Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hey, Girl.

I am linking up with Our Front Door for a super fun Pinterest Day!  WooHoo!  And today's post is all about homeschool.  Of which I love.  And hate.  Depending on the hour.

Did you know that you can find tons of homeschooling helps on The Pinterest?  Tis true, tis true, and I am going to show you some that I have tried.

But first, say hello to Ryan.

Let the records show that I have no crush on Ryan Gosling.  However, when one is searching for lesson ideas and comes across a Hey Girl gem, well, words fail to describe the delight it brings to an otherwise menial task.

I do, however, have a crush on a guy who is an electrician, but truly desires to be a lumberjack/rabbit breeder/chicken farmer.  FYI.

1)  Books Should Be Free

Books Should Be Free is a site that offers free audio books, and they have a large selection of ones for children.  You can even get them on the iTunes and put them on your iPod or other MP3 players, if they are so compatible.

I have successfully gotten a few books onto Sweet Pea's MP3 player, but not Daisy Mae's, because, and this may surprise you, I have NO IDEA how computers work.  It is amazing I find this blog everyday.

(image source)

2)  Weather:  Cloud Demonstration.

This is the pin I saw on Pinterest:

There is no original link to it, but the pin says to fill the cup with water, put shaving cream on top for a cloud, and explain that when clouds get really heavy with water, it rains! Then put blue food coloring on top of the cloud, and watch it rain,

This is an excellent idea, in theory.  Especially when you have a boy named Little Dude who is OBSESSED with clouds.  Because he is cool like that.  However, when I tried it, it did not work.  Such disappointment, such dismay.

3)  Let's take a Ryan break, shall we?

That is SO Bimlissa.  Does anyone remember Bimlissa?  Hello?  HELLO?   Anyways, she will oft avoid the library for weeks on end, due to the massive amounts of money she owes.  It is humorous.

4)  Triangular Math Fact Family Flash Cards

(image source and link to site with printables)

We made these and they are a great way to help the girls with their math facts.

5)  Speaking of math and facts and whatnot:

(image source and original blog link)

We have also tried this idea to help with learning math facts.  This was good for Daisy Mae, as she is more of a hands-on learner.  Sweet Pea could have cared less.


7)  Symmetry Lesson

(image source and link to original post and instructions)

We really enjoyed this one.  You take a piece of paper and fold it in half.  On one half you draw half of a bug with a black, oil pastel crayon.  Which we had on hand, amazingly enough! Be impressed.  Then you fold it over and press it down, causing the blank side to have an outline of the original half, if that makes sense?  If it does not make sense, please click on the link above.  After you get the outlines all drawn in, the kids can color them.  It was fun!


There really are so many fun ideas for school on Pinterest.  You can go to the education board and look around, or just search for what you are looking for.

Do it.  Do it for the children.

All "Hey, Girl" photos come from this site.  I did not come up with them all by myself.

Click here to go to Our Front Door and see more Pinterest Posts.

Click here to follow me on Pinterest.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Oh you are just such a hoot! I don't care what subject you are writing just make me smile!

  2. You're a good homeschool teacher. Much better than I, I must say. And thank you for including Ryan. He's so pretty. :)

  3. oh my goodness - I am CRACKING up!! I was trying to save the picture of him talking about library fines and then read the next line.....about me!! So true =) I'm just doing my part to keep our local public library in business!

  4. Ooooh. I always wonder about those home school ideas. Thanks for reviewing some of them. And those Ryan things make me laugh!

  5. Alex is struggling with memorizing math facts.
    Those math family cards look like they might help!

  6. Oh, the library. I have a love hate relationship with the library. Actually, right now I have no relationship with the library because I owe them so much money that I don't dare step a toe in the door. Last night, I downloaded the second book of the Indian in the Cupboard series onto my Kindle for my oldest son. It cost me almost $8, but that was about 10 times cheaper than what it would have probably cost me in library fines to go borrow the book for "free!!"

  7. You should seriously consider writing a book. You're hilarious. I would buy it and read it, but do it in a Kindle format too. :) You could hold a contest for the name of your book. "The Maliblahblah Diaries" "True Confessions of The Lumberjack's Wife "

  8. Oh my! I had never seen the Ryan Gosling thing before but he pretty much had me at "Rainbow Resources catalog!" ;) LOL!

  9. Hey Girl.
    I love it when you talk about chickens.
    And bunnies.
    And that you wear Carharts.

  10. I homeschool and I don't even have a library card. Boo homeschooling mom, BOO.

  11. I should probably do some of these or find some of my own. Probably. Maybe. If I get around to it. After dinner. Or laundry.

  12. I don't homeschool, but I do love to look at Mr. Gosling. So, thank you. Thank you for that.

    Here is the last time I went to the library. Sigh.

  13. Thanks for the eye candy! It made my day. What? Oh. You had homeschooling tips on this post too? I didn't notice them. : )

  14. Sooo Funny! Thanks, made me laugh!

  15. See? This is the reason I stay up until just after midnight each night (that's when your blog post notification arrives). I read your posts just before bed. Does that sound creepy/weird? ;)

    Love this! :)

  16. You know, that math fact family printable could also be used for reading/vocabulary. You could have words on it that are related and get your kids to figure out how. It's great for higher order thinking.

  17. So funny!!
    Once when I returned a bunch of books (husband, PhD, etc.), the fine was very high (ridiculous high) and the lady looked at me like,"What is wrong with you?" I laughed nervously and asked if it was possible to get a tax write-off for charitable contributions. She did not think I was funny. At all. But I did. :)
    I will have to check out the audio-book site. Very cool!

  18. I heart the 'hey girl' stuff. very funny. however, it appears that I am too old to either know about this Ryan fellow or find him at all attractive. I guess I am more into aging philosophers with creeping hairlines and bad knees. :)
