Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturdays with my husband

I have gotten so used to the lumberjack having plans on Saturdays.  He usually gets up early and heads out to go wood cutting, split wood, fish, hunt, or work on some project that he does not explain to me, because I would never understand half of the words he was using. 

Words like:

Snatch Block.




Drennel Tool.

If you know what these things are, than I am impressed.

Unless if you are my handy, woodcutting sister-in-law Lisa.

I EXPECT Lisa to know all of these terms.

So yesterday was weird.

Really, really weird.

He was home ALL day.

Hunting season is coming.  He leaves in 5 days for his 9 day hunting trip.

That's right.

He is leaving ME for 9 days.

Why anyone would want to leave me for 9 days without being able to even call me is a mystery.

You think I blog a lot now.

Wait  until I have had no adult interaction for a week.

You might need to stay away from here until after October 18th.

But for now, he is home.

We ran errands together.  He actually went into Target with me.

He really wants to buy a new, more costly camera.

For hunting.

So the pictures of his huge kill can be totally awesome.

So, at every store we went to, he was drooling over the cameras that cost quite a chunk of change.

I talked him into waiting, so we could check online and make sure we were getting a good price.

We were running errands for about 3 hours.

I knew Mr. Lumberjack was ready to go home when I told him I loved him and he gave me a wedgie in the middle of Fred Meyer.

I think that is his way of saying he loves me back.

Lumberjacks don't handle emotions well.

We got home and he went outside to put a new back window on his truck.

I did not know he could install windows in trucks.

He is handsome AND amazing!

Then we went to help my parents at their house.

The Lumberjack disappeared for awhile and came home with a dirt bike.

Some people down the street had it for sale for $100.

He walked right up to them, offered them $50, and they took it.

How does this happen for him?

I go to a garage sale, see a $4 coat for my daughter, offer them $3, and they give me the evil eye.

And why do we need a dirt bike, I asked?

Why not? he replied.

So, now we have a dirt bike, for no apparent reason at all, that needs brakes.

I asked him where he was putting it.

He said: Good question.

I told him MY kids would NOT be riding it.

He laughed and said: Okay, hon.

This means my kids will be riding on it.

And I think today he will be buying a camera.

It is too expensive for him to be home on the weekends.


  1. I'm not sure if I'm proud of the fact that I know and understand all of the manly terms you've listed or embarrassed. Oh well, I'm glad I can provide some entertaiment for you and some more for you to blog about. I have to help you out and make a small correction and that is - it is dreMMel tool.
    You do have an amazing husband I think he is a great brother as well.
    Love ya and love you blog:)

  2. I know what a dremmel tool is - but before you get all impressed with me, it is because the gal who does my nails uses one on them. (And by the way - when I spent my years at home with my children I could only dream of getting my nails done)
    I so know what you mean about the husband running errands with you. It is different, and we always spend more money when he is along. If I were alone I would agonize over a 1.00 item, and with Gary there we always walk out with more than I have budgeted!

    I will look forward to the upcoming "lonely" posts from you!

  3. I LOVE it when my husband runs errands with me! Because it happens so rarely. It's one of my favorite things. I tell him it's my love language. :p

  4. I always think I want my husband to run errands with me....but when he does we ALWAYS spend way too much money and I get grumpy, which makes him grumpy....I too want to make sure I am getting the best deal and think we need to check online, comparision shop etc. However Chris thinks if he or I sees something and like it then we should just buy it. Our brains just think sooo differentely...

  5. I believe that is a Dremel tool, I'm so jealous.

  6. 1. I always wanted a Dremel Tool
    2. I think Dave will buy whatever he wants whenever he wants it
    3. The dirt bike may get fixed up by David and then sold or traded for more money, or for something to do on camping trips. Plus it boosts his dickering ego.
    4. Dave's great. We all love Dave. For he's a jolly good fellow, husband, son, dad, worker etc etc.

  7. Snatch Block? Hmmm... that sounds like those dealy clamps they use at a Pap Smear. Why would he need something like that? I don't think I like this term.
