Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Best Husband Ever.

I have the best husband ever.

Let's look at the facts:

*  He makes coffee every morning.  For this reason alone, I will keep him around.

* He pumps my gas for me.  I have been terrified to get gas ever since he bought me a diesel rig.  I know nothing about diesel.  I am certain I have not put gas in any vehicle in approximately 3 years.

*  He seems to think I look good in a swimsuit.  For this reason alone, I am sure he is delusional.

Are you photogenic?

*He works from dawn until dusk to provide for our family, allowing me to stay at home and raise the children.

*He makes me go shopping all by myself every once in a while.  I pretend to protest . . . for a while.  And then I go and spend all that hard earned money of his. 

* He keeps the home fires burning.


I was referring to these home fires:

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Let's keep it clean, folks.

*  My husband, along with his posse, makes walking through the remote mountains where scary bears and mountain lions lurk, a safe and enjoyable experience.

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*  He has put on weight since we were first married.  I know this reason may seem odd.  But when we first married, he was only about 10 pounds heavier than I was. 

wedding 6

  He has since put on about 30 pounds, leaving me much more space in my "at least I weigh less than my husband" window.

*He is taking me on a vacation WITHOUT the children for our ten year anniversary! 


But where should we go?




Such a hard decision.

What a difficult life I have!

So-your turn! 

Why is your husband the best?


  1. Love it! I was just thinking today how lucky I am to have Scott. This morning I woke up with severe cramps. I was throwing up and in a LOT of pain. My usual remedies weren't working. So Scott got up early (on his weekend) and walked (we have no car yet) to the grocery store to get me some ibuprofin. It's a twenty minute walk each way. He's the best. And right now he's doing the dishes. Usually I have to give him the puppy dog eyes and pouty lip to help out with that, but today he just decided to do them. I didn't even ask! He always opens every door for me, pumps my gas, drives so I don't have to, refuses to let me carry any of the groceries in, works 13 hour shifts everyday without expecting me to get a job even though we don't have kids to raise, picks up all the dog poop, and brings me home special treats whenever he happens to stop at the store on his way home. He never buys anything for himself without getting me something as well. Also, he "usually" knows when to let me cry and when to cheer me up. We are so blessed that God has given us wonderful husbands! Praise the Lord!

  2. Adrienne! Thanks for leaving a comment! Scott is a keeper-40 minutes of walking for ibuprofin! Wow! What a guy!
