Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Grief Counseling

The lumberjack came home yesterday afternoon as promised.

It was a nice intermission in his 9 day hunting trip.

I, for one, really needed the help.

The children are sickly.

I was out of chocolate raspberry creamer.

The diaper supply was running low.

The milk supply was running low.

My patience was running low.

Then again, I am always running low on those things.

 But I got to go to Walmart all by myself.

The lumberjack helped with the girls' homework.

He cut the boys' hair.

He stacked more firewood on the porch.

He vaccuumed.

He made coffee this morning.

I knew there was a reason why I kept this guy around!

He's fantabulous!

Although, he could just be experiencing "hunting guilt."

And I am completely comfortable with taking advantage of that.

Ain't nothing wrong with that.

9 days.


I'd like to see him be a stay at home dad all by his lonesome for 9 days.

And let's go ahead and add fevers to the mix.

So, yes, I am in favor of taking advantage of said guilt.

I even got him to help me dust the blinds before he left again.

He did, make one mistake however.

DSC_0003He left before naptime.

DSC_0004I tell ya, if these kids can't break his hunting drive, I don't know what can?

Clearly, the need to kill large game has completely shut down all normal, human emotions in this man.

DSC_0008Oh, the agony.

Oh, the sorrow.


Oh, the snot.

DSC_0012  My girl could not bear to see her brother in pain.

She quickly grabbed a family photo so her brother could see his long-lost father.

Remember this girl from the lumberjack's original departure?


Well, clearly she is now an experienced pro at this goodbye stuff.

She understands little dude's grief.

She empathizes with his pain.

DSC_0015And she's using her past experiences to help him through his grief.

DSC_0005He's not having it.

DSC_0023So we had to call dad on the phone.

And discuss trucks.

And hunting.

And deer.

And elk.

And trucks.

DSC_0027And once he got that manly man truck talk out of the way he felt better.

He said,

"Mommy, hold you."

Which means that he would like me to hug him.

He sucked in his snot.

Said goodnight to his sisters.

And went to sleep.

I love this kid.


  1. how much longer until he is leaving with his daddy??? then it will be you crying, snot all over your face! :-)

  2. What a testimony to what a good Dad he is! And what a good hubby to come home and give you a short but much needed break. I also seem to remember seeing your girls crying like that when you left Melissa's house one time. I think the kids all like their parents!

  3. Maybe the kids could have a toy toy hauler and gather up all the toys with a box and a rope? Or, you could bribe them with food for each thing picked up. How are the kids? Getting better or worse? Did David go back to hunting?

  4. You are a saint...seriously! Hope the kids are feeling better and hubby fills the freezer. Kim
