Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Proposal.

Last week, I asked if you all would like to share with me your proposal stories.

And many of you humored me.  And I thank you for that.

I am currenty shunning Bimlissa because she did not humor me with her proposal story.  I feel that if I know a gal well enough to call her Bimlissa, when her name is actually Melissa, I should at least know her proposal story.


Bimlissa.  I am excited about the upcoming birth of your baby.  But I can no longer talk to you.  For I know not how you got engaged.


Ok.  Did I lose most of you already?

Moving on.

I am now going to share with you my proposal story. 


Not one of you inquired about my story. (whatever)  But I will share it with you nevertheless.

For I choose to believe you care.

The Lumberjack, more commonly known as David, and I had been dating for almost a year.  We were 18 and 17 at the time, and of course knew everything and were prepared for everything the world would one day throw at us. 

 We had discussed getting married after I had graduated from college.  So, that would mean a 5 year engagement.  I was planning on going away to a college a couple of hours away from home.  We knew that long-distance relationships always work out swimmingly, so we determined our plan to be solid.

Or not.

We soon decided that the original plan was no longer agreeable to us and decided to expedite the process.

Why?  I can't recall.  But, may I remind you that we were 17 and 18, so I am sure our reasons were logical.

I was a senior in high school (gasp!) and so I was hoping that he would propose before I graduated.

You know.

So I could show off my rock to all the silly girls who hadn't yet gotten themselves engaged and were destined to become old maids.

But, he didn't.

Darn him.

I could have had a moment, Lumberjack!

I could have had a moment.

On our one year dating anniversary, I was determined that he was going to propose to me.  He had a whole day of funtivities planned, but all I cared about was that darn ring. 

Turns out I am worldly . . . who knew?!

Well.  I can't even remember all the things we did.  All I remember was that we were in his sister's car (?why?) and everytime we turned a corner, something rattled in the trunk.

If it were present day, I would know that the rattling was coming from the creature living in the trunk.

Interruption:  If you missed it, yesterday I revealed that there is something living in my trunk.  After an extensive investigation that involved me opening the trunk a second time, I have determined that there is a small colony of mice living in the trunk.



But this was back in the year 1999, and David told me the sound was coming from my gift.

So, I was a bit miffed.  Because I knew a ring could never make that much of a commotion.

Turns out I was kind of a selfish brat back in the day!

Who knew?!

Anyways, out of nowhere, he drives us to a lake and tells me to get out of the car and into his parents' boat . . . which is conveniently waiting at the dock.

I told him he would be needing to get my present out of the trunk first.  But he didn't listen. 

So we hopped into the boat and he drives at breakneck speed to a little bay.  I cannot be certain, but I could make a pretty good guess that I was scolding him for being a little too reckless.

I am keen on safety.

He stops the boat suddenly in the bay and gets down on one knee.  The boat is rocking like crazy due to the fact that he brought it to a swift stop and created a massive wake.

Safety Check:  Should 18-year-olds be driving boats?

He starts his romantic speech.

I ask him if he can wait until the boat stops rocking so badly.


I am keen on safety.

He grabs my right hand.

I tell him to wait.

He pulls my right hand back, smiles, and says that I don't understand what he is trying to do.

I tell him I understand completely, but he is not doing it correctly.

Apparently, I am also keen on excellence.

He takes my left hand (thankyouverymuch) and then proposes.

I remember he said something really romantic, but I can't remember what it was.

Darn it.

But I think I have it written down somewhere.


Then he drove me to a dock owned by a friend where he had rose petals scattered about, a blanket, candles, food, and wine glasses.

With juice, of course.  I mean, we can't be illegal.

I am keen on rules.

So . . . there you have it!

We got married one year later, after dating for two years.


And even though we got married young, I am glad we did and happy for all  our years and memories together.

Happy Tuesday!

*edited, to ease confusion:  The mysterious rattling in the trunk was something his sister had in there.  We may never know the truth.  I guess he had the ring hidden in his pocket or something*


  1. Awww! Such a cute story! :) Way to go Lumberjack!

  2. What a great story!!!

    And, I didn't ask about your story because for some reason I thought the whole point of the post was you were going to tell us your story...I'm just unobservant that way.

  3. A splendidly lovely story despite all the things you did to potentially ruin it. :) I totally forgot to share my story but do not have the patience to share now. Another time, shall we??
    Oh, and EWWWWWW about the mice. That's just icky. Good luck and Godspeed on that. ;)

  4. How sweet! That's an awesome proposal!!

  5. Oh and if Bimlissa is with child, I don't think you can shun her. I mean, you do what you want, but I mean she's prego and seriously, do you want to mess with a pregnant lady? Just sayin...

  6. Awwww, way to go Lumberjack!! (oh and love the word funtivities...is this a new word? an LJ original perhaps?)

    I think I'll go share my proposal story at your old post to add to the love fest!

  7. Who knew the Lumberjack was so romantic. How wonderful!!!

  8. You have a very sweet story but I expected nothing less.

    So, was it your ring rolling around in the trunk? Or was it just some random object (or animal) and he had your ring on him the whole time? Please don't shun me in my confusion. : )

  9. OK, maybe I missed it, but what was the gift in the trunk? Was is the stuff for picnic?

  10. Adorable! You just crack me up!

  11. No-I don't know what was in the trunk. Something of his sister's. You shall not be shunned. ;)

  12. wait, it was twenty. I was twenty. Whew. Big difference.

  13. oh my gravy. You

    Anyway, that's a sweet story. Makes me think of Twilight though. All that teen romance. All that "marry me before graduation", "NO make me a vampire first!"...wait.

    So, I got married at 19. I can't remember why. It just seemed urgent. We were getting old. well...we weren't getting any younger.

  14. Hello there my dear friend. Apparently, I don't care about you.
    I just answered your question.
    I took it at face value that you wanted to know MY proposal story.
    I did not care one little bit about yours.
    I sincerely and deeply apologize for my lack of senstivity and care of your feelings.
    You deserve much better.
    It's a good thing I don't know where you live or I would be driving over to your place (be in 10 minutes or 10 states away) to bring you my one of a kind chocolate torte!

  15. I am glad you shared your story!

    I am so sorry about mice in your car! If it were my car...I would be in need of a new one.

  16. Yes, you should not shun a pregnant lady or she will not allow you to see pictures of her new baby!! Because that is all you are living for right now.....right??!! Miss you =(

  17. Incredible proposal! I had no idea a guy, young at that, could do something so amazing!
    That is just the best wedding photo.

  18. Sweet story. My husband "casted lots" to determine whether he should ask me to marry him. The quarter came up best 3 out of five and then he decided to do 5 out of 7...unbeknownst to me until after I had said Yes. We'll be married 20 years in March.

  19. Love it! The proposal, not the mice... hehe

    Just found your blog and looking forward to more :o)

  20. Lumberjack was so sweet! What happened to him?! Just kidding! ;) :)

  21. I was waiting for the "and I got sick from the rocking boat"....glad that wasn't part of it! Such a sweet story!

  22. What a sweet story! You young-ens are so romantic!

  23. Super sweet. That took a lot of planning. You know with the boat and the dock and rose petals. Gold star for LJ.

    Color me jealous.
    Hopefully the husband does read your blog (Holla) and will take notes. :)

  24. It is a truly lovely story but IT SCARES MY PANTS OFF as I currently have a 15 year old dating a boy that I truly do not want to be related to in any way.

    Would you please make up a horrible ending to this story that I can tell her?

  25. Such a sweet proposal story! I too am glad that I got married young!

  26. I just love your stories, Taylor! And surely you know by now that we care immensely! Thanks for sharing this story! LOVED it!

  27. I know your story was sweet...but I just can't concentrate on that because I'm too busy calling you Dwight in my head now.

    Of course, that whole shun/unshun/reshun thing might not have been a clever reference, and now you might think I'm insane. It is highly possible.

  28. Love that you told him he was doing it wrong :) Men need all the help they can get, right? :)

    And what a great photo of you two. May you have many continued happy years together!

  29. I didn't contribute to the stories because I thought mine was boring. It turns out that I was right. Yours is too memorable. And ,so are all the others that commented. :-)
