Thursday, October 7, 2010



Last night, my sister swooned me.

Oh, yes.

She done swooned me.

About a week ago, she informed me that the play Oklahoma! would be coming to wherever-it-is-we-dwell, and implored me to join her.

Well . . . it is a lot of work for me to make a trip into town. 

 I have to shower, find some decent clothes, pack snacks and other safety rations, put on my pearls, and curl my hair.

And then I have to wait for my husband to empty the deceased mouse out of the mouse trap in the trunk.

What's that?  You've never had a bunch of mice living in your trunk?

You are missing out, my friends.

You are missing out.

So . . . I weighed all the pros and cons and decided that YES!, I shall go to Oklahoma! with my sister.

Because, dear readers, Oklahoma! is awesome.

So much so, that when you type Oklahoma! you must put an exclamation point at the end, regardless of whether or not you are at the end of an exciting sentence, just to emphasize its awesomeness.


My sister and I grew up watching movies such as Oklahoma! and The Music Man on account of my ma who likes this sort of thing.

This movie . . . these songs . . . they are in our blood.

So, naturally, my sister and I must get ourselves to see this play.

First off, my sister buys me a Starbucks.

Clearly this excites us.

Then . . . she gives me a Starbucks giftcard!

Just for kicks and grins!

Do you see what I mean about the swooning thing?

We arrive at the play.

We do not live in Oklahoma, so this play is uber fun for us.

No.  I will not tell you where I live, but from past clues, you can be certain I do not live in Georgia, nor do I live in Oklahoma.

I have my fingers crossed for Hawaii.

My sister was uber impressed with the lights.

It made her feel special.

She was also diggin' the fabric on the chairs and felt they were pretty stylish.

I was just excited to be in a town of more than 300 people where things like Starbucks, Target, and street lights exist.

The play started and we enjoyed it thoroughly.

Dear Pioneer Woman who does, in fact live in Oklahoma!,

This is the closest I have ever come to seeing these chaps you speak so fondly of:

Lest any of you are confused, The Pioneer Woman knoweth not that I exist.

Dear Readers!

Let us have a little Oklahoma! trivia game, shall we?

Answer as many or as little questions as you can.

The winner will get the satisfaction of being a winner.

1.   Fill in the blanks:

Pore Jud is Daid a candle lights his haid!
He's lookin' oh so purty and so nice
He looks like he's asleep,
It's a shame that he won't ________
But it's summer and we're running out of ________.

2.  Who said it?

"You can't go around kissing every boy that asks ya!"

3.  Translate the following words to modern English:




Good job, class.  Good job.

It was a grand and glorious evening and at the end of the night, me and the mice drove back home to Ruralville.

I almost hit two deer on the way home.

And when I arrived at the homestead, my dashing husband came out to set a fresh trap for the little varmints.

This is my glamorous life.

Don't be hatin.'

Jealousy does not become you.

Later dudes!


  1. I have sat myself in those stylish yellow chairs many times (and many with my own sister) but I have never seen Oklahoma!
    Clearly I'm missing out.
    Did you sneak the Starbucks in? I think that may be against the rules. They don't want you spilling on the bright yellow to make it a dull yellow. That would just be ugly. hee hee

  2. Did you guys get there really early, or do people in said town not enjoy themselves some Oklahoma!?

    I'm glad you got out on the town.

    My favorite ever musical is Les Mes. It makes my heart happy. Even if it is miserable.

  3. 1. Keep and Ice
    2. Ado Annie's beau... can't remember a name. :(.
    3. Yellow, Fellow, Window

    I'm glad you had a great evening out!

  4. Glad you got out of Ruleville. I have not seen that but will add to my list of must sees.
    So the car died, hummmmm maybe the mice are taking over it was their plan all along!!!!!! Muhahaha.

  5. I must confess, I have never seen Oklahoma! (see, I put the exclamation point), I have however seen The Music Man because my mom performed in it when I was a kid. Maybe she has pictures...
    I'm glad you had fun though! You needed a girl's night!

  6. I'm right there with you in your excitement - my Mom belonged to a record club (yes, those great big round things) and she bought all of the musicals. I used to know all the words to all the songs. I've seen Oklahoma! on stage and it is such a great treat. So glad you were able to have a night out - I'm sure it done you good girl!

  7. Oklahoma! is not really my favorite musical, but I am thrilled you had a great time! I'm more of a 42nd Street girl myself. Something extra fun about tap dancers. I am thankful, however, that I had a family who exposed me to musicals so I would know what kind of musical girl I am! Looks like you did too!

  8. Oklahoma! I am glad you got out of the house and had a fun filled evening just for yourself... I think you live where I went to school!

  9. I just love this on so many levels.

    1. I grew up on these movies/songs too.
    2. So did my girls.
    3. My hubs got two friends in the UK (one Australian, one Irishman) to break out in the theme song whenever they would see each other. Which was often. I cannot remember how this came about but I think someone had the song on karaoke and thats where they heard it. They do the arm motion too.
    4. I have a mouse story on my blog today. I told you I am living the East Coast version of your life. Without the four younguns of course.

    So glad you got a night is rosier after a night out!

  10. Sounds like a great "sisters-night-out" with Starbucks and lights - my favorite kind. :) I've never seen Oklahoma! so I could only figure out #3 - yellow, fellow, window. I'm satisfied with that - haha :-)

  11. Glad you had fun :) I haven't seen it. My guesses are yellow, fellow and window, but I don't know the others haha!

  12. I don't love Oklahoma!
    It's hard to spell and the characters annoy me.

    Music man? Adore. I know all the words. You got trouble my friends.

  13. It was a lot of fun! I greatly appreciated the cues for when then songs were really over so I did not have to look like the silly people who prematurely clapped.

    Thanks for going with me!

  14. I heart O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A!!!! OKLAHOMA! OK! YIP!!

    I went on a mission trip with the Oklahoma Baptist Youth Choir when I was 19. We would finish our concerts with that song, and nearly every single congregation stood up, sang, and clapped along with us when we sang it...

    No joke.

    That, and they asked "Do you know Dallas?" And, they meant the show, not the city...They didn't understand that it was no longer aired here at all.

    Glad you had a ladies night out!

  15. Oklahoma! was one of my favorites growing up... Wore out the VCR tape then bought the DVD... Also, another favorite is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!
    Again - does your sister need another sister to swoon? Cause I so volunteer! :)

  16. I have never seen Oklahoma! I shall have to fix that. My mother isn't into things like that at all, so that is my excuse. You and your sister are adorable, and I am jealous, because I miss my sisters very much. So glad you had fun!

  17. I ADORE going to the theatre, and love it when my Hubby takes me. I happen to live in Oklahoma, and have never seen Oklahoma! I think that should be against the law.

  18. I was in the choir when my h.s. did Oklahoma. Once Neil was watching Hello Dolly with grandma and he really liked it. Glad you had a nice night out. Holla sister. I wonder if your Montana aunt would have ideas on how to keep critters out of the wagons. She's dealt with this for years.

  19. Please. please. please. PLEASE!
    I beg of you.
    What does "swoon" mean?
    I thought it meant something like faint, but apparently, I am completely and utterly wrong!
    Can you please help increase my vocabulary.

    Oh, and my favorite songs from OKLAHOMA! (or should I say the only 2 I know)
    "I'm just a girl who cain't say no. I'm in a terrible fix. I always say 'come one, let's go.' Just when I oughta say nix!"

    Oh, the cattle are standing like statues! Oh, the cattle are standing like statues. They don't mmmpprhsngkhhgmfh as they see me ride byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. And a little brown maverick is winkin' her eye. oh, what a beautiful mooooorning! oh, what a beautiful day. I've got a beautiful feeeeeelllliiiiinnnngggg! Everything's going my way!"

  20. Oh, how I love Oklahoma! (the show, never been to the state) When the boys were little, I bought the cassette and thoroughly embarrassed my young 'uns by blaring it in the car, windows down, and singing at the top of my voice!

  21. Tag! You are it!
    Meme for fun, you answer my 8 questions. Then write 8 questions and tag 8 other blogs.

  22. I haven't seen Oklahoma! but my favorite is Calamity Jane! I love to sing the songs from that musical. I also loved Meet Me in St. Louis. Fabulous! Do your girls like to watch musicals too?

  23. I've never seen Oklahoma! the musical though I have seen Oklahoma the state. However, my daughter's high school is performing it in the spring so I have a feeling I'll get to see it then.

  24. darn you, i'm going to be singing ohhhh-klahoma! all night long now.

  25. I have relatives in Oklahoma! . Last time we drove there (12 hours ) I nearly drove my mate over the edge with my serenades from the musical. I am awesome like that.

  26. I have never seen Oklahoma but really want to. I should see if I can get tickets to sit in those lovely yellow chairs! The real Oklahoma is quite beautiful if you don't mind the flat. J's grandparents live there so we got to tour all of his wheat fields. I love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers but I truly love The Phantom of the Opera. I think I have been to see it 3 times - once even in big city which won't mention as it might give something away. :)

  27. Ooo, I love Oklahoma too, though I haven't seen it since junior high, which was about 526 years ago.

    Fun fact: When I tried out for Junior Miss in high school, I sang "I Cain't Say No." I don't know what I was thinking! But I actually won. I think they just wanted to break with tradition and see what it would be like for a hussy to represent her town in a scholarship program.

  28. Fun! I love that play! I am super jealous, I hope you had a good night out, what a sweet sister, I want to be in line to steal her! ;)

  29. Good golly, you and your sister have the same smile as the lady on the poster! So love that Surrey With the Fringe On Top song.

  30. 2-Laurey (I think)

    Nice job!

  31. Nope. Apparently, we are one of the few citizens of our great town who appreciate the fantasticness of Oklahoma!

  32. Right here in River City.
    Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool!

  33. Sometimes I just make stuff up.
    I totally could be using "swoon" wrong.

    I enjoy confusing people like that. ;)

  34. Get ready to have your socks knocked off.


  35. I actually am from Oklahoma. I love the musical! After living in Kansas for many years, my children have not seen it. I am terribly neglecting their education in that department. It is a great show.

  36. What a good sissy! I tried to get the movie on instant play via netflix but you have to have it sent in the mail so I will have to wait until seeing it again! Thanks for the reminder, though!
