Monday, April 12, 2010

Pull my finger, and other such tales.


Here is the post you have all been waiting for.

Well, you probably didn't even remember this post was coming.

But let's pretend.

You know.

For kicks and grins.

Thank you for all the questions for Mr. Lumberjack to answer.  He is super thrilled that I have arranged for him to blog at this hour, seeing as how he just got home from Bible study and is currently putting mud on the sheet rock in our new laundry room.

And it is 9pm.

Interruption:  I am not speaking of actual mud, like from dirt and water.  There is a special sort of mud you actually buy at large home improvement warehouses and you are required to smear it on sheet rock.

Who knew?!

So, I will type the questions out in bold and he will answer them in normal font.

Okie-dokie, Artichokies!

Let's do this!

*Disclaimer:  As hard as it was for me, I did not edit or change any of his answers, except I did correct a few spelling errors. 

I firmly believe that "sorry" should never be spelled "soory."

Thank you.

Questions from Little Brown House:

Why, oh why, do you find it such a struggle to smile in photographs? Do you feel that real men don’t smile? And how did you manage to pass that trait down to your youngest child?

There are so many pictures that get taken in this household that it gets a little overwhelming at times and maybe the children feel the same as me. Just a thought not much of a smiler.

And lastly, do you have a brother named Jason? And if so could we see a picture?

Yes I have a brother named Jason and I will let my wife take care of pictures.

Question from MaryGene:

How did you know LJ’s Wife (before she was your wife) was “The One”? hehe (I love “love” questions!)

She was HOT! and I had to have her.
Questions from Christina:

What are the two things that Taylor is not allowed to mention on this blog? Just kidding!


Thats is a good question

What is the funniest thing that Taylor has done since you’ve known her?

Oh so many, the "pull my finger" story, hitting her head on the door, and driving the truck across town with the emergency brake on and wondering why it was smoking

Questions from Amanda:

 Mr. Lumberjack. Tell us one quirk of your wifes that drives you crazy. (this can be a good crazy as well…)

Her waking up at night and talking as I am trying to go to sleep
How many times a day do you tell your wife how hot she is?

On average 4-5 times
What is your favorite movie?

Top Gun?



 Flavor of licorice?

If Mrs. Lumberjacks blog were to take off and she could fully support you and the household from her blog earnings, would you quit you job and be a stay at home dad?

Nope, Full time lumberjack of course

Question from Jo:

Do you want more kids or are you done?

I was done 2 kids ago 

is there anything you will not allow taylor to blog about?

Yep, 2 things

your wife is hilarious…do you share her sense of humor??

 Nope, I never smile and she wonders what we ever had in common

Question from Joyce:

If you had to describe your lovely wife with only one word, what would it be?


Question from Mindy:

Do you ever try and convince your wife you should sell your house and go “live off the land” like a true lumberjack/mountain man(like my husband tries regularly to do)?

Wouldn't work and thats all I have to say about that

Question from Rachael:

What do you think about Taylor’s blog? Do you read it regularly?

It is truly amazing. I read it about half the time

Question from Jess:

LumberJack, do you laugh as much as we all do or have you become accustomed to Taylor’s wittiness and such?

Don't you look at the pictures I never smile

Question from Lynette:

Lj, what do you think of the nickname Lumber Jack?? Since you are not really a Lumberjack?

Although I will always long to be one She can call me whatever she wants

Question from Diana:

Did you have any concerns about getting married so young and what did your parents think?

Her dad was concerned that all we would be able to afford was beans, I told my dad that I was going to ask her to marry me and he said great.

 I was just in love with a HOT girl

Question from Datenutloaf:

I wanted to know if LJ likes beef stroganoff? It has mushrooms in it.

The beef yes the sauce yes the mushrooms no

Question from Heather:

Well, although I am sure you will not answer, I am quite curious as to the 2 things you can not blog about.

Sorry no can do


Back to Taylor.

Please take note that I am back to my usual centering habit.

It's what I do best.

Well, there you have it, folks.

I have a feeling that I am a little wordier than my husband.


And, apparently, I am smokin'  hot!

I kid!

I jest!

I am not hot.

But I am happy to have a husband who thinks so.

In one of his questions, he mentions me doing crazy things, such as the pull my finger story, hitting my head on the door, and driving with the emergency brake on.

And I would like to take a moment and address those.

The Pull My Finger story is a moment in my life that I shall never live down.

It is simply a conversation that occurred between me and The Lumberjack about one month after we were wed.


Me:  Hon.  I think there is something wrong with me.

LJ:  What?

Me:  Everytime I pull my finger, nothing happens.

LJ:  Huh?

Me:  You know how other people say, "Pull my finger." and then they *ahem* toot?

LJ:  Yes . . .

Me:  Well, when I pull my finger nothing happens.  No toots.  Is there a trick?

LJ:  Are you serious?

Me:  Yes.  It doesn't work for me.

LJ:  You've got to be kidding me.

Me: Huh?

And then my dashing, and patient, husband explained to me that when folks say pull my finger, the actual pulling of the finger does not cause the *ahem* toot to occur, but rather, the person already felt the need to *ahem* toot, and therefore takes advantage of the impending *ahem*toot to play a joke on an innocent bystander.

You learn something new everyday.

Regarding the door, I wrote a post about that back when I had just my five original readers.

Hi Mindy, Jessy, Sharyl, Lani, and Melissa!

Anyways, if you would like to read about that adventure, click here.

And the emergency brake one . . . that will be a story for another day.


Happy Tuesday!

I am taking the dudes and going to visit my dear friend, Amanda, and she might even make me a latte!


What are you all up to on this fine, Tuesday morn?


  1. How very nice of LJ to take the time to answer the questions! Apparantly you are HOT!!!!
    I am glad you went back to centering...I first started to read and thought oh this is just not right.... Happy Tuesday!

  2. When I asked my hubs to describe me in one word he said stubborn.

    You've got a good one : )

  3. I love this post. Nice to have the LJ's perspective.

  4. I would have to say that Mr. LJ is a very smart man... he knows the correct answer to most questions wives ask is "Smokin Hot"

  5. Is this post just to taunt us into dying to know the two things you can't write about?

    If so, it was very successful.

    Oh, how I yearn to know.

  6. You are definitely wordier than the LJ, and we are grateful :)

  7. love this post! Fun! and that's HILARIOUS about the pull my finger...ohh Mrs. Lumberjack. ha!

  8. Congrats on being HOT!

    I will never hear "pull my finger," again and not think of you. :)

    Marla @

  9. Okay, seriously!! My feelings are sooo hurt! I was totally a regular reader back then! I even checked, and sure enough, I had commented, so *tear*, *sob*, sniffle, I just wanted you to know I have successfully and dutifully and happily been following you since almost the very beginning. That's all, *tear*, *sniffle*, just thought you should know. And thanks to LJ for taking time away from mud for us.

  10. The Left justification totally threw me...I kept trying to slide my scroll bar over because I come to expect centered justification from you. Alas, you did not disappoint!
    LJ's answers were exactly what I expected from him based solely on his pictures. Straight to the point (without a smile, I'm sure) and confirming what we all know is true--you are smokin' hot!

  11. ...and we learned you were very naive when you got married. :)

  12. thelumberjackswifeApril 13, 2010 at 4:10 AM

    Ha! Okay, I will change it to 5 original readers: Mindy, Lani, Jessy, Sharyl, and Melissa . . . is that better? :) Sorry, I didn't check the comments on this post and assumed it was from back in the day . . .

  13. thelumberjackswifeApril 13, 2010 at 5:28 AM

    Hi Erin.

  14. I think that the Lumberjack was smiling the entire time he was answering these questions.
    My favorite answer is "Top Gun?" It is a question. That makes me laugh.
    I do want to know if he got my joke. I asked what things you could not blog about...that was funny, dude.

  15. I give a huge shout out to LJ for answering all those questions. I would like to impose on him for another if he will allow:

    Would he consider bringing his family out again for a trip to The Happiest Place on Earth? And if so, may I come too?

    Sheeesh. I'm sure I never had a husband who thought I was Hot! Your a lucky wife and he's lucky to have you. That has got to be fun!

  16. I apologize but I want to ask more questions? Pretty please? Have you ever seen the movie 'Black Hawk Down'? It's really good.

    Do you like action movies? I do. Another really good one is Executive Decision. Non-stop action from beginning to end. You probably don't have time to watch movies.

  17. Oh, my God. I about spit my Diet Coke out when I read "Do you want more kids" and LJ answered, "I was done 2 kids ago." Funniest answer ever. And only someone with kids can understand the truth to that! :)

  18. pull the finger story, hilarious!!! that is a good one!

  19. I hope my hubs still thinks I'm smokin' hot after I have our 4 kids. Wait, maybe I'm done with just 1. I can't decide 1 or 4?!?!

  20. Hahahaha I just went and read the running into the door story, so funny, I guess he wanted the spot light that day. So funny!

  21. The "I was done 2 kids ago" answer tickled me as well...sounded just like something my husband would say :)

  22. Don't let Dad read the "I was done 2 kids ago" comment. He might not understand the concept behind this, and therefore you might have an uncomfortable moment like we had at our house.

    Stories such as pull my finger and the like don't surprise me much as I grew up with gems such as that. Remember your lovely interpretation of Melissa Etheridge's "Come to my window"?

  23. Dana - we just watched Executive Decision. Might very well be the only Steven Seagul (sp?) movie that I will admit to watching.

    I'm a lawman.....

  24. Okay, you didn't get finger pulling...

    I still don't understand "holla."

    And, you are hot. Just own it.

  25. Yes, I most certainly do.
    Gosh darn it, I am so brilliant, I amaze myself.

  26. [...] Who You Are Pull my finger, and other such tales. [...]

  27. Thnx LJ for answering all our questions!! you're the man!! :)

  28. Kim (Williams) KibbyApril 19, 2010 at 7:43 AM

    Can you tell the Melissa Etheridge "Come to My Window" story too? I think we will find that fascinating as well. :) Thank you, LJ, for answering questions. We appreciate you taking some time to answer them.

  29. Kim (Williams) KibbyApril 19, 2010 at 7:53 AM

    ...And I just read the next post, and there it is! Yeah, I don't think pregnancy brain just goes away.
