Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Glasses Story

Once upon a time, there was a precious baby boy. baby hd
His parents found him to be quite charming, but noticed that he was constantly cross-eyed.  They discussed their concerns with the doctor, and, sure enough, the boy could not see.

Ever seen a 6 month old in glasses?

hd glasses 6 months
There you go.  Do you think it is easy to keep glasses on a baby?  You are gravely mistaken, my friend.

Keeping glasses on the lad was no easy task.  In all truth, he probably wore them about 15% of the time, and not for a lack of trying on his parents' part.

By the time he turned one, things started to get a bit better.

hd 1st birthday glasses
Yes.  You can stop wondering.  His mother is pregnant in the above photo.  Again.

Soon, he grew out of the baby glasses and moved up to a bigger size.

hd porch swing glasses
This is when the fun begins, my friends.

hd broken glasses toddler
And I use the term "fun" quite loosely.

hd broken glasses on floor

hd broken glasses handing me lens
Having a toddler boy in glasses resulted in his mother making weekly, sometimes daily, trips to the place the children became to know as "The Glasses Doctors."  The Glasses Doctors exhibited much patience with Frazzled Mom and her well-behaved crew of four and did everything in their power to make sure the boy was able to see.

hd hike crazy glasses
This was no easy task.

Eventually, the glasses in the above picture became missing, and were presumed dead.  This was fortunate timing because the eye doctor decided the boy no longer needed glasses at all.  This was worrisome to the mother, but she was a bit over the whole novelty of a young child in glasses, so she listened to the doctor.

This was a mistake of gargantuan proportions.  The boy's eyes became much worse and were constantly crossing.  The mother went back to the doctor and got the boy back in glasses.

hd glasses 3 yr old ish
But, alas.  The boy still had trouble.  He did not seem to be seeing all that well and his eyes would cross terribly once his glasses were off.  And his glasses were off a lot, seeing as how he broke them daily.

Then, one day, the boy laughed and said,

"Two mommies!  I see two mommies!"

This freaked the mommy out and she decided she had better get the boy into a new doctor post haste.

New doctor looked at the boy's eyes and looked at the boy's vision history and said the boy has never been in a strong enough prescription.  New doctor eased the mother's worries about her son someday having a permanent lazy eye, but warned her that her son's brain was going to have to relearn all images, because he has never seen the world like he is about to start seeing.

The boy was given an extremely strong prescription.  When The Glasses Doctors put his new pair on for the first time, he almost fell down and said,

"Everything is wiggly!"

The mother has been encouraged since switching to new doctor.  The boy has caught up and learned all his letters and numbers and seeming able to do more things.

But, alas.  The boy's glasses kept breaking.

The Glasses Doctors have been doing everything in their power to keep glasses on the boy.  He has gone through about 5 frames in the past year.  Since the family now lives far away from The Glasses Doctor, the father has been attempting to keep the glasses in working order on his own.

It's just not working out.

So, the Glasses Doctors recommended new, indestructible glasses for the boy.  They were $300, but were promised to never break.

The mother and father like the sound of the word indestructible.  They, do, however, feel like their son now looks like a Space Man.

spaceman glasses

The boy LOVES them and thinks himself to be a rockstar.

The mother is having a hard time with them.  As is the father.

The mother and father need to get over themselves.  Rest assured, the mother and father only praise the boy and tell him how awesome he looks.

But you can certainly understand their pain, no?

Happy Thursday.


The Mother of Space Man


  1. Like I told you last night....I think they are great.

    Just tell yourself he looks like Bono from U2 and it will be o.k. :-)

  2. I understand your pain. Yes. But, he is still undeniably cute!

  3. With a grin like that, he can't be anything BUT endearing.

  4. I'm mentally starting the countdown to the post in which your boys rise to the challenge and prove that they are more than mere mortals by somehow breaking these glasses.

    Afterall, they already have super-glasses-breaking powers and aliases. When do we find out if they are classified as superheros or super villians? I'll make the capes . . . .

  5. Honestly I think they look cool!
    Eyeballs are a stressful thing in my family too, I had terrible eyesight until I got the surgery and I'm hoping no one gets my eye disease. Fingers crossed.
    Your guy looks like a mad scientist. A very cool mad scientist. I love them!

  6. He looks fine.
    He loves them and that is what counts........maybe he will wear them as he should.
    He WILL grow out of breaking them in time, then you can get regular glasses....till then be glad he can see and is finally happy with his glasses.
    I know you wouldn't discuss anything bad in front of him 'on purpose' but you guys be very careful what you say.........the walls have ears.
    You know who Justin Bieber is? Google Justin Bieber glasses pictures........... your handsome dude is as handsome as ever.
    What do the other children say about them?

  7. Oh my gosh. Those are the cutest things ever. He does look a bit like a mad scientist though. :)

  8. They'll be worth it! And he looks great!
    Also, should we lay some bets on how long these "indestructible" glasses will actually last?

  9. He looks very cute in those new glasses, but I bet he and his brother will be able to break them with their super hero powers.

  10. You will get nothing but smiles from strangers when they look at him, cause he looks adorable. :) And a little like Bono.

  11. My brothers kids (4 of them) all had major eye issues. Baby # 4 is the worst and has glasses before she was one. Take the glasses off and boop, the eyes cross. When I say my brother has spent a small fortune keeping and repairing glasses for 4 kids ages 12-3, that would be a major understatement!!!

    Your little man needs a hog, and a black leather jacket that says born to ride : )
    I think he is cute!

  12. It just boggles my mind how much you've been through with the FabFour. Luckily 4 us we get to live it all with u. He's adorable. Yes, a little MadScientisty. On another note, L.A. has just outlawed plastic grocery bags. Admirable or no? I can't decide? I mean, plastic pollutes and doesn't breakdown easily. Paper destroys trees but can be renewed. Using our own bags - eeeeewwwww all the bacteria from meats, produce etc. In a dry state like California, using gallons of water to wash our own bags costs much or more than the bags. You'd think intelligent humans could solve a seemingly simple problem. Thoughts?

  13. Oh, my, your Handsome Dude is the cutest! He needs a cape and then he'll be a superhero.

  14. My son is 10, he wears glasses too. He wears the normal kind most of the time, but wears the space glasses for soccer. Our other son just had his 5 year old check up. They did an eye exam. He could not see all the letters. Sigh. Here we go again.

  15. He still looks cute. And a lot older too! We just joined the glasses club with my daughter and I'm not thrilled about it. So I feel you about having a hard time with these new glasses. I was also very concerned with her destroying them and she got a pair that are pretty resilient. They look like normal wire frames but you can bend them in half and they bounce right back, and you can also make the arm do a 360 and still stay intact. Have you seen something like that there? I would think there would be since there's always more selection of everything in the U.S., but I don't wear glasses so this whole world is completely new to me and what do I know. Hopefully these glasses will be what helps HD keep them on!

  16. For everything there is a season-- one day he can have classy looking frames. Or maybe none at all! But for now, embrace the rec specs. He's a cutie.

  17. That style is all the rage in China. We saw a lot of people wearing them without any lenses...just as a fashion statement. He is ahead of his time. Most importantly he can see : )

  18. Totally Bono glasses.

    He's rockin'.

  19. He is like the cutest thing EVER. Whatever keeps you from having to go to the glasses doctor all the time is great, right. :-) Even if they're a little "over the top glasses" looking. :-)

  20. I actually think he looks really good! I was prepared for them to look bad, or even just funny, but they really don't! They're kind of funky/cool!

  21. Handsome Dude is as handsome as ever! You're doing the right thing for your adorable son. You should see the glasses my 28 year old son wears just to be fashionable. So, I'm going to say Handsome Dude is stylin' now!

  22. Adorable! They look retro to me. :) I love the Bono reference! He looks so happy...and did I mention adorable? :)

  23. He looks like he loves them with that smile, therefore all who see him will think him utterly adorable as they should.

  24. Datenutloaf, my dear, you will just have to move to a state that has some sense! and money and water. :)
    Or like Teller, move back to the land, and forego stores altogether.

  25. Hmm, just thinkin', if he loves them so much, maybe he will be careful with them?
    I think he rocks the glasses, seriously, and again, if sometime he seems to not like them anymore, just show him videos of U2 where you can really see Bono and tell him that Rock Stars wear them, he will love them even more!

    Such a gorgeous little man!

  26. His smile far outshines any pair of glasses.

  27. My heart goes out to you and your "spaceman". That smile of his is what I see in those pictures though. He's a cutie. I may be a bit biased as a mommy of 3 boys.
