Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's just not happening.

At the age of 2 1/2, both of my girls were potty trained.

DSC_0127 My oldest boy is now 2 1/2.


So, logically, potty-training seems to be the perfect next step in my handsome dude's development.

Never mind that he can't sit still at the table.

Never mind that he can't keep his glasses on.

Never mind that he cannot yet dress himself.

He is 2 1/2. 

And I am certain it is time.


Until today, I have never, ever, ever purchased teeny-tiny, tight, cotton briefs in a manly camouflage pattern.

So, of course, potty-training was the right thing to do.

DSC_0132But it was so wrong for my handsome dude.

It turned his world upside down.

The feel of underwear against his bare bum was just not working for him.

And he just wasn't understanding the "plan."

"Dude, do you have to go potty?"


"Dude, are you a big boy now?"


"Dude, let's go potty in the toilet!"


But I am his mother and I know what is best.

And I have determined that the time has come.

Plus, I am tired of buying diapers for two.



DSC_0139I made

DSC_0141a mistake.


It takes a seasoned mother to be able to admit that.

So, my kid is not ready.

And I am not ready.

Life is crazier here now than it was when I just had the little girls.

The number of children living here has doubled.


And this guy:DSC_0130This guy has been teething for ages now.

I think he was born teething.

I think I had a little too much on my plate to attempt this great feat.

And then, I decided to make Chicken Parmigiana from The Pioneer Woman.

Because I had nothing else going on.

It was delicious.

I kid you not.

DSC_0148It just took a little longer than expected.

So, it was not the best time to try and attempt potty training with my crazy 2 year old.

The same 2 year old who was found taking all the clean butter knives out of the silverware drawer, buttering them, and then gently placing them back in the silverware drawer.

Yes, folks.


That's my boy.


We'll try again later.


  1. It's hard. We had several failed attempts before successfully potty training Weston....and at 5 he STILL wears a pullup at night. Boys are different then girls...and every kid is different. It's okay. It's not your fault.

  2. I agree! Buying diapers for two STINKS!
    Bobby was funny. If I put underwear on him and his pants, he would go potty in them, EVERYTIME. But if I put just the underwear on him, and no pants, he did great! Or, if I put just pants on him, and no underwear, again, he did great! Something strange about the combo of the two, I guess...
    Also, he was 3 before he could do the combo.

    Good luck mama!! :)

  3. love the pic with him on the potty with the book!

  4. I guarantee when he is an adult no one will be quizzing him or even you about how old he was when he was potty trained. And I also guarantee you that it will happen - eventually. The question is how much stress do you want to undergo to make it happen! It will be much easier when he is ready!

    Of course, in the meantime, there is still dealing with the diapers...... sigh...

  5. Having potty trained boys I have two pieces of advice.
    Don't push it. It doesn't do ANY good.
    And secondly... BRIBE HIM. Mini colored marshmallows work the best!
    Both the boys were potty trained at 2 and 2 1/2. But Jaxson was 5 before he could sleep dry through the night, and Vance is almost 4 and not sleeping dry.. so expect that to take longer than with the girls.
    I guess that was three pieces of advice.
    Look at me. Just full of advice.

  6. Oh, boy! Ha-literally, I guess! Levi turned 3 in July and we are STILL working on the potty-training. He really does pretty good during the day, most of the time! The trick for us was letting him pee outside like a manly-man. Levi thinks it is great! Also, totally agree with Becky-if Levi had on JUST underwear, he did great. As soon as I put pants on it was all over-consequently he spend the entire summer in only underwear at my house. Many people showed up and thought I was a terrible mother because he was always pantless. Anyhew, it's still work even now, 5 months into it! Don't give up! You can do this, wonderwoman!

  7. Man that stinks- ha ha! Judah is 2 1/2 and NOT potty trained. He was and now he is not he would prefer to take his diaper off and poo on the floor. ACK! So you would think if he can take it off he can go in the potty. NOOO, he wants to be like his little sister.

    My mom told me I was like that and a friend comforted her saying "Well you can know she won't go to college before getting potty trained."

    In case you are wondering, I'm potty trained now! ;)

  8. I love the last picture. I think I would put that one in his babybook. He is so cute, as are all of your kids. :)

  9. Neil was simple, but I only had one child to watch. I could tell when he started "realizing" he had to go. I could see the look on his face and his stillness. And so that's when I got out the potty chair and put it in the living room where we played. That way it was right there when the 'urge' hit him. For me it was simple. I just waited till he was ready and could tell 'it' was coming. Again, it's also because I only had one child to keep an eye on. And like another comment - bribery DOES work.

  10. Some kids, mine was one, will not leave the 'action' area to go into the bathroom. That's why the potty chair worked for us.
