Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Tribute to My Long Lost Hunter Husband:

I dedicate this post to my husband who has been gone, and conveniently out of cell service, on a hunting trip.

Not only were his four children devastated by his departure, but all four them have contracted what suspiciously resembles the swine flu.

It has been a heck of a week.

And it continues . . .

100 points to whoever can name the artist/song.

200 points to whoever can cure the swine flu.

300 points to whoever can cure hunting.

I kid, of course.

How about 300 points to whoever can rig up hunting camps so that they have cell service?

Is it whoever or whomever?

400 points to whoever/whomever can answer that.



Oh, my love


My darlin'



I've hungered for your touch


a long, lonely time.

DSC_0174And time

DSC_0178Goes by

DSC_0173So slowly


And time

DSC_0052Can do

DSC_0071So Much

DSC_0075Are you

DSC_0088Still Mine?

DSC_0095I need your love


DSC_0110Need Your Love











  1. you need an escape.... :-)

  2. Just a little more than a day to go. You can do it. I say Dave really owes you a long vacation - just the two of you, to Hawaii maybe :)

  3. My heart goes out to you! Having a sense of humor is critical in times like these - obviously you have maintained yours! I bet it runs out when hubby gets home though!

  4. Poor Taylor! I think you deserve a night out, maybe we should all do that White House thing we keep talking about next week!

  5. It's whoever. Yes! 400 points!
    I feel your pain. Except that my husband isn't gone... he's lying in bed acting like he's dying. I'm not sure which is worse.....

  6. Unchained Melody. Now I feel like I should go watch Top Gun. What a great blog Taylor. You have such a good sense of humor and you are an amazing woman to keep it in times like these!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's always nice to get comments:) Your post made me laugh! I'm so sorry you've had such a trying week, but love your sense of humor!

  8. You are sick now, too?? You poor thing!! And seriously, I always get beat out by someone to get the the song or movie quote. Rip-off. But seriously, plug in that television and let everyone be a big boob in front of the tube. You need it!!

  9. Love the pics! It looks so much like my life. The puke bowl that will double as next weeks salad bowl is awesome!

    Today all I want is a nap.... that will never happen especially since my 10 and 8 year old brough home two friends for the night.

    Someday, maybe our children will thank us.... or is that when we are 93 and they are cleaning our bums?

    Either way...

  10. Oh goodness! How awful :-( I am visiting for the first time. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I will go check out some more of your blog so I can get to know you better ;-)

  11. unchained melody - many artists

  12. My hubby is out of town right now, and I feel your pain. Only my house is TOO quiet. And, by the way, from the grammar freak, it's "whoever." : D
