pair.  Of which she lost.

Daisy Mae and my nephew.

Did you notice that both my niece and nephew look clean, well-groomed, and have their glasses intact?

So did I.

The dudes.

After pizza, the kids went outside for a fantastic game of "Red Rover, Red Rover."

News of great shock:  Handsome Dude did not understand what was going on and therefore assumed everyone was his enemy . . .

and he walked off the field full of bitterness and rage.

Whilst the children were playing and demonstrating poor sportsmanship, my mother, my sister and I cleaned up the kitchen to get ready for the Bling . . . ing.

Pumpkin bling . . . ing is something my ma came up with after thumbing through a Good Housekeeping magazine.

My parents, unlike my in-laws, are not into things such as hunting, fishing, chainsaw-ing, and basically all forms of sharp cutlery, so the idea of not having to slice into a pumpkin appealed to us all.

I can proudly say that absolutely no pumpkins were injured during the creating of this funtastic day.

They were, however, bedazzled.

Mother had purchased a bunch of fake jewels and tacky glue from Walmart.

We set the jewels out and let the childrens' creative juices overflow.

Sweet Pea and her pumpkin.

Breech in security:  Sweet Pea's factual name starts with a "K."

Keep it on the down low.

Meagan and Little Dude.

Hey, Meagan!  Meagan!  Can you see me?  Hello?  You seem to have some hair in your eyes.

Meagan got to test her patience with dear Little Dude.

He refused to see the pumpkins for what they truly were and would only refer to them as "apples."


So, we bid our loved ones farewell and drove miles upon miles to our little house in the middle of nowhere with our Razzle Dazzle pumpkins in the trunk.

Feel free to steal this idea and bling it up with your own friends and family.

Happy Monday!

Thank you for all the prayers.  Please continue to pray, as there is a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated and mean a lot.


  1. The 'broken' camera just cracks me up. Every time I'm at my moms she tells me her internet is 'broken'. And when I sort it out she swears she didn't do anything. And the pw? What is the pw? She knows she wrote it down on one of the 10000 scraps of paper sitting beside her desk. She has similar issues with her camera and don't even get me started on the DVD player there. Sigh.

    I love all the bling and your cute little chillens....still praying for your request.

  2. Love it! Blinged out Pumpkins! Great Idea!

  3. Blinged pumpkins=adorable!

  4. I had to look twice at that first picture of the dudes at the table.
    It would appear that Cokey da bear is looking more and more like a little boy than a baby these days.

    I'm sorry to be the one to break that news to you.

  5. So funny! The bling is a great idea. Too bad my best friend snuck over to my house in the dead of night and stole my pumpkins from my porch, and proceeded to spray paint one of them black.
    She needed some test pumpkins for a project she is teaching a class full of kids. it involves pumpkins.
    Who does that? Really am I the only person who has friends who just steal squash? Steal it and then spray paint it? Who wants a black pumpkin?
    Sometimes, I think I live in the twilight zone, but without cute vampires.

  6. Love the pumpkins, great idea.

  7. Love the pumpkin bling. Oh yes, parents and technology. Horrifying. It's so nice of them to try, but really. I especially love it when my husband rants about it tho, because he gets really mean. Normally I'm the nasty one and he's obnoxiously easy going, but when it's about parents and computers, he becomes absolutely brutal. It cracks me up.

  8. Love these pumpkins... And I love that LD refused to call them anything but apples. :)

    Marla @

  9. One time I glued giant googley eyes to a pumpkin, painted on a nose and made an "o" shaped mouth, then blew up a small pink balloon and placed it in the mouth...It was blowing a bubble! Then, I bought neon pipe cleaners and twisted them around pencils so they were spirals and stuck them all over the "head" for hair...Then, I cut one up and made big arched eyebrows for a look of surprise.

    It is one of the cutest pumpkins I ever made. It was cute and way easier than carving the darn things....

    Although, I fear this family will never give up gutting pumpkins....It gives them too much pleasure and a reason to use sharp instruments!

  10. Those are the most beautiful pumpkins I've ever seen!

  11. Love your bling! Now pose them on a pillow with a guitar and a dress that falls off one shoulder! : )

  12. That looks like a lot of fun. My favorite part is Little Dude's insistence on "apples" instead of pumpkins.

  13. I love this idea. Your mom - and Good Housekeeping - rock. Know why? Because I hate pumpkin guts. Although I do love roasted pumpkin seeds so maybe I could just open one, scoop out the seeds and then throw it out and bedazzle the rest!

  14. So much better than carving them! Your mom might just be a pumpkin-genius.

    They came out awesome.

  15. Red Rover! I remember that game. I was filled with equal parts fear and anger. I can relate to your little guy. Your daughter has awesome art skills!

  16. Heather (nurse Heather)October 18, 2010 at 12:11 PM

    Still praying.
    I love the pumpkins!!!

  17. Tell "K" that I adore her pumpkin, for she does indeed have a very cool first initial...and a wonderful sense of style ;)

  18. I am so glad you were able to "fix" the broken camera! It would not have been the same without pictures of the bling!

  19. bling pumpkins?
    Why didn't I think of that?
    It's genius.

    And clean.
    Last year the sweet husband used power tools to cut the tops off. Too far.

    Love it.

    Praying still.

  20. Well, Martha Stewart would be so proud! That woman bling...ings up her pumpkins with gold spray paint! What a fun day.

  21. LUV the idea, it's i love all things bedazzled. =) keeping you, your family and that sweet girl in my prayers!!

  22. Love love LOVE the beautiful children and fancy pun'kins! Really wish I would have read your post before making pumpkin gut mess all over the out of doors with my wild children. . . As the orangish apples still look a bit iffy even after supreme carving efforts, perhaps it's not yet too late to bling. Thanks for the fantabulous idea!

  23. I love the pumpkins!
