Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Super Tuesday Post

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Be excited.

So, yes.  Today is The Fat Tuesday, of which we all try and keep each other accountable.  And we are loving it, yes we are.  Once again, I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, did not record what I ate.  It's true.  I am a failure.  I fail.  But herein lies my quandary, my friends:  Maybe that method just isn't working for me?

So.  NEW PLAN!  I am just going to try and make better choices.  I am not going to write down everything (which will actually be no change in my lifestyle whatsover, because, have you heard?  I failed.), but rather, I am just going to try and watch my portion size and eat healthier.  I have lost two pounds in two weeks and this brings me happiness.  I also met my exercise goal again and that is a huge step for me.

So, clap, darn it!

This was a hard week to fit it all in, what with the  vomiting boy and the strep throat and all.




Ok.  Enough with the shameless self-praise.  Let us discuss some Pinterest-y recipes that are low in fat, shall we?

1.  Skinny Chunky Monkey Cookies

(image source and recipe from original blog)

I made these cookies yesterday and I think they are pretty good!  If you are expecting them to taste like a real cookie, then you might be disappointed.  But, they are really easy to make and taste pretty good.  My girls liked them, my boys spit them out, almost as if they were made of dirt.  But to each his own!

2)  Weight Watcher's Fried Rice

(image source and original recipe)

I have made this for dinner a few times and it is always a hit.  It does not taste like diet food at all, and if you already have some leftover cooked rice, it makes for a quick meal.  I think I have added some leftover ham or chicken to it as well.

I will admit, though, that Weight Watchers recipes are not always my favorite.  I think some of them call for a lot of different ingredients that I would never have on hand.  I have found a great site for healthy recipes and the author always includes nutritional information and WW points.  And with that lovely intro, I shall take you to . . .

3)  The Skinny Taste Website

(image source and original site)

Gina at SkinnyTaste has lots of great recipes and each one I have tried, my family has enjoyed.

Here are some of the ones I have tried:

Crockpot Chicken Taco Chili

Coconut Chicken Salad with Warm Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

Super Moist Lowfat Chocolate Cupcakes

Pumpkin Roll

Roasted Parmesan Green Beans

4)  Lowfat Ranch Dressing

(image source and original recipe)

My kids really like original Hidden Valley Ranch, so I thought I would try this out.  It combines a packet of Hidden Valley mix, plus nonfat Greek yogurt and 1% milk.  I only had skim when I tried this recipe.  I thought it came out a bit runnier than original dressing, but that might have been as a result of the skim milk.  It tasted more "herb-y", so I might use less of the seasoning mix next time.  My kids were not super impressed and were wondering why we ignoring the giant bottle of original ranch conveniently located in the fridge.  But I thought it was ok.

Alright!  That's all I got!

If you are wanting to see more Pinterest posts, head on over to Our Front Door.

If you are wanting to try any of the recipes above, just click on the link under the image.

Click here to follow me on Pinterest.

And, if you are part of Fat Tuesday, or would like to join in, go ahead and give us an update on how things are going for you!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I'm a big fan of the "if-it's-not-working-maybe-it-just-doesn't-work-for-you" mentality. I think dieting would be so much better if we all adopted that mindset. Or actually, just eating better in general. I've come to the conclusion that if it isn't simple, I probably won't do it. I don't care about easy; I do care about simplicity.

    (Coincidentally, that probably means I won't have chickens in the near future...)


  2. I too fail at recording what I eat.....it doesn't work for me either. I try to make healthier choices, eat more snacks (keeps me from being ravenous when I fix dinner), watch my portions and exercise. So far I've been logging 15 miles a week walking with a friend. The weight isn't coming off as fast as I would like but I sure do feel better. I'm just trying to love myself and realize that I am not perfect!

  3. The big question is: what letter was today's post brought to us by?

  4. I'm glad you've stuck to your exercise goals. It will inspire me to stick to mine.

  5. I call two pounds a win!
    Good job!
    Look how smart you are to combine a post.

    I skipped my run on Saturday and tonight it feels like it might be too warm. Hmmmm. Fail in planning. hee hee

  6. Look at you multitasking! I'm impressed. I'm also impressed by:
    -your exercise
    -your 2 lbs
    -the fact that you've tried so many new recipes
    -your Carharts

    Not really on the last one. :)

  7. I really like the Skinny Chunky Monkey cookies, too. My two youngest will eat them, but the big boys don't like them. It doesn't work to try and convince them to remove the thought of cookies from their minds. If it's shaped like a cookie and smells like a cookie, then it should taste like a cookie, right?

  8. P.S. Way to go on the 2 pounds! And that coconut chicken salad looks delish--that one's going into the "try it soon" rotation.

  9. I've decided that dieting and breastfeeding are non-compatible. I'm STARVING. All the time. But I am eating fewer biscuits and more fruit, so that scores a point? I get my exercise running up and down stairs all day, getting fresh clothes for the baby. Reflux. Not for the fainthearted.

  10. You are really doing good on your diet. You're doing better than me lol. Those chocolate monkey cookies sure look good though. Keep up the good work. I've been away from the blogging for a few months but glad to be back. I always enjoyed your's so much, and the kids have really grown.

  11. clapping! I’ve been walking or pilates-ing four days a week for months. That would be four months – but “for months” sounds more impressive. Have I lost even 2 pounds? NO. So as the exercise all by itself is clearly not working, I decided TODAY to write down everything I eat. This was inspired by you, Ms. Maliblahblah … and now I see you’re giving it up … ha! CLAPPING!!

  12. I'm about to write my post. Good job on sticking with it...even if you haven't done all the things you aimed to! I think dealing with sick kids should get you a lot of points!! :)

  13. That comment seemed a lot less encouraging than I meant to be...I hope you know I think it's awesome that you are making good choices in what you eat and exercising. It's soooo hard to do. Today, I wanted some Dr. Pepper so badly that I actually cried. That? Is ridiculous. And sad. And ridiculous. Those bad habits die hard, baby. So...keep it up!! We're halfway there. :)

  14. A gal at the Weight Watcher meeting I attend can't stand to track or count points. She does the Simply Filling thing they offer instead. We started the same day and she lost more than me eating more than me! I've wanted a WW friendly fried rice dish for a long time so thank you for posting the link.

  15. Now that you've reached your goal of losing 2 pounds.........everything else is bonus. :)

  16. I have been seriously watching what I eat since January 1st and have lost a total of 32 pounds with 15 more to go. I have always (mostly) exercised but have kicked it up a couple of notches and make sure I do some type of exercise 6 days per week. I'm not bragging, really I'm not because it isn't easy to admit that I needed to lose that much weight. But it's safe here on the net, right? And because I am older (55, yikes!) it's hard to lose but easier to find the time to invest because my children are grown. So, I am committed to continue to eat healthy and move my body consistently because just like an IRA, this is an investment in my future!

  17. The fried rice looks amazing!

  18. TWO pounds! Awesome for you. I forgot to post my link yesterday. I have been sticking to my goals fairly well, but I also have started tracking calories; for EVERYTHING I eat.

    UGH! But it really helps me NOT to eat.

    Here's the link to my Fat Tuesday post; it's kinda gross, but hey, it's an adventure!

  19. Thanks for the recipes :-) Starting exercise class tonight (if I can find suitable footwear - was relying on it being bare feet!) and have lost over 1lb this week - have only been dieting properly for a few days due to family birthdays etc. Thanks for drawing us together and giving me incentive to carry on!

  20. I love skinnytaste.com! One of my favorite recipes on there is the brownies made with black beans. Sounds crazy but it's the bomb! My kids and husband never even knew. ;)
