Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Public Service Announcement.

Alright, Sparkies, here's the deal.

(Name that Disney Movie)

There is a darn-tootin good chance we are, in fact, moving to Ruralville.

We are not yet certain.

But it looks like it is going that way.

The new house, of which I love with all my being and hope to make  mine, has some fancy features that I am quite excited about.


Fancy Feature #1:  Carpet

Bye-bye wood floors.

Bye-bye wood floors that constantly look dirty.

Bye-bye wood floors that constantly look dirty and show every single footprint, hair, crumb, and dust particle.

Bye-bye wood floors that constantly look dirty and show every single footprint, hair, crumb, and dust particle, and are quite easily scratched.

Wood floors are lovely and all . . .

But they have a hard time withstanding the dudes and their various forms of transportation that must be raced back and forth across the house daily.


Boys and wheels.

A match made in heaven.

Fancy Feature #2:  Central Vac

Truth be told, I have yet to ascertain what this feature will mean to my life, but I hear it will knock my socks off.

Fancy Feature #3:  5 bedrooms.


FIVE  bedrooms.






Fancy Feature #4:  20 acres.

Oh, this is a treat.

No longer will we live in town and look like red-neckish hillbillies because my husband insists on behaving in this manner:

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Fancy Feature #5:  Geothermal Heat Pump.

You may ask,

"Taylor.  What is a geothermal heat pump?"

Well, dear readers, I don't really know.

But I know what it is not . . .

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Yes, dear readers.

The Lumberjack family will no longer be using wood heat.

Has the world gone mad?

Falling trees is such a special pastime for The Lumberjack.

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It completes him.

Oh, sure . . . he will still help all his family members gather wood for the winter.

But will it be the same?

Will he still be considered . . . .

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The Lumberjack?

I do not know what the future holds.

But, this I know to be truth:  I have named this blog "The Lumberjack's Wife."

How can I feign to be something I am not?

But, dudes.

It is super hard to change your blog name/address.

I know.

I did it in August.

Fun Fact:  This blog has not always been called The Lumberjack's Wife.

Crazy, I know.

But that is neither here nor there.

So . . . if the Tribal Council (that would be you) would allow, might I still retain my standing as, "The Lumberjack's Wife?"

You can take the wood heat out of the house . . .

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But you can't take the Lumberjack out of my husband.

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I am anxiously awaiting your decision.

Fun Fact:  Every single one of the pictures used to craft this intriguing post were hurriedly copied and pasted from previous posts.  

Because I am lazy.

Thank you.


  1. Yes, you may remain the Lumberjack's Wife. That is, if my opinion counts. :)

  2. The movie is Aladdin.
    You will always be The Lumberjack's Wife. You know he's not gonna stop cutting down trees just because you don't need the wood for heat. There will be wood for other people and probably landscaping projects that will need trees to be felled. Does the new house have a fireplace for ambience? If it does, you'll still need wood. Keep the fits.

  3. I wouldn't count it out yet that he would put in a wood burning stove in the new house. Good luck on the house, I hope it all works out for you.

  4. I say once a lumberjack, always a lumberjack. Go for it! :)

  5. Congratulations on the 5 bedrooms!! We have 4 which is wonderful...until I have to clean them!

  6. Oh, to have five bedrooms! What joy!
    The movie is Aladdin, watched that one 10,000 times!
    The Lumberjack's wife you are, and should remain... forever...
    Have a great day, and enjoy that new house!

  7. Whoa - a whole new house, no wood floors, no need to chop wood? I miss stopping by for a few days and the world has changed! And now I'm really interested in what your blog name used to be!

    (p.s. ~ Why don't you just have a fb like box on your sidebar? You don't have to respond, I'm just nosy.)

  8. Hi! I have been out of the computer world for days and am back now and excited you are most probably going to Ruralville! But, GASP!!, you will have no wood burning stove??!! Hath hell frozen over?? HA! Lol! What will your man do?
    A whole new chapter in your lives will start........ how exciting :)

  9. thelumberjackswifeApril 29, 2010 at 1:14 AM

    Wordpress cannot add that feature. :)

  10. I am delighted on your behalf that the stove will be eliminated.


    Yes, you may still be LJW because the name rocks. It is distinctive.
    It is descriptive.
    Keep it.

  11. Once a lumberjack always a lumberjack!! When we moved to a house without a fireplace my hubby bought a chimichina for the yard. He burns his wood out there...then comes in the house to warm up!! Because everyone know a chimichina is not going to warm up the back yard...but bless him he does try!

  12. He will always be a lumberjack. Plus, changing your name would be a hardship that you don't deserve.

    Aren't wood floors the worst? I mean, they look all pretty and stuff but they are a PAIN to keep clean. We had them growing up and my mom was so excited to get carpet.

    Marla @

  13. The good thing about carpet is you can't see how dirty it is.....the bad thing, you can't see how dirty it is! Hope you enjoy the new house. Will everyone get their own rooms or will you leave some for guests who have to travel way out of town to visit! :)

  14. You'll always be the Lumberjack family to me ;)

  15. Keep the name! My guess is that living out in Ruralville will probably only create more Lumberjacky opportunities for him rather than fewer. Even if he doesn't have to chop trees to heat your house.

    I had to google central vac but I still don't understand what it is. Or why it would make that much of a difference. The only way I can see it making a difference would be if I lived in a multi-story house. Also if it was totally automatic, like those little balls that roll around and vacuum (roomba?). That I could get into.
    Vacuuming is my least favorite chore and I can't picture anything making it more tolerable besides not having to do it.

  16. How could you be Lumberjill if there is no Lumberjack? Keep the name... it fits. I, too, would like to know the previous blog name you once held. Enquiring minds want to know.

    Your potential new home sounds wonderful. Hope it works out.

  17. thelumberjackswifeApril 29, 2010 at 4:00 AM

    It had my last name in it.
    it was

  18. He will always be a Lumberjack. You cannot change that. Ruralville will just give him more lumber to cut. Therefore your blog name is completely appropriate still.

  19. Lumberjack's wife will work for me! I'm kinda jealous of your future in ruralville!

  20. If you're like my SIL, the part about central vac that you'll love the most is sweeping the kitchen/dining areas. No annoying dustpan, because you sweep right into the opening under the cabinets. Brilliant. I hope you have that feature!

    Keep the name. It's for the best.

    I miss my hardwood floors. Four kids + carpet makes for lots of spots. However, shortly before we moved in, the previous owners installed new carpet upstairs that's the (modern) shag type, and it's fantastic. I just wish we had it on our main level. Maybe someday!

  21. Is one of the fancy features in your new home a wood burning fireplace? If so, LJ will still need to do his lumberjacking, don't you need firewood for camping and such?

  22. Def. keep the name. If you hadn't told us several times I would NEVER guess that you lived in the middle of whatever town you live in :) 20 acres seems to fit you and your LJ quit nicely!

  23. Haha, I'm the opposite, I got so sick of carpet and how hard it was to clean that I ripped it out and replaced it with the wood. Then I moved, into a house with carpet argh haha, but so far I've managed to get most of it out here too, only 3 rooms left have it and can't wait to afford to get rid of it too. I LOVE to wood (or in some cases wood-looking laminate which cleans even better).

    Hope you get your dream house!

  24. The Brave Little Toaster!

  25. Yes, ditto, no dustpan. How sweet is that. LJ will probably have to cut, I mean fall trees for picnic tables benches swings teeter totters. Sheds, he'll find a way.

  26. I have no doubt that he will continue to be a lumberjack, and thus allowing you to remain a lumberjack's wife. With all that acreage you can build a bonfire pit outdoors for the summer!

  27. It would appear that everyone wants you to keep your blog name.

    So just to add some confusion, I suggest you change it.


  28. Pretty sure you can keep the name. He's a lumberjack at heart. And I bet he finds plenty of wood to chop and trees to knock down in Ruralville.

    Don't change your name...that would be far more confusing than calling yourself the LJ wife when the LJ is not really a LJ.

  29. thelumberjackswifeApril 29, 2010 at 9:20 AM

    Yay, Joyce! I was hoping someone would pick up on that fine tidbit.
    He never was a real Lumberjack to begin with!!
    Oh, I crack myself up.
    5 million meaningless points to you, my lovely. :)

  30. Okay. Can we stop this whole Ruralville discusision? It is totally making me covet, covet, covet.

    On another note, you have to keep your blog title. It is just too perfect!

  31. Keep your name. Think of all those who follow you, as well. :)
    I go back and forth about the wood vs. carpet. Pee or puke on wood is fairly easy to clean. Carpet? Not so much.

  32. I love the name keep it and I also love reading your blogs. Thank you for making me smile everyday.


  33. I hate to be the one to possibly burst your bubble...

    Carpet and kids is a BAAAD thing, at least with my kids. We have resorted to tile everywhere but the bedrooms, and now wish there was tile in there as well.

    Better get the scotch guard stuff on BEFORE you let the kids in the door, and forbid the Dudes from christening anything on carpet as pee NEVER really completely comes out.

    On a happy note: The LJ will have more than enough trees to fell (fall?) on 20 acres. You will, indeed, need enough wood to have big ol' bonfires and cook Hobo suppers. I'll send you the recipe. They rock ;)

  34. How exciting about Ruralville looming closer and closer. Awesome! And of course keep the name. It's who you are, geothermal or not.
