Saturday, April 3, 2010

Confessions of a Lumberjack's Wife

I would like to dedicate this post to Sarah and Nikki, who both will, upon occasion, wear socks with sandals.

Let us take a moment to applaud their bravery.

Thank you.

In yesterday's post, I claimed, and I quote:

"Fact:  Socks with sandals goes against everything I believe in."

I firmly believe that sandals were meant for bare toes.

Now, Handsome Dude has just recently started dressing himself.

He is doing great.

Well, as fate would have it, yesterday, the very day that I posted my statement about being against socks with sandals, this is how Handsome Dude dressed himself.

Darn my luck!

And me, being the hypocrite that I am, took him out into public like that.

Because I have 4 kids and I no longer have time to care.

Now, Megan, a commenter on yesterday's post, shares in my views.

So, she is this week's winner of "Comment of the Week!"

She wrote,

"And yes, we all need to fight against socks and sandals – for the sake of the children."

Well said, Megan.

Well said.

Because this . . .

is simply unacceptable.

Now, some may ask,

"Taylor (PS-that's me), why do you have such strong views on socks with sandals?"

Well, gentle readers, I am glad you asked.

It started back in 2001.

Interruption:  I do not have a scanner.  I simply taking pictures of pictures.  Classy, I know.

When The Lumberjack and I had been married for about a year, we took a trip to Disneyland with my parents and my sister.

We had a wonderful time.

Especially my sister.

Look at her joyful face!

She can hardly contain her excitement.


The Lumberjack is making fun of her in the above picture.

Lumberjacks can be funny!

Who knew?!

Well, we walked and walked and walked and walked.

My dogs were barking.

(Name that movie)

We went back to our hotel for a little rest.

While at the hotel, I put some socks on my poor, sore, tired feet.

They felt heavenly.

Truly, truly heavenly.

Once we were well-rested, we decided to head back out to Disneyland.

Interruption:  Can we not all agree that Disneyland at night is way so fun?

We had a good time.

A really, good time.

And I was enjoying myself much more . . . on account of my newly comforted feet.

I would, however, like to submit a complaint to the powers-that-be at the hotel we stayed at circa 2001.

Please, dear powers-that-be, consider installing full-length mirrors in your hotel rooms.

Because sometimes, a girl needs to see what she looks like before making a huge fashion mistake.

Thank you.

I, yes, I, Taylor Mal-i-blah-blah, once wore socks with sandals.

It was a tragic occurrence, one of which I relive every time I see that fateful photo.

Only a select few citizens of our great country (like Sarah and Nikki) can pull such a risk off.

I am not one of them.

I have only myself to blame.

This is Taylor Mal-i-blah-blah, signing off, while holding my head in shame.





  1. nice pic! at least you are tan - so unfair!

  2. You crack me up! So glad I found your blog. Favorite line, "Because I have 4 kids and I no longer have time to care" another mother of four kids, I so get it!

  3. That was brilliant. Love the photo. I've seen worse, don't worry about it.

    (I once refused a second date with a guy for many reasons, one of which may have been his socks-and-sandals. It's just unnatural!)

  4. New header...same little dude in tears ;)

  5. You Idaho spuds are a little over the top about sox with sandals. What's the big deal? Perhaps it's your cold state. Here we just wear the sandals continuously because, hey, it's just not that cold. Now Oregon - they wear sandals with sox. But they don't pluck their eyebrows either. It's a very strange state. Off-ramps with no corresponding on-ramps. Maybe you're too obsessed with looks over comfort. I, on the other hand, am just the opposite. I want comfort. However, there's a downside to that ethic too. I'm scary. But hey, LJs wifey, the sox you chose in the photo were too high up, and waaaay too white to pull it off. See, sox with sandals implies it's too cold to wear just sandals. If it's that cold - why would you wear shorts? So, usually if it's too cold to wear sandals - the person would be wearing pants. Sox would not be seen as much.

  6. He-he. I will have to share this post with my hubby. He too believes that socks and sandals are about as bad as it can get. I personally don't like them either. I am a bare foot, flip flop, sandal wearing girl. Way to be brave and show us your fashion disaster!

  7. I really enjoyed Dana's response to this, it was very thorough.

    And those were some really shameful pictures. I had some pretty bad roots showing, I really needed someone to show me what a reasonable bra is and Dave looks like he is not yet a man.

  8. At least it was just once. I looked the way I looked my entire sixth grade year. That is really hard to recover from.

  9. I have to admit, my Dad does this.

    I also see sandalsocks a LOT in Seattle. Ugh! It is a horrifying fashion statement that says you just gave up on life...or maybe you need one...or maybe you never had one.

    That said, my Dad is the exception for my rule. You can excuse family members. You might have to just little with Little Dudes early ambition to give up on life. :) He's cute, he can get away with it.

  10. thelumberjackswifeApril 3, 2010 at 12:24 PM

    True that. He was merely a man-boy.

  11. thelumberjackswifeApril 3, 2010 at 12:24 PM

    Auntie-Datenutloaf! It was because my feet were sore, not because I was cold! :)

  12. I (personally) feel that socks and shoes are completely unexcusable...period. You should redeem yourself with a pic of your sweet feet after a pedicure and a new pair of flip flops tomorrow!

  13. socks and sandals is an epidemic in the Seattle need to do a speaking circuit...and begin here....

  14. Ooh - comment of the week, I feel so honored! And to be connected to this very important issue - well, I just feel humble. Together, we can stop this scourge, and one day, our country will rise up and eliminate all sandal wearing with socks.

  15. Hey there, Sarah here. You know the socks and sandles wearing Sarah. I so will be posting up a photo of me and my foot wear. You gotta see how it's done:)

  16. 'My dogs are barking'.....Planes, Trains & Automobiles...? Mr. John Candy and Steve Martin?

  17. thelumberjackswifeApril 5, 2010 at 2:25 AM

    Yes! I am glad someone got it! I was beginning to wonder if anyone had seen that movie! So funny! :)

  18. I just saw a photo of myself wearing an outfit with socks and cute little flats that looked awesome with my expensive shorts. It was twenty years ago and I knew I looked HOT!

    Why in the world did no decent person tell me how utterly ridiculous I looked and that I would cringe thinking about it in years to come?

    Sad. So. Very. Sad.

  19. Oh dear. Way back in '97, the cool thing to do was wear white athletic socks with so called "soccer sandals" made by Reebok and Nike. I am certain that many pictures of both me and my classmates feature that quite darling look. As a matter of fact, I am sure that at an event at one of the girls in my class's house almost everyone had those black, blue, and white sandals complete with socks. Good times :)
