Monday, April 26, 2010

A Tale of Two Posts.

(Name that author.  Kind of)


What a different post title!

Have I piqued your interest?

I hope so.

This is my plan:

I am going to write a new post . . . and then stick on an old post . . . making one complete post . . . that will




Actually . . .herein lies the truth:

1)  I don't have much to say.

2)  I took some cute pictures of the boys tonight.

3)  I was reminded of a post I did back in December about my precious boys while viewing aforementioned photos.

So, I said to myself,

"Taylor (that's my name-keep up, people!), why not merge the posts, creating an ultrasonic, subatomic, neonatal power post!"

And that  is exactly what is going on here today.

Hold on to your pants, people.

This is going to be the highlight of your day.

Little Dude.

Oh, how I heart him.

He loves his books.

Here he is "reading" his train book.

I must be honest with you.

My 1.75 year old does not read.

He actually just mumbles a lot and then will randomly shout, "All Aboard!"

Then he slams the book shut and calls it good.


You are going to be quite disappointed in me and my photography skills for the next photo.

Well, not as disappointed as if i were to show you this photo:

But you will be shaking your heads at me nonetheless.

Darling Readers!

I finally had the opportunity to capture Handsome Dude nursing the dolls!

And that was the photo I got.

Let us have a moment while I hang my head in shame.

*Thank you*

All teasing aside, Handsome Dude is pretty darn cute with those dolls.

He is such a good little papa.

He talks sweetly to the babies as he loads them in the shopping cart and shops for organic, low fat, low cholesterol, weight watchers friendly foods.

Just like his mama.

See, people?

I set a good example!

Children always imitate their parents.

Although I do not specifically remember ever laying on top of my babies.

Nor do I recall nearly smothering them to death.

Then again, you don't get much sleep in those early days.

Anything's possible.

Oh, Handsome Dude.

Precious to my heart.

Glasses Update:

Pair #1:  Missing for at least 1-2 months.

I cannot be certain.

Pair #2:  Permanently broken-temporarily fixed-currently bent so wide they fall off his face.

And lost.

Pair #3:  On order.

Keep them in your prayers.

All Aboard!


And now,  for the old post.


Try to contain your sheer and utter joy.


Boy with the blue earrings

(from Dec 5, 2009)

Points to notice: 

1)Little Dude has hair!

2)  Our elliptical machine is still in the same position, leading me to suspect no one has used it during all these months.

3)  Handsome Dude is not wearing glasses.  Hmmm . . . that's odd.

Handsome Dude.

What were you doing in my room?

Did you hide something in your pockets again?

Please stop taking my earrings.

I don’t want to wear blue earrings today.


Blue earrings to not match my overly bright red pullover fleece.

Clearly, you do not have a future in fashion, dude.

Then again, neither do I.

But that is besides the point.

Turquoise blue earrings cannot go with bright red.


They simply cannot.

I know you love them.

You pick them out for me every day.


I said no.

I am already wearing my super cool, oversized costume earrings that are more neutral in color.

No blue today.



I’ll wear blue.

Attention all fashion-conscious adults who might see me in the next 2 weeks-2 years (or however long this phase of his lasts):

Please make every attempt to ignore me and my newly-accessorized self.

I fear I will clash every day.

But, you see, I have this boy:

and for now, all he wants is for his mother to wear her blue earrings.


They are cheap earrings.

I bought them from Walmart.

They came in a pack of 3 for $4.

But irregardless of how cheap they are, my boy thinks I am beautiful in them.

And I have a hunch that he won’t sneak upstairs, pick out the prettiest blue earrings he can find, and proudly present them to me when he is a teenager.

I doubt that he will continuosly move my hair from my face to check and make sure I am wearing the blue earrings forever.

I am certain he will not always grin and clap when he sees that his earrings of choice are where they rightfully belong.

So for now . . .

I will probably wear my blue earrings.




Oh, Handsome Dude.

Please don’t ever grow up.


News of Sadness:  The Blue Earrings have been lost.

Handsome Dude stuck him in his pocket and wouldn't you know if they went through the washing machine.

One survived.

I have never found the remains for the second one.

And now, a moment of silence.

 Thank you.

You may resume your daily activities.


  1. Lol, so sad about the earings. My daughter will pick earings for me too and insist on putting them in and she makes sure they stay in by checking often, gotta love em.
    Loved the nursing baby pic! :) Enjoyed the post as always.
    Side note: if you end up getting the house, you will have to pack and move, the glasses might turn up! Heres to looking forward to something :)

  2. I was right!! I got here quickly because I saw on Facebook that you had posted!! Still wasn't the first comment, baby steps..
    And yes, your post really was the highlight of my day, and I am so impressed with your post-pairing that I may try it myself!!
    You are my favorite Lumberjack's Wife ever!!

  3. I just wanted to add that I am still in that 12 step program for punctuation overusers anonymous.....

  4. I was on face book at the time and saw that she posted so I raced to get first comment lol isnt that horrible... :)
    I love hanging out on fb at night when i am bored, the kids are in bed, and its too early to sleep.

  5. I'm subscribing now. You are killing me. KILLING.
    I can't resist.

  6. Too bad you lost the earrings, but now you can wear other colours, or does he have a new favourite pair for ya?

  7. Too bad about the earrings. Maybe he'll find another stunning pair for you to sport daily. And, you can at least be thankful that it was just earrings that went through the washing machine and not say a blue crayon that also made it to the dryer and didn't get noticed until the load of whites went through and got blue crayon dye melted all over them. And since it was all over the dryer it also got all over the light coloured load as well. Or it could have been a diaper. Have you ever had a disposible diaper go through the washing machine? Not pretty.

  8. Your dudes are so precious. I just love the stories you tell about them. The glasses will turn up when you least expect them. As far as the earrings go, isn't it funny what our little men think makes us beautiful? Maybe he'll discover a new favorite pair!

  9. Little Dude will soon be a Medium Dude.

    I miss him dearly.

  10. I have to say that one photo of little dude I will name scary dude, wow!
    I love that you put on the earings anyway. When I read this I have to say I just went back in time and remember my own lil dude who now is a BIG DUDE almost 18 when we had moments like those. I hate when everyone says they grow up so fast. But man they grow up so fast.
    On another note thank you for all the info on my blog this morning. I will do my best to give it a try.
    ps. Going to look at a home on 40ac today Im so excited. What are you all gonna do on your 20ac? And if I read right you do get it for sure right?

  11. No, it is not a done deal-still in closing process.
    I have no idea what we will do with 20 acres, but I am sure my husband will think of something!

  12. That was one super-sonic post!

    As a mother with two boys (not so little anymore) this post got me. Because I remember all that sweetness and mommy-love and it's hard not to miss it sometimes. But there are good times ahead too, I promise. Different, but good.

  13. It could be worse. It could be a macaroni necklace.

  14. I am so sorry about your earrings but I love the stories about your boys. Especially lying on the babies and how boys see how wonderful we are in little ways that surprise us.

  15. Lovely post! Sorry about your earrings. It won't be long though before he's bringing home macaroni necklaces from school for you to wear. Unless you decide to home-school, then you can supervise all jewelry/craft making to ensure you will receive something you will not only love but can actually use.

  16. Oh, and the author is Charles Dickens (sort of). :)

  17. So the goofy photo that didn't turn out was because there was movement in low light. If you get a blurry picture like that, try opening the flash. It should help.

  18. Awwww! You are following my blog! I am super happy and humbled. ;)

    And laughing about your blue earrings.....and the nursing baby. :)

  19. I am not a sentimental person, but that repost almost made me cry. One of my boys notices my earrings and comments on them on occasion.

  20. May the lost earring rest in pieces in the bottom of your washer forever! My handsome dude never grow too old to make sure you're wearing the accessory of choice, and may your days be filled with bright shiny baubles in the hands of a child! Life doesn't get any better than this! :)

  21. And that's supposed to say MAY handsome dude never grow too old... Not MY... my handsome dude is 22 now, and hasn't brought me a good piece of jewelry in close to 18 years!

  22. Ummm, that picture of Handsome Dude with his face out of focus looks like something from a horror movie...I'm just sayin'....

  23. No fair, I logged on today to distract myself from the fact that my very own Prince Charming is growing up way to fast. Now I want to go wake him up and snuggle him (but I know better). No fair.

  24. Dickens.

    I remember the blue earring sweet. I'm sad the earring is gone.

    I hope you have some awesome vision coverage on your insurance plan : )

    I love the book should get that on tape if you haven't already.

  25. Here is what I think. If you are really having that much trouble with the new camera, maybe you got one that is a flukey dookey piece of broken defective poo. It would make me out of my mind crazy if I thought I was doing everything right, on auto, and it wouldn't take at least decent pics. could get in touch with the manufacturer or where you bought it. That is what I think. Although you may want to avoid over the phone customer service.
    I am sad, sad, sad to hear about the loss of the earring. That post was toooo sweet. Pushing your hair back to see that you are wearing them? Break my heart!

  26. What a great post! Did you ever find the blue earring or was that just new and you added that on to the end of this post? Sorry, if it's new and I didn't catch the. I'm not keeping up very well am I?
