Monday, May 14, 2012

An Arm and a Leg

I would like to show you all a picture of my son.  This is his joy, his happiness.  And he does this day and night.

ld car train

He combines his two loves: cars and trains, and makes a "car-train."  It brings him much jubilation.  Except when a sibling accidentally bumps the precious car-train.  Then Little Dude's car-train brings him wrath and fury.  But, I digress.

I trust you all had a nice weekend, no?  Yes?  What with it being Mother's Day and all?  We have a sick Handsome Dude over here, so that has been worrisome for me.

On Saturday, the girls and I went to town to attend a tea party at the library.

sp tea party

Sweet Pea, and her plus one.

dm tea party

Daisy Mae, and her plus one.  And my use of the phrase "plus one" should in no way be interpreted as me forgetting the factual names of the beloved dolls.

We joined some friends for the tea party and had a divine time.  There was a special speaker and she told us that in times before cameras, people would pay artists to have their portraits painted.  Since hands and feet are the hardest parts of the body to paint, the artist would charge more money, depending on how many limbs you wanted included.  And this is where the phrase "That cost me an arm and a leg" originated from.

Bam!  And don't say I never taught you nothing.

After the party with tea, we stopped by our rental to do some cleaning.  Because we certainly know how to have a good time.  This put me in a foul mood as I found more stained bedding and damaged furniture.  Because we love hemorrhaging money, didn't you know?  So, we left before my head started spinning all crazy-like.  I almost stopped for a Moose Tracks ice cream in a waffle cone, but I showed restraint.  Be inspired.

When I arrived at ye' olde homestead, I discovered that my husband got 90% of the garden planted in my absence.

planted garden 2012
He planted SEVEN rows of corn and SIX rows of green beans.  He left no room for the pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupe, cucumbers, and zucchini.  And just like that, we already outgrew our 100 foot by 40 foot garden.


Sunday was Mother's Day.  I received a new curling iron, of which I am sure will solve all my hair problems and I shall be the hair envy of all Ruralville.  Or something like that.  I also received a Macy's giftcard that will probably take me one full year to redeem because, and this might surprise you, I don't get to the mall.  Ever.

We loaded up our offspring and headed into town.  First stop, and you might want to sit down for this, was the rental.  Because we just can't get enough of that blessed place.  Then we went to my sis-in-law, Lisa's, house for a lovely Mother's Day lunch with David's side of the family.  After that, we went to my mother's house where Handsome Dude took a turn for the worse.  David and I left the other three with my parents (Happy Mother's Day, Mom!) and took Handsome Dude to the doctor. The doctor walked into the room, said HD's name, and said,

"Oh!  I am in the wrong room!"

Then he got really confused and checked paper work a few times.  He checked the room number and looked again at our 5 year old son.

He confirmed HD's name and we all had a chuckle when he informed us that the receptionist had gotten the boy's name right, but had recorded that he was a 19 year old female.

Of which he is not.

The doctor said it was one of two things:

Strep throat or Appendicitis.

I was feeling like a giant loser for not knowing my son's appendix burst.  Mother's should know such things, you now?  Its in our code of honor.  But, my honor was quickly restored when the strep test came back positive.


So, we went back to collect the others and then, and this might surprise you, we stopped by the rental.

Because we just love that place.  And it is costing us an arm and a leg.

(Did you see what I did just there?)

Did you do anything special this weekend?

Happy Monday!


  1. I'm sorry about HD but at least you can laugh about it. Did the Dr visit cost you an arm and a leg???? Holla!!! :)

  2. Hey! I'm an artist and I didn't know that arm and leg thing. They really are the hardest things to paint/draw/sculpt. Well, I'm guessing on the sculpting thing. But I do know my girls' dolls' names. Jinjer, Sofea, Rose and Pancakes. Kind of wish they'd asked me about the spelling of Ginger and Sophia since our house is bedecked with doll portraits and illustrated sagas of doll adventures.

  3. Lily and Hannah! I just remembered. The dolls are Lily and Hannah. Phew.

  4. Boo for sick bebes.
    Yay for clearance racks at Macy's.
    Boo for damaged rental goods.
    Yay for tea parties.

    Sounds like it all evens out. :)

  5. Midas and May-As do exactly the same with THEIR cars and trains! Bizarre!

    Mother's Day in Britain is on a different date to yours; last year I spent it cleaning up vomit and washing bed clothes. I've since come to the conclusion that Mother's Day would be more fun WITHOUT children. Which is kind of missing the point, I guess ...

  6. Strep throat is my favorite diagnosis because it can be fixed quickly with medicine. Of course, then the others all get it and after I've paid for all the prescriptions I have to rethink that logic.

  7. don't strep throat and appendicitis have entirely different symptoms? were those the only two illnesses on sale that day or something? =o) hope he is feeling better and i hope the other three have had their cootie shot!

  8. Shop Macy's online!!!!!!

    How are the chickens?

  9. I live 10 minutes from Macy's and I once kept a Macy's gift card for probably three years. It's this problem I have where I think if I'm going shopping I need to stretch that gift card to the MAX and buy all 50% off the clearance and then another 20% off that and blah blah blah. Do you know the time it takes to search the jammed racks of clearance stuff?? I NEVER have the time, not to mention the patience! Thus, I sit on the gift card.

  10. Bam! Indeed. I appreciate having learned something useful today. You have quite an informative library there in the big city near ruralville. :)

    I agree that the best mother's day present would involve being LEFT ALONE. But this is just a stage I'm going 20 years I will be dying for my babies to come "home" and hang around and make messes. Or so I hear.

    The doll names at this house involve the given: Marie-Grace and Josefina; as well as the chosen: Ashleigh and Kiersten. Spellings may or may not change on a daily basis.

    So glad you enjoyed your mom's day weekend. Despite Dr. Confused and naughty renters.

    And congrats on the nearly planted garden. The vine type veggies you want to plant will do very well around the corn. Muy simpatico. Keeps the soil cooler and discourages weeds. Good plan to take the girls for ice cream and let LJ do the work!

  11. This business about your bad renters is terrible...there should be some kind of deposit that they don't get back in order to pay for what they mess up. That's not cool.
    Sorry about your sick HD too. I hope that very soon it's all cleared up and everyone is healthy again!!

  12. My parents talked about doing the seasonal rental thing with their cabin on the island since it doesn't look like it's going to sell anytime soon, but the thought of dealing with the hassle of weekly clean-ups seems like more then I can handle.
    BTW, I didn't know that about the arm & leg... Now I will impress someone else with my knowledge!

  13. LOL My son makes that same kind of car-train--and has the same reaction when his sister messes it up!

  14. This blog is better than Seinfeld!

  15. Happy Mother's Day Taylor! You have the cutest little family. Tell the LJ he must make room for a cucumber plant. That's my favorite and they seem to grow without too much help from me.
