Friday, April 16, 2010

Five Things

1)  Daisy Mae and Sweet Pea have joined their first soccer teams.

Would you like to hear something super convenient?

Daisy Mae's Soccer Schedule:

Games: 4:30 and 5:20 on Thursdays at Field A

Practices: Saturday mornings at 9am at Field B

Sweet Pea's Schedule:

Practices: Thursdays 5pm at Field B

Games: Saturdays 9 and 10am at Field A

Daisy Mae had her very first game last night.

And her own cheering squad.

Pssst! Daisy Mae!

Don't lay back on the goal!

Daisy Mae!

Pay attention to where the ball is!

Focus, Daisy Mae!



A ball got past you?

How on earth could that be?

And now, dear readers, I would like to present to you:

Why children who are in kindergarten should not play soccer:

1)  They don't get it.

2)  They don't know which direction the ball should go.

3)  When they other team scores, the defeated team claps along with the proud parents, simply because, again, they do not know what is going on.

4)  Thrice I saw the goalie leave his/her post to try to make a goal.


5)  They don't get it.

6)  Once I saw a boy from the sidelines join in on the soccer fun.  No matter how many times coach called him back, he kept playing.


7)  Because kindergarteners just don't get it.

But, alas.

They are stinkin' cute to watch.

2)  My laundry room is still not finished.

But that is neither here nor there.

3)  It's time for . . .

The Comment of the Week!

This week's winner goes to Kendra with her made-up term of what she refers to as Buns of Steel.

She said, and I quote,

"We refer to Buns of Steel as the “Hus-buns” in my world."

So, there you have it.

The only thing slightly disturbing about this comment, on my end, is that I was referring to Jason's Buns of Steel.

Remember Jason?

Attention all:  I only said he had Buns of Steel because his Buns shattered my window.

I do not technically know, nor do I care to know any more about my brother-in-law's hindquarters.

Thank you.

On a different note, yes, The Lumberjack definitely has Hus-Buns.

Go say hi to Kendra . . . she is always full of recipe deliciousness.

4)  I must take Handsome Dude to the eye glasses place next week to pick out new frames.

Please pray that the Lord will guide me to the most indestructible, and of course handsome, pair.

Thank you.

5)  It has come to my attention that I have high cholesterol.

Could it be because I am too chub?

Maybe it is because I pretend to be on Weight Watchers?

Perhaps it is because I only exercise every third Tuesday?

Or maybe . . . just maybe . . . it is just genetic.


I will go with the last reason.

But, nevertheless, I must go on a low cholesterol diet.

Which means, I need to cut way back on beef.

Um . . . hello?

What am I supposed to do with all this beef then?

Hmmm . . . a quandary.

So, I need to cook more chicken, fish, and meatless entrees.

And I am going to be completely honest.

I won't eat fish.

Why anyone would eat fish is beyond me.

So, dear readers, if you have any splendid chicken or meatless recipes you would like to share, please do.

Any thoughts would be warmly accepted.

And no cheese, people!

I must stay away from cheese, too.

What is the world coming to?

That is all.

Have a fantabulous weekend!


  1. No cheese? What meaning is left in your life?

  2. Oh no! Sounds like chicken, chicken and more chicken for you :(

  3. Cheese in moderation? Maybe? I hurt for you.

    I too, have "borderline" high cholesterol. I have high blood pressure, and I'm pre-diabetic. I'm blaming it ALL on genetics. No way the 20 lbs I've packed on since being in Hawaii contribute to this.
    Good luck with it! I'll be watching for you to post some healthy recipes. I get tired of looking for them.

  4. No Way! you are way to young for that ! Good luck on your quest for delicious meals. I think all my chicken recipes contain cheese.....And I have no fish ones....:O

  5. I think the day that I find out that my cholesterol is high, I will simply say, "one prescription for lipitor, please!"

    Also, start out with some fish oil (store in the freezer to get rid of the smell and taste) and some red yeast rice supplement, and of course a daily vitamin. These are all helpful ways to lower your cholesterol. Of course, a daily 30 minute cardiac workout will do you wonders too. That being said, if it is genetic, there's not a whole lot you can do. Except take pills.

    This concludes your free consultation with Nurse Andi.

  6. Dearest Taylor, I will cook for you...but you have to move to Texas. Can ya do it?

  7. I too high high cholesterol. And do you know what? I just ignore it. Not that I am encouraging you to do the same, I just think they made a lab error and I am quite certain that it will somehow be back to normal when they check it again. And we are not going to discuss that I have put on 15 pounds since February, because that won't effect it, right?
    Anyhow, first off, the soccer schedule could not be more convenient ( I think you should have spell check in the comments section :)
    You most certainly will find cute glasses because he is the most handsome dude ever!
    Could you have found an uglier picture of a fish? You really are missing out. Have you tried different kinds of fish, prepared differently. Like Halibut? Yum. Well, we eat lots of chicken here too. But I am at a loss for a healthy recipe at the moment. I am sure I have them though and will get back to you on that one!

  8. ps - I am so very touched! May everyone enjoy their Hus-Buns on a regular basis!!

    P2S- "thrice" I REALLY am impressed.

  9. Lord have mercy, Taylor. That is NOT a picture of fish. That is a picture of SATAN.

  10. AHHHH! You must prepare people for such a thing as that fish! I might not sleep tonight.
    So sorry about your cholesterol. I do not know what I would do if I had to have some strict guidelines for my cooking. Although, I don't really cook right now, so...I don't know what I'm talking about. You know who you could go to for healthy recipes? The Pioneer Woman! She always has some very low-calorie dish up on the menu at her ranch!
    Except for all the butter and cheese and butter.
    The very last game is when they all finally get the point of soccer; then it is time to stop playing for eight months. You're right though, they are cute.

  11. The picture of that fish could gag a maggot!

    I made the No Guilt Orange Chicken from Kendra's blog (which you directed me to) tonight and it was fabulous.

  12. ...I live on a farm- in Oklahoma. We raise cows. Beef makes the world go around here.

    So I'm not much help... You could have Chicken sandwiches... with bacon & cheese. I'm really no help.

    Marla @

  13. I don't cook fish, it is very beyond the wrapping around of my brain, but I have learned that it is a good think to order in resturaunts. They cook it well and it is tasty and I have no eyeballs and heads and grossness to deal with :)

    I'll try and gather up a few meatless recipes in the next few days. Moderation in all dear. Do what you can to "healthify" and then live life as beautifully as you have been.

  14. Oh kids soccer, so fun I always enjoy my boys soccer, baseball, etc games! I agree, just too cute to watch.

    Well I had a good recipe for you until you said no cheese........... :)

    Anyways I used to HATE fish because I thought of fish as nasty limpy fish sticks.......... gross! But in the last few years I have been forced to try more and I have done well, I actually like SOME fish :)
    I really like fish with lemmon and some parm cheese (o crap cheese) well you can do it without cheese too and just do seasonings. But if it has stuff on it its not too bad as long as it doesnt taste too "fishy" Well good luck!!

    And I look forward to seeing handsome dude's new handsome glasses!

  15. Oh, and the kids started Soccer Fall/second grade and really did quite well, seemed to really get the game... except... the boy-child seemed to think he needed to fall each time he kicked....
    But the duo are playing little league this spring, and it is, well, entertaining. Yes, that is the word I am searching for. Entertaining.

  16. That is what Lipitor is for. My dear hubby has been on it for YEARS. It works. It easy to take. And he eats what he wants.

    As for soccer, I feel your pain. We are in soccer/baseball season hear too. I remember when big and middle guy played Kindergarten soccer. They always reminded me of a pack of dogs (cute puppy dogs) chasing after the ball. They all would run for it.

    And if you find a pair of indestructible/cool glasses let me know!

  17. Oh Miss LJ you are going to be so happy to hear the good news!!! Those fast food burgers you love??? You know the Mac-ones I am talking about??? THEY CONTAIN NO MEAT!!!! So you must be doing the happy dance right now cause that means you can go on eating them to your *hearts* content!!!

    Please, no applause - no thanks are needed - I was made to deliver good news to the masses....

  18. Quick, easy and tasty chicken recipe:
    In your crock-pot place as many boneless, skinless chicken breasts as you want (I usually do 3 or4, oh and you can put them in frozen...that's the best part). Pour in about 2 cups salsa. Put the lid on the crock-pot and cook on low 6-8 hours. You can shred the chicken and make chicken tacos or chicken taco salad or add some sour cream to the chicken (or not) and serve over rice. I hope this makes's getting late and I'm tired!
    P.S. With those soccer schedules your crock-pot may become your new best friend ;-)

  19. I once heard soccer for the little ones referred to as "bee-hive soccer" because the kids all cluster and follow wherever the ball goes. My kids have not played on a soccer team yet, but from what I've seen, that is an accurate assessment.

    I used to think I didn't like fish any way except for deep-fried until it no longer tasted like fish. However, hubby and I decided to expand our food horizons this year and I am discovering that that I do enjoy fish with lots of lemon flavor. I'm always looking for good ways to cok fish so that it isn't fishy tasting. So you might want to give it a try, but I would suggest that you try it at a restaurant first since they know how to prepare it so that it's good. Then you can copy the flavors at home. My problem was that I never wanted to order fish at a restaurant for fear that I wouldn't like what I ordered, so you have to be a little brave on this one.

    Will LJ eat meals without meat? I learned shortly after we were married that my hubby expects to eat meat at every dinner. He's a meat and potatoes kind of man, which doesn't bode well for my attempts to lighten up some meals. I am enjoying reading Kendra's recipes though, and I do know first hand that the girl can cook.

    Good luck with the search for new glasses!

  20. Maybe you should try Cheerios or oatmeal in the morning...those commercials are always saying they help lower cholesterol.

    My husband and I actually loooooove grilled chicken marinated in Wishbone Italian dressing--so flavorful and easy!

  21. I, too, have high cholesterol. My parents both died because of bad hearts. Last Sept. I had mine checked, it was high. I started using FLAX seed in everything I could think of, pancakes, slim fast shake, cereal, cookies, meatloaf....and I stopped eating alot of cheese...which I LOVE, and eggs. (We have chickens, that's hard to do). And I started walking on the treadmill when I could...2-3 times a week, about 1 mile. That's how I lowered mine 31 points in about 6 months. (I still eat beef and dark meat chicken...some salmon).
    It really is something you can control, please do it for your kids! My parents died when I was 35 and 40 and they were 59 and 63.

  22. I just came online to recommend that same recipe (we're actually having it for dinner tonight). I like the Robusto Italian dressing. The leftovers are great in a salad, too.

  23. I mean the fish one. What kind is it?

  24. When a goal is made, cheer for everyone. The kids have it right.

    Sheeeesh where did you find that photo and how did you get it onto your blog? This is miraculous to me.

    My vote for best comment goes to Marla. Hellarious.

    Don't force yourself to eat fish if you don't like it. It's only healthy in a perfect world - oceans & rivers are so polluted you get nothing but PCBs.

    Have u evr thot bout a future in comedy?

  25. thelumberjackswifeApril 17, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    Thanks for the reminder! We used to make that often! We had it tonight, actually! Yum!

  26. thelumberjackswifeApril 17, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    We had that for dinner too! What a coincidence! :) Yummy!

  27. thelumberjackswifeApril 17, 2010 at 3:35 PM

    I think he will eat a few meals without meat. Wouldn't be his ideal choice.

  28. thelumberjackswifeApril 17, 2010 at 3:35 PM

    Picture of fish:
    Type in
    Search "fish"
    Click on images.
    Select image.
    Copy, paste.
    I hope this is legal.
    If not, someone inform me.
    The Lumberjack's Wife is not a felon.

  29. no cheese?? that's just wrong!! on so many levels!! i say EVERYTHING in moderation taylor!! :) but that could be why i weigh 200 lbs too?????? :)

  30. lentils are a great source of meatless meals....I've tried some of these: and they're pretty good! I'm gluten intolerant and what happens over time when you have to eliminate something from your diet is that you simply modify recipes you already use. You can do it!!
