Monday, October 18, 2010


Let's try something new this morning, shall we?

Come on.

It will be a funky adventure.

Instead of a post where you ask me questions, hows abouts I ask you  questions?

Huh?  Eh?  Yes?  No?

Well.  I think it sounds most splendid.  I will throw a few questions out there and you may answer one question, or as many as you deem worthy.

Humor me.

1.  Why is the meat thermometer not supposed to touch the bone?

2.  Why does my husband always look like this:

in pictures?

Could be that he finds it too strenuous to smile?

3.  Was Jeremiah really a bullfrog?  Really?  And if so, how did he have such mighty, fine wine?

4.  I have to drive to town with a couple hundred pounds of elk meat in the back of my diesel rig on this very frigid Tuesday morn. 

 This is not a question. 

This is a cry for help.

5.  Should I become a vegetarian?

6.  Will somebody please share with me a delicious recipe that I can take to people when they need a meal that has the ability to freeze/unfreeze well?  I fear my recipients can't choke down chicken pot pie anymore.

7.  What is one of your favorite blogs to read?  My goal is to track down all other blogs and destroy them.

Ha!  Kidding!




8.  I was really kidding.  I just like reading new blogs. 

9.  How is it that when I sing in the shower, my voice sounds super spectacular?  But when singing in the presence of human beings, it sounds dreadful?

10.  What is your favorite book?

11.  What is your favorite TV show?

12.  What are your thoughts on Facebook Status Updates?

13.  Why do people play Farmville?  I fear my sister is one of them.  I hereby declare an intervention.

If you enjoy Farmville, I mean you no ill-will. 

14.  Why do my boys lock a door and then close it when no one is in it?

15.  Why do my boys steal food and hide it from me under beds and tables?

16.  Why do my boys soap each other up in the bath and waste a half of a bottle of shampoo whilst doing so?

17.  Why do they get out of the bath and run to the shower to steal the shampoo after I hid it from them?

18.  Should I write a "Parenting How-to" book?

Don't answer that one.

19.  Why, pray tell, is it that Daisy Mae can spell out her super long last name, but when I ask her to spell the word "went," she writes, "wtni"

That's all I got.

That was excessive, was it not?

I am full of something this morning.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. #3: Jeremiah wasn't really a bullfrog..he was a HUMAN trapped in a frog's body...therefore it was a mighty fine WHINE he was having..cause, well, being a bullfrog he couldn't have WINE, and if I couldn't have wine I would most definitely whine....

  2. #5. NOOO!!! Everyone I know who goes vegan ends up gaining wait because they are hungry, and they eat way too many carbs. Choose lean meat. It is your friend.

    Regarding the cry for help: Buy some Unlce Stubbs (I think that's the name) meat marinade, cook the meat with jalapenos and onions. It will be good. I promise. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye...And elk has like no cholesterol in it.

    #6. Buy frozen egg noodles. Cook according to package directions. Drain. Stir in can of cream of chicken and half can of milk. Add diced up ham. Or chicken. Or turkey...Whatever you have on hand. Add a generous amount of cheese. (this is NOT low cholesterol) Bake at 325 until heated through. This freezes very well...And it is GREAT comfort food...

    You totally need to find a MOPS near you. And, you need to write a parenting book.... MOPS is a Christian organization Mothers of Preschoolers. You will meet lots of people in the same boat as you. And all will be right with your world.

  3. Except, doesn't the song say that I always helped him drink his wine? And I can't believe I am even debating the lyrics of a song about being high. :)

  4. 1. It doesn't really matter. Cooking-types make that sort of stuff up to make non-cooking types think that cooking stuff is more difficult than it really is. (Can you tell which type I am?)
    2. Clearly LJ is a busy man who does not have time to stop and smile for pictures.
    3. I got nothing.
    4. I'd like to help, but I'm a little far away.
    5. Not as long as you're married to a hunter.
    6. I got nothing. (See #1.)
    7. Obviously my most favorite blog is yours. And you already know that one.
    8. Is it really obvious that I am bucking for a COW?
    9. I don't know. But I do know that I sang the harmony part in a duet on Sunday, and I was really really bad. Seriously. I freaked myself out right before singing, and then I couldn't find my note. And then I couldn't get a deep breath because a gnat was flying right in front of me and I was afraid of sucking it in. And then I found out that my mike was turned way up and the mike for the woman singing melody was turned way down so all anyone could hear was me singing harmony way offkey. It was a very long song. Everyone was glad when it was over.
    10. I have lots of them. Mystery and suspense. I love figuring out how to I mean, who killed the victim.
    11. I like Castle. He also figures out who killed the victim.
    12. I used to think that people who had time to update Facebook all the time had no life. Then I thought that people who never updated Facebook probably had no life. Then I realized that it was probably just me that had no life.
    13. I have never played Farmville because I fear it would send a signal to others that I have no life. Not that people that play farmville have no life.
    14. Because they are boys. They will always do things you don't understand.
    15. I would be more worried about where they're hiding food you can't find.
    16. I'd be more worried about when they don't bother to use soap and shampoo.
    17. I'd be more worried about when they get out of the bath, and they're just as dry (and dirty) as when they got in.
    18. Can I co-author? If we make it funny, maybe no one will realize we have no business writing such a book.
    19. She's messing with you. That's what kids do.
    20. I can't believe you couldn't come up with one more question.

  5. 1. Because the bone get hotter and will falsify the meat temperature.
    2. Because men in general don't like having their picture taken.
    3. Yup, he was, and because he stole it from a wonderful family when he scared them while they were having their picnic.
    4. Poor poor Taylor, I feel for ya!
    5. Nope, then your freezer will STAY full all the time.
    6. Lasagna????? That's easy, and yummy and freeze-able!
    7. YOURS!
    8. I am not kidding, your blog makes my day, EVERY day!
    9. Stage fright!
    10. Too many, but am really liking the Millenium series by Stieg Larson. OH and what actually got me into reading, when I was a young lass, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. (BTW, if anyone has the collection, I would be a buyer… help!)
    11. Friends, but maybe it doesn't apply as doesn't exist anymore  , so I would say House.
    12. Some are ok, but do I really need to know your EVERY move of your day?
    13. Farmville is a pain in the booty!
    14. Cause boys will be boys… (sorry no help, but I just don't understand boys, although I have one…)
    15. To get the mouse out of your car trunk, they are doing this for you! ROFL
    16. Because boys will be boys… My son ALWAYS did that.
    17. Please refer to answer # 16
    18. YUP!
    19. Because, she just wants to personalize it.
    ***Hope my answers helped, which I doubt, but they were fun to answer!

  6. I should just link to your page for my post today because your FAQ's for God are much better than mine.

    I can help you with the meals issue: I find that the pizza wheels are especially popular for families with kids.

  7. I don't know why the last half of my post has a line through it except that I am a technological goober. I am hanging my head in shame. : )

  8. The meat thermometer thing...I think it's because the bone is hotter than the meat...therefore the temp would show higher than the meat is...actually. ?????? I like her blog...she keeps up and her family is lovely.

    I loe Facebook Status updates, I like hearing what other people are doing and I'd rather do that than watch TV...or clean, or cook, or get the picture.

    Oh yeah....!! is a good one too, but YOU already knew that! :)

    Why is it my son can't spell a word unless I sound it out????

    Taylor, I enjoy your blog and read it most everyday. Please keep up the fun stuff!

  9. 11. Currently there are only three shows that I find worth catching each and every week, and unfortunately two are off-season right now. Those are "White Collar" and "Psych." These shows make me happy. Seriously. My third is "Castle."

    14. Because they are boys. Boys dream up mysterious things to do that girls never even consider. It's one of the many mysteries in life that will never be unraveled. Or at least that is what I tell myself when my monkeys get weird (so like every minute). Sigh. :)

    5. No.

    1. Because the bone is a different temperature than the meat itself.

    10. I've been answering other trying to decide on a favorite book, but I just can't narrow myself down! I love to read. I recently read "The Poisonwood Bible" and it literally changed my life. For easy to read, enjoyable characters I like anything by Megan Crane. I love classics too. Nope, I can't do it. I can't even pick just one favorite from each genre!

  10. 1. The bone gets hotter than the meat itself. So, the meat itself would be undercooked and that in itself is bleah. That is my guess anyway. :-)
    2. Your husband looks like that because he’s a man? Well, duh. He’s a man. Mine doesn’t smile too often either.
    3. clueless
    4. I feel for you
    5. If you’re seriously considering becoming a vegan, my only advice would be to be careful. Make sure you get all your vitamins needed to live and fiber and B12! I have a vegan friend who needs to go get B12 shots because she cannot have eggs or cheese in her diet (allergic to them) and she doesn’t much care for seafood (a source of B12).
    6. Sorry, I’m no help here. 
    7. Pioneer Woman and don’t you dare track her down to destroy her blog. LOL. :-)
    9. No clue. Nervousness? Self consciousness?
    10. I have quite a few favorite books and cannot just name one.
    11. The one TV show that I HAVE to watch whenever it’s on is Biggest Loser.
    12. Facebook Status Updates? Short and sweet. If done right, can keep you in touch with others and vice versa.
    13. I used to play Farmville and it’s time consuming. I finally broke out of the addiction and refuse to play it anymore. In fact, I blocked the application. :-)
    14. because they’re boys?
    15. see #14
    16. see #14
    17. see #14
    18. ok, no comment. :-)
    19. no clue. :-)

  11. Holy Cow! Or should I say elk? There's a lot of questions here...okay-

    1. Because the cow ran away with the spoon.
    2. Because he is a manly man.
    3. No Jeremiah was not really a bullfrog but he was a good friend of mine.
    4. The diesel rig needs to make a pit stop at Starbucks. 10-4 good buddy.
    5. Seriously? Married to the LJ? For the sake of your marriage I think not.
    6. Buy a 3-4 lb. beef brisket. Put it in your crock pot with a dry package of Liptons onion soup mix and a 1/2 cup water. Cook 8-10 hours on low or 4-6 hours on high. Wrap in foil and package the gravy in a separate container. The brisket literally falls apart and melts in your mouth. Make the PW make ahead mashed potatoes which the recipient can heat up. Add a salad or some green beans if you like. This meal is simple, delicious and definitely comforting.
    7. The Carpool Queen
    8. Haha
    9. Let me know if you come up with the answer to this one as I have a similar issue
    10. Anne of Green Gables
    11. Glee
    12. I heart facebook.
    13. I don't have a clue.
    14. It is in their God given DNA.
    15. see #14
    16. see #14
    17. see #14
    18. Oh absolutely.
    19. Because she is darling and knows that spell check is the wave of the future.

  12. 9) The reason your voice sounds amazing in the shower? I'm not sure but it's probably the same reason I think I look so much more sexy when I drink too much Jagermeister .

  13. 1. Everyone else has already answered this, so I'm not going to ;)
    2. He's mad that he's being forced to sit still and get his picture taken when he'd rather be out chopping down trees or killing animals.
    3. Not really sure, I only know about 2 lines of that song.
    4. Will you hate me if I say that I am a little envious of all that meat?
    5. Never!
    6. Elk pot pie
    7. I don't really have a lot of blogs that I read...sorry
    8. Liar
    9. It's the humans. They mess everything up.
    10. Anything by Jane Austen
    11. Fringe. It used to be Lost but then they ruined it.
    12. I hate the status updates that tell you some sob story/statistics and then tell you you are a horrible person if you don't make it your status too.
    13. I play Farmville...shh, don't tell. I play it at 3 am while I am feeding the baby though so it's ok.
    14. It must be a boy thing, mine does it too.
    15. Refer to number 14.
    16. Can't answer that one, I only have one boy
    17. Can't help ya there.
    18. Yep!
    19. It looks better
    20. You really should have had a number 20 ;)

  14. 1. Why is the meat thermometer not supposed to touch the bone?
    The bone holds heat and will give you a false high reading.

    2. Why does my husband always look like this in pictures?
    Manly men don't smile? He hates his teeth? Am I really answering your questions with questions?

    Could be that he finds it too strenuous to smile?

    3. Was Jeremiah really a bullfrog? Really? And if so, how did he have such mighty, fine wine?
    No. The dude wrote the song while on acid. I'm sure of it.

    4. I have to drive to town with a couple hundred pounds of elk meat in the back of my diesel rig on this very frigid Tuesday morn. This is not a question. This is a cry for help.
    I'm so sorry.

    5. Should I become a vegetarian?
    Maybe a pescitarian? Or an ovo/lacto/pesci tarian? (That means you get to eat cheese and eggs and fish.)

    6. Will somebody please share with me a delicious recipe that I can take to people when they need a meal that has the ability to freeze/unfreeze well? I fear my recipients can’t choke down chicken pot pie anymore.

    7. What is one of your favorite blogs to read? My goal is to track down all other blogs and destroy them.

    Yours, PW, and I'll write a blog post about the rest!

    8. I was really kidding. I just like reading new blogs.

    Me, too!

    9. How is it that when I sing in the shower, my voice sounds super spectacular? But when singing in the presence of human beings, it sounds dreadful?

    10. What is your favorite book?
    The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan, The Cordelia Underwood series by Van Reid and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi

    11. What is your favorite TV show?
    Oh, that's hard. I love The Office, but Better Off Ted was so good, as is 30 Rock.

    12. What are your thoughts on Facebook Status Updates?
    Don't make it political.

    13. Why do people play Farmville? I fear my sister is one of them. I hereby declare an intervention.
    It's fun?

    If you enjoy Farmville, I mean you no ill-will.

    14. Why do my boys lock a door and then close it when no one is in it?
    Because of Science.

    15. Why do my boys steal food and hide it from me under beds and tables?
    Because of Science.

    16. Why do my boys soap each other up in the bath and waste a half of a bottle of shampoo whilst doing so?
    Because of Science.

    17. Why do they get out of the bath and run to the shower to steal the shampoo after I hid it from them?
    Because of Science.
    18. Should I write a “Parenting How-to” book? Don't answer that one.
    I am a rebel, and will answer: Yes...because we can all learn from others' mistakes and triumphs!

    19. Why, pray tell, is it that Daisy Mae can spell out her super long last name, but when I ask her to spell the word “went,” she writes, “wtni”
    Memorization. Teach her to sound out the letters as she writes them instead of trying to write the whole word.

    You are a hoot!

  15. I found this blog last week and have shared it one person in my office...she has shared it with many and by the giggles going around ALOT of people in this office find this hillarious....Just like I did....but then I LOVE cake!
    But never fear...your blog is on the top of my Blog Favorites that I read every day! Thank YOU for keeping me entertained!

  16. 2. Missing his front teeth?

    4. You have truly reached redneck status. Congratulations. :)

    6. I had this at a friend's house in high school, and it's is the first recipe I ever requested. One of my kids loves it so much that he requests it for his birthday and told our Dr. at his well- child checkup that his favorite food is casserole. Cracked me up! It's what I bring almost every time I take a meal to someone.


    2-3 c. cooked rice
    1 lg. package frozen chopped broccoli
    3 chicken breasts, cooked & chopped
    2 cans cream of chicken soup
    1 c. mayonnaise
    1 tsp. lemon juice
    1 tsp. curry powder

    2 TB melted butter
    1 c. soft bread crumbs

    shredded cheddar cheese

    Place rice in buttered 9x13 and cover with broccoli. Combine soup, mayonnaise, lemon juice & curry powder. Add chicken. Place mixture on top of broccoli. Top with buttered bread crumbs and then cheese. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

    It's a great meal because it can easily be frozen or even delivered earlier in the day because everything in it is cooked and it just needs to be heated through. Plus it's super yummy. And low-fat. (Ha!)

    7. I have so many favorites spanning so many different categories. Here are a few:
    spiritual content:,,
    practical home decorating & organization:,
    crafty DIY stuff:
    frugal living:,

    9. See explanation here: It would make a good little homeschool lesson, too.

    10. I started to answer this, but then I remembered I already did a few months ago!

    11. I rarely watch TV, but I'm always up for The Office if I remember it.

    12. I think I've only ever done about 3 or 4 status updates. I'm mostly a nosy Facebook lurker. :)

    13. I have wondered the same thing.

    14. Because they're boys and they can.

    15. Because you don't feed them? I kid. See #14.

    16. See #14 & 15.

    17. See #14-16.

    19. Because she's learning how to push your buttons?

  17. I hereby pick #6- I bet you didn't think I would pick the food question...ha!

    Queen Ranch Chicken freezes remarkably well.

    Anything with pasta freezes well. Lasagna, as already said, is a good choice.

    One of my fav things to do is make a huge batch of homemade from scratch pancakes. They freeze beautifully between layers of wax paper, and when popped in the toaster are even better than the first day. I give them away with a pretty bottle of real maple syrup. People are shocked at first, but no one ever thinks of breakfast...yet we all know we eat it for dinner when we need a comfort food. Every person who has ever gotten that has been ubber happy, and thanked me later for the "different" meal. If you want my super secret from scratch, tastes like cookies -pancake recipe, email me.

    Soups freeze well. Make chicken noodle, without the noodles, and freeze it in a baggie laying flat. Deliver it with a box of pasta, to be cooked and added on the day it is eaten.

    chili is a good freezer meal

    Shepherd's pie is perfect. The recipe for that is on my blog. I always make a double batch and freeze one.

    Hope that helps!

    Another breakfast one that freezes well is French Toast casserole...yet another top secret recipe you shall have to email for ;)

  18. 6) has some recipes but it also has travel tips. is good for freezer-friendly dishes.

    9) The acoustics in the shower are better than wherever else you are trying to sing... either invite everyone in the shower with you or accept that they may never know how talented you are.

    12) I prefer them happy but understand that they can't always be. I feel guilty when I laugh at one person's status update and then I see one a few later where someone else updates that someone is really sick or died.

    15) Primal hunting instinct.

    16) Bubbles!!! Hey, at least they're in the bathtub.

  19. 1. I am doing this instead of cleaning my house
    2. It is a disaster because I was gone all morning and my baby sitter is my friend who has two kids of her own and thus, disaster.
    3. Why are there green beans on my floor?
    4. Farmville is the devil. I used to play. I quit at Christmas time. It took me an hour to open "presents" from other friends and I didn't finish opening them because halfway through I realized that I had just spent an HOUR of my LIFE opening FAKE PRESENTS THAT ARE NOT REAL.
    5. Your boys are hiding food from you because you are feeding them ELK MEAT. If you fed me ELK MEAT I would hide it too. Probably in my sister's milk. That was my method with peas.
    6. Make potato soup. I have a good recipe that I'm too lazy to write out right now. If you're interested. Uber easy, because that's the only way I cook: Uberly.
    7. The only vegetarian I know eats a dozen cookies a day. I think she's well on her way to becoming diabetic or turning into a furry blue monster with a smoker's voice.
    8. I read Flower Patch Farmgirl religiously.
    9. but she doesn't post everyday, so I get angry and send disgruntled emails.
    10. my favorite TV show is Chuck.
    12. I quit. Off to pick up fruit snack wrappers from my living room floor.
    11. Alls I know is that MY facebook posts are riveting. People cry and laugh and then cry again when they read what I am up to.

  20. I am stuck at home sick again with my best friends phlegm and sniffle. If you bring me a meal made with elk I shall not eat it.. I am far to weak to answer so many questions today, so I will give you four answers and you can insert them where you please.

    It is God's will


  21. Question # I have no idea but here is the answer:


    You should totally write a parenting book.
    Maybe not a how to parenting book, but most DEFINITELY a you-will-survive-this-as-I-have-survived-this book!
    I would totally buy it!

  22. I only feel qualified to guess at #3...Jeremiah was a bullfrog 'cause he 'croaked'...'WAS a good friend of mine and he always HAD some mighty fine wine.'
    and #7...I like to stop by here 'cause I get a chuckle and don't feel guilty about not running out to the Goodwill or the Dollar store to find something to refinish, reinvent, or spray paint. :) I take before and after pics of projects & the before always looks better!

  23. Okay, I'm going to share my favorite "fancy" recipe that always seems to impress people and freezes super well. It tastes amazing and is good at making people think you are an amazing cook.

    First, brown a couple pounds of hamburger meat with some diced jalapenos and onions. Drain the grease. Then put the meat into flour tortillas, folding over the sides to make them like little packets. Line the packets in a baking dish. Then, spread a thin layer of sour cream over the top of the tortillas. Next, combine 1 large can of cream of chicken soup and two cans of enchiladas sauce. I use green, but red might be better if your kiddos can't handle the spice. Bring the sauce to bowl before spooning it over the tortillas. Next, add lots and lots of cheese to the top. At this point, you can either pop it into the freezer or put it into the oven and warm everything up.

    And I'm now hungry. :)

    Marla @

  24. other blogs before thee
    9 Acoustics
    10 Mystery, by Peter Straub We Took to the Woods Loise D Rich
    11 Nature on PBS stations/ South Park
    15 Hungry & growing
    16 Bubbles ( for cheap thrills buy shaving foam )
    17 Genetics, heredity; See: maliblahblah
    19 Someone put a nickel in you
    gee that was fun!

  25. PS Stouffer's already made lasagne or a Costco pizza

  26. 4. I'm glad for you that it't not mid summer and 90 degrees out.
    5. No. I'd die without ice cream. I'm sure of it.
    6. I'm hopeless at freezer foods and stick with lasagna & sheperds pie.
    7. and
    One of those was my starting point on a very boring day at work, when I followed blog link to blog link and wound up at yours. Happy day :)
    9. My 6 year old banned me from singing. Anywhere. She hasn't yet realised that she's inherited my awful voice, poor girl.
    10. Too many to remember. The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay comes to mind, and I'm currently nostalgic for Anne of Green Gables.
    19. Our spelling success is 100% due to 100 Magic Words being used at my daughters school. Love them.

  27. I doubt my ability to answer the majority of your fascinating questions as well as anyone else. But...on the blog thing. If you want a funny blog to read go to:

    Seriously; you will roll on the floor. Go to the heading they have on wedding cakes/groom cakes...etc. DO NOT be drinking milk when you read this blog, it will come out your nose. I guarantee it. It makes you wonder WHAT people think when they are making and/or decorating cakes.

  28. I love the Chronicles of Narnia too! I got them all together in one book a few years ago, look for it at your local bookstore.

  29. 1) Meat thermometer? What is this of which you speak?

    2) Boys are silly.

    3) I'm thinking no, especially because of the mighty fine wine which would be difficult to drink with webbed hands.

    4) Yikes.

    5) Probably not.

    6) Sorry, I just make a ton of zucchini bread and freeze it to pass out as needed. I am a much better baker than cook (see #1).

    7) I only read a few, but I do like this one called "Mike and Katie" because it involves adoption and I'm adopting.

    8) Oh, ok. The blog is at

    9) It isn't just you. This is true for most people.

    10) Couldn't narrow it down if I tried. Anne of Avonlea when I was younger. Maybe The Book of Lost Things or 1984 or Night.

    11) Dancing with the Stars. I know, I know, it's reality t.v. but I can't help myself.

    12) Wonderful if limited to one status update per day.

    13) I do not understand this obsession. Perhaps I should change my counseling specialty from adolescent mental health to Farmville addicts.

    14) It is fun to watch adults try to open doors and run into them instead.

    15) It is fun to watch mommies find hidden things. Or they are hiding pets from you - mice perhaps....

    16) Sounds like a good time.

    17) Your problem is that you are only thinking one step ahead of your boys. Think at least four steps ahead of them if you want to accomplish anything.

    18) I would read it. Ha, I answered it.

    19) No idea, but her last name is much more important!

    Excessive, perhaps, but fun. Did you think the loyal bloggy followers would answer all the questions for you? We are just that good, apparently.

  30. Because I am a crazy lyric person, I can't even make it any further down the page without saying that the song says

    "I helped him drink his wine. He always had some mighty fine wine"

  31. #6 makes me think of that moment in Steele Magnolias when Darryl Hannah keeps saying "It came from the freezes beautifully section of my cookbook. I want to make something that freezes beautifully". You have to imagine her voice with a very southern-y accent while reading that. Or watch the movie.

    Clearly you need to install recording equipment in your bathroom so that you can record while in the shower. Then just pass your cds out to people. Problem solved.

  32. Genius! Hilarious! Lets see...will just go from memory here because I am too lazy to scroll.

    I like meat. I dont like it when people stop eating meat. You grab yourself a turkey leg and rejoice in your meati-ness. :)
    I dont really like facebook.
    Love the boys locking doors and in the shower thing... Ha! I mean. When it happens to you.
    LOL at the spelling one. My Parker will do the SAME thing! Only not the same. Different word. Different letters. But you know. :)

    Ok, love this post!


  33. 1. Well lookie there, Wikipedia is full of interesting facts about meat thermometers. Learn something new everyday!
    2. He looks just like his dad in the applesauce pictures. It's genetic. But he's cute so he gets bonus points. He was smiling in your wedding picture. Maybe he wants you all to himself and not have to share with kids. Men are funny that way, even when they adore their kids.
    3. Wikipedia scores again!
    4. I am a vegetarian and I would cry so I'm of no help whatsoever. But I am married to a carnivore so I understand your plight. Again, I am of no help whatsoever.
    5. No, coming from one who is one and once wasn't. There's no acceptable substitute for bacon.
    6.I have no idea. I'd be searching Pioneer Woman''s or Smitten Kitchen's sites.
    7. David Lebovitz, Big Mama, Smitten Kitchen, and my newest discovery, because she is amazing, her house is always magazine perfect and yet she seems nice, not uppity. Then there's and
    Plus my online baking group. Nicola is from England and I just love when she posts There's also this funny one

    Okay, clearly I have a blog addiction.
    8. Your's is the funniest! No , really, it is.
    9. I suffer from the same malady.
    10. All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot.
    11. NCIS and MI-5. Hmmm, clearly there's a pattern. Or As Time Goes By.
    12. Don't do Facebook. One of the last hold outs. It confuses me. Is there ever anything really interesting on them? I'd much rather read someone's blog. Speaking of which, I forgot
    13. I guess because they secretly want to live in Iowa but not have to actually get out of bed at 4 a.m.?
    14. Boys are just cheeky. No other way to explain it.
    15. Makes it more exciting than simply going to the cupboard. Honing hunting skills.
    16. Same reason my granddaughters use all my dish soap making bubbles in the kitchen sink while testing a turkey baster's bubble capability.
    17. See 16. There is nothing more hypnotic to children than producing bubbles. Ever poor bubble making soap in a little plastic wading pool then stand in it and pull up a hoola hoop? Kid in a bubble!
    18. Yes, you should. Homeschooling moms everywhere will thank you for speaking the truth.
    19. As a reading consultant/tutor, I can answer that one. Better yet, order this kit, both levels. One kit will last all your kids.
    Maker sure you order both levels. Easiest spelling program on the planet.
    20. Must be the elk meat.

  34. #2 - I complain to my husband all the time that he does not smile in any picture...ever. And he tells me, "You can either see my eyes, or my teeth, but you can't see both." You see, when my husband actually smiles and shows his lovely teeth, hsi eyes squinch up and you can't see them. So I will take the half-hearted smile that shows no teeth and looks like he is unhappy, I guess. But just once I think I want a picture with a happy, toothy smile and just little lines for eyes! Maybe LJ has the same problem?

    #7 - I love to read Kelly's Korner blog ( in fact, I am pretty sure that is where I found you! I also love to read Coupon Katie ( She is a local girl from Knoxville who blogs about great deals you can get, and since I don't technically contribute to the is my job to save us money! And Coupon Katie helps me a lot!

    #10 - Pediatric Primary Care? That seems to be all I have time to read here lately seeing as how I am trying to become all smart and stuff. But seriously...I love Karen Kingsbury. If you have never read the Baxter Family series of books you must read them! They are so so great! It starts with the Redemption series and goes from there. There are like 14 books in the whole series.

    #11 - Love CSI but it is getting so scary I almost can't watch it anymore! I don't like scary movies and some of these senarios they come up with are just creepy! But I still love it! We love all of the Monday night comedy shows on CBS. And then Biggest Loser is our favorite.

    #14 - my son does this too and it is super annoying. If you figure out why little boys do this, please let me know!

    #16 - my kids do this too! I have tried to hide the soap and the shampoo from them and they find it somehow. One day I found them in the bathroom when it wasn't even bath time and they had squirted baby soap all over themselves...head to toe! I didn't know whether to scream or go get the camera!

  35. P.S. Language warning. Kinda naughty in places.

  36. You don't ask for much, do you?!
    I am currently reading the "Shopaholic" series by Sophie Kinsella. She's funny and it's great escapsim since I have no money to buy all the designer stuff this chick buys. I also enjoy Robin Jones Gunn "Sisterchicks" series but I have read them all and am waiting for a new one to come out.
    You're asking me for a blog? I usually find blogs to read by looking at your blog roll!

  37. Wee need a little feedback for some of our fantastic and hilarious responses to your blog, you wee pretty mommy. Too bad you have to do all your errands at once. You must need majorly caffeine. I still think you should tell 'nosey' folks: "Sorry I gotta go, late for court"(airport, parole officer ...) and "It's amazing that they look alike at all!!" And then you can tell them or better let them assume that they all have different dads. Sheeesssh! Miss you.
