Friday, April 30, 2010

COW, Rain, Treats, Links, and Bathroom Humor.


The entire Lumberjack household has come down with some sort of yucky sickness.

My head is in a fog.

Please excuse this post if it doesn't make any sense.

Please excuse all my posts if they never make any sense.

Thank you.


1)  COW

Picture showing Friesian Cow

COW=Comment of the Week (Only the sharp mind of Mindee could come up that)

This week's winner is Joyce!

On Wednesday, I wrote a post, "A Public Service Announcement," in which I asked the Tribal Council if you minded me still going by The Lumberjack's Wife since we would no longer be using wood heat.

Here's what Joyce said,

"Pretty sure you can keep the name. He’s a lumberjack at heart. And I bet he finds plenty of wood to chop and trees to knock down in Ruralville.

Don’t change your name…that would be far more confusing than calling yourself the LJ wife when the LJ is not really a LJ."


He never was a Lumberjack in the first place!

Oh, I just crack myself up.

He is, in fact, an electrician.

But, ask yourselves this, dear readers . . . would you really want to be my readers if I was called, "The Electrician's Wife?"

Then, instead of LJW, you would call me EW.

And frankly, that is just mean.

Please go visit Joyce and leave a comment.

She was, in fact, the very first non-friend, relative, or person I specifically implored to read my blog through email or begging, who came to my blog and left a comment.

In fact, here was her first comment from October 31st,

"Thanks for visiting…Your blog was fun to read…I got all caught up in it and read all the way down to your post about the relatives : )

I’ll come back…love the humor!"

And guess what . . . she came back! 

She is a woman of her word. 

Since then, she has been a most stupendous blog friend and I have enjoyed getting to know her.  And she has left a total of 112 comments since then.

So there you go!

Go be Joyce's friend, and in no time, you too can expect to receive 112 comments.

I guarantee it.

No pressure, Joyce.

2)  It is pouring here.  POURING. 

I would not be shocked, dear readers, if all us dwellers of wherever-it-is-I-live are issued flash flood warnings.

Let's have a moment of silence for my sick Lumberjack, who is in fact an electrician, as he is working hard outside in the cold, cold, wet rain. 

And thunder. 

I think he will be requiring some of my delicious homemade Rice Krispies treats upon arrival to the homestead.

Perhaps if you are lucky, I will share the super secret recipe.

3)  Need some extra laughs this weekend?

Please visit Erin's blog and read about the time she crawled through her house nekked in hopes of cookie dough.

Or read Little Brown House's blog post about her horrifying dressing room experience.

And lastly, but most certainly not leastly, read Allie's blog post in which she makes fun of yours truly.

Go visit one of them and leave a comment!

Comments are what make bloggers worlds go round.

Fun Fact:  Did you know blog is short for weblog?

Bet you didn't know I was so smart.

4)  Is it bad that I get super excited when it is pouring because I know that means soccer games are most likely to be cancelled?


5)  And finally, I would like to present to you a new segment entitled:

This is What Happens Each and Every Time We Kindly Remind Handsome Dude to Use the Facilities:

He throws himself on the ground in a fit of agony and despair.

Then he takes a moment to mourn all the horror and injustice in the world.

And that concludes our new segment, entitled:

This is What Happens Each and Every Time We Kindly Remind Handsome Dude to Use the Facilities.

Happy Weekend, People!




  1. But did you count how many comments I have? I hope you get your house. sure sounds like a blast! Will you still have time to have a weblog now that you're rich and prosperous landowners, movin on up and in the chips?

  2. thelumberjackswifeApril 30, 2010 at 8:41 AM

    I might make time for common folk once I am a rich and prosperous landowner. We shall see, we shall see. :)

  3. So sorry your clan is sick...I mean ill. Sick in Turkish means something entirely different and is considered a swear word. It must be pouring all over the world. We had a couple houses one street down from us flood a little and the bowling alley's roof caved in.

  4. You will always be The Lumberjacks Wife in our hearts - with all that is crazy and wrong in this world do not take that away from us.. please...

    Love the Cow - great idea Mindee~

    And thanks so much for putting my silly post here for all to see....:)

  5. Oh sure. You couldn't reference a post in which I come off as polished and ladylike, could you?

    I guess there aren't many of them to choose from.

    Or any at all.

    So thanks for the shoutout. :)

    And tell your LJ to be careful working with electricity in the rain!
    Feel better.

  6. we had a few games canceled this week due to was so nice!

  7. I have to confess...I love it when soccer practice is canceled. The games I don't mind too much. :)
    I think Mindee is just getting better as each day (year even!) goes by. ;)
    I hope you all feel better soon. And the Rice Krispy (Krispie?) treats must be accompanied by hot chocolate.

  8. Hope you're all feeling better by now. Oh yeah, and REAL mothers always hope soccer practice will be cancelled. Just keeping it real....

  9. My handsome dude used to do the same thing! Hope your household is feeling better soon!

  10. Haha! I like LJW much better than EW :)
    And yes the rain was crazy, we still had ball games ... fun times. Did you all get cancelled?

  11. I wish it was raining here... That would mean the farmer would come home for a little bit.

    I hope you all start feeling better fast!

    Marla @

  12. What house is HD at in these pix? Funny I didn't know you had a cow and an elk named Bix. Cute!

  13. Thanks for the cow : ) I'm pretty sure I must leave a comment. You do understand that I understand LJ is really an E and thats already confusing. No need to change your name : ) Good. I felt the need to add to the confusion.

    Hope you feel stinks to be sick on a weekend.

    Oh and I've maybe done the happy dance over a cancelled soccer/field hockey/lacrosse game in my day. You're allowed.

  14. Oh, if I knew where you lived I would be sending my husband over to enjoy your Rice Krispies! He continually hints that he loves them but I continually pretend to not know how to make them and not know the "recipe" is on the box. Hope you all feel better soon!

  15. Thanks for the blog-love.
    I can't stop smiling reading this post. It is so funny. especially, "no pressure, Joyce." hahaha! Classic

  16. True, it was pouring here all morning. But instead of soccer games, I went out garage sale-ing all morning and got good and wet and cold! Found some "treasures" though. Christmas this year in my family is secondhand/garage sale christmas where we have to buy something from a garage sale for each other, so I have work to do and a purpose! But look now, Taylor, it is 2:30 and beautiful and sunny! Maybe they just postponed your game....... :)

  17. I often wonder at the logic of paying money to sign the kids up for sports, driving them to practice and then praying for rain on game days.

    It makes no sense and yet I do it each and every time.

    Thanks for sharing my neurosis. Also, thanks for implementing the COW idea. I shall walk with a swagger in my step for the rest of the day. ;)

  18. Taylor...thank you for your comment!! I love them no matter what length they are, but long ones feel like a conversation, which is nice. :) I'm sorry you guys are still feeling yucky. It comes through on your blog but it sounds like you have a swell husband! (Swell...don't you like that? People don't use that word enough these days. haha) Seriously, he sounds sweet. And I totally believe in the healing power of ice cream. :)
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go get my hiney-kickers on.

  19. Love the COW. That cow looks as muddy as ours.

    Hope you all recover swiftly!

    You are right; EW just doesn't have the same ring to it as LJW.

  20. My favorite posts are when you tell about your family gatherings. Hilarious!
