Sunday, April 25, 2010

Facebookish Stuff.

Item #1


So clearly I do not get The Twitter.

Clue #1: No one can find my Tweetering Profile.

Clue #2: I can't remember how to find me.

Clue  #3: I would not know what to Tweet.

And, after some consideration and input from you, dear readers, I do not feel I should add this to my Internet activities, seeing as how blogging takes up most of my Internet time as it is.

Actually all of it.

I do actually have these creatures living in my midst.

So, I cannot be on the computer all day.

So . . .

ix-nay on the witter-tay.

Rodger Dodger?

Raise your hand if you think it is sad that my father can Twitter . . .


Yet, I cannot.

Item #2

Attention all peoples who read my blog posts from Facebook.

I don't want to publish my posts on my Facebook profile anymore through Networked Blogs.

I feel like I am force-feeding this rubbish to all of my poor Facebook friends.

They need a break.

So, I created a Facebook page for this blog that I will use to publish my posts from now on.

But if you want to see them, you need to "like" the page.

(I have just thoroughly confused everyone who is not familiar with The Facebook)

If you would like to read them through Facebook, click here.

Item #3

Anyone can become a "liker" on Facebook if you so desire.

It would make me smile, if you did.

In fact, I am fairly certain it would make my heart sing.

Last time I checked, zero people liked it.

Not even me.

Such sadness.

So, if you like The Facebook and would like to get updates from me on your newsfeed, click here.

Or don't.

The choice is yours.

Item #4

I don't know what we are doing for school next year, but homeschool is an option.

If you know of a good homeschooling blog or website, would you mind sharing the link?

I will be forever grateful.

Item #5

I promised you that I would not rest until I got a picture of Handsome Dude "feeding" the baby dolls.

I couldn't, however, get the right shot.

Turns out his feeding session was not going so well this morning.

I, for one, can certainly identify with his feelings.

And two babies at once?

That must be torturous.

Turns out Handsome Dude likes nursing just as much his mama does.


Happy Sunday!

PS-Heather, I was waving to you at church.

PPS-Jan, next time say Hi to me at church.

PPPS-I still feel like I am addicted to popcorn.

PPPPS-Someone asked me today why people read this blog.

PPPPPS-I have no idea . . . but I am glad you do.

PPPPPPS-Make my heart sing.  Become my Facebook Liker.

The End.


  1. Could I actually be the first one to post a comment? I "like" you on Facebook now :) That is how I find your new posts daily. How can anyone even imagine to ask why anyone would read your blog? Do they not know that it is super fantabulous and funny? Crazy person. Well, "hi" back. I was going to try to chat with you for a minute at church but you were already talking with someone else. Maybe next time! It was nice to see you though. Have a super rest of your Sunday :)

  2. I "like" you on FB too! I couldn't find you on twitter, but I really would never have seen your tweets if you went that way as I am not a twitter per previous pos. (wow, that was a long winded).

    And anyone asking why someone would follow your blog must never have read it. It's fun! It's fun!! And it's fun!!! I look forward to your posts (even when you post more than 1 in a day - don't know how you do that). Keep blogging and we will keep reading:)

  3. Following blogs via Facebook? Oh my goodness, could my life get anymore entangled and confusing? I don't think I can handle it. I will just keep doing my usual click to get over here.

    FYI- I added you to my blogroll- hope that's okay! It's very short. I like to keep it to the blogs I actually read and attempt to follow. :) And because I too have people in my home who look to me for food and clean clothes I need to keep that list short!

  4. thelumberjackswifeApril 25, 2010 at 9:40 AM

    Thank you for adding me! If you include your blog link, I would be happy to visit from time to time :)

  5. Whew! I was so nervous at first when your facebook post said you were not going to be posting updates about your blog! It is the only way I know what is new, because for the life of me I can not figure out how to do my blogroll on wordpress. I am so glad you're blog is now getting it's very own facebook page! I have already "liked" it! Don't scare me like that again.

  6. Homeschool sites? I have several on my blog... I am going to "like" you on facebook! Have a great week!

  7. I'm not a twitter person, at all. I have one, but I never remember to post there.

    I will head over to your facebook page though. I love facebook. :)

    Marla @

  8. Well, I'm certain both Melissa and I will recommend The Well Trained Mind- they have a good forum there too. :)
    Good luck with figuring it all out- it can be stressful, I know, but also very exciting and fun!

  9. You know you're reading too quickly when you mistake "addicted to popcorn" for "addicted to porn" and then have to go back for a double-take.

    I've considered doing a Facebook profile for my blog too.

    I'll look you up over there. Wonder what a search for Taylor Mali-blah-blah will produce...

  10. I am now a "liker" yay! :)

  11. Homeschooling, that is a subject I could talk about for hours. I was a regular old classroom teacher before I got "promoted" to mom. I thought homeschoolers were nuts. Well, we are! AND, I am good with that. Feel free to drop an email line to me. I can talk you through all kinds of stuff.

    I recommend getting the book So You're Thinking About Homeschooling by Lisa Welchel. It was the first thing I read pertaining to homeschooling, and it really helped me as we made the choice to be 100% in charge of our children's education.

  12. PS -please excuse the spelling errors. I taught physics and biology. We don't have to spell in science...just use numbers and symbols ;) HA!

  13. Please don't leave me to be the only one of our friends who puts her children in the evil public school system! It isn't that bad of a drive...:) Just kidding, sort of.

  14. I like you. Well, not in that way..but I like you..

  15. Several things:

    First, Hello! I've been a lurker ever since you first posted about one of my very best friends, Amy (yes, Jason's honey). Anyhow, I keep coming back to your blog because I find it delightful, so I think it's high time that I introduced myself as a reader.

    Second, good decision on throwing in the towel with Twitter. I have an account, but almost never log on. I just don't get what all the hype is about. It's really not all that cool.

    Third, now that we've "met," I'm off to "like" you on Facebook. Keep up the blogging - especially about Jason. I have had the pleasure of meeting him once, but as you can imagine, I am curious to learn more about this young chap my dear friend finds so interesting.

  16. thelumberjackswifeApril 25, 2010 at 1:10 PM

    I know, I am sorry. I would rather keep them in their current public school if that helps! You could transport daily to Ruralville and we could homeschool together!

  17. thelumberjackswifeApril 25, 2010 at 1:10 PM

    Did you find me? I am supposed to be incognito on FB, too. You shouldn't be able to find any Taylor Maliblahblahs. Let me know!

  18. thelumberjackswifeApril 25, 2010 at 1:49 PM

    Thank you and nice to meet you!

  19. I don't know why it didn't include my blog link?

    Anyhooo... you have visited me before, but here it is!

  20. I've just clicked through to 'like' your facebook page, but I read you in my google reader....
    A good, though fairly new homeschool site is : - another one in my google reader.
    God bless you!

  21. I said the same thing on my blog, but you were totally the first comment I've ever gotten from someone who isn't one of my 4 followers/real-life friends! Made my morning! Love your blog! How could I not like something so honest and hilarious?!

  22. Hi LJW,
    I spoofed you in my blog today. It is meant as a means of flattering and I sure hope it is.
    Wondering if you could email me at as I'd like you to guest post on my blog.
    By the way, I homeschool and have loads to say abut that too. I'm praying for you as you make your choice. and that's all I'll write about that right now.

  23. Aha. So this is why I was originally blocked from viewing today's post because the word "porn" was in it. Never expected to see THAT message when visiting TLJW. ;)

  24. Taylor, I've come across your true persona twice, quite by accident. I'll email you with the specifics so that you can make some adjustments.

  25. I "like" you on Facebook now. :)

  26. I will have to like you later. Facebook is a banned entity at work. Given that I work in a school, that's probably a good thing.

    I did become a Twitter follower though so if you do Tweet I'll know.

  27. Another long and rambling comment...
    Homeschooling- I could go on for hours!! I never imagined homeschooling my kids and went into it with not a whole lot of excitement. But, due to certain circumstances (like a major dislike for the public school system in CA), it was our choice and we set out. In CA, you can not make up your own cirriculum, so you have to be affiliated with a school. We started with the county "charter" school, and found that my first grader was the only one enrolled that had not been kicked out of school or facing some sort of trouble, so we withdrew out of that when someone had told me about K12, an online school. We jumped right into it and have been going strong for almost 2 years now. With K12, the cirriculum is GREAT. Although they are affiliated with the state school system, they teach soo much more (science, history, art, music, etc.). You "log in" each day and each quarter, you meet with a teacher that gives all the support you may need. There are outings and support from other parents and teachers.
    Ok, enough rambling... I am sure you will find millions of sites for homeschooling, all great support (especially great things for the little ones while you are doing school with the big ones). Although it is a VERY difficult undertaking, it is more rewarding than you could ever know!!! Good luck!!!

  28. We are the same. I don't get twitter, I refuse to try. I feel bad force feeding my fb friends my blog, but I'm too lazy to start a new page, and they are too lazy to like it anyway.
    Found you on Redeemed Diva. She seems to be full of hilarity, and know hilarious people like you. If only I could be half as hilarious, then...I could join your club.
    Until I find my funny, I'll content myself to writing grocery lists for my husband than include copious amounts of alcohol, just to confuse him.

  29. don't need more staring at an electronic screen

    go outside

    look at the sky trees plants walk run dig have a coffee visit a friend or a museum

    y do we need email facebook, LJW, AND twitter

  30. I don't use the networked blog thing on facebook either. I think my friends and family get enough of me in real life, so I try not to torture them online. Well, not too much anyway.

    I tweeted, I quit, I tweet again. I don't even know why really. I just like hearing the ping my computer makes when I get a tweet back. :-)
    Enjoy your Monday!

  31. Poor Handsome Dude and the babies!

    Just what I need another reason to be on facebook!

  32. Did you happen to see Pionieer woman homeschool post about field trips? We do 6-8 (middle school) at home. I have to say finding a local group and taking field trips was my fav part.

    oh ya, and for the record there may be a photo of me up today with my socks and sandles ;) just saying!

  33. Oh poor handsome dude! He looks so dejected in that last picture!! He needs some help from a lactation consultant on nursing twins...

    Also, I was both homeschooled and went to public school at different times in my education. I liked them both for different reasons but am so thankful for my mom who put in all the energy to homeschool us. I hope to homeschool our little ones starting in a few years. We used a conglomeration of curricula, but my favorite part was using Sonlight for our reading/history - it's really literature based which is way cooler than textbooks. Also Saxon math is the best out there for most learning styles it seems. I dont' know of any good websites, just my own opinions...

  34. I have a confession. I try not to be jealous...I try not to envy...I try not to covet my neighbor's comments. However, I do. My blog site says people read my blog but only you and Mindee over at Our Front Door leave comments on a regular basis. Oh how I've failed!

    I suppose the good thing is that you both have gained my complete bloyalty (get + loyalty?).

    Do you feel special? Awesome? Spectacular? Well you are! That's why we read you!

    Anywhoo...I liked you on facebook and also this year we did Washington Virtual Academy and it was A LOT of work. Next year we're putting together our own curriculum, so I'm kind of in the same boat as you.


  35. I just have to say...nursing twins is not as hard as it looks! Mine are extremely well-fed and chubby. :)

    And I love reading your blog, it makes me laugh out loud nearly every line!
