Saturday, October 31, 2009


DSC_0343Raise your hand if you are already sick of it.

P.S.-I am raising both hands.

DSC_0349Since Halloween fell on a Saturday this year, we get to do the "get dressed up and eats tons of candy" two days in a row!

DSC_0358I can't hardly contain my excitement.

Want to know something sad?

Today is Halloween.

And I have no idea what the boys will dress up as.

And I don't care.

The Lumberjack cares more about Halloween than I do.

But he just likes it for all the free candy.

Let's see who knows my Lumberjack the best-

Pop Quiz!

1)  After the kids have gathered all their candy, The Lumberjack:

a)  Helps them sort through the candy, checking for choking hazards, and limits them to two pieces a day.

b)  Sorts through the candy himself, taking out all the good candies like Snickers and Reeses for himself, and leaving the children with banana tootsie rolls and Smarties.  Then he takes the bag of good candies out to his work van so no one else can eat it.

c)  Dumps all the candy in one big community bowl for all to share.

Think about it hard, class.

Take your time.

The winner gets 27 banana tootsie rolls.


  1. Ummm... I'm gonna go with B!
    My kids just raid the dress up box for Halloween. The kids have fun with the Harvest Festible (as they call it) but I certainly don't care enough about the holiday to spend any money on it for costumes. :p

  2. I guess B too because thats what I do. But I take ALL the chocolate!! Haha

    We just raid the dress up to but this year Emma doesn't want to dress up so I am not making her. Oh well.

  3. I so hated Halloween when the girls were little. The other moms at their school worked for months on Broadway worthy hand made costumes for their darling, as my girls walked out covered in plastic from the dollar store. I felt like a Mom failure every year.

  4. Transparent Dave, of course B. We shall have no answers beyond this. And he wouldn't feel one bit guilty or sad. He's the man, the paterfamilias and owns all he sees.

  5. This is what we did probably more than one year: Put the boys in Dad's clothes, use a rope to tie them all on, smear soot from the stove on their faces for 'beards' and give them a stick with a bandana tied to it and instant hobos. Cheap, easy, quick. Cute too.

  6. The answer is surely B, but please spare me on all the banana tootsie rolls. Thanks anyway though.
